Absolute Sword Sense Chapter 296

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[Episode 96: The Best Demon of All Time (2)]

“Blood Demon Lord Limbo!”

Those words from Jinju Eon Kwang-woon, the head of the family, spread like waves in no time.

They were confused by the sight of hundreds of fallen people.

Who would have imagined that so many people would fall in one go?

“You mean it was true?”

“The thing that brought down the Hundred and Eight Arhats…”


Seongwon Cho seems to have done a good job.

This is because the rumor reached their ears.

Even Jo Cheong-woon, who seemed like he would never give up, looked embarrassed.

This may be due to the judgment that numerical superiority is meaningless.

-It’s really useful. Jeongyo Hwan Ui-kyung.

I know.

There is no better method to intimidate the opponent.

However, if you defeat hundreds of people in this way, the consumption of Xian Tianjin Qi is enormous.

It’s not efficient to use it in succession, so you have to push your momentum when the enemies are confused.

I shouted with all my might.

“I’ll give you one last chance. This committee considers it meaningless to shed blood regardless of political affairs. “If you leave now, I will not take your life.”

My suggestion was more effective than before.

Even though it wasn’t the heads of the Munpa Bangpa, the martial arts federation’s executive ranks, ordinary warriors were visibly shaken.

It is natural that when something is shaken internally, it affects the higher-ups as well.

“Don’t be fooled! “It’s a cunning plan to shake up our true spirit!”

“It’s nonsense. He is also human. No matter how much strength you have, you defeated so many people…”

– Boom!

Before those words were finished, I stepped forward once again.

-dump! dump!

Then again, hundreds of warriors from the Murim League rolled their eyes and fainted.

I said with a sigh and a smile.

“What is this?”


Those who watch this scene will be amazed.

With just one advance, hundreds of people fell helplessly.

-Aren’t you overdoing it?

I need to make sure I do something.

Almost half of my innate energy has been used up, but I have to show this much.

You can tell just by looking at their reactions now, right?

As nearly a thousand people fainted due to the two advances, even the executives who were trying to raise the morale of the Federation’s warriors were speechless and unable to say anything.

Even the very upright Hyeongsan Ilgeom Jo Cheong-woon had a serious look on his face and seemed to be hesitating about what to do about this situation.

-Hi-Hi. It must be embarrassing. I don’t know if you can attack them in droves and kill them, but if you can’t and are wiped out, it would be a vain sacrifice.

It’s just as Sodamgeom said.

No matter how much sacrifice it requires, it can only be forced if there are results.

It was literally a dilemma for them.

If we retreat like this, we can reduce unnecessary sacrifices, but the entire 8,000-strong martial arts alliance will have been defeated in a confrontation with one blood demon.

What choice will you make?

Hyeongsan Ilgeom Cho Cheong-un clenched his teeth and then shouted.

“How can I trust your promise?”

These words made his choice visible.

He put aside his pride and chose to make fewer sacrifices.

“Do you think the person holding the sword has something to regret?”

At my arrogant words, Hyeongsan Ilgeom Jo Cheong-un glared with sharp eyes.

But then he let out a sigh mixed with lament and said.

“I trust that you will keep your promise befitting your reputation.”

“Jo Daehyeop!”

“Are you sure you want to follow the blood demon’s words?”

“No, it won’t happen!”

Naturally, there was severe opposition from executives.

Those who protest like that are afraid of the repercussions that will occur if they retreat like this.

It is so foolish to choose their own honor over the lives of so many people.

Jo Cheong-woon spoke to them as if he were angry.

“……Blood Demon, why do you think he came here alone? There is more to it than just his overwhelming capabilities. “You must step aside now.”

This wasn’t their intention, but it seems like they thought there was some plan.

Well, if I step aside in some way, I will have achieved my goal.

“Jo Daehyeop. “This is a matter where our reputation is at stake.”

Even Eon Gwang-woon of Jinju Eonga opposed this.

“That’s right. “You can’t back down.”

“If we retreat like this, we will lose the trust of the martial arts comrades who follow our clan.”

In response to the strong opposition, Cho Cheong-woon urged them.



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“Is it right to sacrifice half of the entire force and lose?”


The executives could not bear to open their mouths at Jo Cheong-un’s words.

It was pointed out that if a situation were to occur where all these people died, it would be a bigger blow than if they retreated.

It was Cho Cheong-un, the Hyeongsan Ilgeom, who judged the situation calmly.

