Damn Necromancer Chapter 30

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Damn Necromancer (30)

Resistance (2)

After finishing the conversation with Turon.

The orcs were gathered in one place.

He spoke to the Orcs who stood blankly as if listening to the principal’s lecture.

“We will join hands with the dwarves.”

―Chwiik! why! Orcs are strong! Dwarfs are weak!

A fierce backlash erupted.

However, this was already expected.

I continued speaking calmly.

“We will protect you and even provide you with food.”

―Chwiik! Big brother is crazy!

-You must be sick!

―Chwiik! Orcs are hungry! We have nothing to eat!


I put my feet on the floor.

“There is no orc equipment. body is weak “Li Baek is already dead.”

―Chwiik! Dying while fighting is a blessing!

“no! “It’s not a blessing!”

―… … ?

He spoke to the tilting orcs.

“Is it a blessing to die fighting a weak enemy? That’s just weak! “You are a brave warrior only if you die fighting a truly strong enemy!”

He continued speaking to the silent orcs.

“The apostles and witches who tormented you! “Putting an ax into their heads and dying would be a true blessing!”

―… … !

“Dwarf, give me the equipment! Orcs, become stronger! “Apostles and witches, you can kill them!”

―Chwiik! Apostle and witch, kill them?

―Chwiik! Good dwarf equipment! possible!

Even if you have dwarven equipment, it is doubtful whether you can split the body of an apostle, let alone the head of a witch.

That wasn’t the important thing.

‘Dreams and illusions.’

In other words, vision.

Instilling that was the goal of this speech.

“If you join hands with a dwarf, you can become a truly brave warrior! “Is there a weak coward who still opposes this?”

―Chwiik! Orcs are not cowards! Get the equipment!

―Orcs become stronger! Break the apostle’s bones!

―Chwiik! Big brother is a genius!

From chieftains to ordinary warriors.

The Orcs responded enthusiastically.

Just like that, a group of dwarves sneaked into the meat party.

―Chwiik! Dwarf, eat meat here! And give me the equipment!

“Hehe, sure. Oh my! “Stop putting it in your mouth!”

Dwarves quickly blend in with Orcs, perhaps because of their generous nature.

The atmosphere heated up quickly.

Soon… … .

[532 dwarves join the resistance group!]

A message came to mind.

Isn’t this a sign that the orcs have finally opened their hearts and accepted dwarves as part of their family?

I looked at the message with a happy heart. Turon sneakily approached him and tapped his arm.

“Not only your fighting skills, but your speaking skills are also quite good. I think I understand why the orcs follow you. They are a simple but not stupid race… … .”

“That’s too much praise.”

“But why are you suddenly treating me with such respect? “It doesn’t suit me.”

“We’re on one side now.”

He grinned.

There was a lot for the dwarves to miss.

In addition, they are not completely gangster-like like Orcs, but rather have a somewhat generous personality.

Unless you are an enemy, there is no need to speak informally.

Kim Min-woo could change his tone of voice hundreds of times for the sake of strategy.

“haha. “I guess the young man knows manners.”


I shared a few pieces of cockatrice meat with Turon.

“So what is the size of the people coming to the Black Rock Tribe?”

“… … It’s going to be a difficult fight. “The refugees say there are ten ghost knights and twenty corpse collectors.”

A spectral knight made up of corrupted souls. Each of these guys was a monster stronger than the Chimera.

‘It’s difficult to deal with.’

Since the body is the soul, weapons do not work well. Usually, unless the weapon was coated with holy water or silver-plated, the damage would be halved by more than 30%.

And there are twenty chimeras.

‘There are a lot.’



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There was nothing I couldn’t understand.

It is true that dwarves are worse at fighting than orcs.

However, they had excellent architectural and weapon manufacturing skills.

They are experts at building fortified residences and strengthening defense facilities.

Therefore, it was not strange to dispatch far more troops than the Orcs.

“We need equipment.”

“That’s right. “Come join our tribe.”

After organizing the place, I moved along with Turon.

* * *

Entrance leading underground.

When we went inside, we saw a huge cavity. Even the appearance of a fairly large fortress located within it.

“Bring out the equipment!”

At Turon’s words, the gate opened and several carts loaded with equipment rolled in.

Armor, gloves, shoes, pants, and even a helmet.

I saw equipment made of steel. I looked at the equipment.

[Dwarven steel armor]

[Grade: Magic+]

[Level limit: 110]

[Armor made by hammering steel. Despite its rugged appearance, its performance is intact.]

[Effect 1. Shock amount reduced by 20%.]

[Effect 2. Strength +20, Stamina +20]

[Dwarven steel ax]

[Level limit: 110]

[Grade: Magic+]

[It is an ax with a vicious blade. If I get hit, it feels like my head will split.]

[Effect 1. Down slam damage increases by 20%.]

[Effect 2. Strength +30 increase]

Minwoo Kim’s eyes lit up when he saw the equipment.

‘It’s a plus item. ‘Are you a dwarf too?’

Plus item.

It was a special function mainly attached to crafted items, and was one of the effects that made it possible to produce better effects even though they were of the same grade.

Of course, it doesn’t stick well if you just make it, and it’s a sign that only occasionally sticks one by one if you make a really good product.

It wouldn’t be surprising if a dwarf created these items.

“Hmm! “How is it?”

“The dwarves’ skills are unrivaled. great. However, it is unfortunate that the number of equipment is a bit small. “I think I’ll be done if I arm about two hundred orcs.”

Turon nodded.

“I know. But that’s all I have right now. “Everything from the equipment brought by the refugees to the items stored in our tribe were taken out.”

Minwoo Kim nodded.


