Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits Chapter 51

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Episode 51 Shard of Greed

I happened to go on a hunt for a warlock with the Mark people.

But I didn’t think it was particularly bad.

It was not a bad coincidence, as I was curious as to what Lannox was aiming for in the Crates Mountains in the first place.

‘It would be best if we could get even a clue about the sin.’

Although the 10 mark people did not have a more developed sense of smell than the tow people, their senses were good enough to follow traces.

As I was moving with their help, I got quite far and approached the leopards who suddenly stopped.

“What’s going on?”

“The traces have been lost. “As if it had disappeared into heaven or earth.”

He still seemed wary of me, but at least he wasn’t hostile.

From now on, I decided to use Mana Detect.

‘It’s also caught by Mana Detect…’ … .’

Then, I felt something strange.

I felt as if distorted mana was coming from a tree, but it was a trace that I would not have found if I hadn’t been able to vaguely see the mana due to my mana talent.

When I approached the tree and took a closer look, I saw that the traces were connected to another tree behind it.

‘This form… … .’

Is it a barrier?

When I saw the distorted traces of mana continuing from tree to tree, and then to another tree, I could roughly picture it in my head.

I pulled out my sword, wrapped mana around it, and swung it.


The sword bounced back with tremendous repulsion.

And the results were quite shocking.

‘I thought I became quite strong too.’

There’s still a long way to go.

The leopard people who were watching what I was doing came rushing in and looked at the tree I was cutting down with curious eyes.

“What on earth is going on?”

“It seems to be a barrier. “The guy who deals with insects is probably hiding here.”

After speaking, I felt a little puzzled.

Looking at the completeness of the barrier, it was not created in a day or two.

‘It’s the same with the Pyoin village and this barrier. It seems like there were quite a few things in the past that didn’t exist in games.’

I cleared a lot of games, but I didn’t know everything that happened.

Especially if it is before the start of the game.

“Is it recently that someone went missing?”

“exactly. “It’s only been a few days.”

At that time, something came out through the barrier.

It looked like an insect’s paw, but I was barely able to avoid it with my instantaneous reflexes.

“It’s the enemy!”

The Pyoin people each looked at the ordinary-looking forest as they prepared for battle.

It was a forest that looked like there was nothing wrong on the outside, but something walked out as if it came out of thin air.

‘It’s the guy from earlier.’

But it wasn’t just one guy.

As many as two beetles appeared.

And then, swarming insects began to pour out.

‘Maybe I thought wrong.’

I thought Lannox had come to the Crates Mountains with some intention, but seeing the number of troops made me think that his base might have been here in the first place.

Later, seeing that there was nothing here, it seemed highly likely that Lannox had destroyed the village of the Pyon people and changed their residence.

“There are too many enemies! Jadbihon! “Go back to the village immediately, report this, and issue an evacuation order!”

One of the leopards shouted, preparing to die.

Looking at the number of enemies, his words made sense.

Because this was not a number that one village could handle.

And his cries were soon drowned out by the noise of insects.



“We sacrifice our lives here to protect the village!”

One of the leopards let out a roar and clashed with the insects, and the rest followed him and threw themselves one after another.

“You talk as if you’re about to die… … .”

Do you think you will lose?

Well, that might be the case.

I pulled out Galakshur and started crushing the insects.

‘I’ll show you what I decided to mess with.’

I immediately summoned Nickel and sent it to the Pyokin tribe, who seemed to be in danger after being attacked by a beetle.

I was going to be wearing a mask anyway, and I didn’t mind if the guys living in this magical world found out that I was a necromancer.

Whick – bang!


The Pyoin people, startled by Nickel’s sudden appearance, stepped back with a gasping sound.

He soon saw Nickel starting to swarm the beetle, and before he could think about the situation, he was swept away by the waves of insects and moved his body around.

This is why I even summoned Timur.

And he left the miscellaneous insects to Timur and ran to the remaining beetles.


