Life of a Magic Academy Mage Chapter 1017

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Episode 1017

‘But you have to learn something from your enemies too.’

A good Einrogard student learns lessons even from his fiercest enemies.

Lee Han firmly resolved that when he encounters evil people in the future, he will try to kill them right away.

“I will try to trick them.”

“All right.”


Lee Han was slightly embarrassed when his fellow exploration team members so obediently gave permission.

I thought I would say it was too early or stop him.

“Are you okay? “If I make a mistake, everyone could be in danger…”

“Is that possible?”

“I trust you, Wizard.”

The members of the exploration team responded immediately as if asking what they were talking about. Alcicle, who was riding behind Lee Han, muttered in a pitiful voice.

“I saw Wardanaz in action on the way up here, and if there was anyone who was suspicious, he would have been disqualified from the exploration team in the first place due to intelligence issues…”

“…Please be quiet.”

* * *

“Something is strange.”

Kitharenanum looked around. The giant mixed-blood warrior asked as if he was bored.

“Are the monsters coming up again?”

“no. “Something different… ominous.”

“Try your fortune.”

At the warrior’s words, Kitharenanum made an annoyed expression.

“I am not that kind of wizard. “How many times do I have to tell you that a wizard cannot do everything?”

In fact, there were extremely rare wizards who were proficient in all schools of magic. Any wizard would have a weak spot, and for Kitharenanum, that was precognitive magic.

Rather than attempt low-accuracy predictions, the wizard chose to rest.


The wizard took out a small, animated human-shaped doll and burned it.

Although the liver was a human sacrifice, it was enough to restore mana and fill it with magic.

‘The remaining magic… I guess I’ll have to fill it with something more powerful. Just in case.’

Kitharenanum replaced the magic that made up his arm with a more powerful one.

This secret art, which condensed the magic itself into the form of the body, was Kitharenanum’s proud organ. Although it had the advantage of being able to cast powerful magic immediately and delicately, it also had the disadvantage of requiring preparation.

In preparation for any possible danger, Kitharenanum prepared additional human sacrifices. If a battle broke out, the plan was to sacrifice the remaining sacrifices to amplify the power of the magic.

“It is the enemy.”


Kitharenanum asked, surprised by the warrior’s words.

“How close did you get?”

“About fifty steps up the small stairs. “The vibrations are different from those of the monsters.”

“Do you think they’ll attack me?”

“well. “I don’t think there is any hostility, but the Empire’s leashed pets are so stupid…”

– Request negotiations!

The two exchanged glances. Kitharenanum immediately tried to cast the human sacrifice he had prepared.

Just then there was a disturbance.

Counter-magic, a technique used by wizards to understand and keep in check the magic of other wizards!



Kitharenanum was shocked when his human sacrifice was blocked by a wizard who had not yet revealed his face at the top of the stairs.


I couldn’t believe it.

Even if you showed someone casting magic in a face-to-face situation, counter-magic was never easy.

In order to accurately interfere with and disrupt someone else’s magic before it was even cast, a higher level of understanding was needed than the other person’s.

But now, at a distance so far that I can’t even see his face, I can’t believe he was able to successfully reverse magic with just the presence of magical power. Kitharenanum had goosebumps running down her spine.

“what? what’s the matter?”

“Among the exploration party… was there an archmage?”

“There was none.”

Kitharenanum searched for memories.

There were certainly no names to watch out for. It was something like a Pengelin family wizard or a Greenstone Magic Tower wizard…

Among them, there was a wizard at the level who could play around with his magic like this?

The magic criminal felt humiliation and fear rather than anger.

Just like when I faced Antagondals, another magic criminal and archmage, in person.

-Come to your senses. Wizard.

-Shut up! devil! You don’t even know how great this is.

At this level, the difference was almost enough for the other person to play with him.

It was a terrible shock to Kitharenanum, who was confident that, except for the Archmage, there would be no opponent among the relatively young wizards in the empire.

Kitharenanum could not have imagined that his opponent had already thoroughly practiced his vision of destroying the secret art of human sacrifice because he had already met several magic criminals.

* * *

“…Uh, did I choose wrong?”

“no. “You did well.”

Alcicle shook his head as Lee Han looked embarrassed.


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I couldn’t let the magic of human sacrifice go when I didn’t know what the other person would do. If you can stop it, it is absolutely right to do so.

“More than that, you managed to cast a counter-magic in this street?”

“The principal bullied me into learning it.”

“It’s worth knowing. “This semester must have been really difficult.”

“I learned it last year.”


Alcicle closed his beak. Meanwhile, he called out to the enemy first.

“What is the purpose! Now, dimension erosion has occurred and monsters are infesting this place. Are you saying we should die together? huh?”

‘I guess that guy is the warrior with giant blood mixed in.’

Thinking to himself, Alcicle revealed his name.

“I am Alcicle of the Pengerin family. Are there any other wizards nearby?”

“Alsicle of the Pengerin family… remember that.”

Kitharenanum gritted his teeth.

I will definitely avenge the frustration and humiliation I felt today.

“I admit it honestly. “I didn’t know you were such an outstanding wizard.”

“what? …no. “The one who stopped your human sacrifice magic was not me, but my junior here.”

At Alcicle’s words, the giant mixed-blood warrior and the magic criminal exchanged glances.

The warrior spoke right away.

“It’s a modification. “I’m trying to shake you up.”

