I Became A Childhood Friend of A Mid Level Boss Chapter 17

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Became a childhood friend of the middle boss (16)

The main house of the Shingeom Taoist family, the top floor of the main building, was a space created for the head of the family.


The head of the family, Do Yeik, was there.

Although he was at the top of all lions, he did not neglect training himself, and on the day of the dinner party, he did not skip training either.

After swinging the sword like that, I washed my sweaty body.

and then… .

“It’s refreshing.”

Do Yeik entered the sauna room with a wet towel on his head and a towel around his waist.


He was spending that time without even controlling his mana in heat that an ordinary person could not endure.

Although sweat was flowing endlessly, his breathing did not show even the slightest disturbance.

In that state… .

“It looks like everyone has gathered.”

Rather than deploying his detection net, Do Yeik expanded his sixth sense and identified the immediate staff in the main building.

Unlike ordinary people, it was not difficult for him to understand the signs of those who manipulated mana and trained swords since childhood.

Soon he withdrew his sixth sense.

“It looks like everyone has gathered, so I guess I should get ready soon.”

The dinner party is about to begin.

My children came to visit me because I was busy with work, and I couldn’t be late for the family’s annual event just because I was the head of the family.

Just then, the chief secretary came to visit.

“Matriarch, there will be a dinner party soon.”

“Yes, I know. “Let’s get out now.”

The chief secretary spoke outside the door.

Do Yeik grabbed the towel on his head and stood up.

When I opened the door, the heat and steam trapped in the sauna room leaked out.

“I will help you prepare.”

“Thank you.”

Regardless of the heat.

The chief secretary, wearing foggy glasses, gestured to the employees behind him.

The servants approached Do Yeik and served him.

Do Yeik took the clothes they gave him and put them on his body.

Then he asked the chief secretary.

“All the children gathered together, but did any problems arise?”

“There was no special problem that the head of the family would care about.”

“is it.”

“but… .”

The chief secretary paused for a moment.

Do Yeik looked at him without saying a word.

Soon the chief secretary spoke.

“I heard that your two sons had a noticeable argument.”

“Arguing? It’s no big deal. So who was fighting with whom?”

“This is Do Beom-jun, sub-lord, and Do Sang-jun, branch manager.”


“Yes, matriarch.”

“hmm… .”

His fifth son, Do Sang-jun.

A pathetic child who inherited the blood of a famous family but foolishly started a family with an ordinary person with no talent.

When Do Ye-ik heard Do Sang-jun’s name, he couldn’t help but think it was unexpected.

After Do Sang-jun married despite his family’s opposition, he knew his own worth and humbled himself.

When I heard that he had been fighting, I couldn’t help but be interested.

“It seems like the argument between the two of you last time has led to another argument.”

“Is that what happened?”

Soon Do Yeik was convinced.

As the head of the family, there was no way he was unaware of the conflict taking place within the family.

He recalled that not long ago, Do Beom-jun and Do Sang-jun clashed over their children.

“That guy who tried to live a quiet life without being noticed is now showing his true colors when he gets involved with his children. So what happened?”

“that is… .”

Even if Do Sang-jun showed this, it does not reach Do Beom-jun’s influence.

Do Yeik asked, expecting the answer.

However, the answer that came out of the Chief Secretary’s mouth was completely different from what he expected.

“Coincidentally, Master Do Seung-woo and Master Do Gyeon-woo sparred at that time, and the parties involved started to resolve the issue.”

“… .”

“Sub-lord Do Beom-jun started a fight, so he took everyone present and went to see the two masters sparring.”

“Huh, how did that happen?”

It was a completely unexpected trend.

Do Yeik clicked his tongue.

“Sangjun will be greatly embarrassed.”



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Judging by the trend,

Do Beom-jun and Do Seung-woo planned this in advance to embarrass Do Sang-jun and Do Gyeon-woo.

Do Sang-jun fell into a trap.

Do Yeik decided to stop paying attention to the outcome, which was expected to turn out in an obvious way.

Unless the Chief Secretary said something right away.

“But it is said that Master Do Gyeon-woo suggested sparring first.”


“Master Do Gyeon-woo has requested a sparring match.”

“… .”

“I looked at Master Do Seung-woo and told him everything… .”

