Life of a Magic Academy Mage Chapter 1141

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Episode 1141

“Why are you doing that?”

-Isn’t that a blatant lie?

The baby basilisk whispered.

Jo Woo-rin’s perception has been improving a lot these days, but how can he tell such an insincere lie…

“You still don’t know anything.”


“When there is no evidence, such a blatant lie is not bad.”


The baby basilisk thought, ‘Master, why are you so proud of that?’ but it just wagged its tail quietly.

I felt like if I said something for no reason, I would be kicked out of the sleeves with a ‘Then go to Jo Woo-rin!’

Your personality has become a lot more violent these days…

“It sounds like a lie…”

Jo Woo-rin muttered softly.


“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Unfortunately, the young dragon never even came up with the idea of being suspicious of the contractor.

If the other senior dragons who had made a covenant with the contractor had seen this, they would have lamented and said, ‘No matter how much you cherish the contractor, you have to be suspicious.’

Lee Han, who had achieved his goal, changed the subject while hiding his triumphant smile.

If we continued to talk about this, even Jo Woo-rin would have noticed.

In the future, whenever he went out on a mission, he would first destroy the evil spirits… no, he would try to find them first, so he could never tell Jo Woo-rin about this.

It was probably one of two choices, but neither of them was acceptable.

-Jo Woo-rin will follow too!

-Absolutely not, it’s dangerous!

‘Hmm. I wonder how you two would react.’

“So what were you doing?”

“Ah… Uman… Uman is ordering Jo Woo-rin around!”

Jo Woo-rin grumbled and complained.

I wish the contractor would give his naughty younger brother a good scolding.

Not only do they clear the forest, but they also check for oases in the desert, check the condition of the rocks in the mountain range, and repair the castle walls and main buildings, so they work tirelessly!


Lee Han exclaimed in admiration at what Jo Woo-rin had done.

Who would have thought that Jo Woo-rin would be doing such a special thing while he was out and about doing commissions?


“Wow, Your Majesty. You are truly amazing!”

“That’s great. I’m impressed.”

Jo Woo-rin was even more embarrassed when not only the contractors but also the priests showed expressions of genuine admiration.

Oh, oh?

“What’s going on, everyone?”

“Actually, Your Majesty…”

Even Professor Garcia and Professor Kirmin, who arrived late, were greatly surprised to hear the story.

I never thought Jo Woo-rin would do such a difficult thing herself.

“Your Majesty. You did a great job!”

“I was amazed!”

“…Haha. This isn’t that difficult for Jo Woo-rin.”

Jo Woo-rin, intoxicated by the compliments, quickly changed his attitude.

It was Joorin who truly learned a lot from the students of Ainrogard.

“I just came out from cleaning the forest, so I’ll go back and finish the work!”

“Your Majesty. Would you like to rest a bit and then finish?”

Lee Han tried to stop Jo Woo-rin because he thought she was pushing herself too hard.

It seemed like he had fun maintaining and maintaining Einlogard as if he were decorating a garden, but in the first place, it’s not good to do too much at once.

However, Joorin, whose shoulders were tense, immediately turned back to the gold dragon and shouted loudly.

Joorin will protect Ainrogard for the sake of his students!

“I’ll make you a snack with the hidden supplies… Ah. You’re gone.”

Lee Han felt a little lonely as he watched Jo Woo-rin’s back quickly moving away.

I knew he was growing, but I didn’t know he would stop eating snacks like this and fly away like that.

-I’ll eat it for you!


Lee Han looked at the basilisk in his sleeve with warm eyes.

At least this guy wouldn’t feel the loneliness of growing up for a while.

“We can eat it for you too.”

“Is the punishment room okay?”

Lee Han was puzzled.

Lee Han-ya was confident that he wouldn’t get caught even if he got tested, but his priest friends…

But Siana nodded confidently. Looking at her, Lee Han wondered if his friend had a way out.

‘Isn’t that great?’

“I can just go and come back for a bit.”



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Lee Han looked at Nigisor and Tigiling with a bewildered expression. The two priests averted their gaze.

* * *

-Professor Berdus. You are free.


-But why on all fours…?

The Death Knight questioned Professor Verdus as he walked, no, crawled out of the punishment room.

Professor Burdus answered in an irritated voice.

“I told you I lost the bet!”

-I know. I asked again because I always like hearing it.

In fact, Professor Burdus was not originally taken to the punishment cell.

No matter how much Lee Han advised him, Uman was basically a kind dragon and was not cold-hearted enough to suddenly lock Professor Ainrogard in the punishment cell.

So, Uman locked Professor Verdus in the room for the time being.

And he suggested that he take on Professor Garcia’s job (which was originally supposed to be done by Professor Verdus).

-Professor Burdus. If you do this faithfully, I will definitely let you go. There will be no other punishment. Do you accept it?

-Okay! I’ll work hard!

-Is that so? Thank you for your understanding. There are many bad rumors about Professor Burdus, but Uman trusts the professor. Aren’t people beings who can change at any time?

-That’s right. That’s right. Don’t believe the rumors.

-Thank you. Then I will trust you and leave it to you.

Five minutes after Uman came out of the room.

Professor Burdus attempted to escape, but was captured by the Death Knights and dragged away.


-It was so boring that I couldn’t help it.

-Oh, how can you say that so calmly… You don’t do your work for fun. You do it with a sense of responsibility. Professor Verdus!

-Okay, just do it.

-I will truly trust you and leave it to you.

And 3 minutes later.

Professor Burdus attempted to escape again, but was immediately caught. The knights laughed and dragged the professor away.

Uman was astonished.

What kind of wizard is this?

