Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 450

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450. Dacion (7)

The same scenes unfolded before Seongjin’s eyes once again.

“Wow! “Owen!”

The Barça Savage clinging desperately to the hem of Owen’s clothes –

“Hey haaa!”

A maid with a fierce face running towards me with a smile on her face, and-

“… … .”

There was even a young informant who was blocking Seonghwang’s path with a very wary expression.

“Shh. Edith. “I’m hiding my identity right now.”

Pang pang! Carelessly pushing away the maid who was dusting off her clothes, Seongjin watched the scene of Owen approaching Seonghwang as if it were in her dream.

“Priest Bart! “What are you doing here?”

okay. All events proceed without any change from before.

‘… I knew it.’

Seongjin already knew that things like before would happen. So he corrected his past mistakes and tried to achieve better results.

But what is this? When I came face to face with their father in real life, I felt a strange sense of floating, as if I was in a dream.

Which one is the real reality?


At that time, Seonghwang spoke to me in my head.

[Pull yourself together. I know you are very confused right now. But you must not forget what you must do.]

A thing to do.

[We must go back. Same time and place as before.]

Yes, I know. father.

Because I had a feeling that it would be like that.

“… Phew.”

Seongjin let out a small breath and took a step.

“Priest Bart.”

As I carefully pulled his sleeve like before, the feeling I felt in my hand was a light weight that evaded the laws of the world.

“… … .”

Nevertheless, when Seongjin realized that the unfamiliar sensation was just a pleasure, he fell into a strange feeling.

* * *

[Lee Seong-jin! Seongjin Lee!]

As the group sat together in the restaurant as before, the Demon King sent his thoughts to Seongjin and informed him of the incident.

[Look here! It’s really strange! I can sense the laws of the normal world in that man named Bat!]

Demon King, you really have no memories of the past.

Knock knock.

After calming the demon king by lightly tapping on the lamp, Seongjin carefully examined the holy homunculus.

Another person who appeared on the TV said nothing. Stubbornly keeping his mouth shut is the same as before.

Nevertheless, Seongjin was able to sense a subtle difference in his attitude from before. When I think back to him before, he seemed very embarrassed that he couldn’t even respond properly because he was trying to hide his identity.

But what about now?

“… … .”

Under the calm atmosphere, I can feel his eyes, hidden behind a hood, occasionally touching my face as if searching.

[Lee Seong-jin, be careful! There’s something strange about that kid. It clearly appears to be a spirit from the normal world, and a strange light like divine power is flowing out of it! What on earth is it?]

Listening to the Demon King’s trembling voice, Seongjin slowly stood up. In order to start a conversation with him, it was necessary to first move to a place just for the two of us.

“… If it’s uncomfortable for others to see, I’ll order the meal to my room. “Priest Bart, please go to the room together first.”

Then, the informant, who had been watching this person nervously, looked startled and blocked his path.

“Sir, I am embarrassed to tell you, but Priest Bart is not very good at the imperial language. So, I will be by your side-”

Seongjin looked at the informant with a sullen expression.

What on earth was this kid going to do from earlier? Isn’t your job just to protect your father? But what? They say they just want to talk as a family, but why are they always acting like a child who gets their candy taken away?

“But you understand the imperial language ‘very well.’ “Isn’t that right?”

“yes? Ah yes. That’s true, but… … .”

After casting a quick glare at the confused informant, Seongjin left the restaurant with Seonghwang. Of course, I didn’t forget to ask Owen to bring along food from the Pangea Chronicle.

“Ah, owner. Give that Barshain a barn and give him some porridge.”

Seongjin, who had properly dealt with the barbarian, returned to the inn room with many unresolved questions.

The best room in the only inn in Terre. This is the space where the strange time experience first began.


After closing the door, Seongjin leaned against the door as before and sang a cheer.


However, unlike before, when he answered immediately, he did not respond to Seongjin’s voice. He just looked at Seongjin blankly, took off his hood, and slowly sat down in front of the table.

“… … .”

Just as anxiety creeps up beneath the uncomfortable silence, a soft voice rings in my head.

[Don’t worry, Mores. You won’t get any answer now. In any case, we must save ‘cause and effect’ so that the world does not collapse.]

“Do you care about cause and effect?”

That was the reason why the original Seonghwang maintained his silence every time,

“Then, father, on ‘your’ side…” Does this mean you no longer care about cause and effect?”

I couldn’t help but be worried. The world she saw for the last time before she parted ways with him in her inn room, a world where everything was falling apart, was vivid before her eyes.

[okay. Now I am quite free from cause and effect.]

The word ‘freedom’ somehow doesn’t sound like a very good thing.

But Seongjin couldn’t ask any more details. Soon after, the excited inn owner ordered a hearty dinner. It was exactly the same time as before.


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“ha ha ha! “If you need anything else, let me know anytime!”


Once the door was closed, Seonghwang slowly began to eat alone. Even though Seongjin didn’t recommend it, he did it as if he had to.

‘Father, you know something too.’

But this is just Seongjin’s guess. It’s just that I keep such a heavy silence.

Thanks to that, Seongjin, who had nothing else to do, sat down across from him and silently watched him eat.

However, this place was not completely quiet.

[Lee Seong-jin! What are you doing now? That guy, there’s something dangerous! That’s strange! Also, why does your face look so similar to your father? Don’t do this, let’s run away from here!]

There was no wind, but the flame in the lamp fluctuated like crazy. The demon lord is so scared that he is causing a fuss.

Seongjin calmly comforted the boy by throwing him a piece of meat as before.

“It’s okay, Demon King.”

[It’s okay, what! Because you couldn’t see that strange soul with your own eyes-!]


