Title: The Legend of the Northern Blade
Description: For decades, the brave warriors of the Northern Army fought to keep the world safe from the evil Silent Night. But when the fourth-generation leader, Jin Kwan-Ho is accused of colluding with the enemy, he is forced to disband the sect and commit su*cide to protect his son, Jin Mu-Won. With no family and allies left, Mu-Won leads a dreary life under close surveillance… until a surprise attack from the Silent Night gives him a chance to escape to the mountains. There, the young warrior trains to master the fighting techniques of his predecessors, before the mysterious disappearance of a loved one brings him back to the mainland. Follow Jin Mu-Won as he embarks on a journey to avenge his father’s death and take down the villains who threaten to plunge the world into darkness!
Alternate Names: 北剑江湖, 북검전기
Genre: Action Adventure Seinen Wuxia
Author(s): Woo-Gak, 우각
Status: 400 Chapters (Completed)
Original Publisher: Kakaopage
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