Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 464

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2-133. Adults’ Duties


I was so shocked that I grabbed the knife handle. My grandson was about to be born.

After reporting the urgent news, Elizabeth sat down on her chair and began to catch her breath.

His face was soaked with sweat, showing how hard he had run.

“Isn’t it earlier than scheduled?”

“That’s right… hic, about two weeks….”

“Damn, I haven’t finished my paperwork yet.”

I clicked my tongue. The plan was ruined. Originally, I was planning to finish the manuscript by the due date and give the finished version to Lance.

“Whew… We have to hurry. The hospital contacted me and asked me to come as soon as possible because it was a difficult birth.”

“Okay. Let’s go.”

But I didn’t have time to worry about that. I prepared to leave in a hurry.

He put his sword on his waist and put on his coat properly. It took him more than twenty minutes to run from here to the hospital where Sechika was admitted. He was hurriedly tying up a bundle of manuscripts with leather straps.

“Hey! Eri!”

A loud shout echoed outside the window.

Light was knocking on the window. There was a sound like a beast growling somewhere. Elizabeth and I looked out almost simultaneously. Adesan was looking up at the room we were in.

“Hey, Unnie?!”

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows.

Adeshan was riding a strangely shaped vehicle. It had wheels on both sides, like a bicycle but much heavier. If I remember correctly, it was a motorcycle, a new product from DidiKan & Alibrihe Company that was released last month.

“get on!”

Adeshan shouted.

The helmet with goggles and the leather jacket looked great together.

I laughed as I lifted the dumbfounded Elizabeth onto my left shoulder.

“As expected, it’s hot.”

“Hey, wait a minute. Ronan… Whew!”

And I jumped off the balcony. As soon as I landed, I grabbed Adeshan with my right arm while sitting in the back seat. The motorcycle started off with a loud noise.

“Kyaaaaah! It’s falling! It’s falling!”

“If you stay quiet, it won’t fall.”

“If I die, the Dawn Tower will be finished! Save the people!”

Elizabeth screamed, flapping her legs.

She was still slung over my shoulder. The motorcycle crossed the street at a speed rivaling that of a ghost horse. Blue flames flickered from the exhaust. Adeshan’s black hair was blowing wildly in the wind.

He whistled with his cheek against her back.

“To kill.”

“Ahaha, are you okay? Ghost Horse has a different charm. Did you finish writing it well?”

“I left behind a manuscript, but it’s pretty readable.”

“That’s great. I want to read it soon too. I’ll speed things up a bit first!”

Adeshan pulled the throttle. There was a roar. The motorcycle accelerated rapidly and his head was thrown back. The speed was fast enough to blur the scenery, but Adeshan avoided all the obstacles with his exquisite driving skills.


Suddenly, I felt a presence above my head.

As we looked up, we saw Sita and Abel, the dreamcatcher, flying in the same direction as us.



The guys also seemed to be watching the birth of new life. Black and white trails were drawn in the sky. We soon arrived in front of the hospital, drawing skid marks. It was a ten-story building.

“Which floor is your ward on?”

“7th floor.”

I looked up. The side of the building was dyed red by the setting sun.

This was about right. Luckily, the window was open.

“It’ll be quicker to go to the window. Come here.”

“Haha, it’s been a while.”

“Okay, wait a minute···”

I jumped up, hugging the two women. There was no need for help. The moment I entered the window, my eyes met with the nurse’s and she dropped her chart.


“Sorry to startle you. Please get off.”

“Poetry, I have no heart left···my heart···.”

Erzsebet stumbled and landed. Adesan kissed my cheek. There were already crowds of people in front of the delivery room. The red-haired dwarf turned to me.

“Ronan, you’re here!”

“Nice to meet you, Asel. Where are Lance and Setchika?”

“Father, in the delivery room… the doctor said he would do his best, but….”

Axel’s voice was trembling. Like everyone else in the hallway, he was anxious about the difficult labor. He was a great man praised by the world as a great wizard, but in this view, he was just an ordinary parent.

Marja, who was standing next to me, shook her head.

“You came in through the window, after all. You’re still the same.”

“You opened it, Marya.”

“Of course. But how do you feel about becoming a grandfather soon?”

“That’s just it. Lance, there’s no need to resemble this kind of thing···.”

I burst out laughing. Just like me and Adeshan, Lanse and Setsika also sped off coolly. Fortunately, this happened after we graduated from Phileon Academy.

Marja laughed.

“Everything will be okay. Look at me, I gave birth to six children and I’m fine.”

“It seems like Axel isn’t feeling well.”


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“Hey, what do you think of the Archmage? We can do the seventh today, right?”

“Uh, uh… if Marja wants it.”

Axel shrugged.

Marja, who had been giggling, tapped my shoulder.

“Haa… thank you Ronan. I feel a little less tense now.”

“No problem.”

“Nothing will happen. It has to be that way.”

Marja bit her lower lip.

