I Became A Childhood Friend of A Mid Level Boss Chapter 84

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Became a childhood friend of the mid-boss (83)

Some time has passed since the Geumgang Academy entrance exam ended.

Meanwhile, the alter ego that split his soul did not return.

If we were in this world, we would be able to share sight, memory, sensation, and location through the path inherent in the soul, but even that was impossible.

Unless the clone is inside the gate, you are bound to notice it at this point.

Lee Ga-hyeon had to accept reality.

“You’re dead.”

I don’t know what happened, but my alter ego must have been discovered.

And then he faced death.

The reason why the existence of the soul stone cannot be detected is because someone is hiding it so that it cannot be detected.

Naturally, there was a high probability that someone was an official from Geumgang Academy.

“How did I get caught…? .”

A slum somewhere in Academy City.

She sat on the stairs on her butt and looked up at the night sky.

He put his hands on the floor and shook his legs, shaking his red shoes as if they were about to come off.

Unlike the mainland, the night sky of Academy City was densely packed with stars.

“I wouldn’t have made a mistake…” .”

How on earth did I get caught?

Who noticed?

Above all, who killed him?

Test taker? Academy instructors?

Lee Ga-hyeon was lost in thought, not paying attention to the gazes of people groping her in the dark.

However, with limited information, it was impossible to know how the Geumgang Academy entrance exam was conducted, so there was nothing to know.

In the end, her insides burned.

“Ugh… .”

Lee Ga-hyeon hugged her body and brought her legs close together.

He buried his face between his knees and shook his shoulders as if sobbing.

I cried and laughed even though I knew that the flowing tears smudged my makeup and made me look ugly.

Beautiful things are perfect.

However, having lost part of his soul, he is now an imperfect being.

Therefore, she herself is not beautiful.

She couldn’t bear that fact.

From now on, there will forever be a void in your soul that cannot be filled with anything.

No matter how beautiful you make yourself, or even if you put yourself into a beautiful doll, that fact does not change.

He felt so much resentment toward someone who had made him like this.

I feel like I want to go and kill him.

However, since the opponent was unknown and Geumgang Academy had kept its mouth shut without making any public announcements, it was impossible to do so.

And I had to shut myself up too.

Because you can’t let the world know that you are no longer beautiful.

If you want to keep it a secret, don’t tell anyone.

Especially for those who are revered as the Six Demons along with themselves.

It was obvious that the moment his imperfections were revealed, he would look down on them and laugh at them.

“who is this. Who are you? .”

I’m really going crazy and jumping up and down.

I bite my teeth.

Unable to suppress sadness and hatred, the uncontrollable emotions try to express themselves.

Those feelings lead to self-harm.

Lee Ga-hyeon realized that she had been pinching her arm hard with her fingernails.

Fingernail marks appeared on the skin that was not covered by the red dress fabric.

“No, you can’t do this.”

No matter how emotional you are, you cannot hurt yourself.

It’s not pretty.

I almost got hurt.

Lee Ga-hyeon, who barely came to her senses, rubbed the area where the nail marks were.

However, the emotions could not be controlled and were still trying to burst out.

“… .”

Emotions heat up the body.

I want to destroy, destroy, and kill anything I see right away.

Lee Ga-hyeon was overcome by a sense of impulse.

It was then that the people who had been watching her in the dark appeared.

“Pretty sister, why are you crying there? “Have you ever been cheated on by a man?”

“You’re a bad guy for cheating on someone like this. “If it were me, I wouldn’t do that.”

“The pain caused by meeting the wrong man must be resolved by meeting a good man! how is it? “Would you like to go over there with us and have some fun for a change?”

“… .”

A group of men who did not appear to be well-behaved walked out of the shadows and gathered around the stairs where Lee Ga-hyeon was sitting.

They each looked down at her, each revealing an insidious emotion.

She stared at them and smiled in response.

“Okay, I guess I need to change my mind.”



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“Oh really? Is it hot? As expected, I recognized him from the time I wore those clothes… ?”

There is nothing more terrible in the world than being wooed by unattractive people.

