I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 677

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Episode 677: The arriving light (1)

The crusaders froze, tense without realizing it.

A tree stands tall in front of you.

It was so huge that even if you lifted your head and looked up for a long time, you couldn’t see the end.

If you think about the phenomenon caused by the plants you encountered on your way here, that tree must not have been ordinary either.

Moreover, they are blocking the entrance to Galaharad Fortress.

It was definitely more dangerous than anything I had ever faced.

One of the reasons that made me nervous was that there was only one tree instead of gathering trees to make a forest.

Because it meant that one was enough.

But despite being nervous and afraid, they couldn’t back down.

Even while I was hesitating like this, I had no idea what the devil was planning inside Galaharad Fortress.

As someone who had to move as quickly as possible, that tree was nothing more than an obstacle to overcome.

“First of all, the flames.”

Wizards drew magic tricks.

Eventually, the huge flame magic was completed.

The size of each one is about 4th level.

However, as the 4th level magic began to gather and coalesce, it gave off very hot heat.

Even the driver watching from a distance broke into a cold sweat.

A huge ball of flame spread by the magicians’ combined efforts.

Instead of stopping there, the wizards also added wind attribute magic.

As wind was added to the flames, they turned into a whirlpool of flames and shot towards the huge tree.

The heat was enough to make even the knights hesitate for a moment.

Powerful enough to instantly melt the main gate of Galaharad Fortress and create a hole.


The swirl of flames that hit the tree caused a huge explosion.

It was so powerful that the entire peripheral vision was covered with scarlet flames.

Maybe you think about that look? Those who were thinking this crumpled their expressions when the flames subsided and a healthy tree appeared.

“What on earth is that tree?”

“Are you saying it could be some kind of world tree?”

At that time when everyone was muttering that, a change occurred in the tree.


The trees vibrated slightly and the air began to tremble in response.

The leaves growing on top of the trees were shaking and making noises as they brushed against each other even though there was no wind.


I was about to frown at the sound that sounded like hundreds of millions of bees flapping their wings at the same time.

The leaves began to glow a light green fluorescent color.

Although it was daytime, the dark surroundings gradually became brighter due to the dark clouds.

Soon, arrows made of light rained down from the top of the tree.

“Everyone defend!”

“be careful!”

Even in the surprising situation of a tree suddenly shooting out arrows of light, the crusaders, who had already raised their guard, immediately responded.

The nimble knights dodged or struck away the arrows with swords filled with aura.

The wizards spread their shields to block the arrows.

The same was true for paladins and priests.

Light green arrows pouring down from the sky endlessly.

Those who were preoccupied with it were too late to discover the uneasiness creeping through the ground.

“What? Everyone watch the floor!”

“Something is coming from below!”

As soon as the warning ended, the ground rose up and a huge shadow fell upon the crusaders.

“Could that be a root?”

Huge roots that can be seen to be over 10 meters thick.

The sight of more than a hundred roots rising at the same time gave the illusion of a tsunami on the earth.

The ground collapsed, and the crusaders caught up in it were thrown around or tangled up.

The knights had excellent reflexes to escape the collapsed terrain or move by stepping on tree roots.

Basically, wizards with weak mobility couldn’t do that.

Arrows of light rained down on them as their magic was broken by the surprise attack.


The arrow of light hit the wizards’ bodies.

The wizard should have screamed at the feeling of the arrow piercing his skin, but instead he just closed his eyes and collapsed.

He had fallen asleep.

“What is this? “It’s not an ordinary attack?”

The Holy Knight was taken aback when people suddenly fell asleep one after another.

Thinking it was a curse from the devil, the priests unleashed their divine power and healed the sleeping people.

“Isn’t it happening? “You’re saying it’s not a curse!”

The priest was shocked when he realized too late that it was not a curse.

In other words, the sleep that one falls into while being hit by that arrow of light is not a hex or a curse, but something else.

“It’s effective.”

Julia, who was watching the scene from afar, muttered.



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People hit by arrows of light fell asleep without exception, even if they were knights or paladins.

“No matter how much dream magic was incorporated, I had no idea it would be this effective.”

Julia stuck her tongue out.

This is because the arrow of light that the tree is currently shooting is not an attack that physically suppresses the opponent, but a type of dream magic that causes the spirit of the target to fall to Dream Land.

Originally, dream magic was capable of making people sleep or wake them up, but it was not a magic that was this effective.

It can only be effective against ordinary people, and it shouldn’t have had any effect on the crusaders gathered here now.

It was the power of Sedina that made that possible.

“Sedina. “Is this the world tree?”

Julia asked Sedina who was right next to her.

“no. This is not a world tree. “It’s just one of the roots of the world tree.”

“This is a root?”

Julia was astonished to hear that this huge tree was not the World Tree itself, but one of its roots.

So, doesn’t that mean that the stem over there is the root of the root?

“I dragged the roots here and made them rise up from the ground. “The World Tree is a symbol of life, and it is possible to grow new branches and leaves above its roots.”

The World Tree that had sprung up now was nothing more than a sapling of the World Tree derived from its roots.

Of course, it was smaller than the actual world tree.

Still, it was so huge that it felt like a mountain.

“No, rather, the World Tree is in the Elven Forest. But the roots reach this far? “And beyond the sea?”

“No matter how big the World Tree is, its roots do not reach this far. So instead, I created a pseudo-world tree in the middle to create a path.”

“A pseudo-world tree. “Something strange comes out again.”

“You can think of it as a relay that connects communications. “I planted a plant that served as a relay connecting the roots of the World Tree and crossed the continent to Bretus.”