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‘I’d like to test my skills.’

They say that if several of them come together, they can take on even a single Auror Master. I guess I’ll have to check how good my skills are.

I ran straight to the low-flying guy and swung my sword.

However, the guy who dodged the attack in an instant fired four punches.

The flight was fast, but the fists were slow, so I blocked, dodged, and then stepped back.

‘Those wings are the problem.’

The high-speed flight caused by the wings was faster than I expected.

However, seeing as he couldn’t continue to move quickly, it seemed like he had limitations.


At that moment, the opponent delivered a headbutt to the body at incredible speed.

It seemed like he knew that hitting with his entire body was more effective than swinging his fist, so he flew in quite threateningly, but he wasn’t stupid enough to get hit by an attack that came straight and straight.

‘It’s definitely strong… … .’

Something was lacking.

How many of them can band together at this level and capture the Auror Master?

From my perspective, it seems like Lanox came here when his skills were still low.

And as if the prediction was correct, the beetle that was dealing with Nickel in the distance was rolling on the ground with its limbs disintegrated and even its wings cut off.


I called Nickel and passed the guy I was dealing with.

Since their level wasn’t so high that I didn’t feel the need to deal with them, I decided to help the Pyokin people.

It was then.


Timur was seen being pushed back with a loud noise.

The enemy that Timur was holding on to, as if in a struggle of strength, was the same beetle I had faced, but its color was subtly different.

‘When did that thing pop out again?’

Before I could finish my impressions, the beetle that Timur was dealing with threw a series of punches.

Although I thought they were the same guy with just a different color, Timur showed that he was losing ground in power.


Timur was soon hit and thrown into a tree.

Is that real?

Nickel, who had already taken care of the beetle I was dealing with, approached the guy who had thrown Timur away, his uniform hanging over his shoulders like a cape fluttering.

It must have felt intimidated by Nickel as it made a strange sound and flapped its wings.

“I’m sorry for suddenly ruining the mood between you two… … .”

[Lesser Necromancy: Casts Summon Ghoul.]

[163 bodies are detected.]

[The caster’s capabilities are insufficient. 82 districts respond.]

[Lesser Necromancy: Successfully summoning a ghoul]

[82 bug-type ghouls (normal) have been summoned.]

“I’m good at daguri.”

The insect corpses that arose around them soon attacked their fellow insects.

And nearly half of them flocked to beetles of different colors.

The beetle made a noise of exploding air and took away the insect-type ghouls that were running towards him, but in the meantime, Nickel, who had approached him using materialization, cut off his head with a single sword.

‘Even when I think about it, it’s cowardly.’

Still, the number of opponents was greater, so maybe it wasn’t so cowardly?

Thinking nonsense, I crushed the remaining insects to death.

Lanox had a lot of affection for the bugs he created, but he might be sobbing and vomiting blood right now.

“Da, what the hell are you…” … .”

The Pyokin people looked on with blank expressions as they watched me and my undead cleanly crush the enemies.

How about killing one more person during that time? There’s still quite a bit left.

* * *

Original Sin’s improved mana recovery was quite helpful.

After killing and summoning the bugs that crawled out, and killing and summoning them again about five times, it finally became quiet as if it was over.

Thanks to Nickel’s handling of the beetles in the beginning, none of the Pyoin people died.

I got hurt here and there, but compared to catching so many bugs, my feet felt like new blood.

“Are you saying we stopped this large number?”

“I’m so sick of it now. “I can’t wait to wash myself.”

“If we had known that we would stop it on our own, we wouldn’t have sent Jadbihon to the village.”

They didn’t even seem to care that I was summoning undead anymore.

Well, I survived thanks to you, but I guess it’s not my place to say anything.

‘Anyway, Lanox doesn’t even have a nose in sight.’

Are you crying inside?

Now I had to finish it, so I knocked hard on the tree where the barrier was placed.