Her mouth was smiling, but her emerald eyes looked like they might burst into tears at any moment. I’ve always thought this, but she really can’t act. What parent wouldn’t be anxious about their eldest daughter giving birth?

Adeshan was trying to comfort her.

Suddenly, the door to the delivery room opened wide and a young man in blue walked out.



Everyone’s attention was drawn to my son, Lance. He was wearing strange clothes and a hat that he called a sterile suit, and he was retching. He barely raised his head and looked back and forth between me and Adeshan.

“···Father? Mother?”

“Lance. You still have hair left.”

He smiled, brushing back his bangs. Lance’s face was a mess, like someone who had been attacked by a group of vicious cat thieves. Scratches and pinch marks covered his head and neck. His sweaty hair was still held in place by Setchika.


“Why is this kid acting so disgusting?”

Suddenly, Lance came over, sobbing.

His face turned pale and he looked trembling, like a soldier who had just returned from battle.

Lance, who was out of breath, grabbed my hand.

“Three, Setchika is going to die, Father. Setchika is going to die.”

Marja and Asher gasped. I said nothing and just furrowed my brows. Just by looking at her expression, I could tell how hard Sechika was fighting.

Looks like a really stubborn kid is coming out.

After organizing what I wanted to say, I opened my mouth.

“Don’t die, Inma. Don’t you know that women are weak, but mothers are strong?”

“That, that.”

“And there are plenty of strong women who aren’t mothers. Look at Sister Nabirose or the Mother of Fire. They could blow your head off with just the strength of their thighs. In my opinion, Setchika is also in that category, so don’t worry.”

“I, I guess so. But it’s so hard… sob.”

Lance covered his face with his palm. I can understand his feelings.

Of course, the mother has the hardest time, but the husband who has to watch her from the side also has a lot of hardship.

I was racking my brain trying to figure out what I could say as a father.

Yeah, should I give him this manuscript and tell him to read it?

Suddenly, Sechika’s scream echoed from inside the delivery room.


“Secika! No!”

Lance turned around and ran out. The speed at which he returned was passable.

As soon as the door closed, a loud roar rang out.

“You scoundrel! Where did you go and leave me behind!”

“I, I’m sorry, Sechika. Your parents are here. Calm down for a bit…”

“Are you serious?! It’s all your fault that I’m in so much pain!”


This time, Lance’s scream rang out.

It was a sound like the soul being put into a threshing machine and turned. Asher covered his mouth with both hands. Adeshan poked his side, asking if he had done the same.

Looking at the condition, it seemed like I would have to wait a while longer.

While I was standing there blankly, I heard a dignified greeting from outside my field of vision.

“Uncle Ronan. It’s been a while.”

The pronunciation was noble. When I turned my gaze, there was a lady standing there with dark blue hair. She was so beautiful that I could mistake her for my older sister.

I shook his hand with a happy expression.

“Oh, Geomseong. Welcome.”

The current top swordsman of the empire. Aria de Grancia, the only daughter of Schlieffen and his older sister.

When he was young, he was so mischievous that you’d think he was a reincarnation of a monkey, but now he’s a full-fledged adult. Schlieffen and his older sister were sitting in the waiting room with anxious expressions.

Aria shook her head as if she was displeased after shaking hands.

“Nice to meet you. But I am not a blacksmith anymore.”


“Because I lost the swordsmanship match two months ago. You’re pouring salt on a painful wound.”

“What? Who dares to beat you? Sister Nabirose and Jaipa the old man have completely retired. As have I and your father.”


“Wow, that’s too much. Really. Are you really my biological father?”

As Aria was chattering away, someone hit me on the back. My head felt dizzy for a moment.


Spicy Snaps looked just like my mom.

My body was forced to turn around as someone grabbed my arm from behind.

The girl with snow-white hair pointed at herself with her thumb and shouted.

“I’m the swordsman! I’m the beautiful swordsman Erin who shook up the system!”

“I’m sorry, daughter. I’ve been really busy lately.”

I patted her head and apologized. It was Erin, my daughter and Lance’s younger sister.

Erin resembled her sister Aria in that she had the exact opposite hair color.

“No matter how busy you are, how could you forget that? Wow, now I understand why when I was little, my brother would whine and complain that his dad didn’t come to the entrance ceremony.”

“Strictly speaking, I didn’t know at all, so it’s not like I forgot. Haha.”


Erin bit my arm. I tried to comfort her with a fake scream. I was so absorbed in my writing that I didn’t even realize that my daughter had become a black widow.

‘It should have changed quite frequently.’

I was a little disappointed. I was surprised that another challenger, not Erin, had defeated Aria.

To begin with, I hadn’t even properly counted the two’s victories and defeats. It had been a long time since the Sword Mastery Match had changed into a fight between Erin and Aria.

Erin, who was linking arms with me, stuck out her tongue.

“We must quickly challenge and regain our position, Aria. Grancia’s name will cry.”

“Sister Erin. That’s an inappropriate expression for someone with a record of 3 wins and 7 losses.”

