Solo Max-Level Newbie Chapter 615

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Episode 615. The Lotus of Brahma (2)


There is strength in abundance.

The unique ability of Brahma, the ‘Lotus of Brahma’, is what shows it as it is.


Jinhyuk dodged the falling flower petals with all his might.

The lotus flower, which has the power of ‘creation’ and ‘destruction’, had no idea what kind of ripple effect it would have upon contact.

But more dangerous than the petals themselves is the scent they give off.

It is said that you should never smell that scent because it has the property of causing a mental breakdown if you smell it even once.

[‘Cheonma Gunrimbo’ is activated!]

[‘Realm of Wind’ is activated!]


The flower petals scattered in all directions as the sacred and divine laws unfolded simultaneously.

It’s like spreading physical distance while also sending out scent.

“Hmm. That’s strange.”

Brahma appeared in the darkness with his arms folded.

It was a given that he would tilt his head and make a face of incomprehension.

“Obviously, this is the first time I’ve seen this ability… but the response is so perfect. It’s almost as if I knew it.”

“I studied mythology hard and accumulated a lot of miscellaneous knowledge. Do you like it?”

“Hahaha. How harsh. I meant it as a compliment. As a compliment.”

“If I praise you twice, I’ll feel like I don’t have enough lives even if I have ten. So… why did you create a 1:1 situation?”

“Before we fight, I wanted to see what kind of being you are. It was so amazing how you, a mere human, could control so many gods and change the landscape of the tower.”

That’s enough greetings.

For too long now, I have been stuck in the reality of standing still with other deities… .

Now, it seemed that I could finally feel the anticipation and excitement I had felt when I first entered the tower.

“It’s no fun to take out the enemy’s head on the first day. I’ll show you exactly what the myth of a thousand years is. So, with that hastily assembled force, try to stop it with all your might.”

“Hey. There’s no one who talks loudly who’s still alive a month later. Well, I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Jinhyuk and Brahma growled at each other.

With that, a mythical war began that would determine the fate of the tower.


In front of the West Temple.

Brahma appeared at the place where the great army of a thousand years was gathered.

“Did you have a nice walk?”

Indra, playing with lightning above a cloud, giggled.

“Yeah. Not bad for a first meeting. I got something out of it.”

“Haha. I’m glad you had a good time.”

It was when a warm conversation was going on.

Kumar, who had been watching, ran over and knelt down.

“No matter how many rascals they gather, they will be no match for the great gods of the millennium. Please leave it to me, Kumar, to end Kang Jinhyeok’s life!”

The larger the scale of the war, the greater the compensation afterward.

Kumar intended to use this opportunity to solidify his position.

“Ah…! You were here? I forgot… but now that you came out, I remembered. Come here. Hurry up.”

“Yes! Thank you… .”

A palm appeared before Kumar’s eyes as he raised his head with a bright smile.


Brahma grabbed Kumar’s face.

Before I could even react in a way that I couldn’t understand, a pain I had never felt before burned my entire body.


“Kuaaaaah! Kuaaaaah… .”

Kumar’s body was dried up and twisted alive.


“Why, why are you doing that?”

Deshmukh and the rest of the Gandhara rankers standing nearby screamed.

This is because they never expected that the god they trusted so strongly would attack their leader.

“It is unfortunate, but your imagination is too weak to sustain this war.”

It is true that it is a long-term piece that was carefully selected.

However, in any case, long-term horses are nothing more than consumables that are sacrificed for the greater good.

The role of the Gandhara Guild ends here.

Brahma, still smiling benevolently, absorbed the remaining energy in Kumar’s body.



Kumar’s body, which had become a mummy, was shattered.

“We’ll take care of maintaining the imaginary world ourselves. Just hand over the basics.”

Are you going to suffer if you rebel?

Should I just accept my fate and go relatively comfortably?

At least I’ll give you a chance to choose.




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There was a mixture of short, sharp screams and the giggling laughter of those watching.

And then a few seconds later… .

… … Everything became quiet as if nothing had happened.

[The 45th floor’s authority greatly enhances the world of the mind!]

[Barrier maintenance period 48H:59M:59S]


The golden waves spread out softly.

This has saved me plenty of time.

Right then.

A crack appeared in space.

[Multidimensional space travel has occurred.]

An unconscious old man with his whole body burned black and a young woman supporting him.

2 It was chicken and jj.

The strongest absolute beings in the Tower of Trials, which even the gods cannot arbitrarily enter, have appeared with their lives barely hanging on.

“Something… is wrong.”

Brahma’s usually relaxed face slightly distorted.

At least from Brahma’s perspective, it was unexpected that these two would get injured.

2 The chicken answered, panting.

“There was someone who had been interfering with our work for a long time. He attacked us.”

“You’re talking about the character called the Eagle Owl.”

“Yes. That’s him.”

“What happened to the covenant…?”

To Brahma’s question, the two chickens shook their heads.

“It’s impossible to do it in time. It will probably take a few more days before it can be restored.”

“That’s… a bit of annoying news.”

The activation of the covenant is a prerequisite for all plans.

Only the worst apocalypse could neutralize all obstacles.

“But the good news is… we managed to seal the owl. We blew it into the cracks of nothingness, so it won’t interfere with our work ever again.”

An eternal labyrinth that can only be accessed by knowing specific coordinates. If you enter it, you will never be able to escape on your own.

