Absolute Sword Sense Chapter 263

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[Episode 86 Chase (3)]

Three years and eight months ago.

The first teacher who taught me was none other than a female Buddhist monk holding a lotus flower.

Among the teachers, there were two in particular who treated me harshly and harshly, and one of them was Master Ha.

Even though it was Master Ha, she couldn’t help but be surprised as she taught me.

[How do you know the Seoncheonshin technique?]

When asked how I accumulated the Seoncheonjin technique before the middle of the day, I told them that I learned the Seoncheonshin technique left behind by the Namcheon swordsman.

However, after briefly hearing about the fortune telling method of the Zen Heavenly Mind Method, she called it the Seoncheon Shimbeop fortune telling method.

In fact, I was surprised after hearing the operational structure she said.

[It seems that the man who left you the nine-pointed eye discovered the first half of Jeong Yo-hwan’s prosthetic eye that I left in the world.] [

First half?]

According to her, Jeong Yo-hwan’s prosthetic eye is the highest peak of suggestion.

Although she left this to shake off her lingering attachment to the world, she believed that this power was so dangerous that she divided the importance of Jeong Yo-hwan’s eye into the first half and the second half.

[Hmm. [It looks like you have no connection with me.]

Although she spoke bluntly, she gave me an interested look.

In any case, since she already knew the Seonwon Untechnique and had enough Seoncheonjin Qi before stopping, she tried to teach Jeong Yohwan Uian in earnest.

However, I also knew the structure of the second half of Jeong Yo-hwan’s plan.

This was because it was the same as the Hwanui Eye handed down from the Blood Beast Witch Han Baek-ha.


I still vividly remember Master Ha looking at me in bewilderment at that time.

With a brief flashback, I returned to reality.

‘Ho Jong-won?’

How can something like this happen?

It’s truly unique.

Although it is not refined, the name of this boy, who is said to be from Yunnan Province according to the basics of the name sword method, is Ho Jong-won.


At that time, the Namcheon Iron Sword flew out of the air and returned to my sheath.

At that sight, the boy named Ho Jong-won, whose blade was held by me, widened his eyes.

“The sword moves by itself?”

Even if you are a martial artist, it is very rare to see a sword like this.

No, it’s something I’ve never thought about seeing for the rest of my life.

Of course, this is a prison sentence, but in his eyes, it will only be seen as a sword.

-Woonhwi Who is this boy?

‘…He was from Yunnan Province and was called Ho Jong-won.’


Namcheoncheolgeom couldn’t help but be surprised at those words.

As expected, it seems to be a name that he knows.

‘Although he is clumsy, he even knows the basics of name-checking. ‘Do you know this name?’


Namcheoncheolgeom, who was sighing in amazement at my question, answered.

-Among the memorial tablets in the former owner’s home shrine, there is one called Hojongwon. I know him as the ancestor who is called the founder of Myeongseong Shingong.

The founder of Myeongseong Shingong?

Are you saying that this boy named Ho Jong-won is the beginning of Myeongseong Shin Gong?

Although I didn’t show it on the outside, I couldn’t help but feel surprised on the inside.

Who would have thought that we would meet the person called the rare Great Master who invented the method of using the Innate Qi of the Middle and Middle Battles?

-Then you are no different from the trend of thought.

As Sodamgeom said, he could be said to be a master.

It’s scary that it’s a true relationship.

Who would have known that we would connect with the past in this way?

-Just pretend you know.

‘…That’s unreasonable.’

Unlike Master Geomseon, who had a direct relationship with him and was like a sage who had detached himself from the world, the old school of thought was just an ordinary boy at the moment.

It was impossible to treat him like an elder and call him a disciple from the distant future.

It was right then.

Ho Jong-won suddenly let go of his sword and fell flat like lightning.

“What are you doing?”

“Great! “Please show me the way!”

“Do you want directions?”

“Didn’t the Grand Council tell you? “Even if there is no Danjeon, there is a way.”


Are you asking me to tell you how to stack up the middle and middle battles?

For a moment, I was dazed.

Could it be that I am the one who taught the ancestors of the Namcheon Swordsmen the Seonwon Untechnique, which can be said to be the origin of the Innate Mind Method?

Master Ha also said this.

The Seonwon Fortune Technique is definitely not a fortune technique that can be created by people in the world.

At that time, it was thought that the ancestor of the Namcheon Swordsmen was the Great Master.

‘…Could it be I was the one who told you this?’

Coincidentally, everything fell into place.



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From accidentally saving him from being taken prisoner to meeting him in despair after losing his sword, it was as if this was fate.

“Please open the way! Daehyup!”


Ho Jong-won said to me while hitting his forehead hard on the floor.

