Five Time Regressor Walks the King’s Path Chapter 138

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Episode 138

Anyway, if I let him eat and sleep, he will return to normal, so I nodded with a satisfied expression.

At this level, it could still be considered a passing grade.

At that moment, he picked up some barley in the river nearby and filled it with water.

“Ugh, ugh!”

Then, Bori, who had been sinking with a bubbling sound, jumped up to the surface like crazy, as if she had regained her senses. I said to Bori, who had come to her senses.

“Good job. “Everyone has arrived.”

Hearing what I said, Bori turned her head to the side.

Then I saw a forest full of iron trees.

This was Cheolong’s Forest, one of the areas located in the morning juniper forest where the Ego Weapon tribe lives.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Then the boy clenched his fists and screamed loudly.

I tilted my head when I saw the guy who seemed to be roaring that he had survived.

I have to do the same when I go back.

But I decided not to say anything and to stay quiet.


When I hit the still screaming barley on the head, the barley sank into the water and then crawled out of the water.

“Are you going in there?”

“Yeah, well, if you’re the way you are now, you probably won’t get hurt.”

Having said that, I and Bori entered the forest of Cheolong.

As I wrapped my aura over my body, the iron trees and leaves crumbled as soon as I touched them.

When I turned my head back, Bori followed behind me, wearing his now familiar aura.

As Bori had been practicing using Aura all this time, he now knew how to use Aura like breathing.

In addition, it seems that it has learned how to strengthen its outer shell with aura, and its defense has increased several times more than before.

‘The growth rate is okay.’

Feeling that it was much easier than when I was at Yeonji, I continued walking.

After wandering around Cheolong’s Forest for a while, I began to feel signs of presence around me.

‘You’re here.’

The owners of that presence are, of course, the Ego Weapon tribe that lives in the forest of Cheolong.

Since they mainly depend on minerals such as iron, Cheolong’s forest was a place rich in food for them.


The moment I uttered a word, a sword fiercely rushed through the iron trees.

The moment I lightly turned my head to avoid it, he immediately swung his body at Bori behind me, and Bori quickly raised his arm to block.


As he became an iron troll, Bori’s body, clad in aura, was like steel.

So, when we easily blocked the Egoephon tribe’s first attack, this time arrows rained down from the sky.

While Bori was frightened and defending herself under the rain of Aura arrows, one shot at a time, I leisurely walked forward.

Then, I took off with a kick and took off, and I kicked down and stepped on one of the Ego Weapons that was shooting arrows.

“Where is your leader?”

In response to my question, Ego Weapon made a roaring sound.

I knew that these guys communicated in a way that conveyed their thoughts, so I had no choice but to hold my bow.

[This is our territory. scram.]

Then a mixture of caution and anger came into my mind.

Then, they used auras to take over the minds of the Ego Weapons, and I simply countered with auras and cut them off.

Perhaps it was because my auror far exceeded his own strength, but he seemed embarrassed.

“Where is your leader? “Tell me before they dig up the nukes.”

The Ego Weapon tribe basically has a core located at the center of their bodies, which is their driving force and weakness.

If it is destroyed, it dies like a normal living thing, so when I threatened it with it, it shouted angrily as if its pride was hurt.

[Kill it. Our king is someone like you who can touch… … .]

I casually destroyed the core before I finished speaking.

As its main and weakest point, it was a core surrounded by the hardest minerals and auras I had ever swallowed, but it was nothing to me.

After throwing the destroyed Ego Weapon to the floor, I immediately chased after the other Ego Weapon right next to me and grabbed it.

[Let go!]

“Listen carefully. Whether you are your king or your leader, I can find it if I decide to do so. But the reason for doing this is to make him come out on his own feet. “If you don’t crawl out on your own, I will destroy all the ego weapons here today.”

[Are you a devil!]

“You can think whatever you want. “I don’t really care if your core is destroyed.”

The biggest advantage of Ego Weapon is that it can use its own aura and protect its owner when he is in danger.

Moreover, sometimes there are individuals with special abilities, and it is said that a swordsman whose mind is unified with the ego weapon becomes the best swordsman, so the ego weapon is useful in many levels.

But that’s it, once the core is destroyed, it’s just a well-made weapon.

And I came here to get weapons.

In the end, for me, the Ego Weapons were just a nice bonus if I cooperated, but in reality, it didn’t matter if they weren’t alive Ego Weapons.

Perhaps they realized I was being sincere, but the evil Ego Weapon began to quieten down.

“sorry. “Our chief is the devil.”

[Damn it, how can I live under a guy like this?]

Without knowing why, behind the scenes, Bori was bitterly forming a consensus with Ego Weapon.

Since these guys are not holding swords, it would be impossible to have a conversation with their thoughts, so how is it that they are continuing naturally?

The moment I was looking at the two of them with an expression that said I was seeing everything strange, the sounds around me started to decrease.