However, in this situation, someone was seen driving a horse from the rear of the Wulin Alliance.


It was a real messenger of the Wulin Federation.

Cho Cheong-un and other executives could not hide their surprise at the appearance of the messenger.

The messenger who came ahead of the martial arts alliance’s strength could not hide his bewilderment when he found me and many fallen warriors.


But soon I found someone.

They were looking for the martial leader, but he was already dead.

Jo Cheong-un must have sent a message, and the messenger quickly approached him.

Because he was conscious of me as his enemy, he urgently conveyed something through telephony.


Cho Cheong-un, who heard this, frowned in embarrassment, then approached the executives and conveyed this to them one by one.

They, who had been at odds just a moment ago, looked at each other with serious faces.

I’m curious because it keeps happening like that.

-You just have to make it come out of your mouth.

That’s a good idea. Gẹtt the l𝒂test 𝒏𝒐v𝒆ls at 𝒏.o/(v)/e/l/bi𝒏(.)co𝒎

I snapped my fingers.

-Just right!

Then, one of the executives of the Murim League, who had been talking in full voice, suddenly opened his mouth and spoke.

“Why is Wussangseong heading towards the main gate…”

“And Munju!”


Surprised executives scolded him and he covered his mouth, but it was already too late.

I’ve already heard it.

The person named Moon-ju, who was caught by the police and accidentally leaked confidential information, was looked upon as a traitor, but it was none of my business.

-Did your father move?

If Musangseong moved, it must be his father, Jin Seongbaek, the Heartless Wind God.


It was clear that he had moved to help me.

The situation has already been resolved, but since my father is unaware of the situation, it seems that he stepped forward after hearing the news that blood cults were dangerous.

From the Moorim Federation’s perspective, this would be a surprise.

In a situation where half of the force is empty, the neutral force Musouxing is suddenly heading south.

I said with a grin.

“Danggeum’s Murim Alliance has many enemies.”


The executives of the Murim Federation let out loud groans at my provocation.

It was regrettable to withdraw from here, but it was a situation in which he had to hurry to check the warriors moving south.

Hyeongsan Ilgeom Cho Cheong-un hurriedly raised his hand and gave an order to the warriors of the Murim League.

“I will quickly return to my hometown.”


As soon as Jo Cheong-un’s order was given, the soldiers took care of the fainted colleagues to withdraw.

“for a moment.”


“Take it.”

As they tried to retreat after reorganizing their battle lines, I floated something in the air and slowly sent it to where the executives of the Wulin Federation were.

It was none other than the supply and demand of the leader Musangdo Jeongcheon.

Those who received this could not hide their surprise and puzzlement.


The enemy general’s supply was like a kind of trophy.

Moreover, since this war was invaded by them, they had nothing to say even if they complained about supply and demand.

Nevertheless, I returned the supply without further ado.

“You can’t insult the hero of your political faction even if you were an enemy. “Go back and give it to the bereaved family, and let the Murim Federation give it a respectful funeral.”

The executives of the Murim Federation sighed at my words.

I, the head of a blood religion that was accused of being a sect, would be embarrassed to show that my character is different.

Perhaps feeling the same way, Hyeongsan Ilgeom Cho Cheongwoon shook his head and muttered.

“……..It’s a humiliation for the martial arts faction.”

* * *

The southernmost part of Shaanxi Province.

Near Pingli County, which can be said to be the border of Hubei Province, the 10,000-strong force of Musang Province was confronting the forces of the Sichuan and Henan branches of the Wulin League.

The martial arts federation branch’s hastily gathered strength was only 3,000 strong, so they were able to break through them, but Mussangseong maintained the standoff for five days.

From the perspective of the Murim Federation branch, it was a tense and extremely frustrating situation.

At the front of the battle line of the Musou Castle, there was someone who was watching the situation with his back: Jin Seongbaek, the Heartless Wind God, the leader of the Fengyeong Eight Ryu Sects.

Ha Seong-woon, the head and father-in-law of Biwol Yeongjong, who was next to Jin Seong-baek, said.

“Will just confronting him like this help the child?”

“At the very least, we will be able to prevent the martial arts alliance’s entire power from being deployed to the blood religion.”

“Unhwi, I hope that the child arrives at Hyeolgyo safely by then.”

Although they were in the middle of nowhere, they were closely watching the movements of Jin Woon-hwi, their grandson and son.

Meanwhile, Jin Woon-hwi suddenly disappeared.