Moreover, I am embarrassed and embarrassed to see my makeup smudged and showing an unbeautiful face, so I want to kill myself.

Even if I didn’t do that, I wanted to relieve my helpless impulse, and it worked out well.

Lee Ga-hyeon woke up with different thoughts than what they expected.

Immediately afterwards, a man’s head fell as he tried to touch her body.

“… uh?”

“… .”

The man survived for a brief moment even after his head was cut off.

The man’s head spun around, making a short sound, and his eyes widened.

The head rolled down the stairs that Lee Ga-hyeon was standing on.


Blood poured out like a fountain from the cross section of the neck where the man’s head was located.

The men, who had become rigid due to the sudden situation, only then realized the crisis.

“Do, run… !”

“… !”

“You want to play with me.” Where are you running away?”

It’s an opponent they can’t do anything about.

All of the men, who realized the gap in skill, tried to run away without even having time to be angry at the death of their colleague.

But death could not be avoided.

Because a thread invisible to their eyes had already surrounded their son-in-law.


When the men touched the thread, they were cut into pieces and died.

Those who realized the existence of the thread just before that, Ga-Hyeon Lee personally manipulated the thread and ended their lives.

Their bodies fell to the floor or tumbled down the stairs, decorating the area in a sea of ​​blood.

“It’s not tasty, it’s fishy.”

Lee Ga-hyeon traced the blood splattered on her face with her fingers and licked it with her tongue.

I couldn’t tell whose blood it was, but the mana contained in the blood was poor.

She frowned slightly and looked back at the stairs, where blood ran down like a red carpet.

“But I feel a little relieved.”

Again and again.

I go down the low stairs, stepping on dark red blood with my red shoes.

“Who killed me? I’m curious. Are you a disciple of Tugui? Academy instructor? Either that or… .”

Could it be another student?

Muttering to myself.

She walked with her shoes sounding and disappeared into the darkness of the slums.

* * *

Do Gyeon-woo left for Academy City to take the entrance exam.

I thought it would be okay since he was gone for two weeks, but his family felt his absence as time passed.

“I don’t know how much I’ll miss you when I enter the academy.”

Do Gyeon-woo’s father, Do Sang-jun, smiled bitterly.

Although she predicted that her son would one day grow up and leave her arms, she was mentally prepared, but it seems she was not ready yet.

Well, maybe it’s natural.

For 17 years, I watched the small lump of blood grow from my side, and even raised it with my own hands, and there is no way I can let it go easily.

For him and his wife Han Ji-ae, he was the culmination of 17 years of time.

It is the memory itself.

Now that he was standing alone in the world, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss while being proud and proud.

In the case of Han Ji-ae, she missed her son every day.

“I wonder if you’re doing well on the test… . “I’m so worried that the kid might be hurt somewhere.”

“Now you know how good Gyeonherd is. Where is he going to get hurt? Rather, he’s a guy who causes accidents and causes trouble. And since there is heaven next to you, you don’t have to worry.”

“okay… . I can feel at ease because Haneul is by my side, but if Gyeonwoo had been sent alone… .”

Starting 5 years ago.

Han Ji-ae, who stuck to short hair, often took swordsmanship lessons from him.

On this day, while learning sword skills from him, she expressed her worries about Do Gyeon-woo.

Do Sang-jun, as usual, comforted her when she was worried.

Nevertheless, there was nothing that could be done about the parents’ concern for their children.

Neither he nor she could completely let go of their worries about their son.

The good news is that you can’t contact him at all.

They communicated with him through social media.

[Son Naemi]: Arrived in Academy City


[Son Nae-mi]: Perfect score on the qualification test!


[Son Nae-mi]: (Photo of black admission ticket).

Since leaving for Academy City, Do Gyeon-woo has told me about the current situation once a day.

He was taking the test safely and seemed to be on a roll.

However, after sending a message saying that I was going to take the third test, I lost contact.

This is because the 3rd to 5th practical exams are conducted consecutively at gates where smartphones cannot be used.

“Nothing will happen to Gyeonwoo, right?”

“You should think of no news as good news.”

