Five Time Regressor Walks the King’s Path Chapter 79

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Episode 79

“Such irresponsible… … .”

A girl passed by the girl who stumbled, covering her forehead.

Daehyeop’s daughter, who said no one could stop her father, was running towards Daehyeop.


Ah Ling desperately called out to her father.

Daehyeop, who fell to the floor at that call, slowly lifted his eyelids.

“… … I am.”

With a quietly muttered word, Daehyeop’s hand turned to Ah Ling.

“Can’t I be saved again?”

A look of bitterness appeared on Daehyeop’s face.

At that moment, Ah Ling held his hand.

15 years. His other daughter, who had been with him for a longer period of time than his original daughter, held her father’s hand so hard that it turned white.

“Dad, who are you looking at me?”

The moment Aring spoke as if it was a question he had been holding back all along, Daehyeop’s eyes turned downward.

“I know I have a distant sister. And I know that her dad thinks of her every time he sees me.”

Daehyeop’s eyelids fluttered when he heard that he had already known this for a long time.

“But I am not your sister. “I’m just another daughter of my father.”

As Aring said that, the dew around her eyes fell on Daehyeop’s cheek.

“Dad, I have to go. I’m all grown up now. But the sister her father knows is still very young.”

Daehyeop’s body trembled once as he faced those tears.

“I have to go see my sister who is waiting for my dad.”

Daehyeop was already crying while hugging Ah Ling.

Like a child.

Or, they cried out the torn hearts of parents who could not protect their children.

Ah Ling just hugged him and silently accepted his tears.

“… … “Consider it like repaying the debt I helped you with last time.”

Living frivolously.

While Gucheonoknyeo and the King of Swords, who had said that, went to Daehyeop, I walked in front of Yeonji.

It’s all up to them to convince Daehyup to climb up the floor again.

My work ends here.

“Good job.”

As soon as I said those words, Yeonji put down the sword she had raised into the sky and looked back at me.

【congratulations. You have cleared the 31st floor for the 4th time.】

【’Master of the 31st Floor’ and ‘The Gentleman Who Walks in the Sky’ congratulates you on clearing and gives you a reward ㅈ ????ㅣית… ????ㄱℑ????????????… 】

And a clear notification appeared.

However, the last words didn’t flow properly, as if they were muffled by something, and at that moment, I made eye contact with Yeonji.

【The semi-constellation ‘Lord of Dragons’ delays clearing the floor.】

A quasi-constellation aura began to bloom from Yeonji’s body.

As soon as she took over as Dragon Lord from Atticus, she awakened to a quasi-constellation and looked at me and opened her mouth.


【The quasi-constellation ‘Lord of Dragons’ presents you with a battle quest.】

【The semi-constellation ‘Lord of Dragons’ adds a new 31st floor clear condition.】

【The ‘Master of the 31st Floor’ and ‘The Gentleman Who Walks in the Sky’ agree to the conditions of the quasi-constellation ‘Lord of Dragons’.】

As I was looking at Yeon-ji in a situation that was going as it should, she threw a star sword at me.

Next, when I received the Byeolcheondo, Yeonji threw off Yongcheonseong’s robe and picked up a sword that she had originally used.

【’Additional Quest’ Defeat the quasi-constellation ‘Lord of Dragons’.】

【Clear reward: ‘Clear the 31st floor.’】

I won, you stupid guy.

Auras of all attributes bloomed from the Star Heaven Blade I was holding.

As soon as he became a quasi-constellation, he became immoral and raised his daughter incorrectly.

“Don’t regret it.”

“I have never regretted anything in my life.”

And Yeon-ji rushed towards me like crazy.

Looking at that guy, I thought of Yeonji, who I met on the first day.

He cried loudly as soon as he was born, and it seemed like he was born with a vocal sound from then on.

As our swords crossed, the quasi-constellation’s aura and my aura collided once.

The second time we met, I was about 3 years old.

When I told him I came to raise him, I remembered the little boy who answered no and buried his face between the cushions.

From what I can see, it seems like things were a bit lacking even from this point on.

Soon after, two lightning strikes fell from the sky, each hitting the two of us.

The third was 8 years old.

I almost toyed with the guy who blindly attacked me at the slightest provocation.

Then, I subtly lured the boy who was indignant over his first defeat and from then on, I began teaching Yeonji in earnest.

Soon, Yeonji and my sword stabbed into each other in a space that turned pure white.

Yeonji quickly raised her head and narrowly avoided my sword, and I threw her sword away with my aura.

Suddenly, the sound of Yeonji clinking her teeth was heard.

From then on, we were always together.


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Although he was stupid, I raised him thinking that he was a bit like me in that he stubbornly learned as I taught him.

In this way, Yeonji grew day by day, rising to the upper level of Sword Expert, and further reaching the level of Sword Master and Grand Sword Master.

The guy who was obviously no bigger than my forearm has grown to be only a head taller than me.

But as for those eyes that look at me since I was born.

It seemed like nothing had changed even now.


Yeonji, who was outclassed as an Auror in a power struggle with me, let out a groan and stepped back.

Yeonji’s eyes were shaking uneasily, perhaps because she thought she couldn’t win even if she became a semi-constellation, and I laughed lightly at her.

“Is that the end?”

“No way!”

Yeonji was offended by my ridicule, and auras and flames of all attributes began to engulf her body at the same time.

