Life of a Magic Academy Mage Chapter 1090

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Episode 1090

What do you mean, radical?

The young prince asked, as if he truly did not understand.

What part of the advice I just gave you was so radical?

“Well… mansions are usually expensive… and capital mansions are even more expensive. It seems a bit excessive to just ask them to give something like that away.”


Lee Han felt that the young prince understood his answer.

Unlike the skeleton headmaster, this young prince was very understanding and listened to his disciples…

That is your disciple’s mistake.



Disciple, the noble family that owns this mansion is already wealthy beyond their means. Do you think they would starve if you donated one mansion? A wealthy person should share his wealth.

It was indeed an opinion worthy of a man who had boldly abandoned all of the royal family’s wealth and wandered the continent.

Of course, it sounded crazy and extreme to Lee Han-han.

‘No matter what, if one of the mansions in the capital disappears, wouldn’t you be so upset that you won’t be able to eat?’

It would be heartbreaking if even the cabin built within the Einrogard estate disappeared…

They should be grateful if you just teach them without taking them by force. How kind is that? To be honest, I want to teach them harshly so that they can follow even half of your example.


Lee Han was taken aback by the sudden praise.

“What did I do? I don’t think I donated anything in particular.”

You’re collecting gold coins to give to the poor, right?


Lee Han jumped in fright.

How could you come up with such a ridiculous idea?

“I’ll collect that gold and start a business. I may not be the best in the empire, but I’ll become one of the best businessmen…”

In the past, I would have confidently said that I would become the best businessman in the empire, but after meeting the skeleton principal’s incarnation, my goal has been slightly adjusted.

As I have so many things to do as a wizard, I don’t think I’ll be able to focus on being a businessman.

In the end, Lee Han compromised by making a big concession and became a businessman. At this level, he didn’t know if he could do it as a side job.

I know, disciple. Then what after you collect the gold coins?

“After collecting the gold coins? I guess I need to collect more.”

What happens when you keep collecting and collecting until you can’t collect anymore?


Lee Han was speechless for a moment.

I’ve thought about collecting them, but I’ve never really thought about what happens after that.

‘Should I climb up on a pile of gold coins like a dragon and lie down?’

Lee Han opened his mouth, thinking that if another dragon heard him, he would say, ‘That’s a prejudice created in fairy tales!’

“I never thought about that…”

I know, my disciple. You will do the same thing as you do now. You will do the same to others as you do to your friends.

“…No, they…!”

Yi Han realized belatedly what the young prince was talking about.

The fact that Lee Han now lets his friends and juniors stay at the villa and takes care of them just happened to be that way.

“It just so happens!”

Okay, disciple. Should we do something like that? I think I might be able to give it to other people too…

‘This guy. Isn’t he secretly a skeleton principal?’

Lee Han felt once again that his opponent was the skeleton principal from his younger days.

No matter how kind and smiling he was, the essence of touching people’s emotions was contained within him.

Come on, disciple. Don’t be afraid to steal from the rich and give to the poor.

“I understand, but I think it’s a bit much to extort money from this Baldrogard student… I’ll take care of it myself.”

The prince urged him, but Lee Han asked for understanding.

However, Lee Han had not yet reached the level of a young prince. It was impossible to deceive the innocent student of Baldrogard and steal the mansion.

‘Hmm. If the opponent had been Professor Verdus, it might have been a little different.’

Gonadaltes: Sorry for the late reply. I was busy organizing the guest hospitality of Ainrogard.

Ipeldream: No! Thank you very much! I didn’t expect you to do that.

Ifeldream answered happily.

In fact, even among the members of the Watchmen’s Club, Gonadaltes did not have a very good impression.

It was because he started a fight right away when I first came in (I wanted to use Wodanaz as my pseudonym, but he wouldn’t let me), and he was pretty rude to me after that.

But when I saw him today, I realized he might not be such a bad person.

I didn’t know you would organize it so diligently.

Gonadaltes: First, open the door and when a guest comes in, take them to the basement.

Ipeldream: …Are you kidding me right now???

Ifeldrem immediately straightened up.

It was an etiquette I had never heard of before.

Gonadaltes: Ha. That’s enough. I prepared everything. This is why I can’t trust the Baldrogard wizards. Do as you please.

Ipeldream: Oh, that’s not it. It just sounds… so absurd.

But Ipeldream didn’t know.

The opponent was an Einrogard wizard who had been through a lot.

Traditionally, no wizard from Baldrogard has ever won a duel with an Einrogard wizard.

When Lee Han got angry in return, Ipeldream was left feeling discouraged.


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Ipeldream: I apologize for my rudeness. Could you please repeat it again? I will never be rude again like I was just now.

Gonadaltes: This is your last chance. The reason I’m taking you to the basement is because it’s the best place to check the magical energy of the earth that supports the mansion.

Ipeldream: Oh, indeed…! That makes sense!

Gonadaltes: In the case of the Wardanaz family, they would be even more interested in the basement of the opposing family, as they imprison the demons who have committed sins underground and turn the magic wheel.


