The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me Chapter 374

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Episode 374

“Please, please… please let me succeed… please…”

After returning for an unknown number of times, I returned for the first time and started feeding Frey, who was tied to a chair, together with the soul beads I had collected so far.

While holding on to my heart that was beating like crazy. I was consumed by the anxiety that if even this failed, I would no longer be able to maintain my sanity.


Frey looks at me and starts moaning.

It’s a moan. If so, there is some possibility.

In case of failure, they don’t even moan at all.

‘Please… Ruby… call my name Freyr…’

The process of clearing ‘karma’, which is the first step of the quest and accounts for the largest percentage, was truly hellish.

After Perloche, who helped me get rid of my foolishness, gave me beads, the number of beads did not increase even when the ship returned to the ship.

“We can’t forgive you.”

“We don’t deserve it in the first place. It’s Frey who deserves forgiveness, right?”

“excuse me….!”

“Please disappear.”

The karma I was accumulating was deeper than I thought.

It was natural. In the many retries that Frey and Perloche did, I must have committed many evil deeds.


I realized this when I called four girls to one place without thinking about it, got beaten to death, and were kicked out.

“Their souls…”

The souls of the four girls were also seriously damaged, although not as much as Frey or Perloche.

They too must have had an influence on their souls as they continued to build relationships with the subject.

The reason he quickly recognized Frey’s ‘weakness’ and became blindly devoted to him may be because of the bond he had built with Frey over numerous episodes.

Since they are like that, it would be natural for them to react hostilely towards me, who has committed ugly acts on countless occasions.

Maybe that’s why I react particularly sensitively to things related to the ‘soul’.

After thinking about this and going back and forth, I was able to figure out a strategy.

In the first place, it was arrogance to atone for all four people at the same time.

As a result of the calculation, in order to relieve the resentment in their souls and make atonement at a minimum, an entire episode had to be consumed by each person.

I was really embarrassed when I first found out about it.

I wonder if this is a quest that cannot be cleared in the first place.

“….This is the punishment I give you.”


“Atone for your remaining sins in hell.”

Fortunately, I was able to see that it was not impossible to clear it at all.

“Goodbye, Ruby.”

This was something I learned by dedicating an entire episode to atonement to Aria, who I interacted with the most after Frey and who knew the most.

He took care of her spirit until the end of the episode and turned her into a courageous warrior.

And, I told her the truth.

Aria, who had become a warrior, shed tears and pierced my heart with the warrior’s weapon.

[Atonement to his family (1/2)]

The next time I opened my eyes, the quest remained completed.

It was discovered that a quest once cleared can be cleared even after regression.

It was good news, but it was also bad news.

Arya’s soul was the purest among those who had to atone.

Her older brother, Frey, must have especially cared for her.

For other people who were riddled with relationships and wounds, it was many times more difficult to atone than Aria.

“You… are the Demon King.”

I never knew my parents’ anger could be so scary.

Abraham, father of Frey.

An unlucky man who knew the future his child would face, but had no choice but to offer it as a sacrifice for the world.

If Aria, who had some influence by clearing the quest, hadn’t helped me, it would have been close to impossible to atone for him.

“If you save your son… I will die. I will definitely commit suicide…”

“……..Get out of the house.”

When he opened his eyes, his son became a demon lord, the people who had treated him warmly all his life betrayed him, and his daughter killed her son.

Abraham was shocked by such situations and was always paralyzed.

I prayed to him again and again, shedding tears.

One cruel thing was that Freyr needed to die for Abraham to wake up.

In the end, I had no choice but to kill the person I loved most in the world along with his brother countless times until Abraham’s soul was influenced by my sincerity.

“……Just take a break.”


“Resurrect my son and atone for him. Not for me.”

[Atonement to his family (2/2)]

One of the most terrifying moments of his life in exile ended with Abraham uttering the words:

“thank you…”

“Don’t thank me and leave. I want to quietly close my eyes.”


It was after that that the trick started to stick.

If there is a person who has closed the door to their heart, they go back countless times and make atonement to heal the wounds of their soul.


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Since the target was a disgusting and terrible devil like me, the healing speed was slow, but it was actually effective.

“Swear as a knight, no… as yourself, that you will bring him back.”


[His knight, Atonement to your flesh and blood (2/2)]

Isolette said those words with tears flowing from her eyes while holding a sword in my heart.

