I was Reincarnated While Trying to Climb the Mountain Chapter 197

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Episode 197

Episode 197


The demon master’s head rolled on the ground.

An expression of not knowing what happened to him.

“… … !”

Atasia steps back with a surprised expression.

Jeron felt that the girl’s vitality had completely disappeared and he swung his sword at her.

The gray crescent moon stretched out and flew away.

Atasia hurriedly used holy magic, and a curtain of brilliant light appeared again.


A gray crescent moon cut through the veil of light.


Atasia let out a groan in pain.

Jeron frowned.

They tried to slit his throat, but ended up with a long stab wound on his forearm.

The curtain of light was stronger than I thought.

‘Behemoth’s summons is not far away.’

Until then, remove as many variables as possible.

Although the curtain of light was stronger than expected, it was not impossible to break. Just increase the cutting force. Jeron swung his sword once again. The more compressed blade flew towards Atasia’s neck.

This time, I will cut off your head for sure.

However, Atasia avoided the sword lecture by acting differently from Jeron’s expectations.

“… … her? “Can you avoid this by rolling forward?”

It was like that.

Atasia rolled forward at the same time as Jeron swung his sword. Not only that, but isn’t it a good idea to search through the demon mage’s chest and retrieve the evil god’s relics? The movements were quite agile. I heard he wasn’t a combat agent, but since he was an executive, he seemed to have some athletic ability.

‘We have to stop people from doing stupid things.’

Jeron’s hand was already moving. The long, extended sword was aimed at the nape of her neck. The intention was to pierce her at once and kill her. But she failed ridiculously this time too.

He lifted the evil spirit’s relic and blocked the sword river.

The sword bounced off and flew into the sky like a Suzaku.

“That’s not being cut?”

Jeron muttered with an annoyed expression.

Atasia wasn’t fine either. Her hand was torn and blood was flowing down. However, I am not confident that even if I attack with the sword, it will succeed. If the variables persist, it is not a coincidence. I did this because I was confident that I could prevent it.

Also, as if I had done some trick, my body suddenly became as heavy as wet cotton and my vision was blurry. My skin also tingles.

It was thought that it was probably a curse or poison.

‘Should I have come after hearing the information about the evil god’s relic?’

If I had come here after hearing what kind of abilities I had, things would have been different.

‘I don’t think you knew.’

Meyran intentionally omitted information. I thought maybe she was hoping for her idea of ​​a double coat.

‘Something like fireworks.’

I feel like I want to kick him in the face.

I erased miscellaneous thoughts and resisted what I didn’t know was a curse or a poison with my inner strength. It was pretty grueling and it took me a few seconds to push it all out.

Meanwhile, the undead woke up and surrounded the surroundings. Even if I didn’t know anything else, I felt like I knew what that wand’s power was.

‘It’s about summoning the undead and using them.’

Atasia, who had a few more seconds to spare, did not run away but ran to Behemoth’s summoning circle. To chase after her, she swung her sword wide and slaughtered all of her undead. She then stabbed her sword towards her back. A sword sharp as an awl pierced my leg.


Atasia screamed but didn’t stop. This is because the distance to the medium was close.

Jeron cut the sword hole that penetrated his leg sideways. The leg was cut off in half and was shaking. But it quickly regenerated and stuck.

At this point, it was no exaggeration to say that the enemies’ basic passive was regeneration.

Atasia arrived at the medium of the summoning circle and threw the evil god’s relic. Immediately afterwards, Jeron’s sword sliced ​​off both of her arms. Atasia collapsed, blood flowing down. She smiled faintly, thinking that she had achieved her goal.

The moment I lost consciousness, a big change occurred in the summoning circle.

Quad deud deuk-!

The capital city was shaken by a huge earthquake, and even the intact buildings began to collapse one by one. Eventually, the remains rose into the air, and the dead, including corpses, flew out of them and were absorbed into the summoning circle.

Atasia’s fallen body with both arms cut off also came to mind.

However, for some reason, instead of being absorbed into the summoning circle, new arms sprouted like Piccolo from ‘Draw

‘It’s a different entity.’

Jeron, who met our gaze, realized something.

The shell was Atasia, but the contents were something completely different.

At that moment, one thing came to mind.

Unlike saints, saints are incarnations or avatars born from the beginning to exercise influence on Middle Earth on behalf of God.

In other words, it was God’s medium.

However, it was impossible to believe that such an evil and vicious energy belonged to Solar, the god of the sun and humans.


A warning went off in my head.

At that moment, the shell named Atasia raised the corner of its mouth.


The summoning circle coalesced into a huge dark red light sphere. Then he was sucked into Atasia’s body. The 1m 60cm body gradually grew larger. The skin began to swell, turning black, and animal fur sprouted.

Jeron did not just sit back and watch the changes.

I pulled out the sword and threw it away in bunches.



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Of course, it disappeared without damaging even a single hair.

Nevertheless, he kept throwing sword strikes again and again.

[In vain… … .]

“You have to try to know that.”

[…] … !]

