The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 578

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 578

Chapter 152: Balance (3)

The gods will emerge beyond Tavern’s walls.

The fact was immediately relayed to Gregory, who informed everyone in Frondier’s house.

“Taven… … !”

Arald cried out in surprise.

I found out where the gods would gather. However, on the contrary, the gods no longer need the process of ‘descent’.

All-out war was approaching.

However, Basileo, Glaucus, and Ajax tilted their heads.

“… …Where is the Tavern?”

“Oh, you guys don’t know. “It is a place in the northern part of the Palind continent.”

“Palind… … . Pierlot said he came from there too.”

So the three saw Pielot.

Pierlot is still sleeping.

He occasionally frowned or pulled his eyebrows together, making it seem like he was having a bad dream, but there was no sign of waking up yet.

“When will this guy wake up?”

“I know. “If gods appear on another continent, wouldn’t we have to move too?”

“Then what about that?”

Glaucus pointed to a place with his finger.

There was Mjolnir.

“Don’t you have to take that with you?”


Everyone looked at Mjolnir with troubled faces.

Aias tilted his head.

“Why didn’t Master Frondier take Mjolnir?”

“You didn’t have time for that, did you? There was something so sudden going on at the time.”

“But Senior Frontier told me to leave it alone.”

“Right. He left Mr. Aster behind too.”

That was when.


The sound of the wind was heard from afar.

When everyone looked out the window, a familiar face flew out of there.


He knocked on the window, opened it, and came inside.

“Aster has departed.”

It was Zodiac Ludovic.

Gregory saw that and sighed.

“Ludovic, if possible, go through the door.”

“Time is of the essence. I can’t help it.”

That’s true, but is it strange that I care about that now? Gregory asked himself a question.

“I saw an amazing sight. “The sea sank.”

“yes. “I heard the news too.”

Gregory relayed the news from the palace to Ludovic.

Ludovic nodded.

“Then shouldn’t we go straight to the Tavern?”

“Of course, those who need to go will have to go… … .”

Gregory said as he spoke and looked at Pielot.

Ludovic also turned his gaze in that direction and tilted his head.

“Why is this guy doing this?”

“I fell asleep. I think it was the work of Hypnos, the god of sleep.”

“I see. So this guy is the one who should be the first to go to the tavern.”

Ludovic said that and blinked as if he thought for a moment,

Jump and jump.

He walked over and put Pielot on his back.

“… … Mr. Ludovic?”

“Then I will take you.”

“her… … .”

Gregory was dumbfounded and looked at Ludovic for a moment.

I was about to question something, but then I thought, ‘Wait a minute, is this okay as is?’ I had a thought.

“Don’t worry. It’s not your first time. You’ll be fine.”

“… … Then I’ll leave it to you. But, have you not seen Lily-sama?”

Gregory asked.

Lia Lis was originally listening to the strategy together in this mansion, but along the way, she moved into the shadows.

My guess is that he moved into Ludovic’s shadow, but Ludovic returned alone.

“Oh, that guy.”

Ludovic nodded.

“It looks like he had something to do on the boat. “With Queenie.”

* * *


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It was Quinie who was most in danger when the sea began to sink.

The sea level began to drop with the earthquake. The waves crashed loudly.


The ship was heaving, and the spray from the strong waves surrounded the sailors on the deck.

The captain gave instructions.

“Set sails! We must escape from here at full speed,”


The person who blocked it was Queenie.

“Lower all sails! We don’t move from here!”

“Quinier! “If you stay still in these waves, your life is dead!”

“Look around!”

Quinier pointed across the sea.

“The water level is dropping. The waves are just a process. Waves don’t just happen here!”

“Well, that means… … ?”

“This is not a wave you can ‘get out of’!”

“That can’t be… … .”

“Do not worry! These waves won’t last forever! Give instructions to the ships behind you too! “Make sure all ships stay in their positions!”

Following Quinier’s instructions, all the ships lined up on the sea stopped in place and withstood the waves.

‘In the first place, we brought in ships with a low center of gravity to withstand the waves. ‘It won’t capsize in waves of this magnitude.’

Quinier’s thoughts were correct. Compared to the rapid receding water, the waves were just enough to cope with.

‘But the water is receding this much.’

It would be a sight that Queenie, no, the entire human race would see for the first time.

The sea level decreases. It was something I had never even imagined, but I was experiencing it on the sea.

A ship floating on the sea naturally sinks down with it, and the sea on either side sticks its tongue out above the deck as the water level drops violently.

The problem happened next.

“Mr. Quinie!”

The sailor approached urgently.

