My Exclusive Tower Guide Chapter 262

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Episode 262

My solitary training began in the underground prison.

The time given to me was a total of 6 days.

The Tree of Wisdom is helping me, so I don’t just feel like I don’t have enough time.

If there’s one thing I can be sure of now, it’s that in six days I will be a completely different person.

It will be the biggest leap forward since entering the tower.

* * *

About two hours after training began, a man came into the prison cell.

It must be to fulfill the role I requested from the Murim Lord.

I continued my training regardless.

My current training method is 50% meditation and 50% practice.

What I have to show in six days is the Surama Blood Sword of the Blood Demon, but it is still time to pay attention to the martial spirit sword.

Little by little, I began to fill in the parts that were not yet completed in the safe house.

There is still a long way to go, but the point of acceleration will definitely come.

Because I had to keep supplying the mana I was depleting, I was consuming more items than I thought, but it meant that I was growing.

Although there was no clock, I could tell exactly that approximately 24 hours had passed since I started training.

[Remaining time: 5 days and 8 hours]

The first day of training has already passed.

And it was only then that I spoke to the man who entered the prison cell for the first time.

“Have you written everything down?”

The man responded calmly to my sudden words.

“yes. Everything you do during your practice. “I even recorded everything I said to myself.”

Contrary to my expectations, the man’s attitude toward me was polite.

I could already feel it, but this man’s level was also not average.

He may be the leader’s successor.

No, that is highly likely.

This man plans to record not only my training process but also the secret meeting with the leader that will take place six days later. This is because this is not a task that can be entrusted to just anyone.

“Well done. It is especially important to record my self-talk. “Starting tomorrow, let’s do it more consciously.”


I planned to leave not only the level of the Surama Blood Sword to the leader, but also a record of my thoughts.

In fact, it is a kind of indulgence.

My name will not remain in the history of this martial arts world, but I wanted to leave behind at least one anecdote that could become a legend.

It’s like I’m doing what the blood demon couldn’t do six hundred years ago.

“Let me just ask you a rude question.”


“You watched my training for a day. “How do you compare me now, Lord?”

“If the Lord’s realm is the sky, I think you would be like a small hill.”

The man gave the answer right away without hesitation.

It’s a small hill… … .

For someone to evaluate me this much, it’s not normal to see things like that.


I admit that my level is still lacking compared to that of the leader.

After a short conversation with the man, I started training the next day.

From today, I decided to focus all my time on Surama Blood Sword.

He began in earnest to incorporate the final knowledge gained from the martial arts sword into the blood demon swordsmanship.

Although they are different sword techniques, as the saying goes, the end result is the same, and I have used this training method in the past to break through the blockages in both sword techniques.

The results don’t seem to be bad today either.

[Remaining time: 4 days and 8 hours]

By the time a full day had passed, the level of my Surama blood sword had reached a level similar to that of the martial arts sword.

And the man was still silently recording my entire day.

“Let’s ask the same question today. “How do you compare the status of the Murim Lord with me now?”

“I will give you the same answer as yesterday. “If you are the sky, then you are like a small hill.”


Exactly the same answer as yesterday.

I was able to confirm once again that this man’s eyes were not ordinary.

Third day of training.

The achievement of my Surama Blood Sword has finally begun to accelerate.

One by one, puzzle pieces are added to the empty space that has not yet been filled, and the scent of blood demons begins to become more intense in the holy sword Gaia that I wield.

As I continue to train, I cannot help but respect the two teachers who taught me.

It is truly a miracle to be able to create such perfect swordsmanship in a finite life.

[Remaining time: 3 days and 8 hours]

By the end of the third day of training, I felt like I had seen for the first time the ultimate form of the Surama Blood Sword at the end of the universe.

Of course, no matter how hard you stretch your hand, it’s in a place you can’t reach.

And I asked the man again.

“How do you compare the current state of the Murim Lord with me?”

“Lord, you are still the sky, and surprisingly, your hill seems to have risen a little higher.”

This man’s judgment is probably correct.

The Murim Lord is only at a lower level compared to his master, but he is still as big as Taisan to me.


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But I have three more days left.

The fourth day of training.

I ended up meeting the big wall I had already expected.

We have reached a point where hardware cannot support the pace of software development.

It’s none other than lack of mana.

In order to properly operate the second half of Surama Blood Sword, much more mana is needed than now.

The unfortunate thing is that mana cannot be increased dramatically all at once even through the Naegongsim method.

The quickest solution is to absorb elixirs or items, but my mana water growing in the garden is still in the dark.

‘How big a fruit can I bear?’

The fruits of waiting will certainly be great, but for now, the delayed harvest is just disappointing.

What I can currently do is increase the efficiency of mana management.