And Lulu looked at me with a blank expression.

…How did you atone for Lulu?

I don’t remember much.


In any case, in order to move their hearts, the ship had to return more times than the number of returns of Arya and Abraham combined.

“As long as you can come back… I don’t care anymore. Even if it’s a devil or an evil spirit. Even if it’s you, the Demon King… I will use you.”

“You must be sincere to withstand that curse. Continue talking after you bring Frey back.”

“Why do you want to be enslaved to the Sunrise Empire? Resurrect Frey and become enslaved to him.”

“…Thanks for your efforts.”

But the most difficult thing was moving the souls of the four girls.

Becoming Kania’s maid, becoming a material for Irina’s magic experiments, becoming a half-crazy Klarna’s henchman, entering Serena’s basement, etc.

As much as I had to regress, I had to work hard to erase the karma I had committed.

‘I… was so disgusted.’

At first, it was so difficult that I cried, but later on, that was all I could think about.

Because these girls have felt that much pain, despair, and suffering because of me.

There was no way I could complain about treating their wounds like that.

[Atonement to his wives (4/4)]

“Haa, haaaa…”

A soul bead that I received after atonement for everyone.

I, who had swallowed them with Frey so that they would not be affected by Retry, took them out of my stomach as soon as I returned.


After going through many trials and errors, they were put together and put into Frey’s mouth.

For your information, I went through quite a few regressions trying to find the right bead feeding method.

To the point where cracks are starting to appear in my otherwise healthy soul.


It felt like it was going to fall apart at any moment.

I closed my eyes, fell to the floor, and wanted to sleep for years.

Even though I knew I shouldn’t, the thought of wanting to rest now suddenly popped up.

Since I was a soul whose lifespan was not long, it was something that could not be helped.

“…excuse me.”


However, those feelings disappeared in an instant when Frey opened his eyes and let out a fierce voice.

“Prayeee!!! Do-Are you back? Really? Really…!? Did you finally come back to the real you?”


What came after that was an incredible sense of happiness and accomplishment. and…

“It’s me, it’s me! Ruby!! Yes…”


[Fray Memory Recovery]

It was the second quest.

“who are you?”


A momentary dazed feeling.

“Who are you?”

The past has now faded away, and the time when he lost his memory vaguely lingers in my mind.

“……..iced coffee.”

At the same time, my mind quickly becomes cold.

are you okay. Now it’s step 2.

Step 2 is the actual final step.

The final step of reviewing everything.

There’s something I’ve done up until now, but I can’t get it back, even if it’s just a memory.

[The retry point is reassigned.]


But when I saw the phrase that came to mind next, I had no choice but to sit down with a pale expression.

[Number of retries remaining: 1]

Although I was in denial, the truth was harsh.

My soul, shattered by the time it was broken, was so weak that it could not withstand even a single return.

In other words, this episode is practically the last opportunity.


– Wow…!

last chance.

A moment that might be the last time we see Frey’s face.

“I’m… Ruby.”

As I hugged him so as not to miss that moment, I smiled brightly and said that.


“Yes. Your most precious treasure.”


When Frey heard those words, he looked shocked.

It’s worth it. Because he has no memory.

“Starting today… join me.”

“with you?”

“Yes, you will retrieve your forgotten memories together with me.”

But there’s no need to worry.

Because now I remember him.

Absolutely perfect.

“Let’s leave. Just the two of us.”

After saying that, I stood up and said while holding his hand, who was looking confused.

“Please follow me… Oh my.”

Before I leave with him, I need to stop by the ship and pick up Roswin’s book.

“please wait for a moment?”

It’s also your last chance.

I need to check my memories carefully again.


The trip I went on with Frey, who I had no memory of, was very happy.

“Frey, you’ve got something on your mouth. Let me clean it for you.”

“Ah, thank you…”



We order rye bread, whole wheat bread, and potato soup to share.

“Isn’t this play fun, Mr. Frey?”

“Hmm… I see.”

“Is there anything that comes to mind?”

“Well, I don’t know.”

Going to a play or a dance together.

“Why… why is there a cave all of a sudden…?”

“Because I like caves, hehe.”

“Do you mean a cave?”

“Shall we stay here for the night?”

“…I don’t like the dark.”

“Oh, that’s right… I’m sorry.”

