Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 365

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365. Join (8)

“Keuung, it’s Sakshin…” … .”

Seongjin, who was tossing and turning, let out a moan like an old man without realizing it.

I didn’t know about it because I haven’t had any diseases since I became a hunter, but fever is not something to be taken lightly. There is no part of her body that does not hurt.

[Sniff! Seongjin Lee. I am… … .]

Then, I heard the demon lord’s whimpers in my head.

‘It’s getting more and more embarrassing… … .’

Not only is he a problem, but the demon lord’s condition has been very strange lately.

Are you intimidated because it is the main palace filled with divine power? For some reason, he’s talking less and less, and he seems to be getting more and more depressed.

As I was anxiously assessing the Demon King’s condition, Masain was surprised again by how he perceived his troubled expression.

“Lowering. Are you sick again? “Hurry and lie down!”

“Uh, it’s okay. By the way, Lord Martha, isn’t it past time for lunch now?”

“… yes?”

“Could you give some to the chef? I really want to eat bear meat today… … .”

Then the color gradually drained from Masain’s face.

“just now… “You vomited all the watery soup you had for lunch, what are you talking about?!”

“huh? Did you throw up? When did I… … ?”

“omg! You are talking nonsense again with a high fever! lawmaker! lawmaker!”

“… “Huh?”

Now that I think about it, it feels like things are spinning in front of my eyes?


Fortunately, each time, Seonghwang recognized Seongjin as if he were a ghost and came to visit Seongjin. Sometimes, people would come running to me with documents in their hands that they were processing in a hurry.


After bathing in the waterfall of divine power, your body will feel refreshed and your mind will become clear.

Every time that happened, I felt sorry for Seonghwang again.

‘What a nuisance I am to a man who is already busy.’

When Seongjin was being treated like that, Logan and Sir Martha, who were by his side, were also often baptized with divine power. The king treated them as critically ill patients and ordered them to stay in a temporary treatment room.

Logan and Masaine looked very sorry each time.

“Abama. I’m fine now, so let’s get back to work… … .”

Unable to bear it any longer, Logan attempted a small deviation –


“Yes, Abama.”

“Which member of the imperial palace dared to tell you nonsense about your condition being fine?”

“yes? that… … .”

“… … .”

“that… … .”

In the end, Logan couldn’t bear it for long as Seonghwang’s gaze was staring at him, and he immediately gave up.

“… “I was wrong.”

“okay. “If only I knew.”


While Logan faced the pouring divine power with a resigned face, Seongjin was feeling fortunate inwardly.

It was good to have colleagues fighting the disease together. There was no need to spend time alone boringly, and sometimes it was fun to make fun of them.

“I want to train… … .”

Nevertheless, as he continued to be confined to the temporary treatment room, Seongjin’s feeling of frustration gradually increased. In particular, her biggest stress was that she could not practice as she wanted.

Masain, unable to see Seongjin who was so discouraged, spoke as if to comfort him.

“Don’t be impatient, sir. “Can’t you think of continuing to practice Auror binding for a while?”

“It was too easy to bind Aurors in the first place. “The training is not working.”

When Seongjin responds sullenly, Logan, who was meditating next to him, secretly notices.

“But living with an Auror tied up can be a great help in at least increasing your basic strength.”

“muscular strength?”

“Yes, it is.”

People who become Aurors early will naturally have Auras in their muscles from an early age. As a result, there are not many opportunities to train strength itself.

‘Now that I think about it, that’s true.’

Just looking at my father and Logan, they don’t have particularly prominent muscles.

On the other hand, what about Lord Martha, who became an Auror late in life? Even for a knight, he’s quite sturdy.

‘Maybe it’s worth a try… . The reason Sir Masaine’s sword strikes are much fiercer than those of other imperial knights is not just because he is skilled in using Aurors.’

Obviously strength will help in some way.

good night. Now that this has happened, let’s increase our strength!

“But even if you work hard to build muscle, won’t it go back to square one when the Aurors come back?”

At least that was according to Seongjin’s common sense. It is said that unless adequate protein is supplied and the load is consistently maintained, muscle volume will not be maintained intact.

However, there was a fact that he overlooked: this was Delcross, not Earth.

“Once an Auror user develops muscles, of course they remain intact. “I have an Auror who keeps my body in top condition at all times, so what are you worried about?”

“… … !”

Seongjin opened his mouth wide.

and! This place in Delcross must be a paradise for hell spears!

* * *

In the end, strengthening my muscles ended in a miserable failure.

As Seongjin tied up the Auror and began to move his body, the frequency of his fever also significantly increased.


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If you think about it, it was a natural result. The more you move your body, the more active your auror will be.

[Sniff, slurp. What should I do… … .]

This guy is doing it again.

I had to hurry and appease him, but it was really difficult because I couldn’t give him everything he liked.

“Lowering. Are you awake? “If you’re thirsty, can I bring you a drink?”

Edith’s worried voice came from nearby.

“no it’s okay.”

“Then I’ll put a wet towel on you.”

Soon I feel a hand wiping my forehead with a damp towel. I felt that it was somehow unfamiliar and yet nostalgic.

Come to think of it, when I first came here, Empress Lizabeth would often clean my face like this.

“Mother… … .”

How is Empress Lizabeth doing now?

Should I ask Dasha when she comes? Now it’s time for her to show the results of the research she asked her to do.

Seongjin blinked hard to overcome the pouring sleep. But, slowly, someone’s small voices began to sound in his ears.

[There is no sign of it fading away, right? I think there is a limit to how low the temperature can be lowered even with the power of a prosperous father.]

[This is a fire that never goes away. That’s its unique property. It is the power that dominates the dimension.]

[Is it related to red?]

[Yes, red is also a problem.]

