Five Time Regressor Walks the King’s Path Chapter 210

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Episode 210


Nakcheon immediately called Baekhee over.

When she looked back at him in surprise, Nakcheon was already pointing his sword at her.

There was no word of request or anything.

He immediately cut from his heart to the ribs in question with his sword.

Jet-black blood, different from normal blood, soaked the floor.

Nakcheon’s body collapsed, and Salador screamed in surprise.

Meanwhile, Baekhee, more calmly than anyone else, placed her hands on Nakcheon’s body covered in pitch-black blood.

The cloud attribute aura was activated, the blood stopped flowing from Nakcheon’s body, and his body stopped for a moment.

“Bae, Baekhee.”

When Salador asked, embarrassed by Nakcheon’s suicidal act, she sighed.

“don’t worry. Because I hinted at something trying to penetrate my body to stop it. The body also stopped by giving hints to move away from death. “You can solve it when you get to a place where it can be treated.”

If it weren’t for Baek Hee, who had experienced numerous unexpected situations in the magic palace, there was no way to deal with it.

“If that’s the case, you could have just said it… … .”

“I was on the verge of my mind taking over. They did this on purpose because they would have turned into puppets and pointed their swords at us before we could explain. “I bought time by cutting the captured heart.”

Salador looked at Optimism with tired eyes.

He seemed to have completely forgotten that he had recently burned himself to use a spirit giant.

“First, put him on your back. “Because I can’t leave it behind.”

Baekhee bit her lip slightly.

‘Was the third floor we knew was fake?’

When she realized that down here was really the third floor, she realized the seriousness of the situation.

Until now, I thought the undead on the third floor were naturally created in the magic palace.

But that wasn’t it.

There is a drinker.

Whether it was the Magic Palace’s will or not, the magician had been using the undead to achieve loneliness.

‘That guy is a real ordeal.’

He is a necromancer with the ability to take control of one’s mind to the point of being defeated by despair.

A cold feeling of anxiety lingered in her mind.

“Salador, you bring him with you.”

After saying that, Baekhee left the two and started running away first.

Anxiety slowly grows.

It felt like a sight I didn’t want to see was about to come before my eyes.

And the moment she arrived at the square where the Emperor the Brain would be.

Her mind turned completely white.

Min Do-yeon’s severed head, body, arms, and legs were being torn apart by the undead’s teeth.

One unfocused eye rolled from the shattered head, which had probably already been dead for a long time, and exploded at the undead’s feet.


Doyeon Min.

Even though he may not be my biological son, I was born with my heart and raised him with love.

The children who worked as magic archers passed by in her eyes.

They were all children of dead former colleagues.

In the early days, the era was dominated by horse archery attacks.

There has never been a time when the death rate of Magungsa was as high as it was during that era.

At that time, Baek Hee had also overcome several near-death moments.

But what a curse.

Every time they passed such a difficult time, Baekhee survived, and her colleagues died.

Baekhee took charge of and raised the children of her deceased colleague.

A total of 5 people.

One person has an ordinary job, not a magic archer.

The remaining four wanted to become magic archers like their parents.

However, all the children who wanted to become magic archers died in a tragic accident.

Baekhee was disappointed.

Although they may not be my children, they are children born from my heart.

I couldn’t bear to think of the children who died in the palace where their former colleagues died.

Meanwhile, Baekhee got to know a child.

A child named Min Do-yeon was born out of love between the two children she raised.

The only remaining child, who was still one year old and had not yet become a magic archer, appeared in front of Baek Hee, holding the child.

Baekhee held the child as if possessed.

He said he would no longer allow the last child they had left to die before him.

I was raised with that thought in mind.

It was my everything.

“Do, Yuna.”

Before he knew it, Baekhee had destroyed the undead and collected the miserably scattered corpses.

I should have stopped you.

I should have done everything to stop this kid from becoming a magic archer.

I shouldn’t have weakened my heart when I saw Doyeon’s smiling face reminding me that those children would become magic archers like their parents and like me.

I raised Do-yeon in secret, without even telling her who her real parents were, out of fear that she might become a magic archer.


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However, even within that, the face of Doyeon, who wanted to become a magic archer, came to mind.

However, the last face she knew of Doyeon was one distorted with sadness because she desperately opposed becoming a magic archer.

I wanted the child to be happy.

With that face, this child left me forever.

“Ah, ahhh.”

Tears made a mess of my face.

No matter how many times I hinted at the dead body, Doyeon wouldn’t wake up.

I want to die.

I feel like dying.

The tears flowing from my eyes were so hot and painful that I felt like my heart was being torn apart.


At that moment, when I turned my head, I saw that I had stepped on the corpses of more than 10 Mugos, and another Mugo was emerging from the collapsed road.

Baekhee’s eyes rolled once.

A bloody hand was raised.


Kill them all.

“… … hundred… … !”

I heard a voice calling me from somewhere.

But Baekhee was already running toward Mugo as if possessed.

And the moment when that hand was about to mess up Mugo.


Baekhee’s eyes were covered with flashes of light.

Only a humming sound echoed in the completely white space.

As she was coming to her senses, a familiar face appeared in her eyes.



As if possessed, Baekhee’s hand cupped the boy’s cheek.

Doyeon Min was there.

Do-yeon Min, who had just been torn to pieces as a corpse.

My head was pounding.

Before she realized what was happening, she realized a man was standing in front of her.

