Chronicles of the Demon Faction Chapter 868

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Side story 218. Dyeing (2)

The ordinary man blinked.

‘What is this guy?’

At first glance, he was a young man who wasn’t even thirty yet.

Of course, the common people did not ignore the other person because they looked young. There were many young people in the world, and especially when they cultivated their internal energy, there were many cases where they looked younger than their actual age.

‘Still, I’m pissed. But, well, I guess he spoke informally because he had some faith in me, right? That aside.’

The general looked the young man up and down.

‘Oh, look at this guy? He’s got a nice physique.’

With a height of over six feet and broad shoulders, he seemed like he would be considered a general wherever he went. Not only was he big, but his arms and legs were also long, so if he trained his external skills properly, he would be able to quickly achieve success in any martial arts technique.

The only thing that was strange was his expression.

‘There is no piece of wood like this one.’

The eyes were particularly strange. They were clear and deep, as if they had been covered with a well-processed glass, but strangely, they showed no emotion.

After looking the young man over for a while, Beom-sang shrugged and asked.


“I challenge you.”

When I asked who he was, he immediately said he wanted to take on the challenge.

There were so many omitted parts in the middle that it actually made the ordinary hesitate. Before judging whether this guy was normal or not, I felt the need to interpret the situation itself.

‘You recognized me right away? That means you know me, right? But you also know my name and my rank? And it looks like I’ve been waiting for you here… . . . ‘

The man’s mouth opened slightly.

“You’re challenging?”


“Are you really challenging me with your position as the 22nd Horse General at stake?”


The guards who were listening to the conversation were shocked.

The young man, Lee Cheon-sang, looked around the water gates and said.

“They will testify to the fact that it is a challenge. Furthermore, they can testify to everything from your acceptance to your rejection of the challenge.”

There were more than just water gates here. There were also many workers coming and going from the miners near the gate to the smaller gates far away.

Beom-sang, who was looking at Lee Cheon-sang with a bewildered expression, scratched his head.

“Uh, so… … .”

“… … .”

“Let’s play a game?”


“Are you talking to me right now?”

“Can we start right away?”

“No, that’s not it… … .”

“If you want to stick your tail in, then do so.”

The ordinary’s eyes became squinty.

It was a single word that made it impossible for him to ever pull out the card called “refusing a challenge.” In an instant, the anger that had risen to his head made Beom-sang feel the back of his neck getting hot.

Beom-sang, who was about to accept the challenge with a curse, hesitated as a thought occurred to him for a moment.

“But what is your name?”

“Lee Cheon-sang.”

“Lee Cheon-sang?”

I like it when the name is grand.

Beom-sang, who had been stroking his chin, soon opened his eyes wide.

“Lee Cheon-sang? That Lee Cheon-sang? The Lee Cheon-sang who was causing trouble in the civil war and then crawled under Elder Baekgol Shinma like a dog?”

It seemed like the perception was not good in many ways. Lee Cheon-sang nodded silently.


The ordinary person was speechless.

“The most famous person in the civil war is challenging me?”

“You don’t like it?”

“No, it’s not that I don’t like it or anything… … Hey, why do you want to become a horse master instead of living a life of luxury under Elder Baekgol?”

“It’s okay if Elder Baekgol is scared. We’re not friends anymore.”

“Aha? So what you’re saying is, since you were abandoned by Elder Baekgol and can’t stay in the civil war, you’re going to catch me and stay in the civil war, something like that?”

Maybe it’s because I’ve spent so much time on the job, but I seem to be quick-witted in that regard.

Lee Cheon-sang nodded.


Beomsang looked at Icheonsang with a sad look.

“As your senior, let me give you one piece of advice. Oh, I’m your senior, right? Anyway.”

“… … .”

“Do you know how humiliating it is to become a Seventy-Two Horseman? Look around right now. All the guys around here are weak and crippled, and yet they look at me with such hostile eyes.”

Lee Cheon-sang looked around.

The ordinary’s words were only half true. The eyes of the people who looked at the ordinary were certainly not kind, but it was not because the ordinary was a horseman.

The eyes of the minions were filled with hatred not for the existence of the horse but for ordinary individuals. It seemed as if they had caused trouble one way or another.

The ordinary man stroked his chin.

“Of course, if I get the chance, I plan on gouging out the eyes of all the guys who were glaring at me. In fact, I remember the faces of all the guys here right now.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the miners turned their heads in fright.

The corners of Beomsang’s mouth went up.

“Knowing that, you still want to challenge me?”


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“Think about it again. Not everyone who stays in the civil war gets promoted. I said that the Seventy-Two Horse Commanders are like the last line of defense. In reality, there are a lot of snakeheads who gave up their horse commander positions and went to the outer war as the chief or grand chief.”

“You talk a lot.”

“… … .”

“If you don’t accept it, I’ll leave now.”

Lee Cheon-sang turned around.

There was not a single moment of hesitation. The decisiveness surprised everyone.

“Hey, hey! Wait a minute!”

“Is this okay?”

“No, before you say yes or no… … By the way, if not me, are you going to challenge another horseman?”


“Uh, can I ask who you are?”

“It’s the twenty-first horse race.”

“… … !”

For a moment, Beomsang’s eyes became sharp.

“Would you like to sit on my head?”

“It seems that rank is important to you idiots.”

“… … .”

“If you want to have a ranking match, challenge it whenever you want. If possible, I recommend that you challenge it right after finishing the 21st horse race. If you challenge it when you are a little weak, it might increase your chances of winning by a little.”

It was a terrible provocation.

This provocation by Lee Cheon-sang was even more fatal because there were many people around him. Even the people around him were weaklings whom Beom-sang regarded as insects.

It was difficult to see life in the eyes of the ordinary people.

