I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 545

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I Became the Academy Mafia Episode 545

Compared to other districts, this area had a higher concentration of high-end bars.

A place where executives, captains, and even businessmen from all kinds of large and small organizations in Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, and even the Seoul area gather.

Although it was not a special place, the reason why these people gathered here was simple.

This is because this was Caglione’s territory.

Having an accident here meant antagonizing Caglione, so this was chosen as the meeting place.

However, is human being such a rational and easy creature?

Depending on the situation, depending on the conversation, even if there are people around, people tend to have accidents when they get angry… … .

Of course, in that case, our Calyone stepped forward and sorted out the situation appropriately, which became their trust and became the reason they came here even more.

In any case, this was a big project and strategy in Caglione’s policy.

Through the operation of this place, we conduct trustworthy business and even understand the trends of various nearby organizations. And collect information.

Moreover, many of those doing business here are foreign immigrants from abroad.

We help them settle down and open their own stores, and even receive a small amount of courtesy.

As the influence steadily increased, it was literally a task of digging ditches and catching crayfish.

Of course, in some ways it could be seen as forced or illegal, but unfortunately, this was a perfectly normal thing to do.

In the first place, this land was a kind of self-governing territory handed over to Calyone by the government, and we only received rent in exchange for ostensibly lending the land.

The protection fee is just a little more than the normal rent.

And if you look at us working now… … .

“If you have any complaints, come to Caglione.”

“If you want to fight further here, I will join in.”

“You broke the table over there? “I’ll get it to you right away.”

I have no choice but to understand.

“under… … “Area B is definitely tough.”

I’ve been called here and there to mediate, so even though I haven’t been out for a long night walk, I’m already feeling tired.

Is it because he worries about me?


I felt a cold touch on the back of my neck.

“Thank you for your hard work. young master.”

Alessia was holding my neck and moving her hands as if she was trying to release me.

What can I say?


It was a move that felt like the hand of an expert.

“Hehe, in the old days, when you got tired while doing your homework in front of me, I would do it for you like this. long time no see. “Definitely, I feel like my muscles are tight because I’ve been working hard recently.”

“okay? Well, I guess that means I’m working hard.”

“Hehe. “I said we could go, but they all ran out, saying the master would handle it.”

Until now, whenever an incident has occurred, I have always taken the initiative to resolve the situation.

Certainly, the value of the name successor cannot be ignored.

At that time, the sound of friction was heard from one side of the road. When I reflexively tried to move towards that place.

“Then let me organize it this time?”

Alessia, who gently pushed me away, took the lead and began to intervene.

─Is that a condition that makes sense?! “You want to take away half of our district!”

─No, then you mean let’s go to war? But what keeps the organization alive? If you’re alone, there’s no problem making a living.

─Then what should our children eat for a living? Aren’t you planning on killing me by making it flow naturally into your organization?

I think you can get a rough idea of ​​what the situation is just by listening.

It appears that the newbie who became independent from his older brother overtook his superiors, took over a new area, and even attacked the organization he originally worked for.

They pretended to respect it in words, but in reality, they naturally tried to monopolize all areas without allowing others to intervene.

“Let’s stop there. “I don’t think you’ve forgotten the rules of this area.”

Togak─ Togak─ Togak─

Alessia, dressed in formal shoes, walked towards them and spoke in a cold voice.

Then, the two people looked at Alessia at the same time.

“What is this woman? “Is this Callione too?”

“Wait a minute, is this person—?

As expected, the younger guy looked as if he looked down on Alessia. But his older brother immediately lowered his head.

“Look at this. Can’t you see we’re solving this with words right now? “I’ll lower my voice a little, so why don’t you just leave?”

Look at the cheesy things they say about young people.

Around the time I was thinking about whether I should install the etiquette educator Mk.Ⅲ myself.

“ah. “Let’s try it.”


“──Ah. “If you don’t, your teeth will break.”

In an instant, Alessia took out a gun from her waist and shoved the muzzle into the young guy’s mouth.

Still, it might be too late to open your mouth. This guy doesn’t seem to have any teeth.

The guy just blinked and looked embarrassed at the sudden feeling of a gun being shoved into his mouth.


“Oh, my! You foolish thing! “You came all the way to Area B and used the cold-blooded demon of Area B because you didn’t recognize the Executor!”

huh? Cold-blooded? It seems like there’s something else attached to the end, plus a bailiff? Alessia?

With a clanking sound, Alessia pulls back the hammer of the pistol.

“Okay then, let’s talk calmly and quietly like a member of society. “If it’s okay with you, nod.”

The other person nods at Alessia’s words.



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“great. “If you raise your voice, you will have a hole in your forehead.”

Alessia slowly removed the muzzle from the mouth of the guy who was nodding and looked at the two people in turn.

“It looks like they live around here, is that correct?”

“… … yes.”

“you’re right.”

A guy who answers by touching his mouth that was forced open just a moment ago, and an older man who shows a proper attitude by nodding his head discreetly.

Alessia intervened and heard a brief explanation of the situation from them. Eventually she nodded her head once and opened her mouth.

