The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 159

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Immediately after entering the Trial of the Hero.

Unlike Ulan, who fell into the labyrinth from the first gate, Noah steadily solved the problem.

『That’s correct, visitor.』

『I allow you to go to the next gate.』

With the now familiar text, the eighty-fifth gate was wide open.

Noah walked on without saying a word.

There are two reasons why she was able to pass the ordeal so easily. One of them was thanks to the characteristics possessed by Noah Darshen.

‘Language mastery.’

The ability to understand and interpret all types of languages ​​that exist in the world.

Thanks to this, even though it is an ancient fairy script, it appears to be translated into Korean to Noah.

‘to the next… … .’

Noah has mastered the strategy for all of the warrior’s trials, except for the trials that Ulan went through.

In other words, for her, the current situation is like taking a test with all the answer sheets memorized.

It was the time when I was walking along the length and breadth without ever stopping.

Coo! Coo coo coo coo!

The entire space rang loudly.

It was a sudden vibration, but Noah didn’t panic. Rather, he calmly assessed the situation.

‘… … It looks like the battle has begun.’

Battle with Abyss Cultists.

The reason why Delia’s opponent could be concluded to be an Abyss worshiper was simple.

‘If the opponent was an Arch Lich… … .’

Because everyone except Delia, the trial challenger, was expelled. Noah, aware of the situation, briskly moved her steps.

‘I have to hurry.’

At the same time, he continued to create new talismans. The idea was to be prepared to enter the battlefield at any time.


About to let out a nervous sigh.

Noah has already succeeded in solving the 99th problem. Afterwards, the entire surrounding space was covered with fog.


The sight of moving to the library of stars.

After some time, when the fog cleared, a silver-haired girl was seen confronting the gray-robed wizards.


Looks like he’s cornered.

Noah scattered the amulets without hesitation.

It was the beginning of the battle.


Noah’s sudden appearance.

Delia looked surprised.

Because he was someone I never dreamed I would meet in a place like this.

“No, Noah?”

Delia asks with a puzzled face.

On the other hand, there was no change in Noah’s facial expression. Looking at her, who had already reached her, Delia asked as if she was still surprised.

“Why are you here?”

This is a question I had already expected.

So I prepared the answer in advance.

“I had an ominous dream.”

“If it’s a dream, is it a prophecy?”

“Yes, that’s why I came to help.”

Noah smiled brightly.

The moment I encountered the bright smile, my golden eyes wavered slightly. Afterwards, a surge of dark emotions filled her heart.

My vision suddenly became blurry.

Delia wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

“We also brought strong reinforcements.”

“Reinforcements… … ?”

“You know someone well.”

A confident smile bloomed on his lips.

Delia’s eyes grew bigger and bigger as she looked confident of victory. Because she thought there was only one reliable supporter.

“S-No way… … .”

“that’s right. Ulan also came.”

Ulan. The moment I heard that name, the fatigue weighing on my whole body disappeared. Instead, a strong sense of relief washed over me like a wave.

‘Ulan is here.’

To save me, not anyone else.

That fact alone made Delia jump with joy. At that time, she wiped the dew from her eyes and smiled happily.

Fuuuuuuu! Kwaaaaang!

A huge explosion swept through the hall.

A converting blow delivered by the Abyss worshipers.

But the surprise attack didn’t work. The defense shield that Noah had planned to create was so strong that it far exceeded their expectations.


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“There won’t be time for leisurely conversation.”

This is a battlefield. Noah took a deep breath and took out a blue glowing amulet. Then she handed it to Delia and said:

“Take this first.”

It was the magic department.

It is literally an amulet containing magical power and has the same efficacy as a magic potion.

“You know how to write, right?”

“Yes, I remember.”

Delia answered willingly.

It was also very easy to use. All I had to do was hold the amulet between my lips and breathe in.

As I was about to put the amulet in my mouth and start breathing, Noah blocked me as if guarding my path.

“I’ll buy as much time as possible, so let’s get it done in one big blow.”

Delia nodded silently.

After the role division was over, she immediately began preparing for higher-level magic. It was a 7-star star cluster magic, like a meteor shower.

Meanwhile, at that moment.

Did he instinctively realize that Delia’s magic was dangerous? The worshipers began to scream in fits of rage.

“Stop it now!”

“Don’t let the magic finish!”

“Kill the Star Witch!”

At that moment, Noah’s eyes shook.

There is only one reason.

This was because one of the Abyss worshipers called Delia the ‘Star Witch’.

‘How on earth… … ?’

That would be embarrassing.

This is because Delia gained the nickname Star Witch after she reached the level of an archmage.

‘But how do you already know?’

At that moment, a memory came to mind.

A question I realized before coming here.

The assumption was that the Abyss Cultist’s attack was carried out on the assumption that Delia knew in advance that she would be going through an ordeal.

