I was Reincarnated While Trying to Climb the Mountain Chapter 70

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Episode 70

Episode 70

“anyway! “I will tell you this from now on.”

“Illusion Snake Fist?”

“Perhaps Illusion Snake Fist! … “Is it okay to shout and throw a fist?”

As the two people giggled and teased each other, Jeron’s face turned red.

It was clear that he realized that he had built it.

‘Only in times like this are you quick to notice!’

Jeron gritted his teeth inwardly. But he was going to make the two people pay for challenging his authority(?) from now on.

‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!’

Jeron’s personality was tightly twisted.

To put it simply, the twist bread is like ‘Master! It can be said that he was so twisted that he begged, ‘Please accept me as your disciple!’ Since we are friends, I don’t plan on doing anything bad to them, but I did plan on making them pay the price for their challenge.

“Did you see what I was doing earlier?”

“Uh, huh?”

“which… “Are you talking about that?”

The two people who noticed Jeron’s unusual mood swallowed their saliva. We exchanged quick glances and tried to calm Jeron down.

“Hmm. The illusion snake fist from earlier was truly amazing. “I have never seen such outstanding fist skills in my life.”

“that’s right. “I really thought the snake was wriggling and moving?”

The person who spoke later is Rohan. This guy did not even see a glimpse of the true nature of the Hwanbaeksan Fist using internal energy, so he expressed it as a snake.

Anyway, both of your attempts were very good, but the topic was wrong.

The reason why Jeron used the ancient criminal law Talion Act on the two people was because they were making fun of the name ‘Illusion Snake Fist’.

‘But you’re taking it out again?’

The twisted judgment was sharpened like a viper’s molars.

‘What happened!’

‘That guy’s eyes are back!’

Rohan and Charon noticed a change in Jeron.

It’s strange if your eyes are shining with madness and you don’t notice it.

I have finally realized the full extent of the deep anxiety I felt after visiting Jeron’s dorm.

I dug my own grave.



The two of them lost their minds at the same time and Jeron grinned.

* * *


“My fingers aren’t moving.”

Illusion Snaey… No, two people worked hard to pass on the Hwanbaeksan Fist. The plan was to proceed slowly, step by step, for a year, but in return for challenging authority, the exercise was made intense from the beginning.

Do 3 sets of 10 push-ups with just your fingers. Rest 10 minutes and do 3 sets again. Rest 10 minutes and do 3 sets again. Lastly, 1 set.

Their fingers were swollen.

Since I was exercising too much, I massaged it lightly. Apart from getting revenge, I had no intention of permanently disabling my finger.

“You little guy.”

“You petty bastard.”

“Hehe. “You want to exercise again like you did today?”

When Jeron asked with a dark smile, the two quickly changed their words.

“I see a brilliant light behind your back. In heroic tales, I heard that when a great hero is born, such a glow appears behind his back. “Obviously, you have what it takes to be a great hero.”

“Oh oh! Great hero! Defeat the devil and save the continent!”

It seemed like there was a lot of sarcasm going on, but I decided to ignore it just this once.

“We’ll see.”

Jeron pointed to his eyes with his index and middle fingers and then turned to the two people.

My friends, who were sweating profusely, heaved a small sigh of relief.

After the two people washed off their sweat and returned, it was Erdin’s turn.

“I didn’t say anything.”

Erdin said with a sweet smile. However, a small fear was visible in a corner of his face.

When I saw the two people in front of me who had a hard time missing something, I got really scared.

* * *

At the academy, starting from the 6th division, students are taught various subjects that only true nobles can learn, such as the state of the continent and the etiquette of nobles.

As everyone knows, students who entered the academy as commoners were no exception.

Among them, there were some things you couldn’t learn even if you paid money.

To give a simple example, there is the study of kings.

Emperor Studies systematically educates students on the virtues necessary to become a monarch and how to run a country. It can be seen as a combination of kingship and management in name alone.

Next is combat practice.

The graduation exam for graduating students is conducted on a scale so large that it is difficult to compare it to the combat training for fourth-year students.

The number of prisoners mobilized is approximately 3,000!

To prevent prisoners from escaping, 6,000 royal elite soldiers are deployed, and approximately 10 to 20 knights and wizards each are deployed.

Combat practice on this scale consumes so much money that even the richest people would hesitate. However, if you enter the academy, you can experience combat training at a low cost.

Aside from the two examples, there were many things you couldn’t learn even if you paid money.

Time passed and the final exam was over. Combat practice in preparation for graduating students was also successfully completed. After the vacation ceremony, the students returned to their homes.

Finally, the second semester.

Karon and Rohan came back with nice, tanned skin, probably because they worked out hard during their vacation.



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“Let’s take a look at our achievements so far.”

“Yes, Master!”

Charon and Rohan took a physical fitness test (?) and performed the Hwanbaeksan Fist.

Naturally, Charon’s achievements were much higher due to his physical ability, lack of bones, and intelligence.

To be honest, Rohan should never do anything that requires physical effort.

Apart from Mujae and Ohseong, his physical specifications were very poor. Unless you undergo a complete transformation, even if you train your sword all your life, your limit is Auror Expert Beginner.

‘I wouldn’t know if I fed the elixir like rice.’

