Five Time Regressor Walks the King’s Path Chapter 60

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Episode 60


“Billion, billion.”

When I looked around to find the owner of the voice I had just spoken, all I saw were trembling beggars who were weighed down by my aura and couldn’t even turn their heads.

It was funny to see Yeonji being evaluated so arbitrarily on such a topic.

‘He will raise his children well.’

I snorted in annoyance, took down my auror, and watched the next game.

Since then, Yeonji has continued to win.

Most of them couldn’t even share a single word with Yeonji, as if what I had taught them all this time wasn’t meaningless.

That’s right.

Rather, it is a natural result.

【Ha Yeon-ji】

[Title: Daughter of Ha Cheon-seong]

Race: Dragon

Gender: Female

Age: 1 year old


stamina 101

Horsepower 133

strength 109

Intelligence 129

Agility 120

—Skill Window—

Dragon Transformation [D Rank]

Mini Breath [B Rank]

Fire Ball [D Rank]

Ignis Gladio [C Rank]

Hayeon Knowledge Swordsmanship [C Rank]

Yeonji’s stats are currently all over three digits.

Considering that the sword master’s level is level 100, Yeonji has reached a level where she can reach that level by just raising 21 levels more.

Does Yeonji have the ability to lose to those guys who are now wondering whether or not he will be promoted to the lower level of Sword Expert?


There were a few guys that stood out as they made it to the semifinals.

This was because there was a mix of participants who did not know what would happen if they started.

Except for Yeonji, all three of them were 15 years old, and Yeonji’s remaining opponents were the Dragons, who were nearing the end of their adolescence.

“Ha Yeon-ji vs. Lilios in the semifinals.”

Afterwards, Yeonji came to the stadium according to the host’s nomination.

Youth competitions receive relatively less attention than the main competition.

In addition, there were quite a few parents who took their children who had fallen, so many of the bleachers were empty.

However, since the quarterfinals of this tournament were scheduled to be played tomorrow, spectators who had been watching those games soon flocked to the youth tournament.

As a result, the semifinals of the youth competition were held in front of a much larger audience than before.

As the number of audiences increases, the pressure becomes more intense.

Because so many expectations and gazes naturally make people feel intimidated.

However, like Yeonji, who received my genes, there was not even a trace of anxiety on her face.

Rather, he was overflowing with confidence.

That’s because Yeonji had already lost all tension in the first game.

‘That doesn’t mean I’ll let my guard down.’

We didn’t throw them into a monster’s den for no reason just to learn survival of the fittest.

Since Yeonji lived her life fully aware that she could be attacked by monsters at any time if she was careless, it seemed even more unlikely that such a thing would happen.

Then I looked at my opponent, Lilios.

As mentioned before, a 15-year-old boy.

No matter how much Yeonji grew in size thanks to the elixir, when she reached the end of puberty, she was about two heads taller than the guy.

Moreover, the energy flowing out was at the low level of a Sword Expert, and in addition, it seemed that he could even handle 4th circle magic.

In terms of sword skills, she is behind Yeonji, but when it comes to magic, she is far superior.

Still, Yeonji has very little experience fighting wizards as she has been my opponent so far, so I’m sure she will learn many things through this opportunity.

“The game starts the same as before. “Get ready.”

After the host finished speaking, he came down to the stadium, and cheering voices flowed from all over, telling him to work hard.

Since it was a youth competition, there was a lot of encouragement.

As before, the signal sounded, and Yeonji followed the same method as the first round.

Hayeonji Japanese Cuisine (一式)

Thunder Myeongbalgeom (雷鳴俗劍)

There was a sound of thunder and the sword struck Lilios.

However, Lilios, who was already paying attention to Yeonji’s fighting style, used sound-erasing magic to counter Yeonji’s swordsmanship.

Then, immediately holding a sword in his hand, he disappeared using Blink, a movement magic, and soon appeared behind Yeonji’s back.

Yeonji also did not miss Lilios.

The sword containing the aura was immediately swung towards Lilios, and the two exchanged swords about three times.

Meanwhile, several whips of flame were swung at Yeonji from behind Lilios’ back.

Yeonji quickly parried the whip and stuck the sword into the ground, rapidly injecting aura into the sword.


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At that moment, as a wind of dust swirled around the area caused by the exploded debris, Lilios, unable to determine Yeonji’s location, tried to retreat.

“Where are you going?”

But Yeonji was already right in front of Lilios.

Yeonji thrust her sword right in front of the face of the guy who was trying to pull away, and without hesitation, she extended her palm to Lilios’ face.

Hayeonji Samsik (三式)


A voice rang once.

The palm that directly touched Lilios’s face emitted strong brain power, instantly blowing his mind away, and his face became a mess after being hit directly.

However, as if the accomplishments he had achieved so far were not in vain, Lilios used magic as a conditional reflex and tightly wrapped a shield around his entire body.

Ha Yeonji Four Styles

Encephalitis thunderstorm

Then, flames rose above the auras of all attributes.

The aura around Yeonji’s arm began to swell, accelerating her arm to its limit.

A thousand cuts covered Lilios’ shield in an instant.

Countless pouring flames and lightning struck his shield fiercely, and a crackling sound rang out.

