Demonic master of mount Kunlun Chapter 298

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Part 2 Episode 27

Then let’s go

What is the difference between those standing above and those below?

The biggest thing is knowing how to control your emotions.

Mo Yonghoe was like that.

I quickly calmed down my anger and asked calmly.

“Are you saying you’re going to leave like this?”

The voice was not loud, but Jeonggwang could easily hear it.

He stopped talking and answered as if it was obvious.

“Because Liaoning is more desolate than I thought and there is nothing to see. “I’m going to look around other castles.”

“… … .”

“Why are your eyes like that? “You’re not planning on killing and destroying people, are you?”

“Why do you think not?”

“I said it clearly. As you live, you may have such feelings. “I have a heavy mouth, so please don’t worry and let me go.”

“What if you don’t believe me?”

Jeong Gwang held up both palms with an embarrassed look on his face.

“I don’t want to die yet, so I have to fight. “Do you want to start now?”

Before he knew it, he was holding a flying dragon and arrows in both hands.

Mo Yong-hoe looked at Jeong-gwang and Biryong in turns, lost in thought.

‘If you hit it now, it will run into the castle and shoot arrows. not good.’

No, it wasn’t very good.

When waging a siege, there is no weapon more difficult than an arrow flying from a high castle wall.

Besides, is Jeong Gwang an ordinary archer?

There were widespread rumors that both people and archers were divine archers.

Didn’t he know full well that the rumor was true because he saw him kill his beloved falcon in one fell swoop?

‘There’s no need to make a troublesome guy your enemy… … .’

He was a guy who knew how to open the sky.

I had to kill him no matter what.

“… … “How will you prove that your mouth is heavy?”

“Should we at least clink our palms together and make a promise?”

“Stop messing around and speak clearly.”

Jeong Gwang, who was struggling, made a suggestion with a solemn look on his face.

“I put my honor on the line.”

“… … “The guy who asked how much it cost?”

Jeong Gwang sent a message with an unpleasant expression on his face.

-You know roughly who I am, right?

I know.

Is there anyone else in the world who is so young and strong and doesn’t have a bad haircut?

-Although I am a bit free-spirited, I have never broken a contract until now. You’ve probably heard of it, right?

It certainly was.

‘But there’s no guarantee that will happen this time too.’

A small mistake can ruin a great cause.

Anything that posed even the slightest threat to the glory of Mo Yong had to be eliminated.

‘There is also a spare horse. Is this your intention to get out of Liaoning quickly?’


‘There are many eyes, so we kill them after they are sent. In the Great Plains, the home of the Moyong.’

No matter how great a master he was, he could not beat Mo Yong in the Great Plains.

“I will trust your promise and let you go. “It is something that must be observed.”

“yes. yes. Now that I think about it, I think I need to make some promises as well.”

“A resolution?”

“Like this.”

Jeong Gwang looked back and forth between the rebel forces and the walls and shouted loudly.

“Lord Daeheungjang said he would gently let us go! Is that right, Master Jang?”

“… … Yes.”

“You speak so softly that many people can’t hear you! Please raise your strength and make a big request! In complete sentences! “Here we go!”


“One, two, three!”

“… … .”

Mo Yong-hoe, who missed the beat, glared at Jeong Gwang and shouted as if he were chewing.

“I, Mo Yong-hoe, promise to let the world tour go smoothly! Are you done now?”


Jeong Gwang was already driving the horse and cart.

“sure. Thank you for your effort.”

Mo Yonghoe glared at Jeong Gwang as if he were going to kill him.

“excuse me. “I’ll pass by for a moment.”

The people split up and cut Jeonggwang to pieces with angry eyes.

“ah. “It stings.”

Jeong Gwang slowly scratched his arms and walked away.


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With one corner of his mouth raised.

‘I’m going to be busy for a while. ‘Let’s go.’

* * *

Jeong Gwang, who was slowly leading the group, spoke as soon as they reached a place where the castle of the Mo Yong family and the rebels were out of sight.

“Moyong Sojeo. Were you frustrated? “Please stop coming out.”

One of the chests on the cart opened and millet came out.

As I straightened my crouched body and moved my joints, a clanking sound rang out.

“Are you very uncomfortable?”

“It’s okay.”

“It looks like that.”

The bones of Moyongsusu were thick and strong.

The palm that was injured during the horse riding ceremony was completely healed by Jeong Gwang.

After taking the yam sword, I picked a spare horse, got on it, and asked.

“Sobriety. Where do you want us to go from here?”

Jeong Gwang answered without delay.

“One of the treacherous nobles’ strongholds is close to here.”

“Are you going to attack the noble family first, not the collateral? “Not even an immigrant?”

“If you participated in the rebellion even though you were a subordinate, you must have had a bad mind. “The main camp won’t pay much attention to the immigrants.”

“I’m saying it’s better to shake off the moderate nobles first. “I understand.”

“Which would be better?”

Moyongsusu calculated for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“About 200 ri to the southwest is Liaoyang’s mother’s family. “I think that would be a good place.”

