Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits Chapter 262

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The strongest necromancer with evolution characteristics (262)

One who whispers rotten hope

A horrifying feast of will.

It was a huge tsunami that the criminal could not handle.


Those who were still standing began to collapse.

A tongue that reduced humans to insignificant beings with just one word of will.

But that wasn’t the end.

[“Can I eat it? Can I eat it? Can I eat it? Can I eat it? Can I eat it? Can I eat it?”]

The constant clash of wills, as if they wanted answers, soon drove the weakest to death.


The head of one of the fallen figures exploded.

The scattered blood and flesh melted into the black earth.


Garnet widened her eyes and used the technique.

Emotions turned into colorful technologies and enveloped people.

“Mirva, please help me.”

“Oh, I understand… … .”

Mirva’s expression was ruined.

A gigantic will that affects even non-living immortals.

However, Mirva gritted her teeth and used the technique.

Ugh- Ugh-.

The spreading colorful light penetrated everyone, and no more victims appeared.

“Heo-eok, heo-eok.”

It was common for people to faint or vomit.

While everyone was rolling around on the floor in a miserable state, the only ones left standing were Immortal, Diene, Chagangjer, and Namgung Ilyoung.

“You don’t have to overdo it.”

Namgung Ilyoung spoke to Diene, who was shedding tears of blood as her blood vessels burst.

However, because she had no energy to speak, she could not do anything other than stand still.

“It’s terrible. “Even if I had accidentally heard a story about immortals, I would never have thought it would be like this.”

“What should we do now?”

Garnet, who was using the technique, asked with a tired expression.

Just blocking their will was draining a great deal of emotion, so their expressions showed that they couldn’t just endure like this.

“I have to leave it to luck.”

“… … okay.”

Those who remained conscious thought that Namgung Ilyoung might be able to find a breakthrough, but the answer was hopeless.

When the will was no longer able to invade, the tongue protruding from the crack in the egg shell cautiously approached.

The movement was like that of a snake chasing the scent of its prey.

“All I can do is swing my sword. “I don’t know if it will work.”

Namgung Ilyoung raised his sword and approached the tongue.

The tongue approached Namgung Ilyoung like an innocent child.


However, Namgung Ilyoung’s sword was swung mercilessly.


The tongue that touched the sword retracted.

He didn’t cower because of damage, but just looked surprised.


A deep furrow was carved between Namgung Ilyoung’s eyebrows.

“I expected it, but it was unreasonable.”

“Namgoong Ilyoung.”

Diene staggered closer.

She was wiping away bloody tears and holding out her wand.

“Please give me one more time to use space magic.”

“I think it’s possible.”

“You should try it.”

She started casting as soon as she spoke.

The scope is all people here.

But no one was expecting it.

As the magic had already been thwarted by strong will, the chances of success were felt to be slim.

[“ah… surprised… then… … Sunrise… … .”]

The will began to come back to me intermittently.

Mirva was already on her knees, and Garnet’s expression gradually hardened.

“I can’t hold on.”

Meanwhile, the black tongue was circling around as if it were looking at the liver.

Namgung Ilyoung followed that tongue with strange strides and was on guard.


The magic circle began to be drawn once again.

Unlike before, the magic circle made of mana flickered with a faint light, revealing an unstable appearance.


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[“eat… … .”]

The tongue flew out and Namgung Ilyoung’s sword struck back.

Slippery black saliva splattered and Namgung Ilyoung’s clothes corroded.

“That’s annoying.”

[“It looks delicious. delicious? see?”]

Garnet’s barrier was broken.

Diene’s magic wavered as her will began to be fully felt.


I began to finish casting, holding back my stomach’s regurgitation.

“Whoa, haha. “This one will be a little different.”

[“Let’s see. It’s a child.”]

The will that was only smiling expressed its will along with emotions that cannot be understood by humans.

If I were to be specific, it was a look of admiration and admiration.


The activated magic created a huge resonant sound.

Diene, who grew rapidly the more she was faced with a crisis, clearly revealed her genius.

An improved space magic based on the magic that failed a while ago.

A transparent membrane began to surround the area, blocking the will.

[“looks delicious! looks delicious?”]

[“ha ha ha! “That’s amazing.”]

As the admiring will was heard, people’s expressions began to brighten.

“Seo, was it successful?”

“If only I could get out of here right now, that would be great! please!”


At that moment, the transparent membrane created by magic burst like a soap bubble.

“iced coffee?”

Everyone’s expectations were dashed.

And Will laughed when he saw the reactions of those people.

[“Ha ha ha ha ha.”]

An atmosphere of despair covered the audience.

A feeling of extreme futility and the frustration of never being able to escape.

“Is it a failure?”

Namgung Ilyoung muttered without any hesitation.

However, Dienne shook her head as if it was not the case.



“I failed only halfway.”

Half? Isn’t that a failure?

Just as Namgung Ilyoung was wondering, Will intervened again.

[“I’ll give you a chance.”]

“Ki, chance?”

As the people who were still holding out were confused by the unexpected words, the black earth suddenly began to split and a road began to form.

“Uh, huh?”

People noticed the direction of the road that continued and looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

[“You can leave this tower now.”]

What exists at the end of the road is the exit.

There was a door there to return to the outside world.

[“It’s your last chance. What are you going to do?”]

With a strange laugh, my willpower weakened.

Thanks to this, people who felt much more comfortable looked at each other.

“iced coffee… … .”

“I-I’m going out!”

[“However, the number of people remaining inside will die as many as those leaving.”]

Those who were running stopped due to the sudden conditions.

But my worries only lasted for a moment, and I started running again.