Like exploring caves.

– Come on…♡

“Uh, um.”


Like lying on the bed in the dormitory at Sunrise Academy that he sneaked into and holding Frey, who had turned around, for hours.

“Lord, die…”

“Kek, keheuuu…”

Occasionally, Frey, who was dominated by his personality as the Demon Lord, would strangle me, but that didn’t matter.

I’ve died so many times, but now I’m finally able to strangle you. That’s cute enough.

– Pat, pat…

“Please…abuse me as much as you like…Fray.”

– Sreuk…

“Would you like to hit my stomach… too? This is your… territory…”

And when I patted the back of Frey, who was strangling me while he was attacking me, with a gentle expression, he would immediately stop his actions.

As expected, Frey. He is not a man who will give in to the devil’s personality.

– Heart pounding, pounding…

On the contrary, it was so nice that my heart was pounding because they treated me so roughly, like in the distant past.

“excuse me…”

“I love you. I love you. I really love you.”


We continued our journey alone, and now we are sitting on the rooftop of an empty academy, leaning our heads against each other.

“Does Mr. Frey love me?”

“…I do not know.”

“I see.”

I asked just in case, but what I got back was his unchanging answer.

Why doesn’t it change?

Why don’t you remember me?

“Haha, well… that could be possible. Hehe…”

I try to smile pretending to be Taeyeon, but that doesn’t erase my nervousness.

The countdown is getting closer and closer.

If my soul could have held on just a little longer, I would have moved your soul even if it meant infinite regression.

By the way, when I reached the end…



The tears I’ve been holding back all this time are falling.

If you fail like this. When your soul is shattered. What happens to me?

It doesn’t matter if I die. That is something I have already decided to do.

However, I’m scared that I won’t see Frey again.

I am afraid that he will disappear along with his soul, without being able to remember or recognize him forever.

“…Why are you doing this?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Hehe.”

But this is not the time to be like this.

Even at this moment, time is passing.

And even if the probability is very small, hope certainly exists.


“It’s a gift.”

“A gift?”

I take out of my arms the things I have cherished and cherished for so long.

“Close your eyes.”

“Ah yes…”

Then, he smiles as he hangs the item around the neck of Frey, who has his eyes closed with a shocked expression.

– Sreuk…


I made it by hand just as I remember, so it’s quite crude… but I did my best.

I wish you would remember.


“…Can I go to the bathroom for a moment?”


Before I knew it, I realized that tears were flowing freely from my eyes.

I can’t show Frey this ugly thing.

Let’s calm down for a moment.

“Do you have to keep your eyes closed until then?”


After saying that and heading towards the rooftop exit, I clenched my white hands and thought quietly.

‘Please… Frey. You also drew a picture back then. ‘You still remember…?’


[Fray Memory Recovery]

please remember me



The moment Ruby left the rooftop, I, who had closed my eyes, quietly opened them and moaned.

“It’s a pain.”

It’s a gift. What is it again this time?

A sandwich that says egg sandwich but has a lot of salmon inside?

Whole wheat bread without flavor?


For some reason, contrary to expectations, my memory was intact, so I planned to take advantage of that opportunity to pretend to have lost my memory and keep an eye on Ruby.

Ruby’s behavior recently is strange.

Looking at his actions, it seems like he’s probably trying to help me regain my lost memories.

The actions I did are all things I don’t remember.

No, when I think about it, it’s obvious that it doesn’t exist.

Because the relationship between Ruby and I is a fake that I created.

At best, it would only be the brief memories we made when we started taming her through violence…


With that in mind, I checked the item Ruby had around her neck and couldn’t help but widen my eyes.

“for a moment.”

There was something like a necklace hanging around my neck.


It looked quite crude, but I was able to figure out its identity at a glance.

“no way.”

This is a pendant.

Last year, the day before the second semester began, I received an Easter egg along with the ‘Cloak of Deception’ from the legendary master Rocinante.

A strange pendant with a mysterious ability that connected me with the ‘Retry Frey’ stored in the third trial.

I tried it several times until now, but it was a unique thing that never opened no matter what I did, so I always carried it with me.

So you can see.

The pendant that Ruby just gave me, although crude, is surprisingly similar to that Easter egg.


No, it wasn’t similar.

Design, size, and material.

It was exactly the same.

“What the fuck?”

How does he know this?


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