Ha Yeon-ji’s Ten Sik (十式)

True lightning

Yeonji took on the form of a dragon again and attacked me, tearing through space.

I aimed the Byeolcheondo sword at Yeonji.

“There’s one thing I didn’t show you.”

Toong, the sound of water drops falling rang in my ear.

The sun suddenly startled me and ran away, where Yeonji and I faced each other.

A line was drawn around Yeonji’s mouth.

It was a smile mixed with criticism, asking why something like that was still left behind.

A line was also drawn around my mouth.

It was a mocking smile that meant that you should follow me for the rest of your life.

Ten types (十式)

The night before

Lightning flashes in the distant night.

The dragon could not bear the lightning and crawled on the ground.

As the night of lightning ended and it became quiet, I slowly walked forward.

Yeonji, who had returned from a dragon to a human, was lying on the floor, looking up at the sky blankly.


Yeonji was smiling when she called my name.

“My dad is strong.”

And Yeonji, who called me dad for the first time, slowly closed her eyelids.

“… … Are you going?”


A staircase appeared in the sky.

It was a staircase leading to the next floor, and I was quietly looking up at it.

“how was it. “Have I become stronger after this?”

Yeonji asked a question.

Then I gave him an answer.

“It’s been a while.”

“ha ha ha!”

After hearing my answer, Yeonji burst out laughing.

At the same time, one or two tears slowly began to flow from Yeonji’s eyes.

“I will chase you.”

Yeonji closed her eyes tightly, as if she didn’t want me to see her crying.

“I will chase after you again and again and make you regret what you said for the rest of your life.”

“do whatever you want.”

After saying that, I passed Yeonji and started heading towards the stairs.

Yeonji, who was staring at my back, shouted at me in a loud voice.

“Dad, what did I do to you?”

The last question was really useless.

After hearing that question, I said one word to Yeonji without looking back.

“My daughter.”

After that, my vision changed.

【The ‘Master of the 31st Floor’ and ‘The Gentleman Who Walks in the Sky’ are delighted with your clearing.】

【The ‘Master of the 31st Floor’ and the ‘Gentleman Who Walks in the Sky’ nominate you.】

【The ‘Master of the 31st Floor’ and the ‘Gentleman Who Walks in the Sky’ baptizes you.】

I continued walking while hearing that I had been nominated by the constellation guy.

Where I was headed was always the same.

Next floor. This is to clear Crown Road.

【The ‘Cat with Frost Feet’ grumbles that he wishes he would fight more.】

【I am satisfied that ‘Lee Ma-mang-ryang’s heartache’ was a good ending.】

【’Atelier of Oman’ dabs the eye area with a handkerchief.】

In the meantime, one more person has increased.

No, it’s not just one guy.

【The semi-constellation ‘Lord of Dragons’ declares that he will become stronger than you.】

I laughed out loud and looked straight ahead at the remark that the Byeolcheondo guy seemed to have made on purpose.

let’s go.

To the next floor.

* * *

On the 32nd floor, a strong snow wind blew before my eyes.

As I walked slowly through the snow and wind, I scanned the message that appeared in front of me.

【’Owner of the 32nd Floor’ and ‘White-Haired Winter Castle’ welcome you.】

【’Master of the 32nd Floor’ and ‘Winter Castle with White Hair’ present the conditions for clearing the 32nd floor.】

【’A hero trapped in eternal winter’ A long time ago, there was a hero. The hero faced her for a long time in hopes of defeating the Winter Witch, who sought to destroy her world. And he eventually succeeded in sealing the Winter Witch, but is this the Winter Witch’s final curse? The world has entered eternal winter. As a result, all of the old acquaintances who believed in the hero also died. The hero suffers. If the seal of the Winter Witch is released to resolve the curse, the world will head towards destruction again, but isn’t it destruction now as well?】

Is it an apocalyptic worldview?

Thinking that I had come to a troublesome place, I wrapped Yongcheonseong’s robe around me to keep warm.

This was because it was more convenient than wearing an aura.

I moved forward, stepping on the endless snow falling from the sky.

Related to clearing the floor will be the previously mentioned hero.

In that case, the first priority was to find him.

“I will receive an item reward.”

【The Wrath of the Flame Emperor was given as a reward for clearing the 30th floor.】

【A ringing alarm clock was provided as a reward for clearing the 31st floor.】

Two item rewards came to my name.

“It’s time for something useful to start coming in.”

30th floor. Once you get to this point, good quality items will begin to appear.

‘Weapon items don’t mean much to me.’

Above all, since I had maxed out my stats, stat-type items that raised those numbers were meaningless to me.

In addition, there was no need to change the weapon as the Byeolcheondo was equipped with a strengthening item that made it unbreakable no matter what output was used.

Therefore, rather than those items, items that help clear a floor are the most useful to me.

“Item description.”

[Wrath of the Flame Emperor (Epic)]

Description: Can set anything on fire. However, the person who used it will also burn up.

* One-time consumable item

[Ringing Alarm Clock (Epic)]

Description: An alarm clock that always rings loudly. It awakens the spirit of those who have fallen asleep. Yes, it wakes you up from any sleep you fall into. Even if it’s Sleeping Beauty.

“… … “It’s trash.”

I’m a fool for expecting something based on the name.


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