-Professor Berdus, are you saying that I shouldn’t be working at that time?!

-I said I would…

-I can’t believe it!

-No. Trust me. This time I’ll really do it!


Wooman pretended to leave the room and hid in the alleyway.

Then Professor Burdus immediately attempted to escape by turning the cell door into liquid.

Wooman, who had vowed that he would never become someone like the skeleton principal.

The arrogant man finally roared in anger.

-Take all the items and lock them in the punishment cell!!!

The knights laughed heartily and took Professor Verdus to the punishment room.

Everyone expected this would happen.

When Professor Burdus was placed under even stricter and more severe surveillance than in the attic, he finally realized that it was more efficient to work than to escape.

From Professor Garcia’s work (originally Professor Verdus’s work) to other tasks.

Of course, there were some attempts at escape. Whenever the work became too boring and I felt suffocated, Professor Burdus would sneak a word.

-If you let me escape, I’ll make an item that will allow me to escape from Gonadaltes’ pursuit… Ouch! Aah! Why are you hitting me!

-Haha. If not now, then when else would we get to retaliate against the professor?

-Damn it. Let me hit you too! Are you the only ones hitting me?

-So you chose the lottery correctly?

Of course, it didn’t have much effect.

Because there were few people who had as many grudges against Professor Verdus as the Death Knights.

And now.

Professor Burdus was released after completing his primary duties. For a while, he had a very gloomy look on his face because he had been unable to do his own work and had been doing other people’s work.

“I feel like my soul has hardened because I only do boring things…”

-But Professor. It is your job to handle the books and accounting of the Magic School of the Gift.

“Professor Garcia is a professor too?”


-You endure it. You endure it.

When the angry knight tried to kick him, his colleagues stopped him.

If you tried to escape inside the punishment cell, you might have known, but you had to endure it outside.

I wanted to hit him once, but…

-Please prepare for the lecture. If you just skim through the lecture, you’ll get caught again.

“It was nice when I was in the punishment cell because I didn’t have to give lectures.”

Professor Burdus muttered and took out a wad of paper from his bosom.

My artifacts are so small that I can remember even the size and weight of tiny screws, but I can’t remember my students’ lectures very well without looking at a stack of papers.

… What kind of lecture was this?”

-…It’s a magic architecture lecture that students who are members of the stonemason club or students who are interested in architecture take.

One of the areas in which the Empire’s magicians were active was this type of architecture.

Since magic is deeply involved in all aspects of life, it was only natural to incorporate magic into buildings.

These magical structures did not use only one school of magic. They used a variety of different schools of magic.

For materials, there is alchemy and transmutation magic, and for checking durability or earthquake resistance, there is prophecy magic…

…but what connects all of these to the architecture could be called the school of enchantment magic.

In that respect, it was not at all strange that Professor Berdus, a professor at the Magic School of the Gifted, was in charge of this lecture.

But Professor Burdus was so frightened that he cried out, jumping up on all fours.

“Isn’t this Professor Knighton’s lecture?!”

Professor Alpen Knighton, an imperial official, and a former high-ranking administrator, was teaching not only a number of arithmetic-related courses, but also architecture courses like this one.

In a way, it was natural.

Because magical architecture isn’t something that can be done by a wizard alone who is good at magic.

They had to be able to talk to people from the stonemasons’ or carpenters’ guilds who came to do the work and understand their needs, and they also had to be able to negotiate with local nobles and officials.

If a newly built magical structure were to suck the magic out of an area and ruin the existing structures, the dispute could take decades to resolve.

It was not strange that Professor Alpen, who was an excellent magician himself and had connections with several stonemason guilds, carpenters guilds, and even government officials, was in charge of the lectures.

-Yes. While you were in the punishment cell, Professor Knighton submitted a petition to the Inspector General.

Of course, Professor Alpen himself was not very happy about that situation.

There are more outstanding experts like Professor Burdus, but he refuses to teach because he doesn’t want to.

The skeleton principal begged and said, “I can’t possibly leave it to that guy,” but he was absolutely not convinced.

When Uman told Professor Alpen, “I have a complaint regarding Professor Verdus,” it was only natural that the topic of this lecture came up right away.

“Rain, you’re so mean! I didn’t know you were such a mean person!”

Professor Burdus squeaked in anger.

That anger was also anger directed at himself.

I could have petitioned the inspector general before other professors and had all my classes removed!

‘Where on earth do you get the confidence to listen to that?’

‘Leave it alone.’

– Professor Burdus. I dare to advise you, please don’t be rude to outsiders.

The knights who were surrounding the professor and leading him away to prevent him from escaping (Professor Verdus walked on all fours, which looked a bit strange) advised him.

Due to the nature of this magical architecture lecture, many outside parties visit, and as we all know, Professor Verdus’ specialty is making outsiders angry.

“Okay, don’t worry.”


-You endure it. You endure it.

The knights who arrived at the classroom sighed and opened the door.

To be honest, it was because I thought Professor Burdus would 100% have an accident.

“If it were me, I would use and . It’s this kind of magic…”

“Oh! This is a really good idea. Wow. The atmosphere is so good even without Professor Burdus, so maybe it would be better for him not to show up anymore!”

“Haha! You were joking!”

“Hahaha! I’m not joking!”



The knights were astonished at the friendly atmosphere inside the classroom.

The stonemason guild members who had received the invitation and come from outside were laughing happily.

Lee Han was helping Yukveltire as a teaching assistant, and all the students, including the two of them, seemed happy.

“It seems like things are going well without me, so can you let me go?”

-…No, go in!

The knights felt sorry for the students and guests, but they firmly pushed Professor Burdus into the classroom.

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