My Exclusive Tower Guide Chapter 194

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– Continued from Episode 194 – Episode 194

[The special quest for lines 1 to 9 has ended.]

The world flashed once with a message.

When I opened my eyes again, the background had changed.

Now this was Jamsil Sports Complex.


All kinds of cheers erupt from the audience.

Of course, it’s not because the game is taking place.

Just seeing the sunlight again is a thrill.

This is the first time I came back to earth several months after the apocalypse began.

There are approximately 10 million citizens in Seoul, and even more if you count the surrounding cities, but only a small portion of the stands were currently filled.

People in the area who cleared the special quest first on each of the nine routes.

They were also people who succeeded in wiping out a neighboring station with the sole intention of seeing the sunlight.

I woke up and looked around the audience.

There will definitely be some familiar faces among these.

Because the players in the tower I belong to have a bit more skill than the people here in the parallel world.


The first thing that caught my eye was Nam Sohyun.

The player receiving the biggest buff on the 29th floor.

Of course I thought it would be here.

‘If the strategy guide said never to collide with Salseong… … .’

This means that even I am in danger.

There is no guessing how many corpses would have been piled underground by her sword.

Nam So-hyun would have been able to clear the quest by becoming a matchless player on her own.

Her affiliation is Line 9.

And there were four more faces I recognized.

Shin Joo-ah and Kim Se-yong of Line 3.

Seo Jun-ho and Chae Yi-seol from Line 5.

This was all for now.

‘As expected, it would have been impossible for everyone to come up.’

However, it may be doing just fine underground.

Because everyone’s survival skills are second to none.

[You will now have 90 minutes of free time. Enjoy the excitement to your heart’s content.]

People looked truly moved by this message.

The warm sunlight and the gently blowing wind. And pleasant air.

These natural things that we used to enjoy are now more precious than anything else.

This f*cking apocalypse.

“I have somewhere to go for a while.”

When I stand up, Shin Chang-hoon grabs my wrist.

“west… … “You’re not planning on leaving like this, are you?”

The guy’s expression is full of anxiety.

“No way.”

I pointed to my wrist.

Before I knew it, a green band representing Line 2 had formed on my hand.

It’s the same for everyone.

“uh? Come to think of it, me too!”

“I’ll be back. “Right now, there are people I need to meet for a while.”

“I believe I will definitely come back. “The hundreds of people who surrendered in Sillim are all people who came only for you.”

“That’s a good excuse. “Since when have you been worried about those guys?”

“is it?”

“Just give them a good education. “Everyone must have lost their minds because their stats have been reset, so don’t whine.”

Shin Chang-hoon laughed at my words.

For the people of Bongcheon Station, Sillim Station has always been the location of a fierce predator.

“A day like this is coming against those Sillim guys.”

“Then let’s go.”

Shin Chang-hoon watched me leave and pursed his lips.

I can feel the unspoken look in their eyes asking me to come back.

– Seyong.

– Mr. Lee Seol.

I sent a telepathic message to the two people, letting them know of my presence and guiding them to the meeting place.

So the six of us gathered together after a while.

“Hoyoungie hyung!!”

Every time this happens, Se-yong Kim hugs me tightly and acts like I’m friendly.

“Hoyoung Lee! “I thought you would come up to earth as expected.”

Seo Jun-ho lightly fist bumped me.

“Anyway, that damn Lee Hoyoung. Hoyoung Lee! Why is everyone going crazy about this guy? Is Hoyoung Lee your dad? “Are you a teacher?”

Nam So-hyun was extremely irritated.

I know how this guy feels now.


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Since you are receiving a huge buff, you will want to come out and step on me right away.

I’m sorry, but I decline.

Fortunately, no one reacted harshly to Nam So-hyun.

Because everyone knows that my personality is basically shit.

“Oh, Mr. Jooah. Have you received any revelation? “I feel anxious.”

Shin Joo-ah nodded to Chae Yi-seol’s question.

“I received a revelation, but at this time it is not for sale.”

You may become more curious when it comes out like this, but in fact, it is information that you do not need to buy.

The reason the strategy book sent me a message in advance wasn’t because there was any particular danger lurking.

What we will face is continued war. That’s it.

“What do you think, Hoyoung Lee? “I think he’s anxious right now for the same reason as everyone else.”

Of course I knew what Seo Jun-ho was asking me.

“Are you all worried that we might kill each other and die?”

“Actually, yes. From the looks of it, the only mission in this worldview is constant war.”

Everyone nods at Seo Jun-ho’s words.

I am worried that a battle royale between each route will break out here.

“I don’t think you need to worry that much.”


“If something you worry about happens, it will be a penalty, not a reward. “Aren’t we all here now who have cleared the special quest?”

That’s all I can tell you.

“Now that Hoyoung Lee says that, I feel a little more at ease!”

“Anyway, that damn Lee Ho-young, Lee Ho-young!”

“But Hoyoung hyung. Why did you summon us here? “Just because you’re happy to see me?”

Of course, that was partly the reason, but it was also because I wanted to set the tone for the future war.