“Oh, that!”

“it’s crazy? Are you planning to kill everyone?”

“If we stay here anyway, we’ll die! “Stop talking nonsense and just come out!”

The atmosphere began to gradually become bolder due to the quite persuasive words.

As soon as one person started to go, two and three soon joined.

“okay. We are the ones who will die if we stay here anyway. And the people who remain inside are as good as dead anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Come on, let’s get out quickly!”

Diene stood in front of those people.

“wait a minute. “If we all work together, we can all survive together.”

“Nonsense! Since earlier, only magic has failed, so why am I blocking the way!”

“Think calmly. Will they really let us go in peace? They are already living in such bizarre conditions. You need to calmly think again… … .”

“This bastard really!”

An elite climber from the Keires faction could not hold back his impatience and took out a weapon.

Diene couldn’t even think that he would attack her, so she couldn’t react and just looked at him.

“If you want to die so badly, I will kill you instead! die!”

The moment when a huge mace fell and Diene was in a hurry to cast magic.


Someone blocked Diene’s path and slashed with a mace.

He then mercilessly cut off the other person’s throat as well.



Everyone froze as they looked at the person falling down with a blood boiling sound.

“Who, who is it?”

“Where did it come from?”

A person who suddenly appears.

It was a knight in armor wearing a mask.

Sporting an unusual outfit, with a gi-like uniform attached over black armor like a cape, he shook the blood off his sword and put it back into its sheath.

“The masked prosecutor… … ?”

When Diene tilted her head, people had no choice but to stop due to the appearance of an unknown person.

“What a strange guy.”

Namgung Ilyoung, who was able to relax thanks to his tongue becoming quiet since the road was opened, muttered as he looked at the masked swordsman.

He immediately realized that although there was something heart-like beating in the center of the other person’s chest, it was not a living person.


Just as I was confused by the sudden appearance of the person, a scream erupted from afar.

When the people who had not yet crossed the street turned their heads, they saw that those who had run toward the exit first were being caught by something black.

“why! “You said you would save my life!”

Amidst the sorrowful cries, the will was heard.

[“Ha ha ha ha ha! The main seat was still. But that guy didn’t say he would save you either.”]

I wondered why the tongue was so quiet, but before I knew it, it was eating those approaching the exit.

Regardless of the egg’s location, only its tongue protruded from the black ground as if it were teleporting and entangled people.

People who touched the tongue melted and disappeared.


“Cha, I’d rather kill you! it hurts! it hurts!”

Every single one became a sacrifice to the tongue.

But no one thought to stop that tongue.

[“If we all go together at once, wouldn’t one person be able to escape?”]

People fell to the floor at the will that spoke as if mocking them.

I just looked back on life, realizing that Dienne was right.

“We are all going to die. “It’s over.”

“ha ha ha. Sipal. ha ha ha.”

Even the lively Khan and the proud Bethel of Caires fell silent and fell into despair.

The existence of transcendental wills was enough to bring them despair.


At that time, the masked swordsman who suddenly appeared moved.

He walked trotting over to the egg where the tongue had been summoned, and suddenly inserted his sword into the crack.

[“It hurts! It hurts!”]

A horrifying will was conveyed.

The storm of will once again pierced people’s minds and gave them an unbearable shock.



But the inspection of the mask did not stop.

Rather, he stabbed his sword once again and swung it around to attack his opponent.

“The attack works… … .”

Namgung Ilyoung watched with interest even though he was frowning due to a headache.

Even leaving aside the invisible will, that egg seemed to have a strategy.

“I don’t know what he’s doing, but it was helpful.”

Namgung Ilyoung began to move.

His tongue hurriedly returned to his movements and flicked away the masked swordsman.



“You seem to be able to resist these wills to some extent. I will take care of your tongue. “You keep attacking.”


The masked swordsman nodded as if he understood and began to move in earnest.

[“ha ha ha! “Have you forgotten that this seat exists?”]

As the two wills collided, Namgung Ilyoung’s new form shook.

Then, his tongue moved roughly as if he was angry and started destroying not only Namgung Ilyoung but also the surroundings.

[“it hurts! It hurts!”]

“Stop it!”

“Oh, no!”

The masked swordsman quickly stopped attacking and stepped back, picking Diene up and protecting her.

Diene, who was unconscious due to a clash of wills, just left her body to shake.



The armor began to crack and melt.

The tongue’s attack simultaneously caused a tremendous shock and blew away the masked swordsman holding Diene.


The sound of something breaking was heard.

Even in her dizzy state of mind, Diene barely opened her mouth to speak.

“Give up on me.”

However, the masked swordsman stood up as if he could not hear what was being said and picked Dienne up again.

Then he found a safe spot and avoided the glowing tongue.


“Uuuk, save me.”

The scene of Abi’s return continued.

By the time Namgung Ilyoung managed to catch up with Tongue, many people had already died and not much was left.

“Cannes… … .”

Chagangjer muttered as he held on to Khan’s body, whose lower body had melted away.

Cryson is already dead and gone a long time ago.

It was literally annihilation.

“It’s over now. “You don’t have to push yourself anymore.”

Even Dienne spoke to the masked swordsman in a tone of abandon.

But he still moved without answering.

“It’s over now! It’s useless in front of them… … !”

“It’s not over yet.”

A voice suddenly sounded.

Diene’s gaze slowly turned.

“Oh, Adrias? Yes, why are you here… … .”

Adrias Cromwell.

Vivian was not there.

One thing that is unique is the black crown worn on top of the head.

“I came to save you.”

A strange light shimmered in the corner of his eyes.


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