The only way is to reduce unnecessary things and pursue perfection in a more refined way.

[Remaining time: 2 days and 8 hours]

The expression on the man’s face watching my training is more serious than yesterday.

I asked him again today.

“Four days have passed. Now, how do you compare me and Lord Maeng? Lord Maeng is the sky, then what am I?”

“you are… … . It seems to be a small mountain now.”

Like the man’s answer, I was also feeling it.

My state changed in just one day.

Of course, there is still a big difference between the leader and me.

However, the difference has clearly decreased. And as another day passes, the difference will become smaller.

Fifth day of training.

Today I spent all my time meditating.

As I reflect on the past four days of training, I begin to see things I missed.

The wisdom buff is truly amazing.

It made it possible to see things that had taken decades or centuries to swing a sword to see or not.

I feel like I broke through a big wall once again.

I’ll have to check it out.


The holy sword Gaia, which I swung for the first time today, draws a straight line in the air.

A single straight line without any dazzling sword energy or any flashiness.

But it was a more satisfying sword than ever.

[Remaining time: 8 hours per day]

The man who was silently observing me also has his eyes shaking.

He also felt it.

It’s different once again from yesterday.

“What about now? “If you compare me to the sky.”

This time, the man answered without hesitation.

“It’s like the towering Taishan Mountain.”

It’s also amazing.

How can you make such an assessment just by looking at a single moment of sword strikes?

The future of the Murim Alliance looks bright.

“You can stop going up now. I think I will spend all of my last day meditating. Of course, there will be no talking to yourself.”

“no. “I was ordered to guard this place until the end, so I will keep a good record of the meditations.”

That’s something I can’t stop.

Actually, if it were me, I would have given the same answer.

You must have felt that the secret legend of Murim was just beginning to emerge.


I started training again on the last day.

I sat cross-legged and closed my eyes.

Today I really plan to just meditate.

Now, swinging the sword a few more times is no longer important to me.

Integrating small streams of enlightenment to form a large river. That’s what I was going to do today.

And, the man really stayed until the very end.

[Remaining time: 8 hours]

The time promised with the Murim Lord has finally arrived.

* * *

It might not have been possible if I had asked for a week instead of six days.

If so, I would have cleared the 3rd quest very easily.

There is only one condition for clearing: survival.

However, as a gladiator who learned the sword, the desire to mix the sword with this absolute master was as strong as the instinct for survival.

And six days was not enough.

“It wasn’t completely a lie. “The feeling of power is the same, but something has definitely changed.”

Joo Jeong-cheon noticed the change in me right before the dance started.

“I’m just grateful for your trust.”

“Don’t be mistaken. “I don’t even believe that it is the best swordsmanship of all time.”

“Now you will believe.”

“That will be confirmed soon. “Let’s get started right away.”

Because it was a secret mission, the only observers were Chae Yi-seol and a man who recorded all my movements over the past six days.

I lifted the holy sword.

The feel of the sword I held in just one day was unfamiliar.

I raised the mana of my dantian and circulated it gently throughout my body.

My senses become more sensitive, and I feel the energy emanating from the leader more clearly.

I was able to truly feel the words of the man who described the leader as heaven.

“Then take it.”

The leader’s sword is fired straight away and approaches.

The tip of the sword, which was a small dot, flew like a gale and became Taishan.

Six days ago, he had already been attacked three times in the Battle of Mengju, but now this attack was on a completely different level in terms of temperament.

If what I felt before was like a snake full of life, this time it felt like a huge typhoon hitting my whole body.

Even if you avoid it, it will be of no use.

Because the next move will come in even faster, aiming for my neck.

Also, the essence of the Surama blood sword lies in its strength, not its softness.

Even if it breaks, it must not bend.


The tip of the sword collided with the tip of the sword, causing an explosion of mana.

Naturally, three steps are taken away.

After all, being inferior in mana is something that can’t be helped.

But what caused more emotional turmoil than me was Ju Jeong-cheon, who was standing there like an old tree.

“That’s amazing.”

“Didn’t I tell you? “It’s the best swordsmanship of all time.”

If Master was looking at this situation, it would be alarming, but I believe that this is a situation that can be excused.

“And I’ll keep proving it.”

“good night. “Come in!”

Zhou Zhengtian’s momentum changed once again.

He must have felt something just by exchanging one sword.

At least I would have found out that my promise wasn’t just a lie.

It was then.

[A special quest has occurred.]

[Dub your sword with Zhou Zhengtian’s blood.]

[compensation: ???]

Although I successfully completed the six-day training, to me, the martial lord Ju Jeong-cheon is still huge.

However, this quest does not seem too difficult.

I have cards that I haven’t used yet.

-Continued in episode 263-


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