“The level of the sea is lowering, and it looks like the ship will soon touch the land!”

“… … The ship touches the ground… … ?”

Queenie blinked a few times at those words, then opened them wide.

She looked straight ahead at the front of the ship. The ship was still rocking back and forth with the waves, turning its head.

‘… … ‘Will this ship be able to stand properly the moment it touches the ground?’

Although there is a low probability, it is possible.

But if that doesn’t happen, the ship will tilt to one side. If that happens, considering the furniture, wood, and materials inside the ship.

‘The sailors are in danger! And this ship… …!’

Queenie took a deep breath.

“Everyone listen up─!”

A loud, resounding voice. Quinier conveyed the Auror’s apparition to the crew.

“Throw away all the cargo in the hold! Lighten the ship!”

The captain of the ship said to him.

“Qui, Quenier. The cargo is all shells and weapons. If you throw away all of that, there will be no way to resist the sea monsters.”

“The sea is sinking. They won’t come all the way to this land.”

“Even so, why are you abandoning the ship’s cargo?”

Quinie spread out her fan.

“Because this ship should never tilt.”

After speaking, Quinier focused his gaze on the bow of the ship.

On the deck tossed by the waves, Quinni just stood there, looking straight ahead.

‘… … Left, right… … .’

Meanwhile, the crew followed Quinier’s instructions and diligently threw the cargo overboard.

with a plop! slam!

While the sailors were frantically throwing away cargo, they heard an eerie sound.



Sounds that cannot be said to have been thrown into the water.

‘The ground is getting closer!’

The sound of cargo reaching the ground above the water level began to be heard.

at that time,


Quinn jumped to the right side of the ship.


The water, which had already reached its lowest level, lightly wet Quinie’s feet as she landed on the ground.

“Ha, I can’t believe the sea here was a few minutes ago and I didn’t know how many meters it would be!”

Queenie lets out a laugh and then looks at the ship she jumped off of in front of her.

The boat, completely drained and rocking,

As Quinie predicted, it started to lean towards her.

She put the hand holding the fan inside.

‘This ship weighs 80 tons. But you have to think about cargo and crew. The cargo may not have been removed yet, and the crew remains the same.’


While Quinier’s head is spinning, the boat gradually inclines towards Quinier.

‘The more you tilt, the harder it will be.’


Quinie’s hand gripped the fan with strength.




The dust and sand from the ship fall to the bottom and the ship gradually tilts. That’s when the crew’s screams began to be heard.

3 types of wind magic

Increased range, high pressure release, radiation

‘Giant’s Debt’

The fan wielded by Quinier throws a huge gust of wind towards the ship.


The ship stops tilting due to the wind and gradually begins to raise its head again.

The wind kept pushing. The boat completely lifted its head and then seemed to be going over to the other side.

Wow… … .

Squeak… … .


The wind died down and the ship came to a complete stand.

Exquisite power control that doesn’t tip over to either side.

“… … Phew… … .”

Quinie, exhausted, slumped down.

She took a moment to catch her breath and think.

‘Elodie said that she could send a ship forward and backward with the same magic.’


Queenie laughed. Another strange comparison was being made.

She saw the ship standing perfectly, not leaning in any direction, and the faces of the sailors who were safe.

“Well, this is just right for me. … … But the problem starts now.”

Queenie scratched her cheek as if she was troubled.

The boat lies on the ground.

I made a support bar behind me to prevent me from falling over.

Quinn immediately contacted the captain of the other ship.

“Yeah, Carl. How about you?”

Let’s find out the situation over the phone.

It seems that the ships that touched the ground were the one Quinie was on and the one closest to Palind. These two ships seemed to have sunk. The other ships felt like they were sinking, but they were still floating on the sea.

‘The ship near the continent of Palind, and this ship now, both hit the bottom… … In other words, this sudden drop in water level is something that happened all over the world.’

And the ship that touched land at Palind was fortunate enough to remain standing. The ship was buried in the fine sand and became a natural support. The situation was different from here, where the land was bare.

“good. “It was a little irregular, but somehow it maintained its shape.”

After saying that, Quinn looked back.

The row of ships she created, towards the beyond.

“You can’t be late, Aster.”

* * *

When the depth of the sea goes down.

“Ha, ha, ha… … !”

Finally, Aster has already arrived on the Palind continent.

Aster’s breathing became ragged as he ran across the continent.

It’s because of the recoil from the consecutive shots used.

Aster crossed the sea at an overwhelming speed compared to normal flight.

He gritted his teeth and muttered.

“I will definitely learn flying magic…” … !”


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