So we got rid of the most annoying operator… .

Even if the enforcement of the covenant is delayed, it is not entirely a loss.

“I heard that Kang Jin-hyeok also called in a large number of other forces. Is that okay?”

“You don’t have to worry about that part. We’ve decided to put our lives on the line for this.”

Brahma nodded to the side.

Then the soldiers lined up endlessly behind the temple raised their weapons.

“Woooooo!” “Ohhhh!”

A shout that shook the whole world.

It was a great force of hundreds of millions of troops that was difficult to count in numbers.

In the meantime, various deities and divine beasts from Indian mythology, including Garuda, revealed their fearsome presence.

An all-out war mobilizing all the myths and forces of the millennium.

“I’ll show you exactly how crazy it is to pick a fight in our own home territory.”

The strongest mythical force, which even the ancient dragons residing in the late 40s avoid in an all-out battle, began to move.


‘The board has gotten quite big.’

Jinhyuk recalled the battle with Brahma a little while ago.

He is the type of person who would be sad if he were told that he is second to none in terms of finding everything annoying.

That’s why it was expected that they would take a passive stance in this war as well.

But once I fought him, I realized how serious he was about this fight.

‘I’ll probably use every card I have.’

There was a high probability that they would even bring out ‘Asura’, which could be considered a double-edged sword for them, including the gods and divine beasts.

On the other hand.

Even if we summon a large number of deities, we cannot utilize Ellis, Cheon Yoo-seong, and Teresa.

To win the war, it was necessary to design the board a little more carefully.

“It’s a wall that we’ll have to overcome someday. We’re also in favor of fighting. But, do you have a plan? At least there’s no crazy guy on the 45th floor who’d pick a fight with Cheon-se.”

Cronus opened his mouth with his arms crossed.

He was an ancient god who started Olympus together, but after meeting Brahma, he showed a slightly intimidated appearance.

The rest of the gods also did not hide their nervous expressions.

“The opposing forces are powerful, but the problem is the troops they possess.”

“I agree. They have an absurdly elite force of not just ten thousand or a hundred thousand, but literally hundreds of millions.”

Artemis of Olympus and Loki of Northern Europe each spoke of what they knew.

The only myths that could be compared with just the sheer number of people were the Demon World and Eden… .

“Unfortunately, support from angels is difficult.”

“It’s the same for us. We’re friends who play on our own.”

From Gabriel and Beriel’s perspective, it was impossible to summon all the power of the two levels.

The civil war is still ongoing, and even if it weren’t for the civil war, the Demon World and Eden would have been at war.

If one side sent a large amount of support, the other side was sure to raid the empty house.

In the end, we have to decide the outcome with our current power… .

“First of all, the most important thing is to choose a commander. As you know, since we have gathered from so many different mythologies, we need one person with leadership and charisma who can command them all.”

In that moment, greed flashed across everyone’s eyes.

A leader who can lead these many myths!

How can I say I haven’t dreamed of something like this?

I’m talking about that thrilling imagination where everyone follows your every word without question.

“Of course… .”

“We, with our deep history…!”

“Oh my! What are you talking about?”

“A leader other than this body? That is impossible!”

Naturally, all myths raised their voices.

He gushed with fighting spirit, the veins in his neck pulsing as if he could never back down from this.

“… … Of course, I knew you all would feel that way, so I prepared a fair offer.”

Jinhyuk coughed and opened the scroll he had been keeping in his arms.

It was a fairly large scroll containing the names of each myth and the deities belonging to that myth.

“What is this?”

“From now on, I will be giving the ‘Well Done’ stamp to the factions that have achieved great feats in battle. The faction with the most stamps will become the leader. Of course, I plan to take on the role of temporary leader for a while so that there can be no vacancy during that time.”

For your information, the objection is dismissed.

If you want to know the recipe for a crown that doesn’t exist, you’ll have to crawl like a dog.

The gods grumbled, saying that if they were going to be dictators anyway, with faces that looked like they had eaten shit, why did they even talk about the leader?

But still, I didn’t give up a little hope.

If you build up that score little by little.

That later on, he would be able to take the position of ‘Emperor’.


How many hours passed like that?

While everyone was busy concentrating their energy.


A powerful explosion of magical power occurred about 300 meters away.


A long, long roar of a beast.

The waves spread out like thunder through the atmosphere.

“All kinds of mongrels have come together. If there is anyone who has the courage to fight me, come forward!”

It was Garuda, the returning monk, and the main deity ‘Rudra’ on his head.

Rudra, the god who controls wind and storms and also presides over hunting, possessed the power to be considered the forerunner of Shiva.

It means he is a perfect martial arts god.

And behind Rudra, there were about five hundred heavy armored soldiers lined up.

I don’t think they’re going to start an all-out war with just those numbers.

“Are you going to check my liver?”

Jinhyuk’s eyes narrowed.

Vanguard battles are usually important battles in war to gauge each other’s momentum.

Since even a small number can have a big impact on the outcome, it is common for both formations to send their most reliable cards.

Rudra must have thought that, considering all that, it was a worthwhile deck.


‘If it’s a battle of strength, this side is no pushover either.’

A rare opportunity to copy the abilities of the deities of the millennia.

I will suck the juice out of you thoroughly, without regard to means and methods.

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