‘If you put this all together… … .’

There are two guesses that can come to mind.

First, there is a possibility that there are beings in the Abyss camp who remember their past lives like Ulan.

And the other one is-.

‘There is a possibility that there are players over there as well.’

Noah’s face stiffened for a moment.

Of course, it’s still just a guess, but if either one is correct, things get complicated.

However, the time to worry did not last long.

“… … !”

The defense shield is about to be breached.

This is because, following the magic of the Abyss worshipers, the masked swordsman struck with his sword like crazy.

Noah barely came to his senses and hurriedly strengthened his defense shield and shook off all distracting thoughts.

‘For now, let’s fight.’

With all my might.

After making up his mind, Noah took out the amulet.

To be exact, it is a paper doll made by folding several amulets. It is a secret weapon that was diligently made while carrying Ulan on his back.

‘Sikshin (式神).’

It refers to a magical doll that contains the thoughts of a specific target in an amulet and works.

‘Originally, I wanted to make it with the thoughts of the swamp ruler or the frost demon dragon.’

Because the power of thought was so powerful, there was not enough time to work. So, in a hurry, I put other thoughts into the doll.

Originally, it was only possible to turn a person into a food spirit if the work had been properly completed, but this time, there was no need to do the work.

‘because… … .’

The thoughts that Noah turned into food spirits were the people who were killed by the Abyss worshipers.

Because it was the resignation of the Arpen Rangers.

Perhaps due to regret and resentment for not being able to complete the mission, the rangers cooperated obediently.


Starting with the paper doll burning.

Rangers with different shapes appeared one by one. They formed an orderly formation, retaining their appearance from when they were alive.

〔Protect the princess!〕

A voice of resignation delivered to Noah.

Although their souls had long since disappeared and only their thoughts remained, their loyalty to the royal family remained.

And so the battle resumed.

Crrrrr! Quaaaang!

A feast of all kinds of magic and magic.

The Star Library was caught up in the fight and collapsed, but no one cared. Both sides only fight for their own purposes.

And that moment.

I heard the voice I had been waiting for.

“… … Now, that’s enough.”

Delia with a noble look in her eyes.

Soon countless magic techniques were engraved in the air.

7-star star cluster magic. Noah, who examined the flow of magic power and the composition of the spell, figured out the identity of the magic.

『Extreme New Star』

A wide-area magic that strongly concentrates the magic power of stars and explodes them all at once, devastating the battlefield. Like the meteor shower, it was classified as strategic magic.

“Rain, damn it!”

“Everyone run back… … .”

Some worshipers who realized the seriousness of the situation tried to escape, but to no avail.

Because the explosion has already begun.


At that moment, the world changed.

Pure white starlight colored the battlefield, and a silent explosion engulfed the library.

As the goosebumps all over my body subsided, the starlight gave me back the vision that had been taken away from me.

And the results were terrible.

“oh my god… … .”

Dozens of worshipers disappeared.

The body turned into black charcoal without even leaving a trace.

There are only five worshipers left.

Even they were just remnants who barely survived by using forbidden magic.

The tide of war was literally turned in an instant.

But I couldn’t let down my guard.

Because the Masked Swordsman, more threatening than any other Abyss Cultist, was still alive and well.

‘I guess it’s still worth a try?’

Noah’s magical power remained more than half.

There are quite a few food spirits. If things continue like this, we can win without Ulan support.

The moment I thought that.


Suddenly the worshipers took out daggers.

what? Are you planning on engaging in close combat?

At the moment when a question arose, the worshipers pursed their lips with faces filled with joy.

“Ah, my master.”

“I offer you my blood and flesh.”

“Let the egg of the abyss hatch.”

It ended with an incomprehensible muttering.

The three worshipers simultaneously plunged their daggers into his heart.

“… … !”

An unexpected action.

Noah and Delia widened their eyes.

On the other hand, the worshipers who drove the sword into the heart laughed so unpleasantly that they vomited blood.

Some time after that.

The one remaining worshiper began chanting an unknown magic. After confirming the magic technique, Noah’s complexion immediately turned pale.

“We have to stop it now! Um, that… … !”

Even before Noah’s warning was over.

Delia has already taken action. It was because she felt an unusual power from her magic.

Soon, a thunderbolt of starlight fell towards the worshiper. But at that moment, an eerie sound of cutting struck my ear.


A being that stands in the way, as if protecting the worshiper.

He is a masked swordsman. He swung a sword wrapped in gray light and cut through the magic, and Delia twitched her eyebrows at this sight.

“… … “Auror?”

The only weapon that can cut magic is an auror-covered weapon. And using aurors meant that the target was a strong master.

‘No, that can’t be happening.’

But Noah denied this.

If that swordsman was really a master, Noah and Delia should have escaped long ago.

No matter how much the two girls are loved by Mana, they will not be able to offer any resistance within the Master’s ‘area’.