[…] what?]

“It’s not a strange spirit, it’s my father.”

The guy, who was momentarily dazed because he couldn’t accept reality, suddenly let out a loud scream and shriveled up.


Why not? Just when he thought he had finally overcome the presence of the Seonghwang that had descended on Seongjin’s mind, another Seonghwang appeared before his eyes!

The Demon King’s flames in shock freeze pale. If things continue like this, I feel like it might go off soon.

“Hey, hey. Wake. “Eat this and cheer yourself up.”

Sighing, Seongjin had no choice but to diligently throw food to the demon king like before.

[Yes, Mores. Then it’s okay. Just stay here and wait for the ‘branch’ time.]


I had a feeling that it was an important clue. With his eyes, Seongjin looked at the homunculus of Seonghwang eating, and with his ears, he paid close attention to the voice in his head.

[Fortunately, there is still some time left. Thanks to you, I think I can give you some explanation about what just happened.]

Then, Seonghwang’s tableware slows down slightly.

For a moment, Seongjin became convinced that his father in front of him was listening to their entire conversation.

Meanwhile, the voice in my head was busy making various requests.

[Please remember, son. The fact is that I have been with you at Tere’s inn all this time.]


Seongjin couldn’t understand and asked a question.

“No, father. What is that now… … ?”

[This means that if the same result is placed before your eyes, there is no longer a need to investigate the cause and process one by one. Please keep in mind that such unwavering confidence is the way to connect all uncertain elements into one world.]

“… … .”

[Also, know that the new experiences of the past few days are no different from the previous ones. In the end, all of these things exist at the same time in the same space and time, and are flowing in the same direction, but they do not flow at all and are fixed. You must always keep that fact in mind.]

“no… … .”

Seongjin somehow became anxious. This is because the voice that suddenly poured out felt like a farewell message from him. Now, the problem was no longer just random content.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden? What’s going on in that world? Please answer me, father!”

However, instead of answering the question, Seonghwang left his last words a little urgently.

[Don’t forget, Mores. The reason I leave the entire future to your judgment is because I already know the consequences that will occur.]

“Uh, uh… … .”

[So there is no need to be frustrated no matter what happens in the future. You always did your best in everything, and ultimately achieved satisfactory results -]

At that time, [Branch] came without warning. A few days ago, it was exactly the same time when Seongjin took Dacianus’s secretary out of his arms.


With a momentary sense of emptiness in my mind-


A round object suddenly appeared and fell from Seongjin’s front door onto the table, making a loud noise.


Deguru… … .

It was the sound of another world falling cruelly.

* * *


Seongjin blinked and watched the movement of the unfamiliar stone.

Degurururu… … .

The small stone glowed brightly like a jewel and drew a circle. Then it gradually loses speed and soon stops in front of Seongjin.

Originally, this was probably where Dacian’s secretary would have been placed.

Seongjin unconsciously felt in his arms and reaffirmed the fact that the secretary was no longer here. Now, in the place where the book was, there is only one dark gray gem, like soft crystal, shining.

“… … .”

And finally, the business before our eyes showed a change.

He stopped eating altogether and stared at the jewel. The mineral eyes that glowed brightly under the backlight made him look like a precise machine that could read an enormous amount of information at once.

Seonghwang, who had been blinking for a while, finally opened his mouth in a low voice.

“It’s okay, son. “It is all over now.”

Seongjin looked at the homunculus in front of him with slightly shaking eyes.

okay. There is no doubt about it.

That presence, that voice.

After all, that person is my father.

“… father.”

But why do I suddenly feel so choked up when I try to call him?

“Yes, Mores.”

Seongjin had to feel both relief and emptiness at the same time at the answer he heard so obediently.

“What are all the things I’ve seen so far? Is it all an illusion? Or did I change the past?”

“Didn’t you tell me? There is no need to think deeply. “I just saw what I wanted to see, and it all happened.”

Uh, okay. I definitely heard that at first.

-Now it all depends on what I want to see. Mores.

But I’m still confused. Such a strange feeling, as if I had gone back several days in time, or as if I had stayed in this place forever.

Seongjin asked the question again with an anxious face.

“Then, father, where am I now? Is this a world where Lord Masaine’s soul is shattered, or is it a world where all his mistakes have been undone? Which one is my real reality?”

Then Seonghwang put down his silverware, looked straight at Seongjin, and asked.

“Well, son. What do you think?”

“… … .”

Seongjin unconsciously kept his mouth shut. I didn’t want to hastily decide which one was reality.

No, it would be more correct to say that I am afraid. The moment I answer without thinking, I feel like I will create an irreversible fate for myself. Because of a moment’s mistake, Sir Massaine will once again suffer irreversible damage to her soul.

“It’s a wise decision.”

As if he understood Seongjin’s thoughts, Seonghwang smiled slightly.


“… “Yes, father.”

“Look at this.”

Seonghwang stretched out his hand and pointed to a small jewel on the table.

“What does it look like in your eyes?”

“milestone… is it?”

Seongjin instinctively realized this. The fact that this is a milestone that you created yourself.

It was completely different from the bright red jewel my grandmother left behind. It’s probably different from the milestone that Seonghwang would have created someday.

A gem that shines in dark gray and is both cloudy and clear at the same time.

-From now on, I will show you directly how a true ‘Dacion’ is made.

It was exactly what it said.

The times Seongjin has experienced over and over so far were actually the process of everyone creating this milestone.

“… … .”

Another possibility that can no longer exist in the world.

When I gently picked up the brightly shining signpost, I felt a strong feeling of longing and sadness that was difficult to explain along with the cold, inorganic touch.


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