After hearing that, Lilios somehow came back to his senses.

Blue scales rose all over Lilios’ body as he realized that it would be the end as soon as his shield was broken.

Lilios, who used Yonginhwa, cast and activated magic even though his nose was bleeding.

4th circle magic Inferno

Flame magic covered Yeonji as she wielded the sword.

In that brief moment, Lilios’s eyes turned yellow, and soon a condensed mass of aura erupted from the corner of his mouth.

It is the secret breath of the dragon race.

With pitch-black smoke covering Yeonji, just before Lilios’ breath was fired at Yeonji, a hand reached out through the smoke.

The guy’s hand crushed Lilios’s breath, then wrapped his face and slammed him into the floor.


A harsh sound rang out, and Yeonji, wearing Yonginhwa, was revealed through the dispersing smoke.

Yeonji, who had red scales on her face and was puffing out smoke from the corner of her mouth, exhaled lightly.

Lilios fainted from the blow just now.

When Yeonji took her hand away from his face and looked back at the host, the host nodded and held up the guy’s hand.

“Victory, Hayeonji.”

When he announced the decision, the audience who had been watching the competition with bated breath exploded into laughter.

Yeonji, who had been concentrating only on the game due to the sudden cheers, was a little taken aback and looked around with a confused expression.

“You’re strong! “You’re tough!”

“You tolerated magic and got the brunt of it! I think Yeonji’s dragon attribute is fire, but Lilios’ judgment at the end was disappointing. “If it had been other attribute magic instead of fire magic, it would have been possible to link it to breath.”

A loud noise echoed through the stadium.

Yeonji, who had a puzzled expression on her face, soon looked in my direction.

I looked at Yeonji, sighed, and shook my head.

Yeonji pouted her mouth as if she was disappointed when she saw my attitude, then went back to the waiting room and immediately received treatment for the next game.

“Seren vs. Sorak in the next semifinal.”

And the match where Yeonji’s next opponent will be decided has begun.

The two people who were nominated walked up.

Sorak pulled out his spear and Seren pulled out his sword.

“Then do as you were doing.”

And the moment the host went down, the sound announcing the start of the game rang out.

At the moment when the people were cheering, Seren’s sword moved faster than anyone else, but it seemed like only a few people noticed it.

It was a moment.

A sword grazed the neck of a dragon named Sorak, and his consciousness went out.

Sorak, who was rolling around on the floor, flinched.

When he fell down without any response, people started whispering with puzzled expressions on their faces.

“Seren wins.”

The emcee, who recognized it because he was a sword master, came up to the stadium and announced Seren’s side’s victory, and Seren returned to the waiting room with a calm expression.

Seren, the guy I thought was the strongest in this competition, ended up staying until the end.

That’s because she had reached the level of a low-level sword master.

Seren was a dragon of a certain level that could make a difference in a worldview.

“Seren? “Is she really Atticus’ daughter?”

“By Atticus, are you referring to one of the current Lord candidates?”

“So that’s what it was. But to have that kind of skill at just 15 years old. “I don’t know if the next road has already been decided.”

“Sword master at 15? “My world is about to turn upside down.”

Information that people knew was flowing out from all over.

Lord Candidate, I stayed on this floor for almost two years and gathered enough information of my own.

Since I had been using the time skip function as much as possible, it wasn’t as long as I thought, but it wasn’t short either.

‘Tsk, the more you get stuck on this level, the more your sense of purpose becomes blurred. The 20 years leading up to the 5th episode are all inclusive of these times. ‘I don’t know physically, but mentally I can’t even remember how old I am.’

Because of this, there are quite a few people who fall into mental illness and break down along the way.

In fact, there were some people who stayed on one floor too long and fell into that world, choosing to live there for the rest of their lives.

The constellation is mean and petty.

I try to somehow tie people to a layer and hope that they will live their whole lives in their own world.

If a participant becomes completely immersed in that world, the constellation will not declare the person cleared.

Since they did not want to advance to the next floor, it was judged that they did not meet the test conditions.

However, even for those people, after 5 years, everything will be reset and they will return to the starting point.

In that case, most people who are unable to distinguish between reality and story will soon break down.

In the end, Crown Road is a world that exists to destroy people, both externally and internally.

I clicked my tongue and looked at Yeonji, thinking that the answer was to quickly escape this world.

Returning to the main topic, the road is something Yeonji must reach as a goal, as explained by the Constellation earlier.

Dragon Lord. In other words, the lord of the dragon tribes.

In this world, being a dragon is in the position of ruler.

Dragon eggs come from the ‘Sacred Tree of Dragons’ that exists in Dragonis, the capital of the world, and the eggs are said to be given to those who have built up a certain level of fame in this world, regardless of race.

Of course, you can also receive eggs from members of the same dragon clan.

‘It’s a really annoying system in many ways.’

When Yeonji turns 15, the 30th floor will be cleared and she will move on to the 31st floor, where she will compete for the position of Dragon Lord.

It is said that Yeonji’s opponent is the daughter of one of those road candidates, and is literally the child of the family.

And to be honest, it is absurd to ask Yeonji, a high-level Sword Expert, to beat a low-level Sword Master.


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