Title: Moon-Shadow Sword Emperor
Description: As the leader of the demon sect, Yan Suyun lived a difficult, wretched life. It is only as he is dying that he realizes he never lived the life he truly wanted. Reborn as a child, Suyun is now determined to be an honorary elder of the powerful Wulin Alliance, one of the many enemies of the demon sect. Despite his aspirations, Suyun is only a puny kid and has much to learn of the alliance’s ways. With his second life hanging in the balance, can Suyun go from absolute demon to absolute master?
Alternate Names: Moon Shadow Sword Emperor, Moon-Shadow Sword Emperor, 月影剣帝(げつえいけんてい), 月影劍帝, 월령검제
Genre: Action Drama Fantasy Historical Martial Arts Shounen
Author(s): be Ingijagga, Younggeun (Story Plus)
Status: 545 Chapters Completed
Original Publisher: Daum Kakao To You Dream
English Publisher: N/A
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