She has flowing black hair and a star engraved on her waist.

He muttered, looking down at Baekhee as if he were depressed.

“Ha, I wasn’t planning on writing it here.”

As Baekhee looked at him with eyes that did not understand the situation, he brushed his hair up.

When I looked around, all the undead I had seen earlier had disappeared.

There were only small sparks flying around.

At that moment, the man’s figure shrunk with a puff of smoke.

In an instant, she turned into a little girl and was none other than the Brain Emperor.

“You almost killed your own child with your own hands. I said I was in loneliness. “What on earth did you touch to get infected?”

“… … loneliness?”

Baekhee muttered as if possessed, and at that moment remembered the black blood pouring out of Nakcheon.

I didn’t think about it because I was in a hurry to hint at his body, but maybe just touching the blood made me feel lonely.

My heart sank.

When I looked back at Min Do-yeon, I saw the scars he had left all over his body.

“Min Do-yeon, did you turn too? No matter how lonely Baek-hee is, why would she just run into a place where false accusations are pouring out? I was so crazy that I wanted to commit suicide. “If it weren’t for me, you both would be dead.”

Despite his annoyed tone, the Emperor seemed relieved.

Baekhee was shocked to hear those words.

Do-yeon almost died because of him.

My heart sank.

As reckless as the Emperor said, Min Do-yeon also looked apologetic.

“I’m sorry, I thought your mom was in danger… … .”

Baekhee turned to Min Doyeon when she heard the word “mother.”

When was the last time someone called you “mom”?

I think it was from a long time ago when I opposed becoming a magic archer.

It was the first time in a long time that I saw Min Do-yeon properly, and I could see the scars from long training on the wounds here and there on her body.

“Mom, are you okay?”

Min Do-yeon asked with concern.

This child, who had been trying to become a magic archer until now, threw himself in without hesitation to save himself, who was most opposed to becoming a magic archer.

I was a child who I could always hold in my arms and worry about, but before I knew it, he had grown up so much.

Baek-hee swallowed back tears as she saw Min Do-yeon, who was able to save someone on her own rather than having to be saved by herself.

As Doyeon always said, she may have been seeing the ghosts of the children who died in this child.

I was always opposed to becoming a magic archer.

I’ve never heard anyone say why they want to become a magic archer.

“… … Do you know how fast your son ran to save you? For a moment, I lost it too. Among magic archers, there is probably no one as fast as that guy. Even if everyone else dies, that guy will live.”

In the meantime, the Emperor of the Emperor noticed Baek Hee’s scent and quietly added something.

“… … “Doyeon.”

When I called Min Do-yeon, he turned to Baek-hee.

He looked intimidated, fearing that they might use the previous incident as an excuse to stop him from becoming a magic archer again.

Above all, this time both Baekhee and Min Doyeon were in danger, because no matter what she said, they could not refute it.

However, unlike before, Baek Hee held Min Do Yeon in her arms with tearful eyes.

“Sorry. Mom… … I did it because I was so scared. I’m afraid of losing you. “I guess she gave you a hard time because Mom lost so much that she didn’t want to lose any more.”

After hearing those words, Min Do-yeon bit her lip.

Then he hugged Baekhee without saying a word.

“… … it’s okay. “Because I was mean.”

This may not have resolved everything.

Baek Hee will still be anxious about Min Do-yeon becoming a magic archer, and Min Do-yeon will know that fact.

But at least the two were able to take one step forward.

Even though Ha Cheon-seong was on the verge of losing his mind when he suddenly let go of the path.

He barely managed to hold on with his shaky legs and closed his eyes tightly.

It felt like my mind would fly away as soon as I sat down like this.

Although I invested all of the stats needed to raise my level into my body, double-digit stats did not mean much in the face of a magical power value of 5,000.

6 thunderbolts, 1 disguise.

After doing this, my body instantly became a mess.

‘Damn, maybe I should have just invested in my intelligence.’

Expressing a little regret, he scooped Cheonjio’s dew into his mouth with trembling hands.

I originally planned to use it when I was in a hurry, but if I didn’t use it now, I would pass out and I couldn’t be sure when I would wake up.

After recovering in an instant, I was finally able to come to my senses.

“I found it!”

At that moment, Mentis screamed.

Thanks to his desperate protection, it seemed like he had finally finished his job.

“The system entered into my memory was more complex than I thought, so it took some time to break through.”

Mentis looked at me and smiled proudly, as if he didn’t even know he had a nosebleed.

This is Mentis, who can easily change the speed of a human brain.

The fact that this guy was having a hard time is probably because the caster planted a system deep in the undead’s subconscious.

“Uh, huh? Why Baekhee? “When did you all arrive?”

At that moment, he said in surprise, as if he had no idea what was going on around him.

“I’m Baek Hee-ni! “You’re the thunderbolt!”

Meanwhile, Salador appeared, dragging Nakcheon grunts.

Looking at Nak-cheon, who looked as if his chest had been cut with a sword, He Cheon-seong immediately realized that he had taken action on his own before being consumed by loneliness.

That guy was pretty crazy too.

“Mentis, move immediately. “Tell me the location.”

“Ah, yes, but God, something is strange.”

“You think it’s strange?”

When Ha Cheon-seong asked again, she began to explain Eoyeongbuyeong.

“It seems like the necromancer is being chased by someone. “Wow, the coordinates are moving fast!”

Being chased.

‘It’s her.’


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