Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 457

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457. Kaya’s Breath (6)

visor! Whip! visor!

In the blink of an eye, several battles went back and forth. The speed was so fast that No. 21 was unable to follow the sword’s trajectory with his eyes.

‘… ‘Double swordsmanship?’

I just barely caught the assassin’s weapon in the midst of the storm of movement. If the author had rushed in this direction first, No. 21 probably would not have responded properly and would have given up a vital point in vain.

‘He’s not someone I can do anything about.’

Prince Mores also seemed to have judged that way.

“No. 21, step back!”

Number 21 obediently backed away.

Just sensing the sharp energy that these two people give off is enough to make your skin feel numb. With the tension stretched to its limit, he couldn’t even predict who his hasty movement would harm.


At that time, the prince and the assassin, who clashed their swords violently, were pushed straight to both ends of the room without resisting the recoil.

“… … .”

Unable to inflict any significant damage to the other, the two glared at each other in silence instead of clashing again. It looks like they are taking a moment to catch their breath and explore each other.

And only then was No. 21 able to fully see the attacker’s appearance for the first time.

The opponent was a woman holding a short sword in both hands. Beneath the sculptural, expressionless face and the assassin’s distinctive black stealth suit, the outline of a well-trained, sleek body is visible.

Aura activity isn’t that strong, but maybe what you see isn’t everything. Rather, it can be said that they have become better at hiding their auras. Even No. 21, who called himself an elite agent, felt that his presence was blurred even when he had the other person right in front of him.

Auror concealment ability is top notch. It would be safe to deal with him assuming that he is close to the level of Dekaron Knight, who is said to be the most ideal assassin.

No. 21, who figured it out up to that point, was once again amazed at the prince who countered that woman’s attack without any hesitation.

‘But it’s strange. You look so seasoned for your age.’

okay. Considering the prayers and atmosphere they give off, they feel like they are legendary seniors who were given initial numbers.

On the other hand, the woman’s face looked excessively young. No matter how you maintain your youth through Auror training, what does it mean to have that smooth face without a single scar? Even if you wash your eyes and look, you will not see anyone who has gained practical experience by crossing countless firing lines.

‘How can they do that?’

Prince Mores also seemed to have noticed the sense of discomfort the assassin was giving off.

“that’s interesting. “He seems to be very skilled at using auras, but compared to that, the layer of auras accumulated in his body is relatively poor.”

“… … .”

“I don’t think they eliminated the intact Aurors like Director Bruno did. “What on earth are you doing?”

The prince’s bright gray eyes stare intently into the assassin’s face. Occasionally, there seemed to be a strange red light hovering in the center of the pupil.

Number 21 didn’t realize it, but his gaze went beyond the assassin’s young face and toward the inside of the skull wrapped in clean leather.


“… “There is a decision to burn, right?”


As if he had figured out a clear answer, the prince revealed his teeth and smiled eeriely.

“I thought so, but that’s not your real body?”

“… … !”


Before No. 21 could understand the meaning of those words, the woman who hit the floor came swinging her sword with a vicious force.

Cough! Kang!

The twin swords engulfed in whitish light clash violently with the nutcracker.

A sword that is sharper and more vicious than before. It seemed that the prince’s remarks had greatly offended the assassin.


In response, the nutcracker also burst into flames, engulfed in dark red flames. Even though it was not an easy battle, it was only now that Prince Mores showed his Aurors.

It may have been a measure to protect the weapon from an unexpectedly strong enemy, but-

‘… fire?’

Number 21 was quite taken aback by the unfamiliar form of aura burning fiercely in the dark.

Come to think of it, I had a brief conversation with the prince before entering the building.

– But, why don’t you use external air? If you don’t really want to maintain Auror concealment, it would have been much easier to actively use Auror.


At that time, the prince frowned in embarrassment and answered:

-Actually, officially I’m still staying in Regina.”

– So?

Of course, No. 21 also had some idea that he was trying to avoid leaving his mark as a prince. Because I didn’t pick out the nutcrackers that I was familiar with, I only consistently used the stilettos that I had recovered despite the hassle.

But even with weapons and sword techniques, isn’t there a need to restrict Aurors?

-But the traces my auror leaves behind are very characteristic. Even so, you received a huge blessing from the ancient fairy?

-… yes?

Only now did Number 21 understand the meaning of those words.

The prince’s worries were not for nothing. In fact, as the number of exchanges of swords became less frequent, vivid burn marks began to appear on the assassin’s smooth skin.

Of course, the prince wasn’t all that well either. Every time the double swords of the aura-wearing assassin passed by, a thin solid line was drawn on the prince’s body and red blood spurted out.

It may be inevitable. Since it is a very close combat at a speed that is difficult to follow with the eyes, the angle of avoidance is also extremely limited.