Ifeldrem looked suspicious.

This seems like a lie…

‘There’s no way the Wardanaz family would do something like that.’

Come to think of it, this Gonadaltes has often been blunt and hostile towards the Wodanaz family.

Ifeldream decided that he should not believe this part at all.

Ipeldream: Okay… Okay. Wait a minute! Our family’s villa hasn’t been around that long, so there’s nothing special in the basement. What should I do?

Gonadaltes: Nothing much is needed. What’s important is to check the magical energy underground, not how complex the magic is. Just introducing the basement is enough. Even that alone will make the other person look at you with admiration.

Ipeldream: I kept that in mind!

The young prince, watching their conversation, thought to himself.

It seems like his way is much more thoughtful than his disciple’s way…

* * *

“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Lord Wardanaz. Please come in.”

When the master’s preparations were finished, the butler called Lee Han. Lee Han quickly put the note in his bosom.

“Irendy! This is Ihan of the Wardanaz family. Wardanaz. This is Irendy of the Kraha family.”

The butler introduced each other to their respective identities in a formal manner.

Irendy looked much more like Gainando’s sister than Adenart. If I didn’t know her family, I might have thought she was Gainando’s full sister.

“Well, please take care of me. Lord Wardanaz! My name is Irendy of the Kraha family!”



Lee Han and the butler exchanged bewildered glances. Irendy looked as if she didn’t even realize what mistake she had made.

“I have always admired the high reputation of the Wardanaz family. I would like to ask you to give me much guidance regarding magic in the future. My specialty is the School of Enchantment Magic, and my sub-specialty is capturing temporary phenomena using jewels…”

“…Please take good care of me.”

Lee Han felt very guilty about hearing polite language from his third-year senior.

‘I wasn’t lying. It was just some weird rumor being spread by the other Baldrogard guys.’

If I had revealed my identity as a second-year student here, I might have ended up in a mess on my way to the basement.

It was better to pretend to be a senior in order to get what I wanted from the other person.

“You look like Gainando.”

“Yes? Do you know Gainando?”

“…Because he is a promising junior in the same tower.”

“Huh? You’re saying that Gainando is a promising junior?”

‘Damn. I made this mistake.’

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

He made two amateurish mistakes, unbecoming of a student.

But Irendy seemed to have understood on her own. She nodded and muttered.

“Gainando is much better than I thought… I didn’t know…”

Who would have thought that a distant relative I don’t keep in touch with would be a promising talent in Einrogard?

I also felt that I needed to work harder.


As soon as Lee Han returned to his room, he decided to give Gainando a serious order.

“Ahem! Okay. Follow me. I’ll show you the basement.”


The butler standing behind almost fainted.

Not a reception room or an exhibition hall, but a basement??

-Oh, my lord. It’s not the basement! It’s not the basement!

The butler opened his mouth.

If it were known to the outside world later, it would be a disgrace that would make it impossible to raise one’s head anywhere.

The boy from the Wardanaz family opened his mouth. The butler felt like closing his eyes tightly, afraid of what would come out of his mouth.

“The basement? You know Einrogard very well! Any Einrogard student would want to check out the basement of the mansion first. I’m really surprised.”

“As a wizard of the Kraha family, I am in charge of entertaining guests, so of course I should know this much.”


The butler couldn’t believe his ears as he listened to the conversation between the two wizards.


‘Do the Ainrogard wizards have such a… custom…?’

Come to think of it, the wizards of Ainrogard were rumored to be eccentric. If you think about it in that context, it makes sense to check the basement of the mansion first.

“I am so happy that I can feel the magical energy of the land that supports the mansion.”

After hearing the news of the confirmed death, the butler began to worry inwardly.

Should I introduce the basement to the Einrogard wizards in the future?

“Come over here!”

Irendy walked ahead with brisk steps. The butler guided Lee Han with a complicated expression.

“How is it, Master?”

Lee Han carefully took out his notebook, avoiding their gaze.

Judging by the energy it gives off, I’m pretty sure no one has touched it yet.


Lee Han’s face brightened after hearing the answer.

If you went all this way to access the basement of the mansion and there was nothing there, then it was a waste of time.

“Is it in the basement?”

No. I think we need to dig deeper.

‘It’s not that easy after all.’

Lee Han felt slightly regretful.

If it was still in the basement, it would be really easy to get it, but I have to dig further down.

Well, it would have to be at that level so no one has touched it yet.

“Then I will send the others out.”

Lee Han said, steeling his resolve.

Given this situation, it seemed inevitable that a new Einrogard custom would be created.

When you visit someone else’s mansion, they give you about 30 minutes to dig in the basement by yourself…

It’s okay if you don’t do that, disciple. It doesn’t matter if other people are watching.

The young prince explained.

Since it was protected by his own poison magic, he was confident that he could quietly take it out and give it to his disciple even if someone was watching from the side.

“Oh, indeed. That’s fortunate.”

Ah, but you still have to dig the ground.


Lee Han closed his notebook and then called out to the two of them.

“Did you know that the magical energy in this mansion is not very good?”

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