‘Then what is that Auror?’

If you could have used aurors in the first place, why didn’t you destroy the shield?

A time when I was frowning in a puzzled mood.

Finally, the worshiper’s ritual came to an end.

“For the hatching of the abyss.”

After muttering briefly, he took out a dagger and stabbed his heart like his other colleagues.

And that moment.

A violent earthquake shook the hall.

Coo coo coo coo!

Vibration so intense that you can’t control your body properly. Soon darkness fell on the floor.

It was a huge shadow.

The thing that was swimming around the surface of the bottom like a fish soon rose out.

Immediately, it opened its large mouth and swallowed the corpses of the worshipers.

Munch! Crack! Kwasik!

As the meal continued, the shadow took shape. It was a bizarre monster with the head of a pig, the body of a crocodile, and the fins of a fish.

At the same time, Noah’s face stiffened.

Because I knew what that was.

‘Arvik, the monster of the abyss!’

A monster so powerful that it is comparable to that of a circle.

It is a monster that normally exists in the form of an egg, but hatches and becomes active when certain conditions are met.

This condition is similar to forbidden magic.

Because all they had to do was offer up the blood, flesh, and soul of the wizards as food. Arvik, which was born in this way, is also called this.

‘… … ‘Magical predator.’

A monster that greedily eats magic.

It is truly the magician’s natural enemy.

Unless you are an archmage or a great sorcerer, magic cannot even make a scratch on your body.



The guy who finished eating turned his head.

Hungry eyes, as if looking at prey. Delia immediately unfolded a curtain of stars.

The intention was to block the attack with magic.

“Noah, come behind me.”

“No, Delia! damage!”

“what? why me… … .”

I asked back as if I was puzzled, but I couldn’t even continue speaking. Suddenly, her Noah grabbed her and rolled her onto the floor.

At that moment, Arvik kicked the ground.

Quagga-ga-ga-ga-ga! Quang!

With its mouth wide open, it swept across the area where Noah and Delia were with terrifying force. Like a huge wave crashing over the land.

A little while later, after Arvik passed.

There was nothing left there.

“… … !?”

The formation method that Noah created, as well as the shikigami and the star cluster’s curtain, worked as is.

Arvik started eating again with a mouth full of food, and Delia stuttered with a surprised look on her face.

“Well, what on earth is that?”

“As you can see, it’s a monster that eats magic.”

“Eating magic?”

Noah nodded silently.

Truly the worst situation.

If things continue like this, there is no chance of winning.

‘We have to come up with a plan.’

Before Arvik finished eating.

But no matter how much I think about it, I can’t come up with a sharp number. When I was frowning in frustration, I suddenly heard a voice mixed with mockery.

“This is absurd.”

The masked swordsman suddenly approached right in front of us.

He aimed his sword at Noah’s heart and spoke in an exasperated tone.

“I was wary of claiming to be the main character, but aren’t you a bit weak for a main character?”

The moment he spoke mockingly.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard along with vibration.

thud! thud! thud!

At first I thought it was Arvik trying to charge again, but that wasn’t the case. Because the sound was heard from much further away.

And the sound gradually gets closer.

Noah burst into laughter as he felt the rapidly approaching vibrations.

As if I realized its identity.

So I answered with a smile.

“You seem to be mistaken.”


“Is that so? “Have I ever said I was the main character?”

“What does that mean?”

The swordsman asks while tilting his head.

However, no answer came back.

This was because Arvik, who had finished eating, turned his head in this direction again.

“Well, anyway, the mission is over.”

Seeing the swordsman preparing for a second charge, the swordsman took a quick step back. This is so as not to get caught up in Arvik’s rush.

“Then goodbye, main character.”

The corners of the mouth beneath the mask twitched.

Obvious ridicule. He waved his hand lightly, and soon Arvik came running furiously.

The moment I was running and destroying everything.

Coo! Quarrrrrrr!

Suddenly, one wall collapsed.

Debris immediately hits Arvik. At that time, something hit him from beyond the wall.


It ended with a short scream of pain.

Arvik’s huge body floated up and fell into the corner. The swordsman’s face became as hard as stone at the unexpected surprise.

“What the hell happened…?” … .”

A time when I couldn’t control my embarrassed expression.

Suddenly, Noah’s voice was heard.

“how is it? “Am I right?”

“… … what?”

“I told you earlier. “It is said that the main character always appears last.”

Triumphant eyes and expression.

At the same time, Delia’s ears perked up.

Moisture formed in the eyes that looked beyond the collapsed wall. On the contrary, bright red eyes burned like fire in the cloudy dust.

“This is the emergence of the real protagonist.”

A man holding an ax in both hands.

Noah, who confirmed the appearance of the red-haired barbarian Ulan, smiled with a smile on his face.

To return the ridicule I received earlier.

Chapter 38 star witch


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