-Don’t be fooled by such tricks.

“I know.”

Kitharenanum further raised the evaluation of Alcicle. He wasn’t an ordinary guy to try to shake things up in this situation.

Bashirmak felt nervous due to the tense confrontation. He didn’t know when the monsters would come.

“hey! Aren’t you spellcasters friendly with each other? Would you rather cooperate for a moment than fight in this situation? This wizard here is also from the Imperial School of Magic! “He could be your senior!”

“Speaking of nonsense…”

Kitharenanum frowned at the attitude of the half-breed giant warrior talking without knowing much, but the effect was very powerful.

Lee Han looked as if the sky had collapsed.

“Whoa, Wodanaz. calm down. “It’s not confirmed that he’s from Einrogard.”

Alcicle was embarrassed and whispered to Lee Han to calm him down. But it backfired.

“Alcicle, you honestly know that, right? So, you said it wasn’t Einrogard even though Einrogard’s name didn’t appear!”

“…Yes, but it’s not confirmed!”

Lee Han sighed deeply.

As a graduate of the same magic school, I felt ashamed and distressed, but now was not the time to be swayed by these feelings.

‘okay. ‘What does it matter whether the opponent is from Einrogard or not?’

As I lived from now on, I would encounter as many magical criminals from Einrogard as there were eggs in a basket, so I should not be swayed.

“Even if we are from the same Einroguard, there is nothing to be tolerated in this situation!”

“It’s Baldrogard.”


“It’s not Einrogaard, it’s Baldrogaard. I am from Baldrogard. Babies.”



There was an awkward and subtle silence between the three wizards. Only Bashirmac, who did not know the delicate culture of the order makers, was puzzled.

“What? What?”

“Shut up. What a bastard. “This is why I didn’t want to talk about it.”

The most irritating reaction when dealing with the Empire’s wizards was not hostility, contempt, or criticism.

It was that awkward and subtle reaction that came when I revealed that I was from Baldrogard.

And the reaction was especially severe among magicians from Einrogard.

-what? You’re from Baldrogard? But how did you become a magic criminal?

-Wow! It’s quite strong…! How can someone from Baldrogard use magic like this?

Even though he was bleeding profusely after losing the battle, the sight of him asking out of pure curiosity, ‘How can someone from Baldrogard use magic like this?’ left a deep scar on Kitharenanum’s pride.

Of course, pride was not limited to Kitharenanum.

“…the order-making bastard. Do you want to search? “At this distance, will you be able to use magic quickly, or will my fist pull out your tongue first?”

While the two were arguing pointlessly, Lee Han and Alcicle also had a pointless conversation.

“Are there criminals from Baldrogard too???”

“Of course it is… Are you saying that?”

“Oh, no. That’s right… I see. But… that’s right.”

‘I think he was more surprised than when the evil god worshiper attacked the palace.’

Lee Han shook his head to get out of shock.

In fact, it was natural that there were criminals from Baldrogard, and it was also natural that there were magic criminals among them.

…It’s because it’s not very accepted.

“Let’s think positively. Wardanaz. If he was from Einro Guard, he would have been a times more difficult enemy. “He is from Baldrogard, so we can deal with him like this.”

“It may seem comforting, and it may not seem like it.”

Fortunately, thanks to the noise-absorbing magic Alcicle had cast, their conversation was not heard by the other person.

If Kitharenanum had heard of it, it would have been a life-or-death attempt against the monster or something.

“I am willing to agree if it is a temporary cooperation!”

The two who were fighting stopped at Lee Han’s shout.


“okay. “You know that monsters are stronger than you think.”


Kitharenanum was about to agree, but something sparkled and he asked a question.

“for a moment. What did you guys touch? “If the monster stole something valuable…”

At first, I thought the monsters’ sudden change in priorities was because they found new, more appetizing prey.

But no matter how much I thought about it, I didn’t think they would have changed it just for that reason.

Cytarenum and Bashirmaek were also desirable prey.

“What do you mean?”

When Alcicle asked in confusion, Cytarenanum explained the phenomenon that had occurred earlier.

‘I’m looking at them.’

If the exploration team members had stolen and secured the monster’s eggs, they had to steal them again.


“There was nothing like that, right?”

Of course, since there was nothing like that, Lee Han and Alcicle were confused.


Alcicle, like an excellent wizard, began to reason using only the given clues.

Lee Han cast a slightly expectant look at the appearance of a senior wizard who was always reliable.

“There is one possibility that comes to mind.”

“What are the possibilities?”

“There was a time when the phenomenon they experienced occurred. “If you think about it, it’s when we met the monsters.”

“Is there someone in our group who secretly stole a monster egg!?”

“…We moved together, but what happened? And it would have come a lot sooner if it had.”

“Then what is it?”

Alcicle stared at Lee Han.

If what that magic criminal said was true, there was only one thing that was most likely right now.

The monster is coveting Lee Han.

Considering Lee Han’s magical power, it was not surprising how Alcicle could completely guess the way of thinking of a guy from the void.

“You mean me? “He attacked me a lot, but I thought it was because he was acting so annoying…”

Lee Han reacted skeptically when told that a monster he had never met was coveting him.

Then the baby basilisk, which had been listening with bated breath, opened its mouth in a resolute manner.



-I think that’s right…!

“…Can I ask what you thought and whether you felt it was right?”


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