Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits Chapter 156

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Episode 156 Warlock’s Trap

Adrias took out a potion from his pocket and immediately handed it to Diene and looked around.

Nick, who had already left no trace of Diene’s magic, was left with only the remnants of his magic, and only Malon, who had been cut by his sword a moment ago, was left lying there.

Dienne, who drank the potion, frowned as she touched the wound on her abdomen.

Cold sweat ran down my jaw line from the pain that was more intense than I imagined.

“Thank you for your help. “But why are you here?”

However, when I looked at Adrias casually and asked him what he was curious about, he answered while turning over Malone’s body.

“Due to a mana abnormality, my group members were scattered. So, while I was wandering through the maze alone, I felt a magic wave and ran straight away.”

I didn’t know if what he said was true, but I was fortunate because if it weren’t for him, I could have died.

Adrias stopped rummaging through Malone’s body, took out another potion, and gestured.

“The wound is deep. “Please stay still for now.”

Adrias approached Diene and examined her wounds.

The opponent stabbed him in the abdomen with a sharpened hand that changed its shape, but fortunately the wound was clean.

First, Adrias poured a lot of potion and made Dienne drink the remaining potion before laying her down.

“I don’t have time to stay here like this.”

“Diene doesn’t need to take this evaluation seriously anyway.”

“But the group members across the street… … .”

For a moment, the group members who went over first also wondered if this maze was a trap.

And once I started to have doubts, my thoughts turned to Adrias.



“Before entering the maze, you told me to be careful of the crew. “How on earth did you know?”

“I literally just told them to be careful. I had no idea something like this would happen. “Do you really think I said this knowing in advance?”

Adrias continued speaking bluntly while looking at the goblin’s door.

“It was just courtesy advice.”

“okay? Well, how can you know everything? Still, thanks for noticing it. Of course, I couldn’t stop them all.”

After those words, there was a moment of awkward silence.

Diene felt her wounds healing quickly and felt the need to move.

“Let’s go, Adrias.”

“Are you okay?”

“No, it’s not okay. “Still, escaping comes first.”

Dienne smiled bitterly.

“It would have been impossible without you, but I trust you.”

“All right.”

As Adrias and Dienne stood in front of the goblin’s door, a huge face opened its mouth.

-you… … You’re not a worker. Is it a sword?

The horned face stared intently at Adrias.

When Diene turned to Adrias at those inexplicable words, he was staring at the door with a stern face.

-Whose sword is it? A starving man would never have given a sword to a worker.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. knife? “Are you talking about this?”

When Adrias raised his sword to show it, the goblin laughed.

-under! under! under! After all, a worker is just a worker and knows nothing! After all, they are a race that lives only by working. For you, black is a luxury.

“You’ve been saying things I couldn’t understand since a while ago. “Are you causing trouble?”

-problem? I don’t have any problems with you. That worker can pass by, but there is no way for you.

Diene looked at the two back and forth with wide eyes, as she had never read in the literature a case where the goblin’s door refused to pose a problem.

Even though you were saying something incomprehensible earlier, you completely refused.

But looking at Adrias’ reaction, it seemed like he didn’t understand what the door was saying.

“You’re screwed.”


Adrias drew his sword.

Diene stopped his action as if he was going to break through with force.

“Adrias. no.”

As huge interests were at stake in the excavation of the ruins, the most powerful people within the empire gathered together.

At the time of the first excavation of this ‘Monet’s Maze’, a warlock-level wizard and an auror master participated.

And the literature left behind by the warlock who participated described the power of some traps.

“The data showed that Muto Kinane, the Auror Master who participated in the first excavation work, was unable to break through the goblin’s door with force and instead suffered serious injuries.”

“I know.”

Even though he said that, Adrias continued to stand with his sword raised, wondering what he was thinking.

After staring at the door for a while, he slowly opened his mouth.

“The fact that I have a sword means I can cut you too, right?”

-That’s foolish. Are you going to cut me down with a sword that hasn’t even been sharpened yet?

Adrias ignored the goblin’s words and looked at the system window that had appeared in the corner of his vision earlier.