“… … What about the sea? “Can the roots cross the sea?”

“It’s okay to drink sea water when you reach the level of the world tree. Things like salt can be decomposed and discharged on their own. “In fact, thanks to the abundance of water around the island, it can grow more.”

Ironically, the geography of Bretus, which made it easy to prevent invasions by foreign enemies, was a great help to Sedina.

“Of course, it is far short of the real world tree. That’s why I combined it with dream magic.”

“… … okay. It did. But that tree is not enough compared to the real world tree. “How amazing is it really?”

“hmm. “It’s too long to explain.”

Sedina didn’t bother to explain.

Because it would take too much time to list what I experienced that day in the elf kingdom.

But such blurring of words further amplifies fear, curiosity, and imagination.

“I must listen to it later.”

“huh. “I’ll tell you later.”


These were words that did not fit in this great war.

However, the fact that those words came out naturally also meant that the two did not consider this war to be over.

“Anyway, thanks to the vitality of the World Tree, the use of dream magic has increased tremendously.”

Basically, unless you are in Dreamland, dream magic tends to have its power halved.

However, now that the vitality of the World Tree has become fuel, it is safe to say that the power of dream magic has increased even more than in Dreamland.

However, if dream magic was used carelessly, enemies could notice its presence.

To prevent that, Julia placed Sedina’s plant as the main plant and used dream magic as an auxiliary purpose.

For example, it causes the target hit by the World Tree’s attack to fall into sleep.

Of course, those who were asleep were currently in Dreamland.

It was dropped neither on the surface nor on the upper layer, but directly on the middle layer.

Although the middle layer itself is full of danger, now that Nirva has disappeared and the Goddess of Dreams has fallen asleep again, the middle layer has become considerably more stable than before.

Now, even if you fall to the middle floor, your life will not be in danger.

Moreover, the people sleeping now are all skilled elites.

They would be able to easily overcome any danger.

It may be a bit irresponsible to say, but this was the best and most efficient way.

“okay. I’ve come this far, and I can’t quit now. So, let’s go and have a look.”

I’ve already been through too much in Dreamland.

To be honest, it wasn’t a good experience.

Rather, I had the sad experience of losing someone precious to me.

Therefore, Julia was able to better understand Sedina and take a step forward as a person.

Julia generated magical power and scattered it around like particles.

Magical particles like dandelion seeds fly with the wind and land on the World Tree.

He breathed the energy of dreams into the tree.

With Sedina Roshen, the green wizard.

Julia Plumheart uses a unique type of dream magic.

A new fusion magic unprecedented in history, performed by two people joining forces.

[A dream we all dream together]

Those who reached the World Tree began to dream.

* * *

The battlefield was literally filled with chaos.

The Crusaders, who had to be wiped out in one fell swoop with overwhelming force, felt embarrassed because their support was slower than expected.

The difference in troops was overwhelming, but as the Demon King’s army responded with its geographical advantage and a variety of magic, the battle itself turned against each other.

Of course, we crossed each obstacle one by one and eventually reached Galaharad Fortress.

The road is once again blocked by a huge tree at the entrance to the fortress.

Moreover, the obstacles in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd checkpoint cities had not been completely removed, so fighting was taking place there as well.

“Holy shit! “If only we had an armored division, we would wipe them all out!”

The commander was furious and slammed his fist on the desk.

We tried to wipe them all out with overwhelming power, but now that has become impossible.

Rather, the excessive number of troops ended up being too much of a hindrance to the organization and operation of the troops.

There are already so many warships gathered on the small coast that it is difficult to even land properly.

Most ships had no choice but to stick to the floating position, waiting in the coastal waters.

Moreover, even though we sent elite men, we did not receive any proper reports of victory.

The command staff, who had intended to end this war quickly, could not help but feel heartbroken.

There was nothing they could do here.

The front line had to be pushed through regular infantry, but infantry was useless in the current situation.

Is it just infantry?

The same applies to cavalry, steam golems, and rear support units.

All that was left was to wait for the few elite units of knights, wizards, paladins, and priests to do well.

Of course, they were a small minority, but not a minority in absolute terms, so I didn’t think they would lose.

However, it was just difficult to bear the frustration of the sluggish situation.

So, they were thinking of somehow using the infantry to push out the thorn vines first.

At that time, the command received a new communication.

“what? okay. i get it. “Is that what happened in the end?”

The command immediately attacked the soldiers.

The soldiers, who were planning to completely wipe out the surrounding area with buried landmines, were puzzled when they were suddenly ordered to retreat.

People who didn’t understand why realized it the moment they saw the people who showed up.

The pure white robes, the tiara on the eyes, and even the white radiance flowing softly.

Standing at the head of the group was a calm-looking woman with beautiful silver hair.

“She is a saint.”

“Saint Catherine has arrived.”

Saint Catherine and the priests who followed her.

And even Catherine’s personal troops escorting those priests.

The soldiers who saw their naturally shining appearance even in the battlefield unknowingly made way for them.

Even though no one had said anything, it was an instinctive action.

After miraculously passing through the divided path of soldiers, Catherine eventually stood in front of a barrier full of black thorns.

The biggest problem causing trouble to the soldiers.

Even after pushing it once, the thorny vine grew bigger and stronger thanks to its persistent regenerative power and wriggled like a tentacle as if telling it not to come near.

Catherine looked at the thorn vine and opened her lips.


A golden spark rose from Catherine.

A small golden fire, no bigger than the length of a fingertip, literally the size of a candle.

It flew helplessly towards the thorn vine.


The golden fire touched the thorn vines.

Then the entire forest of thorn vines completely oxidized.


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