‘The skills seem to be on par… … .’

At first glance, the women seem to be superior in terms of attack speed.

But surprisingly, Prince Mores was not easily caught up in her tricks. Even though it wasn’t a convenient distance for her to fight back with her long sword, she gave her space and cut off her attacks appropriately every time.

Plus, the prince’s unusual auror.


The strange aura that burned more intensely as time passed, had a way of stimulating the inherent fear inherent in humans just by looking at it.

Chaejaejaeng! visor! visor!

While tracing the tangled trajectory of the swords, creating a dizzying afterimage, No. 21 carefully fingered the dagger in his arms. If it’s not possible, I think I should join right away.



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However, the fight between the two ended sooner than expected. The two people suddenly closed the distance and slashed their swords at each other with all their might.

“… … !”

The nutcracker’s blade protrudes through the woman’s chest.

On the other hand, the woman’s relatively short twin swords only lightly grazed under the prince’s armpits.

Tuk! visor! Cheer up!

The twin swords slipped from a weak hand and fell to the floor one after another, making a loud noise.


Acrid smoke rose from the woman’s back. With the blade engulfed in flames, the external energy penetrated deep into her chest, shaking her insides and making her run wild. At the same time, the flesh burned rapidly and the bleeding gradually subsided –

Prince Mores did not just sit by and watch.

Quad deuk!

The sword stuck between the ribs was greatly twisted, and a terrifying noise of scraping raw bones was heard.

Eventually, the prince made a large cut in the woman’s side and pulled out the nutcracker –

Gulp, gulp.

Blood pours like a waterfall from the concussed heart and lungs. The assassin spewed blood from his mouth and slowly fell to the floor like a doll with its strings cut.

‘It’s terrible. Not a single groan was shed until the last moment… … .’

After seeing that the assassin’s eyes were slowly losing their light, No. 21 took out a simple treatment tool from his pocket and approached the prince.

“Are you okay, sir?”


However, the prince’s expression is unusual. His eyes, looking down at the fallen assassin, became darker than ever before.

“No. 21.”

“Yes, please do so.”

“Well, actually, there’s one thing I didn’t tell you about in advance because I didn’t think it was that important.”

“… “What is that?”

Number 21 became somewhat anxious. And that anxiety soon became true. One after another, sounds that he could not have imagined came out of the prince’s mouth.

“Actually, I felt several faint traces of people underneath this building earlier.”

“many… “This?”

I can’t feel anything?

While the nervous No. 21 was concentrating his senses towards the basement, the prince adjusted his grip on the nutcracker and continued his explanation.

“Uh, that’s probably because Auror activity is abnormally low. So I just thought, maybe they’ve trapped some dying civilians here? I did… … .”

“… … .”

“I think one of them suddenly became very active and jumped out of his seat.”

It was at that time that No. 21 detected a faint presence.

“And now it’s running here at incredible speed-”


As soon as he finished speaking, another assassin jumped out from the half-broken wooden wall. A young female assassin dressed to sleep, holding her short two-handed sword in her hand.

Chachaechaeng! Whip!

As the nutcracker and the two-handed sword became frantically intertwined again, No. 21 looked at the woman, trying to gather his dizzy mind.

‘… same person?’

At that moment, No. 21 thought so. However, when he turned his head to check, the assassin from earlier was just lying on the floor like a crumpled rag, completely dead.

‘No, but that can’t be…’ … !’

It might just be a coincidence. It is clear that she is a woman of similar age, but her body type is different from the previous assassin and her presence is subtly different.

But strangely, No. 21 felt a strange sense of kinship, as if the person who had engaged in a fierce battle with the prince just moments ago had come back to life. And that feeling of kinship seemed to be the same for the prince who dealt directly with the woman.

Swish swish!

The prince lightly let go of the two-handed sword that was fired in the same trajectory as before, and raised the corners of his mouth.

“haha! This is ridiculous. “Are you using the flame crystal to keep using the same person?”

“… … ?”

The prince, who made an incomprehensible sound, suddenly shouted loudly at No. 21.

“No. 21! It’s underground! “Look in the basement!”


“There’s something down here! “We have to get rid of it first!”

“No, I have to get rid of it, who on earth…” … .”

“If you’re not sure, just follow this guy!”


As soon as those words were out, a small flame burst out from within the prince’s cloak. It was an ancient fairy who had been hiding until now.

The red flame hovered over No. 21’s head a couple of times, then disappeared into a narrow gap on one side of the floor. Looking at the small ladder hanging over it, it appears to be a secret passage leading to the basement.

‘But is it okay if I leave you like this?’

Number 21 looked back with worried eyes. However, even though her minor wounds were increasing, the prince did not show the slightest sign of fatigue.