I could feel the desperation in that voice.

I, too, was devastated by the reality of losing my Danjeon and not being able to learn martial arts.

Perhaps that’s why I couldn’t help but be moved by Ho Jong-won’s appearance.

‘…Is it really fate?’

I felt strange.

I’m teaching the ancestors of Namcheon Swordsmen, from whom my martial arts skills can flow in the future.

But if you think about it, this might be right.

If I hadn’t saved him, he might have been taken prisoner and lost his life.

Maybe this too is natural.

I took a long breath and spoke to Ho Jong-won.

“good night. “I will open the way for you.”

“Are you sure?”

Hearing my words, Ho Jong-won raised his head with a brightened face.

Blood was flowing from his torn forehead.

How desperate would you have been to do something like that?

I looked northwest and said to the guy.

“But since I don’t have much time, I will teach you a way to build up energy by using Danjeon instead.”

I couldn’t tell them too much because the imperial army continued to advance and I had to wake up those who had passed out and find a way to infiltrate them.

If this boy is a great master who will create the Myeongseong Shingong using the middle and middle battles, I believe that he will be able to overcome it on his own just by knowing the structure of the Seonwon Luck Technique.

“thank you! “I will treat Daehyup as …….!”

I was so happy that I frowned at what he said.


I couldn’t hear part of what he said just now.

However, I know roughly what you were trying to say.

“I will tell you the rules, so please stand up and understand them.”

“All right. …… sir.”


what? Findd new 𝒔tories on nov/e(l)bin(.)com

Also, I couldn’t hear the last word.

The shape of his lips when he says something is strangely unrecognizable.

Even though I am seeing it with my own eyes.

-what’s the matter?


First of all, since I don’t have much time, I have to talk about the structure.

“I will sing it three times in a row, so listen carefully. Self-斃內攻 (Autistic Neigong) Gyeongwonmaekhyeon….”

Innate Simbeop can only be learned by abolishing internal energy on one’s own.

This is because it is intended to build vitality, not internal strength.

But the guy’s expression is strange.

“Why are you doing that?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t hear you at all. “Could you please say that again?”


I raised one eyebrow and asked the guy.

“You didn’t hear me?”

“yes. That’s right.”

After staring at Ho Jong-won, I spoke again about the provisions of the law of innate judgment.

“Autism Naegong, Gyeongwon Machyeon, Mujung Area…..”

But Ho Jong-won frowned and looked at me with an expression of incomprehension.

As I was continuing to talk about Gugyeol, the guy interrupted me as if he couldn’t stand it anymore.

“…You keep mouthing blankly, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You just keep your mouth shut?”

For a moment, I was speechless at his words.

I also couldn’t hear the title every time Ho Jong-won called me.

It seems like it is the same phenomenon.

‘No way…’

I sucked the Emperor’s sword that had fallen on the floor into empty water just in case.

Then he picked up a sword and tried to carve letters on the ground with the tip of the sword.

If you can’t hear your voice, shouldn’t you use a method that allows you to see it with your eyes?


It was the moment when I wrote a ruler on the floor and was about to use my lungs again.


At that moment, the hand spontaneously flew upward.


I couldn’t figure out how this happened.

My hand went up due to some strong repulsive force, but it felt completely different from aerodynamic force or such force.

“……sir? “Why are you doing that?”


I once again tried to carve lung letters on the floor.

But before I could write again, my hand flew up as if it were going to fly.


It was absurd for a moment.

It was as if something unknown was forcibly preventing me from informing Ho Jong-won of the structure of the law of innate judgment.

Starting with not being able to hear sound, I couldn’t even write.

Even though I was exerting strength with my 10-star attack power, my hands were shaking and I couldn’t touch the floor.

– Wow!

I gritted my teeth and tried to write, but my hand flew up.

It was completely different from manpower.

It was impossible to announce it in any way, as if it had never been established in the first place.

‘What the hell is this…’

I couldn’t figure out why that was.

Why can’t I just convey something?

At that time, Namcheoncheolgeom’s voice rang in my head.

-I think it made no sense in the first place. Unhui.

What are you talking about?

-Actually, I was going to say this earlier, but isn’t it strange that you, who learned the martial arts left behind by Jeon Ju-in, are now teaching martial arts to Jeon Ju-in’s ancestors?


-This feels like whether the chicken or the egg came first. No, it’s even weirder than that. Then, where on earth did the innate mind method you are trying to teach me or the innate mind method that you learned come from?


At that moment, I understood Namcheoncheolgeom’s words.

As he said, this couldn’t have happened in the first place.

There is no origin of martial arts, but I, a person from the future, teaches it in the past.

This is ultimately a contradiction in itself…!?

At that time, something passed through my mind.