[The guardian ‘Seed of God’s Death’ discovers the energy of God.]

[The energy of ‘the one with ten thousand faces’ has been discovered.]

[Suppression is possible.]

‘The sword… … Is it the seed of divine death?’

Monet’s maze is also one of the ancient ruins.

It was not revealed whether it was related to an ancient god, but Adrias was able to confirm that it was related through a message that appeared in his vision.


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“I’d like to try it out.”

[The protection ‘Seed of Divine Death’ is activated.]

[Temporarily suppresses divine energy.]

[Temporarily deteriorates the effectiveness of ‘The Man with the Only Face’.]

[Temporarily increased resistance from ‘The One with the Only Face’.]

[The blessing ‘Seed of Divine Death’ has gathered a trace.]

[Collect three more traces and a change will occur.]

“I wonder if I can really cut you down… … .”

It was famous that even the Auror Master could not penetrate it.

However, Adrias did not think that he could not break through because he lacked skills.

I just lacked tolerance for God.


The sword of Adrias cried.

When the Seed of Divine Death was activated, the goblin, whose complexion visibly worsened, opened its mouth.

-That’s foolish.

“Are you scared?”

Adrias, with one corner of his mouth raised, ran without hesitation.


Surprised, Diene tried to stop him, but it was too much for her injured body.

All I could do was look helplessly at Adrias, who soon crashed into the door.


Come on!

The door… … .

“I got cut… … .”

Diene was blankly judging the situation that occurred in front of her.

I had read a record that even the mercenary king Muto Kinane, famous as an Auror Master, could not make a dent.

Then what on earth does that mean?

“Nothing much.”

―Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr whilst at at at present.

The door poured out blood as if it were a living thing.

However, the color of the blood was black, as if it had been old and rotten.

-okay. Does it feel good to cut me?

The goblin, cut exactly in half, spoke even as blood poured out.

Adrias, who caught a cold glimpse of that figure, just quietly sheathed his sword and held out his hand to Diene.

“I’ll give you a piggyback ride.”


“Because it gets dirty.”

The floor was already a puddle of black blood.

But Diene, who did not want to act in such a manly manner, shook her head.

“There is magic, but what… … .”

“The wounds are getting worse. “You should refrain from using magic for a while.”

Adrias was forced to carry Diene on his back.

And then he jumped over the door that was split in half in one go.

-Every situation is shared here.

At that time, the face of a goblin that had not yet died spoke.

―What happened to me like this is also being shared in real time, hehehe.

“You’re talking too loudly about the maze. “Do you think I won’t be able to escape?”

-We have already been completely dismantled by workers like you. Yeah, I admit it. Our power is no longer what it used to be and we cannot stop you. If it were just us, you wouldn’t have any problems.

“Just us?”

Diene, who noticed something unnatural in Moon’s words, questioned.

Then the door giggled and continued.

-okay. Not only you but also other beings are here now. I came in a few days before you guys came.

“What is that?”

-Hehehe. Are you curious? Unfortunately, I don’t know either. All they know is that they are heterogeneous beings like us… … .

The door stopped working after those words.

Adrias caught a glimpse of the door that had stopped, leaving only a mystery to the end, and began to walk in silence, carrying Diene on his back.

“A strange entity? And the fact that it came a few days ago… … .”

“I don’t have a good feeling.”

“huh. It’s strange that something came in a few days before we were scheduled to see the evaluation. “It wouldn’t matter if it was just a lost monster coming in, but the probability of that happening would be low.”

Adrias’ expression also became serious.

Diene, who was riding on his back, could not see his expression, but he continued speaking.

“It seems like they were planning something outside because it was difficult to organize things inside the academy. Still, I said the professors would come in themselves if it was too late, so I’m not too worried… … .”

“For now, I will find a way out. “I don’t think it would be good to stay there for long.”


There were no other group members on the other side of the door.

There was only silence as I walked down the street, confused as to whether I had already left or whether I was in the same group in the first place.

Is it because of something that happened a little while ago?

Diene felt drowsiness coming on without her knowledge.