Perhaps it is because he is exerting a high level of concentration, but the fire in his eyes becomes darker and the flames circling around the nutcracker also become stronger.

“… … .”

First of all, I think I can trust it.

No. 21, having decided thus, left him behind and flew towards the dark basement.

* * *

The basement was in complete darkness.

No. 21, who briefly regained his senses and adapted to the darkness, soon spotted a fairy flame waving in the distance as if beckoning, and kicked the floor.

Crack, clap, clap!

The underground structure I saw while running was more complicated than I thought. There were small rooms on both sides of the dusty hallway.

‘It is a secret base where many assassins were hiding. ‘Nothing that strange.’

Then, No. 21 passed a room where strangely faint figures were gathered.

‘Are they what you sensed?’

Naturally, his attention was focused on that place, but No. 21 tried to ignore his anxiety and quickly passed by there.

First of all, their presence was blurred to the point of being close to death-

‘The fairy seems to be in a great hurry.’

A movement that seems urgent, as if there is something more important. The little snail that was bouncing around as if urging it on looked like a small squirrel running up a tree.

‘… ‘No, what a ridiculous idea!’

Number 21, running after the flames, finally arrived in front of a small room at the end of the hallway.

It was a strange room filled with strange magic circles.

The candlelight shining dimly in the darkness seemed to contribute to filling the room with a darker and more gloomy atmosphere, rather than driving away the darkness. A sight that wouldn’t be strange even if a devil were summoned here right now.

‘… … .’

And in the center, there was a shining green altar. A small tower filled with transparent beads, and a small green flame shining on top of it.


At that time, red flames began circling above the altar again.

“Fairy? Is there something you want to tell me?”


“altar? “Is that altar the problem?”

Flap flutter!

The flames moving up and down quickly seem to be beckoning. He looks very anxious because he wants to tell something to No. 21.

‘I’m not sure… … .’

I guess that’s the problem, right?

It’s a suspicious altar that doesn’t seem to do any good if left alone. No. 21, biting his lip, quickly clenched his fists and started smashing the altar.


* * *

“Hehe, you got a fun toy, right? “I got lucky this time.”

Olivier, who was moving at the front, looked back at the loot he had obtained this time with a satisfied expression. It’s so cute that he manages to disrupt communication throughout the organization all by himself.

Thanks to this, the information sent by those guarding Giovanni’s side was completely blocked, and it took quite a long time for Olivier to find out about the prince’s outing.

“He had guts, but his skills were also extraordinary. In the end, the entire chase team was mobilized to catch this guy.”

“… … .”

“This guy is probably a dog run directly by the Seonghwang family. “Is Sabrina her real name?”

“… … .”

“Yeah, probably not. “I know.”

Olivier, who was talking to himself, craned his head in and looked closely at Dasha’s face with her eyes closed.

“… Hmm, I really like it too. “Let’s groom this guy well and make him a member of our organization.”

“… … .”

“Noisy. “The decision is mine.”

Of course, if it is a dog that was carefully selected by [Oberon’s Hand], it would probably be difficult to expect a voluntary conversion. Still, I should take as much time as possible and watch Tyler carefully. Sabrina was well worth it.

If the worst case scenario is that we can’t communicate until the end, it’s okay to just steal that pretty shell.

“Well, I don’t think it would be really fun if this guy turned like you guys.”

“… … .”

“Hey guys .. hey guys! “When someone speaks, talk back.”

Olivier, who was feeling irritated for no reason, suddenly burst into laughter as he looked around at the expressionless assassins.

“Hahaha! okay. You guys wanted to talk, but you couldn’t, right? “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

It was right then.

dump! Plop!

Suddenly, some of the assassins fell to the ground without warning. This number was almost half of the total number of people.


Olivier, who was surprised, urged the fallen assassins by kicking them.

“hey! hey! wake up. Just a joke… … .”

Then, Olivier belatedly realized the seriousness of the situation when he noticed that the soul had completely escaped from their empty eyes.

no way… … .

‘Head top!’

Looking at the fallen, it is not the capital Brindisi, but the personnel of the head tower built in the temporary base.

I thought the defenses were pretty good, but could something have happened to the base?

Olivier gathered the remaining people and hurriedly returned to the secret base.

And soon-

Her concerns turned out to be true.

“… … .”

With gang members lying here and there-


The entrance to a secret base shaking helplessly in the wind.

Olivier realized that even if something was wrong, it was definitely wrong. And when she finally reached the secret place she kept hidden –


What greeted her was a completely shattered head tower and a young boy who should never have been here.

In a dark basement with no lights, silver-grey eyes with a strange glow blink leisurely, as if to say hello.

“I came to get my group back.”

“… … .”

“I also have a few things to ask you.”

The moment the boy’s eyes met, Olivier felt a shiver run down his spine.


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