This means that even if Jeron restores his past inaction and transforms him completely, it will be the same. It would be much more profitable to use that time and effort to transform my sister and protect Rohan.

Fortunately, he was very talented as a wizard. I don’t know if he had the qualities to become an archmage, but he was definitely better than an ordinary wizard.

Derman, the head magic teacher, was so coveted that he was second only to Xeron.

Rohan, who finished demonstrating the Hwanbaeksan Fist, asked with a gloomy expression.

“Will it be useful even if I train hard?”

“Even wizards have to have stamina to cast magic diligently, idiot.”

Jeron clicked his tongue and said.

“You said you didn’t want to be dragged around by your sister?”


“I’m thinking about working out harder somehow. If you want to get along well for a little longer. And if you don’t meet my standards, you know? “I cannot allow this marriage.”

“That is tyranny! Depose dictator Geron! “Go away!”

“hey! Even if you struggle and say I can’t allow it, it’s no use if you and your sister get hit on. Besides, I heard that your house was talking about holding an engagement ceremony at our house?”

“Uh, um. yes.”

“Sigh. “Because my so-called friend is blinded by self-interest.”

Rohan scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed expression. I didn’t really know what self-interest meant, but I knew he did it alone.

Jeron looked at Charon and spoke in a sorrowful voice.

“As expected, I only have you, Karon. Charon my love. “Please accept my confession.”

“I like women.”

“Is it this much of a difference?”

Charon stepped back with a disgusted expression. Jeron looked at Erdin with her hurt face.

Before anyone could say anything, Erdin spoke coldly.

“I like women too. Ah, of course I like Jeron, but rationally, it’s a bit different.”

“I got kicked twice in a row. “I am like that.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. “You are the most popular person at the academy.”

“Okay then, what should I do? “I got dumped by Charon and Erdin.”

Rohan asked with a look of genuine disgust.

“Were you a sodomite?”

“Do you believe that? upset. really.”

Jeron looked at me pathetically, wondering if it was real.

After Tiki Taka came and went, I went to the classroom.

After a while, Yuhan came in for the morning assembly.

“I wish you all the best this semester as well.”

Hand out handouts along with a brief greeting. The schedule for the second semester has been written. Most of the schedule was similar to the first semester, but there was one combat practice in the middle.

“I know everyone is very worried because the continent is still in turmoil due to war. but… … .”

He started with a full speech.

To put it briefly, the kingdom of Orne was safe because it was not affected by the aftermath of the war.

In fact, the embers of war that had spread across the continent showed signs of subsiding.

Of course, the Carlton Empire was an exception.

The war for the crown prince’s succession became more intense as time passed.

There was even an analysis from the outside that the war would not stop until the power of the Carlton Empire was reduced to its lowest point in history.

“… … In that sense, I will do my best to finish the second semester safely and safely. So, I hope that you too will trust the teachers and follow them. more.”

After finishing his speech, Yuhan received greetings from the students and left the classroom.

The students chatted loudly and when it was time, they moved to class.

Rohan said while moving.

“By the way, I heard you’re taking a joint class with a 3rd division student?”

“Joint class?”

Joint classes rarely take place at the academy.

If you are in the same grade, there are no overlapping classes with other grades, and even if the teacher is sick or injured and misses the class, another teacher teaches the class instead.

“I don’t know the details. But it’s all written on the handout, so why don’t you know?”

“I don’t know because I didn’t read it.”

“I’m proud. “I’m proud.”

When Jeron spoke confidently, Rohan looked shocked.

“So which class of 3rd division students are you with?”

“Of course it’s S-Class.”

“Who is that… “Was Charon’s younger brother an S class?”


Rohan looked at Charon.

The guy nodded and said with a happy expression.

“right. “It’s the S class.”

“Look at that happy expression. My older brother and older sister were also S-Class? “Your brother even graduated at the top of his class?”

“Is this time to brag?”

Jeron and Charon laughed awkwardly and cleared their throats.

After a while, I arrived at the classroom and saw the kids who arrived first.

They were 3rd division students.

Among them was Karon’s younger sister Kaya.


When Kaya found Charon, she jumped up and smiled brightly.

I soon found Jeron and narrowed my gaze to the center, but it only lasted for a moment.

Jeron, who had gotten used to it over the past two years, just assumed it was something like that.

“How have you been?”

“P-you saw it earlier.”

“An hour felt like a month.”

As Charon spoke with a calm smile, Kaya smiled happily.

Rohan was sick of seeing the siblings like that.

“I felt terrible just by looking at your face. “Is her sister any different?”

“well. “I don’t know because I don’t have a younger sister.”

Jeron shrugged.

Recently, it seemed like my parents were working hard every night, but they weren’t getting good results.

It was a side effect that occurred as my body became stronger while learning martial arts.

To be precise, the problem was my mother’s martial arts skills.

Seonjuk is a martial art used to become a hermit.

When martial arts reaches its peak, it goes beyond its level, but in sensual arts, it is assumed and learned from the beginning. It’s not that the father’s seed(?) is the problem, but that it’s a problem that arose as the mother’s body gradually grew in rank from within.

‘Well, it’ll be okay later.’

Dad just needs to become stronger.

Roughly equivalent to an Auror Master.

While chatting about various things, students crowded into the classroom.

After a while, the teacher came in.


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