Life of a Magic Academy Mage Chapter 1058

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Episode 1058

‘That’s strange.’

Although the disciple had the personality of enjoying a dangerous battle with a strong enemy, there was definitely a sense of discomfort in doggedly pursuing an evil god cult that had nothing to do with it.

“It’s done! professor! “Go in and speak politely!”


Professor Boladi, who was deep in thought, looked up when he heard Gaynando’s shout.

And he looked faintly surprised.

Before we knew it, Gainando had dug a side road leading down to the underground fortress.

Looking to the side, I saw Gainando’s pride and most frequently used summon, Thorn Revenant, clearing the dirt with an arm transformed into a bone shovel.

It couldn’t have been in that form originally, so it was clear that Gainando had transformed the undead’s form on the spot.

“You managed to get through it.”

“yes? What?”

Gaynando tilted his head, not understanding what Professor Boladi meant.

“This passage.”

The underground fortress here was no small feat.

The thieves must have spent a lot of money, so the defenses of the passage and the hideout were quite strong and thick, but Gainando was able to break through them in such a short period of time.

It would be difficult just to transform the form of the undead…

“ah. I used corrosive poison. It’s originally a poison I use to take out trash… Wow. “Please don’t tell this to Lee Han!”

Gainando, who was explaining, realized it too late and hurriedly changed his mind.

When removing trash from the tower, you had to go far away and dispose of it properly, but if you thought it was annoying and dissolved it with poison, you would get a harsh beating on the back.

“I usually do it right, right? professor? professor?”

Gaynando tried to make an excuse, but Professor Boladi had already entered the passage.

* * *

“It might not be a good idea to summon a high-ranking spirit from an underground fortress like this.”

Lee Han said as he walked down the passage that suddenly became quiet.

In fact, it would be an insult to the thieves to simply describe the passage of the fortress as ‘quiet’.

The fortress passageway was completely destroyed.

Perkuntra, who had been summoned for a good reason for the first time in a long time, unleashed violence of joy in all directions.

They destroyed the passage’s machinery, swallowed traps, and sometimes ripped off bulkheads to cram the escaping thieves into a sealed room.

The apocalypse created by lightning devastated the underground fortress that had been maintained for a long time, but the bandits could do nothing.

I couldn’t even take out the scrolls, potions, or magic items I normally stored up for when fighting wizards. Perkuntra collapsed the passageway without giving him time to do so.

They dispersed to their designated locations and were unable to waste time or engage in persistent guerrilla warfare. When Perkuntra sensed that spirits were hiding, he locked them up without giving them a chance to come out.


Giselle didn’t respond and tried to concentrate.

If I started talking to Wardanaz, I felt like I would lose my concentration in an instant.

‘Let’s not let our guard down. Let’s not let down our guard. Let’s not let down our guard…’

When she saw the traces that the Spirit King had scratched like lightning, a whisper rose up in her heart, saying, ‘Isn’t it already over?’, but Giselle ignored the whisper.

“Uh… those crazy wizards. “What on earth made you attack me like this?”


And surprisingly, that focus was rewarded. A thief appeared at the end of the passage.

He was acting frantically, as if he had swam out of a tunnel. Her hair was a mess, and her clothes, which would have been quite expensive, were covered in mud and holes.

Only the eyes glowed vividly with shock, fear, and resentment.

“Look! Wodanaz! “There were bandits left!”

“…Moradi. “I don’t think I’ll like it that much…”

Lee Han was slightly embarrassed.

If Perkuntra swept by and a thief came out, wouldn’t it be a matter of panic?

Giselle, who was excited, belatedly lowered her voice and cleared her throat.

“I only pointed this out in case you let your guard down.”

‘I don’t think so.’

“But you don’t have to leave everything to me.”

Giselle clashed her swords together, causing frost.

I went in with a lot of difficulty, but my pride was hurt when I left everything to the Spirit King. No matter how much you help Wardanaz’s goal, you can’t just watch like a foolish prince.

“What’s your name?”

“I am Ibinta.”

“Ivinta? …Ivinta? Ironcloak Ivinta?!”

Giselle was surprised.


“About ten years ago… He was a famous wanted criminal back then. “I thought for sure he was dead.”

“I was hiding like this. “Neither the mouse nor the bird knows.”

Ivinta gritted her teeth as she answered. The current situation still felt like an unrealistic nightmare.

One second after the ruined village floor broke.

-intruder! It’s an intruder!

-Are they the ones wandering around earlier? Get rid of it!

When the intruder alarm went off, Ivinta gave an order angrily.

5 seconds after the ruined village floor collapsed.

-It looks like the intruder is stronger than you think! Looks like a battle wizard!

-Block the passage and activate the trap.

Ibinta didn’t pay much attention to the report that came soon after. Because it wasn’t a place that could be broken through with just one battle wizard.


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10 seconds after the ruined village floor collapsed.

-The roads have all been closed and the walls have been opened! We’ll bring in the new guys and take away their power!

-okay. Let’s take a look at the skills of the new guys.

Ivinta chuckled at the report that the passage she had paid a lot of money for from the dwarves was paying off. The trapped battle mages will have to deal with bandits coming from all directions.

…15 seconds after the ruined village floor collapsed.

-The fortress is falling!!!

-what? what? what???


Ivinta, who was drinking in a luxurious room at the bottom of the fortress, called out to her subordinate, but there was no reply.

Instead, the sound that came back was the sound of the entire fortress shaking and being torn apart.

Still, they did not give up and shouted and issued orders through the sound pipes connected to various parts of the fortress, but only an eerie silence returned.

Feeling sober, Ivinta immediately made a decision. He gave up everything he had, cast the magic contained in his cloak, and dug into the dirt.