They were restless after being out of contact for seven months.

He went to Unhwi’s sister, So Yeong-yeong, and asked about his whereabouts, but even she didn’t know.

The only thing I knew was that the current leader of the blood cult was the deputy leader who was acting on behalf of Unhwi.

Meanwhile, Jin Seong-baek received information that the Murim League was carrying out a large-scale suppression of blood religions, and he pondered whether he should just watch it happen.

However, news came that a blood demon had appeared in the Shaolin Temple.

Accordingly, without hesitation, Jin Seongbaek led the entire force of Musangseong and headed south.

This was to buy time for his son to return to his clan.

Ha Sung-woon said with a deep sigh.

“I’m anxious.”

“So do i.”

“Isn’t Mu-sang-do Jeong-cheon an absolute expert who has surpassed the realm of superhumans?”

That was a concern.

Jin Seong-baek also had the same feelings as Ha Sung-woon.

I heard that Yu Dan-gang, the greatest blood-slayer of the blood religion, was killed in an attack by a murderous zealot.

Even if his son, Unhwi, arrived on time, he would have to compete with an absolute expert whom even he could not guarantee victory.


No matter how outstanding his son Unhwi’s military talent was, this enemy was on a different level.

In my heart, I wanted to go to the blood religion and help.

However, it was too difficult in terms of distance, and the best thing to do was to tie up the Martial Alliance.

“If something happens to that child, the martial arts league and the castle will come to an end from that day on.”

Because he understood his son-in-law’s feelings, Ha Sung-woon nodded and agreed.

They sacrificed a lot for the Murim Alliance.

I will never forgive you.

It was then.

“Lord Seong!”

Someone ran towards Jin Seong-baek, calling him Seongju.

Seven months after Jin Woon-hwi disappeared.

Meanwhile, it was Jin Seongbaek who joined hands with the Neptune Sect and brought all the sects to their knees.

Jin Seong-baek, who was appointed as the lord of a major castle in the sect union system, was now able to mobilize all the power of Musou Castle.

The person who ran to him was Seomungeuk, head of the Yupa group of Hyeongchang Moon.

“What’s going on?”

Ha Sung-woon felt anxious when he saw him running as if he had some urgent business to do, so he asked before Jin Seong-baek.

Seomungeuk said this.

“It is said that the main force of the Murim Alliance was defeated by the Blood Cult and retreated.”


Ha Sung-woon unconsciously lost his senses at those words and let out an exclamation.

Because it was the news I had been waiting for so long.


However, he soon regained his composure when he saw Seomun-geuk’s puzzled face.

The only people in Musou Province who still knew that Jin Yun-hui was the leader of the Blood Cult were their father-in-laws and sons-in-law.

Jin Seong-baek was also happy to hear this news, but asked without showing it.

“What happened to the blood demon, the leader of the blood religion?”

The most important thing was the news of my son.

Even if the Wulin Federation retreated, it would mean nothing if something happened to Unhwi.

“Don’t be surprised. “The entire martial forest is in chaos now.”

“What does that mean?”

“It is said that the current leader, Musangdo Jeongcheon, was defeated by the blood demon and is returning to the supply and demand.”


The two people were dumbfounded by those words from the preface.

They couldn’t help but be surprised when they heard that Jeong Cheon, who had overcome the wall of superhumanity, had died after being defeated by Jin Woon-hwi, their son and grandson.

“Hey son-in-law, I’m sure you didn’t hear it wrong, right?”

“……I think you heard correctly.”

Ha Sung-woon was like that, but Jin Seong-baek also couldn’t believe his ears.

Who is Musangdo Jeongcheon?

Wasn’t he the greatest thief of his time, boasted by the martial arts faction known for never being defeated?

It is said that he was defeated by no one else but his son Jin Woon-hwi.


Jin Seong-baek’s hand went into a fist without realizing it.

‘This guy…’

Even though he was his own son, he was a truly shocking monster.

It was enough to make me wonder what had happened in just seven months.

I told my father-in-law and son-in-law, who were so surprised, as if I was concerned about the preface play.

“It is said that there are already people who call blood demons the greatest demons of all time and gold. Instead of keeping the martial arts alliance in check, we may need to prevent the blood cult from growing any further.”

Hearing his words, Jin Seong-baek and Ha Seong-woon smiled strangely without saying a word.

Preface couldn’t figure out why they were laughing.

? Hanzhongwolya

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