I hope the exam ends quickly.

Han Ji-ae and Do Sang-jun desperately had to wait for the day when they would hear from their son.

Then, finally, I received a message from my son.

[Son Naemi]: I did well on the test. The announcement hasn’t been made yet, but I think I’m certain I’ll pass. And the evaluators said I would be first in the 5th exam.

[Me]: Is that so? I had a really hard time taking the exam. There was no problem, right?

[♥My Madam♥]: Are you hurt anywhere? Are you coming home on Sunday?

[Son Naemi]: Yes, everything was resolved well.

[Son Nae-mi]: I still have time left to receive my residence permit in Academy City, so I’m going to rest here a little longer and then go back on Sunday.

[Son Nae-mi]: You’re not hurt anywhere!

[Daughter]: Oppa!!! Delicious food when you come!!! And good job on your exam!

After a few days, I received a call from Do Gyeon-woo.

Only then were Do Sang-jun and Han Ji-ae able to relax.

They were relieved that he had done well on the test and, above all, that he was healthy.

Meanwhile, he seems to have made many friends during the test, and even sent me a photo of him having fun with them.

[Son Nae-mi]: (Pictured after party).

[Son Naemi]: I came to have an after-party with the kids to commemorate the end of the exam.

[Me]: Oh, are all the kids there new friends you made this time?

[♥My Madam♥]: Everyone is pretty and handsome^^ But my son is the best!

[Son Nae-mi]: Not everyone… There is a girl named Go Eun-bi who has a lot of friends. He brought them all

I thought Do Gyeon-woo wouldn’t be able to make many friends because he doesn’t pay attention to other people except for a few people.

It appears that the concerns were unfounded.

Do Sang-jun and Han Ji-ae were satisfied as they looked at the friends their son had made during the exam.

Then I tried to prepare to welcome my son back from Academy City.

“Yes, hello?”

[hello. Are you the father of student Do Gyeon-woo?]

“Yes, what about it? Who are you?”

Do Sang-jun received a phone call.

He immediately felt puzzled by the person on the other end of the phone who called him Do Gyeon-woo’s father.

Soon the puzzlement turned into astonishment.

[I am So Hye-yul, the chairman of Geumgang Academy, where Do Gyeon-woo will attend from now on.]

“… .”

Star Witch, So Hye-yul.

Why did she, who had great influence not only in Academy City but also around the world, call me?

Do Sang-jun couldn’t believe his ears.

On the other hand, I couldn’t shake my anxiety.

“really… Are you the chairman?”

[yes that’s right.]

“What happened to the Chairman… .”

The accumulated experience of five years was telling him strongly.

He said his son must have had a serious accident.

As expected, it was right on target.

[It’s no different, in this exam, student Do Gyeon-woo… .]

“… .”

To summarize So Hye-yul’s phone call, it was roughly as follows.

Lee Ga-hyeon, who has the reputation of being a doll ghost, stole the test taker’s body and secretly sneaked into the exam.

Her son Do Gyeon-woo discovered her identity during the 5th exam and defeated her.

Geumgang Academy decided to offer a small reward for his performance.

However, the fact that Lee Ga-hyeon was subdued will not be announced to the outside world.

The reason is to prevent the Academy’s reputation from being tarnished, but it is also because his existence must be hidden from Lee Ga-hyeon’s true identity.

However, I called him because I felt like I needed to explain the situation to his parents, who were his guardians, and at the same time ask for their understanding.

“haha… . Gyeonwoo… I said so… .”

[Yes, your son is really great.]

“ha ha ha… .”

Do Sang-jun was almost lost.

Even if Do Gyeon-woo had an accident, he was hit very hard.

I can’t believe I’ve done something in the world that would make me a target of a doll demon.

It was so surprising and absurd that I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Son, didn’t you say there was no problem… .”

Is this really what the message that everything was resolved well was meant?

Do Sang-jun dropped his shoulders.

I couldn’t help but sigh as I had to figure out what kind of accident this son of a bitch would cause once he entered the academy.

“Do you really have to make it difficult for me like that?”

He is truly a troublemaker son.


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