Do Gyeon-woo suggested sparring.

Do Ye-ik could not help but believe his ears after hearing the chief secretary’s words.

“That kid… “You said that?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Rabbit, Do Gyeon-woo.

A grandson who was once called a prodigy in the family, but was despised by the family due to his weak and timid personality.

Do Ye-ik could not believe that he had challenged Do Seung-woo to a spar.

‘What are you thinking?’

Do Yeik was lost in thought.

Thoughts soon gave way to curiosity.

“If I go now, will I be able to see it?”

“It will probably already be over by the time the matriarch arrives.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to go see the results.”

I can guess the result.

However, I couldn’t help but be curious as to what Do Gyeon-woo believed in when he asked Do Seung-woo to spar.

Soon, Do Yeik took a step forward.

* * *

The moment any being attacks, a loophole is bound to be revealed.

That is the moment of hunting.

I’m aiming for that time… .

“Sleep well, it was nothing special.”

It caught Do Seung-woo off guard.

Type 2 Beast King style defense basically requires you to defend with strength equal to or stronger than the opponent’s attack, so you cannot use it effectively if you do not properly see the opponent’s skills.

However, I was able to compensate for my shortcomings with the effect of my avoidance instinct.

The avoidance instinct coordinated the distribution of power.

[The skill level has increased.]

[Instinct Control Lv 1 → 2]

The level of instinctive control has risen.

I quickly put away the message that came to mind and looked down at Do Seung-woo.

Do Seung-woo was lying on the floor with his back exposed.

In a way, it felt like I was stuck.

“I didn’t intend for it to end like this… .”

When I saw Do Seung-woo lying down as a godson, I ate my mouth in disappointment.

‘It’s not like I haven’t thought about pretending it was a mistake and cutting off my arm… .’

Anyway, I couldn’t do that.

It was beyond what I could handle.

Even though Shingeom Taoism emphasized competition, it was not a family so competitive that it caused family strife and, above all, disregarded human life.

‘So instead, I was planning on wasting time and playing around, Shiba.’

I ended up controlling my power incorrectly.

It’s because I got emotionally upset along the way.

“Can’t we just say let’s do it again? “Shall we try again when I wake up?”

Do Seung-woo’s triumphant face overlapped with the face of the guy who had bullied me in the past.

Looking at that face made me angry.

So, without realizing it, I put too much force into the hand holding the sword.

The result is like this.

“Aren’t you getting up?”

I tapped the guy lying on the floor with my tiptoe.

The guy didn’t even move.

Then, I suddenly felt scared.

‘… ‘Maybe he’s not dead?’

Even though I hit him with the back of a knife, that didn’t give me peace of mind.

If you hit it wrong, you will die.

Moreover, this was my first time striking someone with the back of a knife and causing them to faint.

So, I couldn’t help but feel scared.

“Hey, wake up. “Get up, quickly.”

I hit the guy’s body with my sword.

Still, the guy didn’t regain consciousness, so I slapped him a few times.

“Hey, don’t play dead.”


“Wake up, quickly.”


“Don’t make me a murderer.”


“Seungwoo? “Will you wake up?”


“Ugh… .”

Oh, there is a reaction.

When Do Seung-woo’s cheeks turned red, he frowned.

Only then did I feel at ease.

Only then did I realize that all I had to do was make sure he was breathing.

Because I lost my composure for a moment, I forgot an extremely obvious fact.

It was then.


I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and lifted him halfway up, and soon realized that something was coming out of his lower body.

It was urine.

Everyone could tell that he was tired, and his lower body was wet, and puddles of water were spreading on the floor.

Because the floor of the sparring hall was not dirt, the light yellow light came in clearly.

“Ah, he’s cumming… .”

Oh my, did I say that too loudly?

I belatedly looked at the reactions of the people who were watching the sparring.

“… .”

People had their mouths open.

Do Seung-woo was the one who fainted, got slapped, and was exhausted, but he had a mesmerized look on his face as if he had been hit.

I giggled at them.

‘I guess everyone saw it.’

Well, the puddle is this big, so there’s no way you can’t see it.

There was no need for me to tell people around me, everyone was already watching.

“Ugh, it’s dirty.”

Soon I put my foot back.

Before he knew it, Do Seung-woo’s urine had spread to his feet.