Perhaps because I used too much mana, I didn’t have enough strength, so I bounced back like the first time, but Nickel shook his head and came next to me and swung his sword.


I was amazed when I saw the tree being cut down simply and neatly.

It certainly doesn’t seem to make much difference, so what’s the problem?

When the barrier was broken, the hidden scenery was revealed.

There, a huge tree that had not been seen was radiating a gloomy energy with a cave-like hole at its base.

“Is that where the main base is?”

From here on, I want to separate the Pyo people.

“It could be dangerous inside, so I’ll go in alone.”

“What do you mean? “We can’t send our village’s benefactor to death alone.”

Before I knew it, I was being treated with respect.

I appreciated the response, but politely declined it.

“Are you going to throw away the life I barely saved? There is no work. “If you’re feeling uneasy, don’t follow me and just wait here.”

When I pointed to Nickel and Timur standing next to me and said there was no problem, the Pyoin people eventually took a step back.

When I left the leopards behind and went to the base of the tree, as I had wanted, there were sticky body fluids everywhere and bug monsters that looked like babies were running away.

‘I guess this is Lannox’s dungeon.’

I don’t know when they moved, but judging by their condition, it looks like they’ve been staying here for quite some time.

Why did they suddenly attack the Pyoin people after keeping quiet for so long?

I fended off attacks by small insects with Nickel and Timur and entered deep into the dungeon.

Then, the corpses of all kinds of monsters and beasts, as well as the corpses of humans and other races, began to appear there.

Upon quick inspection, it appears that they were using corpses to raise bugs.

‘Did they attack the leopards because they ran out of game?’

It didn’t matter the reason.

It has nothing to do with me.

My goal was simply to get Lanox out early, who would become an obstacle later.

“hey. “Where are you hiding?”

The base of the tree was tangled like a maze.

I kept going, trusting Timur’s sense of smell, but I was worried that he might run away.

While walking for a while and using Mana Detect every now and then, I finally caught sight of him.

I ran without hiding my smile.

Like other summoners, Lannox’s main attack power was 0, so there was no danger as long as he killed most of the insects.

“You were here?”

“Who the hell are you! “Why are you attacking me, a fellow warlock!”

Lanox, who had a wrinkled appearance, looked at me and shouted as if he was being unfairly treated.

I covered my face with a mask and approached him holding a sword.

“Are you sure you belong to the rally? Are you here to retaliate for delaying signing up?”

“what. “Aren’t you part of the rally?”

I naturally thought Lannox was part of the coven, but I guess he hadn’t joined yet.

And Lannox was rather surprised by my question.

“Aren’t you from the meeting?”

At that moment, I felt an unknown energy inside my body and a message appeared.

[‘Pure original sin’ feels the power of ‘charitable greed.’]


Suddenly here?

Is it because I have original sin?

I instinctively noticed that among the items owned by Lannox, there were items related to the Page of Greed.

I asked one last question before killing him.

“Who gave permission to join the meeting?”

“What on earth are you talking about? “If it’s not a rally, what is your identity?”

“Just answer the question. “Before I kill you.”

“I think it was called Hagel. “Please save me.”

Has Hagel come this far?

I’m glad I didn’t run into him.

With my current skills, I would have lost to that guy.

‘He wasn’t at the last meeting, but he’s a warlock who boasts top-level skills.’

I got the answer I wanted and pointed my sword at him.

“Give away everything you have, here and now.”

“Ah, I understand.”

He started rummaging through his robes and throwing things on the floor.

I looked for any of them that were related to the page of greed, but the energy of greed still flowed from Lanox.

“This is it. “No more.”

“You’re lying.”



My shoulder was stabbed with a sword.

Then Lannox screamed and struggled.

“I get it! wait! “Please save me!”

Actually, I could have just killed him and taken it, but I held back because I wanted to find out where he got that item.

Soon, Lanox took out a blood-red gem from his chest.

‘That’s it.’

[Fragments of Charitable Greed]


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