“Isn’t it thanks to that cloak that you didn’t get caught? Moradi. That looks like an ancient relic. “The magic is quite unique.”

Lee Han whispered.

I wondered how he got up here without being caught by Perkuntra, but it was clear that he had swam up the land with the power of his cloak.

The magic that was even felt was a type of magic not seen in the Empire these days. If I had the chance, I wanted to analyze it myself.

“What are you whispering! “A surprise attack doesn’t work!”

Ivinta growled.

He guessed that the two battle wizards were planning a surprise attack.

However, as long as this cloak was present, the surprise attack did not work. Ivinta glared fiercely at the wizards.

‘…I shouldn’t tell you that Wardanaz was analyzing magic during this time.’

Giselle thought about provoking her opponent, but gave up.

Provoking too much more than necessary could have the opposite effect.

Moreover, the opponent had already been sufficiently provoked. Isn’t he the leader of the bandits whose fortress was destroyed in less than a minute?

“Is it because of him too? Kitharen anum? He shouldn’t have gotten that bastard…”

“what!? “Was Kitharenanum here?!”

This time Lee Han was surprised.

I never thought that the magic criminal who I thought would have died during the last void monster incident was still alive.

‘How on earth did you survive?’

“…You didn’t come because of Kitharenanum?”

Ivinta looked slightly more confused.

Of course I thought all this trouble was caused by Kitharenanum, right?

“I thought it was strange because there was high-level magic out there, but maybe it was Kitharenanum’s magic.”

“Then what on earth did you come here for?”

“I came to check on the worshipers of evil spirits.”


Ivinta couldn’t believe her ears.

There were many people who committed all kinds of crimes in this underground fortress and escaped, but among them, there was not a single one who worshiped evil spirits.

“That guy isn’t here? Who is he talking about? No, which denomination?”

“indeed. Is there anything? Well then, that’s a relief.”


At the other wizard’s answer, Ivinta came to a realization that felt like a cold icicle stuck to her spine.


…I don’t even know if it exists or not, so I made this mess just to check it out???

Ivinta’s face turned a full-blown shade of red. It seemed more understandable that he had come because of his old reputation or the suppression of a gang of thieves.

“Are you saying that!?”

“I didn’t know it was such a large group of thieves. “There was nothing I could do when it attacked me.”

Lee Han was confident.

Originally, I was only trying to check whether Professor Boladi was a worshiper of evil spirits while he was distracted for a moment, but it was the thieves here who escalated the matter.

Blood flowed from Ivinta’s mouth. Giselle thought that if her opponent continued like this, he would just collapse.

“…Then answer this too. “Why was I here talking to you when I couldn’t have run away?”

There was a flash of cunning in the voice of the leader of the bandits. Giselle flinched slightly at that feeling.

‘No… really…? It’ll be okay.’

In Giselle’s opinion, Wardanaz was never someone who could be pushed aside by cunning.

And the prediction was immediately correct.

Lee Han answered without much surprise.

“I guess he was waiting for the cloak’s power to return.”

I recognized the cloak’s magic type from afar, and there was no way I wouldn’t have known that it was recharging its power.

Ivinta was greatly embarrassed by the answer.

“You knew?”


“…Are you saying that even if your strength comes back, you can subdue it? bouncer. “The price of that arrogance…”

“no. “That’s not it.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Perkuntra burst through the dirt from underneath Ivinta.


As the spirit’s body made of lightning penetrated her body, Ivinta fell to the ground.

The wizard’s voice was faintly heard in Ivinta’s ears as she fell.

“I was also bringing back the spirits.”

I apologize. I was so excited that I went too far.

“No matter what, what if you go that far?”

‘The spirit… is still summoned…?’

Ivinta glanced at the battle mage with blurred vision.

I hadn’t noticed it before because I was so shocked that the fortress had been destroyed, but strangely enough, the guy’s features looked familiar.

Why do I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere before?

-To summarize, the problem is as follows. Food shortages due to pestilence and famine. A threatening force caused by a coalition of rebels and bandits. An army of monsters descended from the mountain range due to a runaway of magical energy. Since I can only stay in this world for two days, I have no choice but to solve them one by one. Send letters to each family and ask them to provide food. I’ll take care of the threatening forces and monster armies.


‘I remembered…!’

The incident that led Ibinta to leave .

At that time, Ivinta took advantage of the chaos caused by the southern eruption and infiltrated the imperial camp as a spy at the request of the rebels.

And at that time, I saw the Great Wizard for the first time in my life.

It was surprising to see how the southern families who had disobeyed him were roasted and boiled into obedient sheep, but the most surprising thing was…

In just half a day, the combined forces of rebels and bandits were wiped out and even the monster army was subdued.

-Distribute the remaining loot to the families as written in the ledger. In the case of Marcio and the Bicale family, they will be dissatisfied, so give them only half at first, and if they show dissatisfaction, then give them the original amount. The Laren family is a family that is thirsty for recognition from Prince Gonadaltes, so please deliver the prince’s handwritten letter of congratulations. It’s fake, but you won’t notice…

Ivinta made up her mind to see the horrifying sight of him returning without notice and ordering the imperial officials to clean up after him.

I will no longer remain in an organization that might clash with the Archmage!

The adventurers from were saying, ‘What’s so big about being an archmage?’, but Ivinta was completely discouraged.

As I remembered running away in a hurry, my identity as an archmage also came to mind.

He was clearly the eldest son and heir of a great noble family…

‘Wardanaz family…!!’

Ivinta fainted at that memory for the last time.

And then he muttered.

“If it’s the Wardanaz family… tell me in advance…!”



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