“It’s simple. In the end, this person is being pushed out both in terms of ability and size, so it is inevitable that he will be pushed out.”

“Right, right? older brother. What did I say! Doesn’t anyone here say that too?”

“… … If Caglione makes adjustments like that… … All right.”

“──But. Since we clearly said we would take care of it here, the conditions should change a little.”


The two people’s expressions changed as Alessia suddenly continued her explanation.

“Joe, are you changing the conditions?”

“First of all, you there. “How many younger brothers are under your command now?”

“that is… … “Now we have about 21 people.”

“okay. In that case, as I said, I need to give him at least some respect in order to respect him as an older brother. They say they will take care of 21 people so that they can live comfortably… … “If that’s the case, how much area do you need?”

“Oh, no, that’s not it!”


Alessia shoots a light glare at the intruder.

The guy flinched for a moment and stopped his actions.

“… … “Even if you don’t make it, you have to have 70% to feed your family.”

“You’re not lying, are you?”

In response to the cold voice asking, he nodded softly.

Alessia agrees with this.

“great. “Then, I guess I’ll have to ask here again.”

Alessia looked away while stroking the muzzle of the gun, whose hammer was still pulled back.

“In the first place, the fact that these negotiations took place here today can be taken to mean that it doesn’t matter if Caglione intervenes, right? If so, let me ask. Like I said, I think we should leave about 70%.”

“B-But there are younger siblings under me too—─.”

At that time, Alessia interrupted and muttered softly.

“──Ah, this mouth doesn’t give the answer I want. Should I create a new mouth and ask?”

“… … However, my respect for you remains the same, so I will do as you wish this time.”

“Would you please? Okay, the conversation has ended well. Congratulations.”

Alessia, who quickly resolved the situation with just the atmosphere, walked back towards where I was standing.

“great job. Alessi… … ah?”

It was when I was taken aback by her unfamiliar, cold appearance.

“Oh, sorry.”

She washes her face thoroughly and rubs her face.

“When I work, I find it easier to look like this. “But I guess everyone else found out about this incident.”

“… … what?”

“The fact that you are back. Probably, from now on, everyone who thinks that the master is hurt or in trouble will completely revise their plans. “You are fine, Master, and there are no problems in Caglione.”

Those words made me realize something.

“Is this what your father or godfather planned?”


“This time we went for a night walk in Area B. Even this made me think that it came here because of someone’s plan… … If you think about it, there aren’t that many people in Caglione who could do something like this, right?”

Father and godfather. Because no one but two people can arbitrarily decide my fate.

So, do you think my father or godfather will like the way I’ve been patrolling Area B, sorting out situations so far?

When I think about it that way, it feels ambiguous again.

What can I say? Feeling like one big room isn’t enough?

When I was wondering how to solve this.


A loud explosion was heard from far away.

“That… … .”

As I was staring blankly at that, Alessia was startled and grabbed my hand.

“Let’s go! young master!”

Yeah, it wasn’t something to just watch.

An explosion of this magnitude, not anywhere else, but here? What kind of crazy person is going on a rampage like that in Caglione’s territory?

I can only say that it is a situation that I cannot understand with my head.

The place where the explosion was heard was not far from us.

The good news is that it’s close to the outskirts and there aren’t many people there.

And when Alessia and I arrived there.

“Hahahahaha! castle! “Didn’t drinking make you weak?”

“Did this attack you, you bastard? “The chopsticks I’m holding must be even sharper, you guy!”

Two old men were fighting against each other with fierce energy.

What was unusual was that both of them were smiling and did not feel alive at all.

and… … .

“Why on earth are they here?”

Both of them were noblemen I knew.

Auror style Kwak Chun-sik.

The best choice of the Changcheon Sword Family.

No, I knew that the two of them had been hanging out and drinking recently. Why is that here?

As soon as I grasped the situation, my feet moved.

I got between the two people and spread my arms and said.

“This is Caglione’s district. “If you both want to have more fun, how about going to a place where there are no people around and having fun?”

They made eye contact one by one and spoke clearly.

Neither of them will have any trouble recognizing who I am.


“Oh my… … !”

Only then did the two elders realize that the situation could become serious, so they slowed down and walked towards me like dogs that had misbehaved with their owner.

“Two minutes. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, that’s it. “I got excited after drinking.”

“No, well. Isn’t that guy bragging about how great he has developed a new technology? That’s why I tried to give you insight!”

“Yu, Eugene! You tell me! Isn’t my electrostatic conductor a great technology? huh?”

You were only able to achieve this with that?

“Let’s talk about that later and go home and get some sleep! Everyone calls home?!”

“K-huh. “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, don’t go back today! Well, send the compensation amount with an Auror stamp! Chun-sik. Me, tax cut!”

“Why did I pay that! Send it to Changcheon Sword House! huh? “I’m going too!”

Two people disappear from the street in an instant.

I sighed at that sight and looked at the mess around me.

“These guys are really… … .”

At this time, I really didn’t know.

I never thought that single-handedly stopping the fight between Auror Master Kwak Chun-sik and Swordsman Choi Seon-ho would become such a big issue.

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