I don’t know when, but I once asked Master Geomseon.

[When I asked Master’s bag, which I saw in the image, why he was sent back to his childhood, he did not give me any answer. Master, do you know the reason?]

[He was sent back to his childhood?]


Teacher gasped at that question and then said that

[Hehe. It is the contradiction of existence.]

[What do you mean by that?]

[Even if you are a true and intelligent person with a high degree of enlightenment, it is impossible to send someone back to their childhood.]

[Huh? Then how can I make a regression….]

[It is not a regression, but a contradiction of existence.]

I did not understand it at the time.

Master just said this to me.

[How can one being called you be established at the same time? It is a waste created by contradiction.]

I think I understand now.

I’m not exactly sure, but Master Geomseon’s wisdom sent me back to the past.

-What are you talking about?

I’m not taking you back to your childhood.

In the first place, the fact that my past self and my future self exist at the same time at the same time is a contradiction in itself.

Only my mind came to the past to establish a fact that could not exist.

-It’s not regression?

that’s right.

The truth is that only my spirit came to the past to prevent the contradiction of time.

Because my body was young at that time.


The more you know, the more mysterious it is.

Even if you can go against everything and go back and forth between the past, present, and future, this world adjusts so that it can somehow be established and contradictions do not arise.

This world seems to have flows and truths that humans cannot understand with their narrow insight and knowledge.

I feel like I know, but I also don’t seem to know.

“……sir? “Why are you doing this?”

I looked at Ho Jong-won blankly.

Just as it is the question of whether the chicken or the egg came first, I cannot teach him the innate mind law, which has no origin or who created it in the first place.

Since something that cannot be established cannot exist, it becomes an existential contradiction.

‘You have to touch what exists directly.’

After catching my breath, I spoke to Ho Jong-won.

“Don’t call me that.”


I can’t be a teacher to him.

That’s why I can’t hear him calling me teacher.

“…If you do that, I will…”

Ho Jong-won showed a look of disappointment.

He must have thought that I had given up on teaching.

So I looked towards the southwest and said:

“A famous nobleman left enlightenment at a shrine deep in the mountains somewhere in the southwest of Yunnan Province. “If I get it, I might be able to return to my life as a warrior.”


Ho Jong-won’s face, which had darkened at those words, brightened again.

“Is that true?”


This is the best I can do.

No, it may be a fate given to me.

In the first place, Ho Jong-won would not be able to create the Innate Mind Law or the Seonwon Luck Technique from scratch.

“Go. “If your path as a warrior is not interrupted, you will be able to find what the nobleman left behind.”


“I told you not to call me that.”

“I will call you Eunkong. “Unless you are a forbidden animal, you should repay the favor.”


It’s enough for you to be alive.

That way, in the future, I will learn the name shingong and the name sword method.

“It’s okay, if you want to live, just run away. “The imperial army will arrive soon.”

Ho Jong-won told me what I said.

“Isn’t the reason you told me to run away and stay here because you want to fight the imperial army?”

“That’s none of your concern….”

“Even though Lord Yin is strong in martial arts, how can he possibly deal with four of the world’s twelve greatest warriors?”

“The twelfth day of the world?”

It’s something of a grand title.

Is this perhaps an expression used to refer to top experts such as the Eight Great Masters or the Five Great Demons?

When I was puzzled, Ho Jong-won said indignantly.

“I guess you haven’t heard the rumors.”

It’s a contradiction, and I barely know anything about this era.

What do you really know about the Yan Dynasty?

Ho Jong-won continued speaking.

“Not long ago, Pagongwi Chosa, Snow White Myowol, Yang Myeongshin, and Fusan Seosaeng Noejang of the North Sea Ice Palace. “The news of them entering the palace spread widely.”

You can’t tell by just the nickname or the name.

At least, I don’t know if they are experts from where I was less than 50 years ago.

Looking at this completely unknown thing, it could definitely have been in the early days of the Yan Dynasty.

At that time, Ho Jong-won spoke in anger.

“shit! Who would have thought they would fall under the damn emperor? Those who are known as the Twelve Worlds of the World are taking the lead in the persecution of Wulin…” “

What? “Did you say it’s a persecution of Wulin?”

For a moment, I was astonished.

Moorim and Gwan have always had a conflicting relationship for a long time.

However, there was a time when I encountered the greatest conflict.

The worst time to stop the seed of the martial arts group was the persecution of the martial arts group.

“Eungong. Why are you surprised?”

“……Can you tell me what the emperor is called now?”

“How can you ask that…”

“Just answer the question.”

The guy was puzzled, but eventually answered.

“Isn’t it a golden prize?”

‘Golden prize!’

? Hanzhongwolya

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