“It seems like this is a clan you don’t usually like.”

Moyongsusu did not deny it but explained it honestly.

“That’s right. “As it is close to the castle, there will be fewer people left in the manor, so it is ideal.”

“great. Let’s go there. “I’m already looking forward to it.”

When Jeong Gwang agreed, Mo Yong Susu glanced back.

‘If you see that there is no dust rising, it means that the chase has not started yet… … .’

She didn’t trust Mo Yonghoe.

“Sobriety. “They will come after you soon.”

“I guess so.”

“If we continue like this, we may be attacked back and forth.”

“That’s difficult, so shall we take a break?”

“What do you mean?”

It was literally like that.

Jeong Gwang stopped his horse and rode away.

Since Zhao and Hye-jin followed without a word, Mo Yong-su had to do the same.

‘What on earth are you going to do?’

It wasn’t anything great.

They unloaded firewood from the cart, lit a fire, and hung up a pot.

Zhao put dry food and beef jerky in the pot and poured water.

Jeong Gwang, who was keenly assessing the level of water filling the pot, spoke lowly.

“That’s it.”

“Yes, sobriety.”

“It’s just right.”

“That was a good decision.”

Hyejin, who was watching, came forward.

“Would you like some salt and spices?”

“If there is a small intestine risk, of course it will, but it is dangerous now.”

“still… … .”

“Which one of us can get the seasoning right?”

Hyejin immediately gave in and stirred the porridge with a wooden spatula.

Meanwhile, Zhao picked up a chest and ran towards the castle, stepping only on the ground where the horse’s hoof marks were.

Moyongsusu watched his back with narrowed eyes.

‘It’s an amazing new law. ‘What are you trying to do?’

At that time, Jeong Gwang called her.

“Moyong Sojeo. “You know how to shoot an archery, right?”

“Of course.”

“How far can you hit the legs of a running horse?”

A furrow appeared between Mo Yong Susu’s eyebrows.

“It’s not the head or the torso, it’s the legs. I think I can do it if I get within twenty pages. “Why are you doing that?”

“hmm. “It’s ambiguous.”

As Jeong Gwang mumbled something unintelligible, Mo Yong Susu twitched his eyebrows.

“Sobriety. What on earth… … .”

“wait a minute. “Let’s get ready first.”

Jeong Gwang opened a chest on the cart and grabbed all the arrows inside.

They were laid out neatly on the cart and filled with arrow quivers attached to the left and right sides of the golden wind saddle.

It was only then that Moyongsusu realized what Jeonggwang was doing.

‘You’re trying to stop the tracking party here. ‘I plan on running after I’ve shot enough.’

It was a very risky tactic, but since he had sworn to follow Jeong Gwang’s orders and set out, he could not object.

Didn’t his father, the owner of the Moyong family, also advise him to believe in Jeonggwang?

‘You must do everything you can.’

She also took out a quiver of arrows from the cart and hung it on the horse saddle. He bent her bow, raised her bow, and checked her condition.

As a test, I fired a few shots at a tree in the distance, and they all hit where I was aiming.

‘Not bad.’

The condition of my bow and body was the same.

Thanks to the elixir given by Jeong Gwang, the increased internal strength is also full.

‘I did everything I had to do. come!’

She had to go.

“Moyong Sojeo. The porridge is all boiled. welcome.”

“… … “I’m not hungry.”

“You never know when you might get hungry, so eat it without regrets then.”

“hmm. “I understand.”

You never know when a fight might break out, so don’t you think you should eat it in advance?

I thought it was true, so I accepted the bowl of porridge that Jeong Gwang gave me.

“I will eat well.”

The dead were in awe.

I was going to finish it with one bowl, but I changed my mind when I saw that Zhao had already emptied his second bowl when he returned.

‘My brother told me to learn from them because they have a lot of experience. You must follow.’

I guess I forced myself to eat about four bowls.

Jeong Gwang, who had already finished eating, looked toward the castle and stretched.

“It’s coming sooner than expected. “Everyone, get ready to welcome us.”

“yes! Sober!”

Zhao and Hyejin answered at the same time and put away the pots and dishes.

Moyongsusu also helped them and grabbed a bow and arrow.

He stared at where Jeong Gwang was looking and put an arrow on the bowstring.

‘Can’t you see it yet?’

As a little more time passed, a cloud of dust appeared.

If I were to guess based on experience, the enemy was not a human horse.

‘What kind of people are they?’

As expected, numerous dots appeared.

Jeong Gwang watched them and muttered in a puzzled voice.

“Mo Yong-se’s black robe is not unique. Do you know the cavalry team, uniformed in uniform with red leather breastplates? “I think bows and spears are the main weapons.”

“Can you see that from this street?”

“I can see it, so I’m asking.”

“indeed. Red Soul Pungdae (赤魂飇風隊). “They are one of the cavalry units of Daeheungjang and are skilled in horsemanship using mobility.”

“Are you wearing a breastplate under your breastplate?”