“Hehe, what do you want me to do? I’m the one who won in the end, right? You look so embarrassed~”


Aria laughed. Erin hid behind me as the air grew cold.

Schlieffen cleared his throat and tried to calm his daughter down.


“Okay, my lord. I know that too.”

This is a funny situation. It was several years ago. Lance had become a swordsman after much effort, but was immediately destroyed by Aria in the next match. Erin, who had rushed in to avenge her brother, defeated Aria in the third challenge. However, she lost again in the very next match.

‘At first, beating Aria was such a big news story.’

But Erin didn’t give up and pounced. That’s how the two became rivals.

The only person who could match Erin’s talent, who burned her sloth with her competitive spirit, was Aria.

From then on, Lance had no intention of getting involved and turned his attention to military science. Fortunately, Adeshan inherited his talent and was on the road to success.

A strangely proud smile came out of my mouth.

I stroked Aria and Erin’s heads at the same time.

“I think you guys are really great. You’re really great.”

“Hey, Uncle···!”

“Okay. Okay. Just keep stroking me like this for another hour or so. Maybe my merciful and beautiful daughter will forgive me for that?”

Aria blushed and Erin giggled.

My heart, which had been troubled by the difficult birth, seemed to calm down a little.

But that was only for a moment.

After about two hours, as night fell, Setchika and Ranse’s screams began to echo through the hallway again.



“···Sister Sechika.”

Aria clenched her fists. Erin had already been praying with her hands clasped together. To them, Setchika was like a real sister.

“Cheer up, Sechika…Cheer up.”

“No, that won’t work. I’ll go see a doctor.”

“Oh, it’s going to be okay, right? It’s really going to be okay, right, Unnie?”

“I heard that Sita is using blood magic to prevent excessive bleeding.”

Other people were also praying for a safe birth. It was a vulgar idea, but it was a truly precious prayer. Each and every one of them gathered here was a giant who moved the continent. It was by no means easy to make them all have one mind.

Five more hours passed like that.

“Ah …

This time, only Sechika’s screams were heard. No one laughed anymore.

The scheduled time had long passed. The sky was at its darkest during the day, and stars were shining. Something was wrong, and the number of medical staff entering the delivery room was increasing.

From over there in the corner, I could hear Marja sobbing softly.

“Ah, Axel…what should I do…my daughter….”

“It’ll be okay, Marya. It’ll be okay.”

She was crying, burying her face in Axel’s small shoulder.

Usually it’s the opposite, but in this rare instance, Asher was in the position of comforting.

It was about an hour ago. The doctor, who came over out of breath, asked me if I could save only one of the two, the mother or the baby, which one would I want to save?

Marja couldn’t answer, and Asher, with his eyes tightly shut, begged for Sechka to be saved.

No one came out of the delivery room after that.

Two more hours passed.


The hallway was silent. The eastern sky was beginning to lighten dimly.

Now Sechika’s screams were no longer heard. Marja had fallen asleep from crying too much.

Everyone was staying up all night with their eyes wide open.

“······That’s right.”

I was the same way. I had no idea the situation would become this serious. The memories of laughing and chatting just a few hours ago seemed like a distant dream. I wanted to go in and see what was going on, but the delivery room was strictly off-limits to outsiders.

I opened my mouth as I sat in the waiting room, tapping the handle of my knife.

“Come out now, kid.”

My eyes were fixed on the tightly closed delivery room. Of course, there was no answer. When I listened, the urgent voices of the medical staff were just talking about medical terms such as amniotic fluid and blood vessels. Even if I had a cesarean section, it wouldn’t be this bad.

“Don’t you feel sorry for Mom and Dad?”

Suddenly, that thought occurred to me.

The baby may have sensed in the womb that the world he was about to live in was not going to be easy. That he might lose his life to the disaster called Akasha that would come in the near future.

If that’s the case···.

“What are you so scared of that you don’t want to come out? Huh?”


Adeshan looked back at me. There were dark shadows under her eyes. I put down the hilt of my sword and took her hand.

“Don’t worry, just come out.”

And then he continued.

In a voice so small that even Adeshan couldn’t hear, but with clear sincerity.

I closed my eyes and swore.

“No matter what the future brings, I will definitely protect you.”

When a child is anxious, it is the adult’s role to reassure them. I have saved the world four times, so there is nothing I cannot do. I kept telling them that I will protect them, but this time, too, there was no answer.

It was around the time when a wicked glare was encroaching upon the hallway.

“wah wah!!”

A loud cry echoed through the hallway.

Everyone who was sitting suddenly got up from their seats.

The sound of thumping footsteps drew near, and the delivery room door opened.

The doctor, his face drenched in sweat, lowered his mask and shouted.

“Both mother and baby are healthy!!”

I don’t remember much about what happened right after that.

My vision became blurred and cheers erupted from all directions.

The world, soaked in tears, was shimmering with the color of the morning sun.

Academy’s Genius Swordsman Chapter 513

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