[Mores, what should we do now?]

[Mores, I feel so sorry.]

Uh, they’re twins. These guys are still here.

As Seongjin struggled to pretend to understand, their voices suddenly became lively.

[Wow, Mores! Will you remember us now?]

[Is that true, Mores? really? Really?]

Of course it is.

There won’t be another guy in the world with such an annoying way of talking.

[Good. Listen, Mores! In our opinion, it’s probably red… … !]

Seongjin dismissed the voices of the guys talking at the same time with just one word.

That guy is done. Because it has nothing to do with this matter.

[but… … .]

It ended up going better than that. listen. There’s already a place I want to go with you guys right now… … .

When Seongjin thought that far, a cool thought suddenly sounded from above his head.

[Stop doing nonsense and stay calm in the palace, son.]

Oh my. I guess I heard it.


Feeling the familiar divine power pouring over his head again, Seongjin fell into a deep sleep.

* * *

Even while I was sleeping, my fever rose and fell frequently.

Seongjin, who would occasionally toss and turn in discomfort, would only regain stability after a burst of divine power poured over his head.

While going through light and deep sleep repeatedly, Seongjin had so many dreams that it was difficult to remember them all.

Most of them disappeared into oblivion as soon as we recognized them, but there were some dreams that left a vivid impression as if we were experiencing them in reality.

One of them was the memory of a familiar woman screaming towards him. An old memory, probably belonging to young Mores.

-You shouldn’t have been born like this!

In the messy room, a very disheveled woman glared at Seongjin and cried.

-You ruined all my dreams! How on earth am I supposed to live from now on?


The red gaze glaring at him pierces deep into my heart like a dagger slicing through my lungs.

-I should have looked more like my father than I do now! How can it be that I resemble the person I hate the most in the world? How could you do that!?

Feeling his eyes getting hot, Seongjin let out a frustrated breath.

But, oh my.

The person you are talking about… … .

“… Sarani, is that possible?”

“Of course it is. “I don’t dare say empty words.”

“But as you know, Sir… … .”

“What is the use of what we are talking about right now? So, first of all, when you wake up, couldn’t you ask me about your intentions?”

Seongjin slowly came to his senses at the annoying voice that sounded like scraping metal.

When I turned my head, Masain was standing at the entrance to the treatment room, talking with someone with a serious look on his face.

“… Sir Masain. “Who came?”

At Seongjin’s question, Masain flinched and turned around. At the same time, the visitor who had been hidden by his body appeared and politely bowed to Seongjin.

“I see you, Majesty Mores.”

Lord Leandros. The leader of the exorcists who exudes a gloomy aura like a dry old tree.

Seongjin slowly got up from the bed, looking at his dark, strangely red eyes.

‘What’s going on with that person here all of a sudden?’

Even now that his senses had become duller than usual, Seongjin still felt something foreign about him, just like the last time they met.

“We apologize for disturbing your rest. “I came here because I had to ask your permission.”


“Yes, I will soon be leaving for the western region under Your Majesty’s orders. So, if I don’t hurry up now, I don’t think I will have time to finish the job any more, so I had no choice but to be rude to you.”

The story Sir Leander told next was surprising.

He had asked Seongjin to officially join the Knights of St. Terbachia.

Seongjin was dumbfounded.

“Paladin? I?”

I don’t even have an ounce of divine power, so what on earth can I do?

However, Sir Leandros, who actually made such an incredible statement, had a calm expression.

“You have already proven your ability to destroy evil. In addition, at a young age, he possessed a force that surpassed that of the imperial knights, and isn’t he still improving rapidly every day? So how could I not seek your help?”

“hmm… … .”

“Therefore, the Knights of Saint Terbachia requests that you act as a member of the Holy Knights, not just as an advisor to the Monster Task Force.”

Seongjin soon grasped the situation and secretly winked at Lord Masain.

‘Don’t the others know yet?’

Then Sir Masain nods his head as if he is embarrassed.

‘Yes, I don’t know.’


Seongjin rested his chin and was deep in thought.

Maybe it’s natural. There is no way the prince could openly announce that he has lost his Auror user abilities.

It is clear that the position of the 3rd prince, who has only just begun to gain a reputation, will collapse at once, and it may even lead to doubts about the omnipotence of God’s representative.

However, Leandros, who felt the subtle air current flowing between Seongjin and Masain, added as if he was a little nervous.

“Please reconsider positively. “If you wish, I can promise you an adjutant-level position in our knights, just like Sisley, who recently joined the Knights of St. Marsyas.”

‘Oh, that’s right?’

As soon as the judgment was over, the answer came out right away.

“I will!”

“Also, the exorcists’ active cooperation in your work afterwards… yes?”

“I do. Isn’t this an excellent way for me and the Knights of St. Terbachia to coexist? “That was really well thought out, Sir Leander.”

“… … .”

Then Sir Leander’s expression became shocked.

As the prince is known to value personal training time, it was thought that it would take quite a bit of persuasion to burden him with tasks other than the monster task force.

However, Sir Leander soon regained his composure and bowed his head in silence.

“Thank you for your decision. “Then, since you have given permission, I will prepare for Leandros’s honor to join your team without any problems.”


Then, Logan, who had been quietly listening next to him, looked back at Seongjin in great confusion.

The leader of one of the five Holy Knights of the Empire put his own honor on the line. That weight will never be light.

However, if it were revealed to the world that the prince he helped join could no longer use Aurors… … !


But before Logan could open his mouth, Seongjin opened his eyes wide.

Don’t disturb me, Logan.

Since ancient times, health insurance is only valid if you get it before you are diagnosed with cancer!

They say they have come on their own and are giving me enormous public power, so what fool in the world would refuse that? huh?


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