“Do you want to die?”

“If you have nothing more to do, crawl into a civil war.”


The ordinary man, who had cracked his fist fiercely, laughed wickedly.

“No way. I was prepared to accept it the moment I realized what your challenge meant.”

Lee Cheon-sang stopped walking.

“However, I have a suggestion.”

“What is it?”

“The winner will have the power of life and death over the loser.”

Lee Cheon-sang nodded.

“Okay. Let’s do that.”

“Huh! This guy seems to have lost all sense of reality after living while licking Elder Baekgol’s asshole. Do you think you can handle it?”

“The more timid a dog is, the better its barking skills are.”

“… … ?!”

“There is no other singer in the world who is as good as me.”

The smile on Beomsang’s face deepened.

“I can guarantee you that I won’t kill you. I’ll cut off all your limbs and put you in a pigsty. Don’t worry, I’ll handle you gently so you don’t die from excessive bleeding.”

“After removing the limbs, you go to the pigsty.”

Lee Cheon-sang nodded.

“I will do that for you.”

Beomsang chuckled.

“Where should we do it? I’m fine with it being here.”

Lee Cheon-sang said to one of the water gate guards.

“I need a witness, can you be one?”

The water gate was panicked. It didn’t seem like it would turn out well for them to get entangled in a life-or-death struggle between the masters.

Beomsang chuckled.

“Are you asking livestock to be your witnesses? What kind of witnesses are these guys?”

That was when.

“I will be a witness.”

The person who raised his hand was Mine, who looked the youngest among the water gatekeepers.

He was now in his mid-twenties and looked older than Yu Sang-cheon and Wi Chan. He had tanned, swarthy skin, distinct facial features, and a very good bone structure.

Lee Cheon-sang’s eyes sparkled.

‘You’re boneless.’

It was amazing. Just looking at his skeleton, it seemed like he was born with the talent to quickly learn any martial arts.

If we look at his physical talent alone, he was one level above Yu Sangcheon and Wei Chan. In addition, he must have been slacking off in his training, because both of his hands were covered in calluses.

Although he is good at handling spears and swords due to his special ability, it seems like it is a recommended skill.

‘You’ve mastered the Jinmagong.’

Lee Cheon-sang nodded.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Mokroe. I am the leader of one of the twelve guard groups of the external guards, belonging to the Guardian Court.”

Lee Cheon-sang’s eyes sparkled once again.

The school’s water gates, guards, and reconnaissance missions are all handled by the Guardians. Naturally, the young man named Mokrae had no choice but to belong to the Guardians.

However, even among the top organizations in the side story, if you were the leader of a group, it would be considered a considerable position. Since you are not a leader but a chief, if you worked your way up from the bottom, it would be considered a great feat.

Beomsang snickered.

“I don’t need witnesses, so I’ll just do that one. Do you know there’s a clause that says it doesn’t matter if there are one or two witnesses?”

“How old are you?”

The ordinary frowned. How dare he ignore his words and only look at the great master of the water gate? How shameless.

But he held on. Soon that expressionless face would be stained with tears and snot. Just imagining that made him feel better.

Mokroe’s eyes grew wide.

“Are you saying my age?”


“I’m twenty-four.”

“Since when have you been practicing martial arts?”

“… … I first got started seven years ago.”

Even Beomsangdo looked at Mokroe in surprise.

Lee Cheon-sang nodded.

“Very well. I will admit you as a witness. Is there a place nearby where we can fight?”

“There is a public training ground at Su-mun-il-dan. I will take you two there.”

Lee Cheon-sang looked at Beom-sang. Beom-sang shrugged his shoulders and agreed silently.

“Let’s go.”

Mokroe said to the water gatekeepers.

“The next guards will be coming. Make sure to hand over the duties and then step down.”


It was impressive that he responded so loudly to the words of a man much younger than him. It seemed that the military discipline was well-established.

So Mokroe guided the two people to the public training ground.

The area around the training ground was deserted. There were a few guards coming and going, but there wasn’t a single person actually practicing martial arts. That’s how busy they were.

Mokroe stood under the smokescreen.

“If you two are ready, then let’s get started. I will be here watching the fight.”

“Thank you.”


Lee Cheon-sang looked at Beom-sang.

Turning his neck here and there, Beomsang flicked his right arm slightly.


A fairly thick whip protruded from his right sleeve.

The whip was hidden somewhere on his body, and it was a whole chapter long. In addition, the tip of the whip was particularly sharp, and if you scratched it, it felt like the flesh would fly off.

“Shall we start right away?”

“good night.”


Yi Cheon-sang pulled out the Seven Night Sword. From the sword body to the sword body, it was all black, but it had a strange sheen.

The ordinary man smiled.

“I heard on the way. You said that Elder Baekgol gave you a piece of paper as a gift?”

“… … .”

“I heard that the sword resembles a skull, just like the nickname of Elder Baekgol. Where did you throw that sword away and pull out such a weak sword? Oh, did you take it?”

Lee Cheon-sang slowly raised his Chil-yado and aimed at Beom-sang.

Looking at his opponent who was speechless, Beom-sang spat on the floor of the training hall.

“That guy is really annoying. He must be having a bad time getting his arms and legs ripped off.”

Beomsang smiled and took a step forward.

“Okay, then… … .”

At that moment, a terrible gust of wind began to blow across Chilnyado.

Flash! Boom!

The floor of the smoke room was torn apart by the wind that poured down in a straight line.

“… … !!”

The face of the ordinary man who instinctively moved to the side to avoid harm turned slightly pale.


Lee Cheon-sang lowered his posture.

“You’re doing pretty well.”

“……이 개새끼가 느닷없이 칼을 날려?!”


The two men’s swords split the air.

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