Jeron’s body standing on the ground became blurred. It appeared from behind ‘it’, which was Atasia. It was Lee Hyeong-hwanwi. A knife was placed on ‘it’’s back. His skin was impenetrable, as if surrounded by a protective barrier. A tremendous rebound force went through his hand and invaded his intestines, turning his insides. He held on and infused his energy. His sword cavity condensed and became as thin as a thin needle. You only need to make one small hole.

“good! Nero!”


Nero obediently followed Geron’s orders.

Darkness fell on Jerome’s sword and began to erode ‘it’.

‘It’ makes an expression as if it is embarrassed.

[Spirit of darkness?]

“okay. So, let’s go back to your world obediently.”

Jeron said with a wry smile.

at the same time.


A hole appeared in ‘it’s’ skin. It was really a very small hole. The molecules were so large that not even rainwater could penetrate them. However, if it can be absorbed through pores, penetration is possible.


I put all my energy into it.


‘It’s’ body swelled and exploded.

* * *

“oh my god… … .”

Mayen looked on with a fearful expression. Atasia’s body, floating in the air, became the medium through which the astral being descended. I thought it would be impossible to stop Behemoth’s summoning, but this was an unprecedented situation that went beyond that level.

“What happened?”

“Well, that…” … .”

Mayen didn’t know how to answer Erdin’s question.

It would be the same no matter who on the continent was here.

But the even more surprising sight was to come.

Jeron exploded the medium’s body like a firecracker. It was possible because the complete summoning had not yet occurred, but the opponent was an Astral being.

‘How strong is it?’

No matter where you go on the continent, Mayen is also among the powerful.

If you include the familiars he commands, it is possible to compare him to some of the strongest masters on the continent. However, he did not have the confidence to handle the scene unfolding before his eyes.

The level is wrong.

The level is different.

It’s so powerful that you wonder if it’s really a person.

Jeanne, who, like Erdin, did not fully understand the situation, lay down and muttered.

“what… … “I guess I got it done anyway.”


“huh? why?”

“It’s so careless to say things like that… … .”

Erdin felt his hair stand on end.

A terrible energy enveloped my whole body.

There was no one among these people who didn’t feel that.

“Ahhh… … Oh God… … !”

Logan looked at the sky with a despairing expression.

There, Jeron was dripping blood.

* * *

Jeron thought.

‘What happened?’

I stuck a knife into the body of ‘it’ and blew my energy into it, exploding it.

Boom like a firecracker! pop! I watched it explode.

I thought it was over.

I wasn’t letting my guard down.

In martial arts, existence was annihilated with what is called ‘simgeom’.

It was good up to that point.

Because the energy of ‘it’ disappeared quickly.

The problem came after that.

The energy of ‘it’ that had disappeared reappeared.

It was thicker and stronger.

It was more evil and vicious.

Torn bodies came together as if rewinding time. It was not as regenerative as the monsters or demon beasts I had encountered so far.

I rewound time ‘for real’.

Before my body exploded like a firecracker.

Before infusing my energy into it.

Before inserting the knife.

Finally, to the moment that appeared behind ‘it’.

Realizing the discomfort, I swung my sword again. However, ‘it’ calmly waved its hand away, as if shooing away a fly.

I lost consciousness with the shock of my whole body being crushed.

How much time has passed?

Not that long time passed.

‘Because my body is still falling.’

It was funny to think about every detail in this situation.

But it had to be done.

I poured all my energy into ‘it’, exploding its body like a firecracker.

Time really went back, but for some reason, my inner strength didn’t come back. It was in the condition after it was all used up. If you fall to the ground like this, your body will be crushed and you will die.

You have to gather your strength.

My whole body hurt, but it wasn’t difficult to gather strength during the fall. He reached the state of ‘harmony’ and achieved harmony with the world. As long as you don’t die, it is possible to accumulate strength in any situation or state.

Of course, if I was unconscious, I could not use my energy even though I had accumulated it, so it was the same as dying, but now I was slowly coming back to my senses.


As a handful of internal energy gathered, Jeron moved his body and regained his balance.

I used a mid-air step and landed without much impact.


“… … Don’t shout. “Because my head is pounding.”

Jeron’s head throbbed at the sound of Erdin’s shouting. He didn’t tell me not to come or to run away because he couldn’t help me. If ‘it’ puts its mind to it, it is possible to completely erase not only the capital but also several times its size from the world.

‘What should I do with this?’

My physical condition is also not good. It wasn’t just one or two bones broken. I vaguely feel that several ribs, collarbone, arms and legs are broken.

Broken bones will recover quickly, but the biggest problem was my strength.

I don’t have time to have breakfast.

‘Besides, Nero looks like he’s hurt a lot.’

The shiny black fur turned like a withered flower.

[It’s trivial… … … … Ganah. I’m okay… … .]

Nero repeatedly blurred out like noise on a television. I wondered if a guy who had never played a real role would finally be able to play his role, but I was completely wrong.

‘Actually, it’s because I’m not in a good condition.’

Nero’s bad condition means that Geron’s condition is also bad.

Spirits’ abilities vary depending on the spirit’s status.

In any case, it was clear that the situation was getting worst.

[You are an interesting person.]

“… … !”


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