‘… ‘If this is the case, I can’t ask you to spar again.’

In any case, Do Seung-woo’s survival was confirmed.

I decided to let go of the guy’s neck and go back to Ye-eun.

Right then.

“haha! “Maybe the sparring is already over and there’s nothing to see?”

“… .”

“No matter who wins and who loses, as adults, let’s encourage them both.”

Suddenly, the door to the training room burst open, and adults came in.

Among them, I saw my father and mother.

‘What’s going on?’

I saw them walking by and tilted my head.

“Seungwoo, you did well. Gyeonwoo, keep in mind that you lost too… ?”

Eventually, they approached the sparring hall and caught Do Seung-woo and me in their eyes.


“… !”

The third uncle, who was leading the crowd at the front, widened his eyes and let out a very surprised sound.

The face was also severely distorted.

‘Ah, that’s what it was.’

I grasped the situation and let go of Do Seung-woo’s neck.

The guy fell down again.

* * *

As for what happened after that… .

It was just chaos.

“What on earth did you do to put the child in such a state!?”

“… .”

Do Seung-woo’s father, Do Beom-jun.

The third uncle, who was usually arrogant, blushed and ran wild.

Then he tried to defuse the situation by interrogating me somehow.

They were trying to invalidate the sparring by accusing me of using a cowardly move.

“Brother, what are you doing to my child! it’s crazy!? You were the one who told me not to get involved no matter what the outcome of the sparring match was! “You don’t remember!?”

“Move! Do Sangjun!”

Naturally, my father used his body to block my third uncle from threatening or approaching me.

It was a natural progression that a physical fight broke out.

“Oh, I told you to calm down!?”

“Aren’t you going to get out of this way!?”

“Everyone who was watching said that the sparring was fair!”

“Tsk… ! “What do these young kids know, and are you telling me to believe them!?”

Not only did they not use their fists, but the two people pushed and pulled each other until they ended up rolling on the floor.

‘… There’s no such thing as a mess.’

I had to quietly watch the scene.

There was no way I could get involved in the fight between my fathers.


Fighting broke out elsewhere too.

“Okay, let’s say the sparring was justified! But what if you hit the kid even after the sparring is over? Can’t you see her cheeks are so swollen!? “Isn’t that guy a total thug!?”

“yes? I beg your pardon? Brother, say it again now. Are you just calling my son a bastard? “A thug?”

“Don’t hit my mom!”

My mother and Do Seung-woo’s mother.

Fights also broke out between mothers.

Both of them opened their eyes and argued as if they would not lose.

Then, when her mother was grabbed by the hair, Ye-eun also joined in.

‘My mom is so scary… .’

It was strange to see my mother screaming with an evil face on her face.

I had no idea that my mother, who bowed her head and grovelled to others when she was at home, would show herself like that.

by the way… .

“hey! Do Beom-jun! “If you’re the older brother, that’s it!?”

“What did this bastard just say!?”

“okay! I said you were a gangster! Perhaps because the child came from a lowly background, he was treated like something… .”

“What about your son being rude? Maybe it’s because he looks like you, but you’ve always wanted to hit him every time you see him? It’s okay, Gyeonwoo! “Good hit!”

It’s so messed up.

There was no such thing as a mess.

There was confusion as to whether this was a famous swordsmanship district or a swordsmanship market.

‘How do I stop this situation?’

It seemed like the family members had no intention of stopping the situation.

Rather, he seemed to enjoy this situation.

I guess it was difficult to get help.

I sighed.

It was right then.

“What are they doing now!”

Suddenly, a roar broke out that filled the training hall.

The mana-filled voice contained a power that seemed to intimidate people.

“… .”

After the anger stopped.

Everyone was silent.

They all turned their heads in the direction of the sound as if they had made an appointment.

It was the same for me too.

“It’s so unsightly.”

“… .”

A tall old man was walking.

He was the head and grandfather of the Shinken Taoist school.

‘Why is Grandpa here?’

It’s not just me who thinks that, it’s probably everyone in the room.

But it seemed like my grandfather had no intention of answering our questions.

As soon as my grandfather approached us, he immediately frowned.

“There is no such thing as a complete mess, you idiot. Are you still from a famous family? “I feel ashamed of everything I see.”


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