“All of my family’s cavalry are like that.”

“How does it compare to Moyong Sojeo? “Both martial arts and horseback riding.”

Moyongsusu asked this gently.

“They are experts who have passed at least Irip, but I never thought that they would be inferior in martial arts or horseback riding.”

“You’re saying it’s similar. “Then take a break this time.”

Mo Yongsusu could not understand Jeong Gwang’s words.

‘Should I rest when so many enemies are coming?’

Jeong Gwang flew the new model and stood on the cart.

Mo Yong-hoe’s face appeared in my mind.

‘There’s no way that old man would try to catch me with that many people. ‘Is it a role of holding back and wasting time?’

Those cumbersome guys were out of the question.

‘Seeing him running seems to have heightened his spirit of victory. Well, he’s that old.’

All you have to do is treat him accordingly.

“Okay. “Please give me an arrow next to me.”

“I understand, Danju.”

Zhao went next to Zheng Guang, knelt down on one knee, picked up the arrow on the floor, and handed it to him.

Jeong Gwang received it, put it on the protest, and ordered Hye Jin.

“The enemies may return fire, so please use the Bulchwi Sword to block the flying arrows aimed at the horses. Moyong and Sojeo, please join us if you are bored.”

“Yes, sobriety.”

“… … “I understand.”

Hye-jin and Mo Yong-su stood in front of the horse, each holding a sword and a magic sword.

Jeong Gwang muttered lowly.

“Okay. “As soon as my hand lets go of the arrow, you have to give me an arrow right away.”


“Then let’s go.”

As soon as Jeong Gwang could say anything, he started protesting.

Zhao quickly handed the arrow over, and when Zheng Guang caught it and put it on his horse, the arrow he fired first flew over a hundred feet and pierced the forehead of the rider who was running in front.


The rider bounced back without even being able to scream.

The person who was talking behind him opened his eyes wide as his colleague suddenly attacked him with an arrowhead sprouting from the back of his head.

I reflexively opened my arms and received it.



The force of the arrow was so strong that he fell from his horse, unable to withstand the impact of hitting the body.

Quad Deuk!

A horse running behind him trampled him.

At the same time, an arrow was struck in the forehead of the rider on the horse.


Another arrow hit the forehead of the rider running next to him.


Arrows flew continuously and struck the riders’ foreheads.

‘Hey, you’re shooting from that distance!’

‘It’s a shrine as rumored!’

I was shocked for a moment.

The Red Spirit Pungdae responded like an elite cavalry unit.

“Block it with the spear!”

“If you think it won’t work, lower your posture!”

But the opponent was Jeong Gwang.

Arrows rained down like meteors.


Even though I tried to swing the spear and hit it like a storm, it was no use.

The arrow split the spear and hit the rider.


There was no point in lowering my posture.

The arrow hit the horse and knocked the man off his horse.

Just like that, the men and horses fell one after another.

The Red Spirit Pungdae’s complexion was colored with fear.

‘It’s more than what I heard!’

‘The damage is too great!’

Still, no one escaped.

If you slow down to reverse, you will become better prey.

I gritted my teeth and kicked the horse in the stomach with my heel.

“We must reduce the distance!”

“Spread out and run faster!”

The distance between him and Jeong Gwang has already narrowed to less than thirty pieces.

It was better to run even half a breath faster than to slow down while returning fire.

The Red Spirit Pungdae spread widely.

There was a deep life in their eyes.

‘It takes just a few breaths to reach you!’

‘I can kill that guy soon…’ … omg!’

Hee hee hee!

The horses that were galloping and foaming at the mouth suddenly fell over.


The rider was also thrown to the ground.

“W-what is it?”

“I’m sick of iron! “I buried Cheoljilyeo!”

“Slow down!”

All of the members of the Red Spirit Pungdae pulled the reins with a look of despair on their faces.

Thanks to this, I was able to see the iron ridge slightly rising above the ground and barely avoid it… … .

The price of slowing down was terrible.


Shhh- Kwasik!

As the distance got closer, the power of the arrow became stronger.

The Red Spirit Pungdae collapsed without even having time to scream.

‘Ghost, ghost!’

‘It’s a demon! ‘This is a demon!’

The road they ran on was stained with red blood.

The red road expanded in length as it swallowed the human and horse that had lost their soul.

Moyongsusu, who witnessed the tragedy, forced his neck to turn and look at the top of the cart.

Zhao was handing an arrow to Zheng Guang’s right hand at blinding speed.

‘Yes, the author ran with the iron box and buried it in the ground!’

The ability to bury so much frustration in such a short period of time just a little bit.

Now I finally understand what Jeong Gwang said.

‘If you don’t have the skills to shoot a rider, you have to shoot a horse at least. If the rider can’t shoot the leg, which is difficult to block with a weapon, should we just watch?’

Moyongsusu’s eyes wavered.

Those eyes contained the concentration of shooting arrows at an unbelievable speed.

To describe its appearance as a shrine would be insufficient.

He could be called a martial god.

martial arts,

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