It was said that five hundred dwarves had joined. Among them, there will be the elderly, women, and children. If we were to estimate the number of people who could fight, it might not be two hundred.

Rather, it was a great thing to have this much equipment.

“These weapons. How many sets can you pull off per day?”

“… … Even including the refugees, the number of blacksmiths is probably around fifty. There are plenty of ingredients, let’s see… … Even if you run the blacksmith shop all day, it would be difficult to make more than 100 sets. “We have to put effort into making things like that.”

“Turon, you saw it too. “Wandering orcs continued to join us on the way.”

“… … It did.”

“The more we destroy the witch side’s forces, the more people will join us. “That is not enough.”

“Whoa… … What can I do? There is a shortage of workers. I don’t know if there were enough apprentices to help with the basic work, but it’s hard to do anything now. “The number of people who can work is small.”

Turon sighed and looked at the orcs.

“But if you leave the role of apprentice to the orcs over there… … “I believe you know the results.”

Minwoo Kim smiled.

It was already expected that the conversation would go in this direction.

“What if there are plenty of good apprentices? So how much can you produce?”

“… … If you really have enough apprentices, 200 sets a day is not a dream. Our bodies will be torn apart, but that’s not important right now… … .”

“there is. “That kind of apprentice.”

“… … “There is?”

“yes. “These are friends who have no complaints even if they work 24 hours a day, are loyal enough to jump into a fire, and are willing to learn.”

“If you have any friends like that, please introduce them to me! There were a lot of apprentices like that back in my day, but kids these days… … .”

It was then.

The scout who came running in a hurry spoke urgently to Turon.

“Chief! They’re coming! “I’ll probably be there in an hour!”

“… … “You’ve already gotten this far?”

Turon looked at Kim Min-woo.

He nodded with a grin.

“I’ll introduce the apprentices later.”

First of all, the battle came first.

* * *

A group of ghost knights and corpse collectors approached the dwarven castle.

Even if you had the advantage of walls and equipment, if you couldn’t fight, you were likely to die.

A situation where three tribes have already been wiped out.

There was no roughness in their steps.

at that time.

A strange sight was seen in front of the castle.

Orcs bustling around!

The number alone was well over a thousand.

The faces of the ghost knights hardened. One or two orcs is not a big deal. But if it exceeded a thousand, it was a different story.

-Oak! Oak!

Their loud shouts were resounding throughout the cavity.

―… … Who would have thought that the dwarves would attract the orcs… … .

That wasn’t the only problem.

The Orcs, who had been living in villages torn apart here and there, came together.

There was no doubt that a unique entity that could become a focal point had been born.

An entity that was cunning enough to join hands with dwarves!

Orcs, a race that once ruled this continent. The witch has invested a lot of power to tear down the power of the orcs.

This is because the power once they started coming together was so great.

‘I never thought they would go on a rampage in a remote area like this… … .’

If you leave it alone, it will become ten thousand or one hundred thousand in an instant. Additionally, the Orc’s command entity becomes explosively stronger as the number of subordinates increases.

‘Dangerous. We must not allow someone like Mutakta to emerge again.’

―… … Aldren. I’ll give you five body collectors. Get out of here. This news must be announced.

A ghost knight named Aldren nodded.

He started to leave the cavity with the body collectors.

-Brothers! Second Urkan commands! Kill them!


Orcs armed with steel equipment rushed in, led by a huge orc at the front. A group of ghost knights saw this and pulled out blades made of spirit bodies.

Only those who spread the news need to leave.

Their role was to buy time.

They were prepared to die.

However, that resolve was in vain just before Aldren and the five Chimeras escaped from the underground.

“Where are you guys going?”

―… … human?

At the entrance, a human blocked the way.

Soon, close to a hundred orcs appeared behind them.

―Chwiik! My eldest brother is also a genius.

―Chwiik! I’m killing them!

Even this was not the end of the military. Because there were hundreds of skeletons together.

‘… … There was an ambush.’

Aldren and the corpse collectors’ faces hardened.

The human smiled gently.

“Are you trying to tell me some news? “That won’t work.”

―… … clear the way

“Welcome to the grave.”

-Oak! Oak!

Six monsters fell into the swamp of skulls.

* * *

[Your level increases by 3!]



The battle ended with a mass of messages. The group of ghost knights and corpse collectors who came here all died. In comparison, the orcs’ sacrifice was less than one hundred.

This was because the armed Orcs served as a reliable shield in the battle line.

‘After all, life is about equipment.’

I looked at their corpses.

At this size, it was a force worthy of attention even in the fortress.

If the news goes out for a few days, they will definitely try to find out the inside story.

From now on, it’s a real battle of speed.

Gathered the chieftains.

“We select quick-footed people and spread rumors. “We are recruiting brave warriors to fight against the witch.”

―Chwiik! i get it!

Before they move in earnest.

During this golden time, we had to gather more troops and form a force. After sending the orcs like that.

I met Turon.

“You really worked hard!”

Is it because we have overcome one crisis?

Turon’s pat on the shoulder contained a stronger affection than before.

“I said I would introduce you to the apprentices.”

“It did.”

“I’ll show you now.”

I took a gulp of the mana potion.

Feeling the mana quickly filling up, I held out my hand.

“Come out, apprentices.”

[1,064 skeletons will be summoned!]

Hyeja Skull, whose mana consumption is half that of a Mage. Perhaps that is why more than 1,000 people were summoned.

“… … ?”

Turon looked back and forth between the group of skeletons and Kim Min-woo’s face.

“Now, are you saying these skeletons are apprentices?”

“yes. They are truly perfect apprentices. Trust me and try it just once. “What are you doing, not saying hello to Master?”


A group of skeletons saluted their teacher.


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