To some extent, I have to set the stage so that everyone’s chances of survival will increase.

Including me, of course.

The person you need to be most careful of is Nam So-hyun.

‘I’m curious. ‘How strong is he?’

For now, we plan to spend 90 minutes of free time together.

So that I can intervene when free time comes to an end and the time for choice comes.

* * *

90 minutes later, something amazing happened.

“I… … What is that!!”

“Why is something like that happening all of a sudden!!”

The audience was excited and chaos broke out.

A huge tower that has emerged in the middle of a sports complex.

It was exactly what appeared on the Earth we lived on before the apocalypse.

[A new mission begins now.]

Another war begins.

It’s just that the place has changed to a tower instead of a subway.

[This tower has nine floors. For each zone, select one floor as the residential zone.]

Why was the location of the war changed to a tower?

The monarch of the 29th floor may want to see war taking place in more diverse environments.

[How to select a floor… … .]

The reason we chose the meeting place near the stadium was because we knew that a tower was going to be built right around here. And it was so that the 6 of us could be the first to occupy the floor.

“Tsk! “You don’t even know what a good floor is!”

Nam So-hyun is complaining.

It was very important which floor she chose.

That will soon determine the battle order of the war.

“How about the 9th floor? “The view is the best.”

“Lee Ho-young, I just don’t like what you recommend. “I will go to the first floor instead.”

The moment Nam So-hyun speaks, her appearance disappears.

In addition, people from Line 9, which she belonged to, began to disappear one by one.

Floor selection is on a first-come, first-served basis.

In each area, the person closest to the tower has the authority to select the floor.

I feel a little more at ease now that Nam So-hyun, who was annoying me, made the first choice.

“Hoyoung Lee! “Please recommend which floor would be best!”

This time Chae Yi-seol asks.

“How about a lucky 7?”

“Is it a bit different from what you said to Nam So-hyun?”

“Because luck is more important than the view.”

“Then we choose 7.”

As soon as Chae Yi-seol finished speaking, she and Seo Jun-ho disappeared at the same time.

With the people of Line 5, to which the two belong.

“Hoyoung hyung! “Please pick just one number for me too!”

“you? Shin Joo-ah will take care of it. “Then let me go to the 9th floor first.”

“tongue… … brother!!”

Kim Se-yong’s voice shouting at me is fading away.

Shin Joo-ah continued to look at me with an expressionless face.

[You selected the 9th floor.]

The war in the tower has finally begun.

* * *

“9th floor? why?”

Shin Chang-hoon asked.

“Because the view is good”

“There’s nothing to call a view? “This is just one world!”

This land we are setting in is the summit of a steep mountain peak.

I was on top of a huge rock, the highest of them all.

“It is true when I come here.”

It’s a very familiar setting, but I just pretended not to notice.

I felt like it would be really uncomfortable if even this guy deified me.

Now, many people are looking up to me like a religious leader.

It was the result of an over-the-top concept designed to encourage surrender.

“Shin Chang-hoon, please do your best to appear in front of people from now on.”


“Because I’m tired. “Especially, try to stop people from the Sillim side from coming to me.”

“If you go into mysticism like that, you’ll become more deified, right?”

“Either it or not.”

“I’ll do whatever you want. “I was leading Bongcheon Station anyway.”

Shin Chang-hoon went down to the place where the people from Sillim were and gave them instructions on what to watch out for.

What is being said is shocking.

You cannot mention my name carelessly until your overall stats reach 40.

You can’t talk to me until you’re 80.

If you want to be sick with me, you have to be over 150.

‘Still, you’re disciplined properly.’

It’s a bit excessive, but I don’t think I’ll be tired for a while.

[The first round of war will begin soon.]

After a while, we received a message from the tower.

According to the rules of the mission, the 9th floor we were on was to attack the 8th floor, one floor below.

‘If there were no surprises, Shin Joo-ah and Kim Se-yong would have chosen the 8th floor.’

Since there are two top players in our tower, you will face a very difficult opponent from the first round.

Besides, there was one more thing that bothered me.

My current favorability rating is -44.

The monarch on the 29th floor currently has bad feelings towards me, so there is a high possibility that he will impose quite a few restrictions.

We will soon find out what level it will be.

[Move to the 8th floor for war.]

As always happens when moving between dimensions, the world went dark for a moment.

“this… … “What is this?”

“I’m dizzy!!”

The people here are full of laughter as it is their first time at the tower.

Shin Chang-hoon, the leader, was no different.

The guy next to me looked dumbfounded even after the world became brighter.

The background of the 8th floor was a vast field.

Our Line 2 and Shin Joo-ah and Kim Se-yong’s Line 3 are facing off at a distance of about 200 meters.

[Mission: Destroy the enemy.]

A war of destruction that ends only when all sides on one side die.

And, as expected, one limitation arose for me.

[A handicap is imposed due to a favorability rating of -44.]

[Limit the number of PKs you can run to 5 people.]

The restrictions are stricter than I thought.

Can not help it. If I want to impress the monarch on the 29th floor, I have no choice but to bring out the vicious madness inside me.

-Continued in Episode 195-


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