As the Ego Weapons that I felt everywhere suddenly stopped moving and began to look in awe one by one, I turned my head diagonally toward the direction where the strongest figure was approaching.


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There was a sword there.

An old sword that looks like a huge old tree that seems to have lived for thousands of years.

When I saw that sword, I smiled slightly.

“It’s you. “King.”

After saying that, I threw the ego weapon I was holding at Bori and tried to reach out to catch him.

But just before my hand reached it, it was blocked by a barrier with sparks flying out.

‘This guy has all the attributes?’

When I realized that it had the same properties as mine, my eyes sparkled, and at that moment, Star Heavenly Dao suddenly trembled violently.

【’Byeolcheondo’ quickly emphasizes its presence to its owner.】

Maybe he felt a sense of danger because it was the same sword, but since this guy was a person on the same level and there was no way to take it, it didn’t matter.

The moment I tried to break through the barrier created by the king by ignoring the Star Celestial Blade and wrapping my aura around my hand, thoughts flowed in from the king first, despite the distance.

[Stranger, what business do you have here? This is the land of our ego weapons.]

“It’s obvious what to do. “We need a lot of weapons.”

When I stopped trying to break through the barrier and got straight to the point, a murderous feeling began to creep out from the King of Ego Weapons.

[We originally live as weapons, but we do not live to be wielded by someone.]

“Ah, okay, well then, let’s destroy all the cores and take them.”

As I answered very easily, swords suddenly began to fall into the ground behind the king of egoweapons.

As I quietly watched the scene, the King of Ego Weapon told me the meaning of this action.

[From now on, if this person tries to touch our core, explode his body immediately. We will kill ourselves only if the corpse is played by the enemy.]

As it has its own will, Ego Weapon is picky in choosing its owner.

Therefore, it was a fairly famous anecdote that if it was wielded by an owner it did not like, the ego weapon could not bear it and exploded on its own, killing the owner along with it.

This must have been the reason why Sony told me that I would not be able to get the Ego Weapon.

But I didn’t come here without knowing any of that.

When I saw the King of Ego Weapons, I pulled out the Star Heaven Blade.

Maybe it was because I felt like he was going to attack me, but I felt an aura of fierce anger coming from the king, but I threw the Star Celestial Blade at him without any hesitation.

“When it comes to ego weapons, the one with the highest value becomes the ruler, right?”

Ego Weapons live in mental resonance by relying on one Ego Weapon until control is clearly transferred to another owner.

Those are the people who are called the rulers, kings, or leaders of the ego weapons, and the guy over there right now is also probably in charge of the mental support of all the ego weapons here in the Forest of Cheolong.

In other words, it was like saying that if I could just take away the position of that spiritual pillar, I could manipulate the ego weapons here as I wanted.

[What is this? Do you really think that a sword like this is worth more than me?]

The king shouted in astonishment when he saw Byeolcheon Island standing tall, dividing part of the ground.

“Look carefully.”

However, I laughed at those words, and soon a tremor occurred in the Star Heavenly Island.

【’Byeolcheondo’ shows off itself in a cool way.】

Soon, starlight from the Star Heavenly Island began to pour in around the area.

Unlike regular swords, the Byeolcheondo, which is implanted with the eyes of a constellation, has its own will.

In other words, Byulcheondo also belongs to the egoweapon group in some sense.

Here’s the problem.

At best, the King of Ego Weapons created by the layers and the constellations planted their own eyes, so it is a star heaven that only has the power of the constellations, even if only slightly.

Which one is more superior?


The king of egoweapons let out a bewildered sound and quickly began to spread his aura around.

In the world of Aurors that unfolded through him, tens of thousands of swords were pouring down from the sky.

“Byulcheondo, harder.”

The instructions I gave bluntly rang out in the rain of swords.

【’Byeolcheondo’ strongly emphasizes its existence.】

Byeolcheondo, who felt a sense of crisis as a former sword, poured out an even brighter light to prove that he was useful to my words.

Then, the light coming out from the Star Heavenly Blade pierced through and erased all the blades.

And at the end, a light so intense that it would blind one’s eyes if seen from the front poured down on the king. The king hesitated and fought back tenaciously with his aura, but soon his barrier was seen cracking and cracking.


The moment the sound of the barrier breaking echoed around the area, the king, unable to bear it, fell to the floor with a clattering sound.

[My, I lost.]

In this place where the one with the highest value as a weapon becomes king, there is no weapon of a higher level than Byeolcheondo where the eyes of the constellations are planted.

That’s why the king of ego weapons, who was far behind in terms of value, cried and admitted defeat.

【’Star Heaven’ informs you that he has become the king of the Ego Weapon tribe.】

Immediately, I saw the Star Celestial Island emitting light as if I had done well.

Looking at it like that, it looked like a puppy wanting to be praised.


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