Normally, I would have been conscious, but my eyes closed due to an unknown sense of comfort and relief.

“Get some sleep. “I’ll wake you up.”

As she listened to Adrias’ faint voice, she leaned her head against his back.

* * *

After confirming that Diene was asleep, I was finally able to sigh.

I went out of my way to save her.

In fact, the statement that he broke up with his group members was a lie.

I tried to trust Dienne’s abilities, but I couldn’t hide my anxiety as I had a rough idea of ​​what was going to happen.

In the end, while walking with the same group members, I quietly escaped and moved to find Diene.

‘I feel sorry for my team members, but it was a good decision.’

Did you say that the value of life is equal?

Sorry, but not for me.

I was able to do this because I thought that even if all the students at the academy died, only the playables would survive.

In fact, if I hadn’t abandoned my group members, something serious could have happened.

‘Anyway, it’s a strange being… … .’

A variable has been created.

A situation that never existed in the game.

Or maybe it was in the game but I never encountered it.

‘I don’t know what it is, but it would be good to think about it.’

The first priority was to escape.

* * *

Two days have passed since I entered the maze.

In the meantime, Diene’s wounds had healed considerably, so I no longer had to carry her around.

“Why can’t I see anyone?”

“Either it’s bad luck or it’s good luck.”

Even in games, we sometimes ran into other groups.

Trouble may arise or cooperation may occur with Joe who meets him like that, but in the current situation, it would be better not to run into him.

There are people who admire me, including Diene and I, but there are probably also people who have a negative view of me. If Dienne and I were the only two, and one of us was injured, there was a high possibility that they would try to get us eliminated.

‘Because all of those things are combined and included in the evaluation.’

After walking for two days, I began to feel that the way out was getting closer.

I couldn’t help but feel it directly as the surrounding scenery was changing little by little.


Diene found something and let out a short sound.

As I was walking, I already felt like I was being popular, so I walked without showing any signs.

‘however… … .’

Why is everyone gathered together?

I saw a portal-like structure that seemed to be an escape route.

One thing that was unusual was the box in front of it with a strange pattern engraved on it.

“Diene! Adrias!”

The students who noticed our arrival looked at us with trembling eyes.

First, I asked to find out what was going on.

“What are you all doing here?”

“There is a trap in front of the exit. So no one can get out.”

Now I see there are a total of 9 students.

Are there two groups?

“Is that the trap?”

The student who answered Diene’s question nodded.

“Three people have already died.”


“Three people have already died because of that box.”

It’s a pain in the ass.

I looked at the box again.

It was my first time knowing that such a type of trap existed in Monet’s maze.

‘I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere… … .’

I feel a vague sense of déjà vu, so I think I’ve seen it in a game before.

However, the graphics in reality and in the game were different, so I couldn’t remember exactly.

“I don’t remember ever reading about a box like that, either in materials or literature. What exactly happened?”

“As you approach, you will find a box with the lid open… … “A monster pops out.”

A box that pops out when you approach it?

When I heard what was happening, I immediately realized what that box was.

It’s definitely not something that should be in this maze, but it’s here… … .

‘Chaos Mimic… … . ‘You targeted me.’

Since I knew who the owner was, I also knew what he was aiming for.

It happened just recently, and the butterfly effect occurred right away.

I guess that means I was that annoying.

“It doesn’t take damage from magic and doesn’t even flinch. No, I just feel like the mana itself isn’t working. Should I say it is absorbed?”

“If you can at least remove that thing, you can escape, but since magic doesn’t work, you can’t move it.”

“I’ll look into it with magic first.”

Diene stepped forward proudly.

As she stepped forward, the students cheered her on with hopeful eyes.

“thank god. “If Diene steps forward, it will be resolved quickly.”

“Evaluations don’t really matter anymore. “Please just let me out, please!”

I knew what that thing was, but there was no clear solution, so I just watched.

It’s a bonus that I tense up thinking that I will step in and protect her if the situation arises.


The named staff ‘Roar of Dawn’ in her hand radiated light.

The space magic that was completed in one go was used on the box blocking the exit.


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