Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits Chapter 267

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The strongest necromancer with evolution characteristics (267)

finish and escape

I calmed down for a moment.

The opponent was a transcendental person, especially one who whispered rotten hopes.

If you look at his actions so far, they were a form of backstabbing with sweet fruit.

[“It was like that. But you won’t turn down my reward, will you?”

I felt a faint smile.

[“The reason you visited this place in the first place, and the fact that you didn’t leave even though the observer warned you, were all done for compensation, aren’t they?”]

‘that’s right.’

I don’t deny it.

Even though I didn’t know what reward I would get here, I didn’t give up, thinking that it would be helpful considering the crisis ahead.

[“I guess what you want is not wealth. Is it a mighty force?”]

mighty power.

Of course I want it.

But right now, this is what I want most.

‘Let me keep my promise.’


The whisperer questioned.

Soon he started to think about me and burst out laughing.

A dry, machine-like laugh.

[“Are you saying you’re going to throw away the reward for just such a promise?”]


It didn’t matter what the whisperer laughed at.

Even if everyone points fingers at me and tells me I’m stupid, my decision won’t change.

[“I’m serious.”]


The air vibrated.

Immediately, a brilliant light poured down and something fell into my hand.

“This… … .”

[“It is a fruit of condensed emotions. If you break it in half and feed it one by one, your promise will come true.”]

After all, he is a transcendent person.

It’s shocking that they solved it so easily.

[“And one more thing.”]


Suddenly my heart began to tighten.


[“Don’t take the key to greed. “This is the end of the compensation.”]

The whisperer smiled an eerie smile and disappeared.

what? What have you done to me?

I asked questions, but there was no answer.

[Forced evolution is in progress.]

[Possibility of evolution of Adrias Cromwell?%]

[Remaining time: 7 hours]

Forced evolution?

I don’t even know what kind of evolution it is.

It only took 7 hours, but my whole body was in pain as if it had been forced to be shortened.

‘That’s damn true.’

However, I was not impressed because I had often felt more pain than this.

I’m just curious about what evolution is for.

“Oh oh! “You’re awake.”

Vivian happened to bring an old man.

He was a doctor from Jungwon.


Vivian looked at my complexion and touched my forehead.

I felt her cold hands.

“I have a severe fever. What’s this?”

Vivian, who was looking at me with a worried expression, looked at the fruit in my hand.

The fruit took the shape of an ordinary apple.



“Garnet… … .”

I painstakingly split the fruit in half.

Then he handed half to Vivian.

“Please feed this to Garnet. Just say I gave it to you and you’ll be fine.”


She nodded and took the fruit without any question or question.

Then I told the doctor to take good care of me and left.

I was just grateful to Vivian, who was always devoted.


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After Vivian left, the doctor checked my condition.

“You have a severe fever. First, I will prescribe a fever reducer. “The restoration of the residential area has been completed, so the medicinal bath will be able to open soon, so please wait a little while.”

“Is Namgung Ilyoung okay?”

“You are safe, Master. “Thank you so much for saving our master.”

Tears formed on my wrinkled face.

He held my hand tightly and said.

“I will use all my abilities and skills to treat Adrias. “Your benefactor is our benefactor. If you have any further needs or requests, please feel free to contact us at any time.”

“I will.”

Does it mean that escape is possible now that all residential areas have been restored?

“What happened to the exit from the tower?”

“The road leading to the exit has also been maintained. “But it’s not opening.”

It was questionable.

If the exit had been okay, I would have escaped long ago and woke up in Rodlen.

It seemed like the whisperer had deliberately locked it.

It could have been opened by now.

“Could you please ask me to check again now?”

“yes? Ah, I understand.”

The old man’s expression was full of doubts, but he nodded that he understood without saying anything.

Soon he also left the room, and I was left alone in the room again.

[“It was fun.”]

“Original sin.”

No. Should I call you an observer?

You sneaky bastard. This time it lived up to its name.

An experience that helped me understand why I am called an observer.

[“It worked out well in the end. haha.”]

‘Are you okay? Most of the people there were killed and all my undead were destroyed. In particular, the newly created Dullahan has completely disappeared.’

Dullahan, who was ambitiously created from the body of the Auror Master, was destroyed in this battle.

The only thing I have to say is fortunate is that other than that, the other kids are okay.

However, although it is relatively fine, it cannot be summoned again until the broken or missing part is repaired.

[“Can’t you feel anything?”]


Are you feeling it?

[“Thanks to you, I ate the person chasing me.”]

“You ate it?”

Without even realizing it, I burst out into laughter.

Are you saying that he ate the Avatar?

[“If I become stronger, you will eventually become stronger too. “This is absolutely no loss.”]

‘What has changed?’

I opened the original sin status, but nothing changed.

No, I could see one difference.

[An entity capable of evolution has been discovered.]

no way… … .

[“Evolution became possible.”]

‘Was this what you were aiming for?’

What was surprising about this incident was the words and actions of original sin.

Original Sin, which always blocked me or complained when I felt like I was in danger of dying, was particularly quiet this time.

No, rather, I urged him to do so.

[“It was definitely dangerous. I guess I should say it was half and half.”]

‘… … .’

I couldn’t really blame him.

In the end, everything was my decision and choice.

[“If it weren’t for the Chaos Mimic core that Nickel possessed, he would have died.”]

‘Chaos Mimic?’

Why does that suddenly appear?

[“I do not remember? “When you were hanging upside down, Hwashin was specifically targeting Nickel.”]

‘It was because of the Chaos Mimic?’

So, the remaining question is why Hwashin was obsessed with the core of the Chaos Mimic.

[“Chaos Mimic is also a byproduct of the Overtaker. “It’s like the crown you have.”]

‘It’s gone.’

I checked Nickel resting in subspace, but the core of the Chaos Mimic was gone.

[“The Avatar took it and I ate the Avatar. I also ate the core of the Chaos Mimic.”]

Shouldn’t we be called eaters, not observers?

Just eat it all up.

[“The one who eats is already separate. I’m sorry, but I can’t use that title.”]

‘so. ‘Did you wake up to ask for it to evolve?’

[“Originally, that was the plan, but the whisperer did something strange and went away. “I’ll postpone my turn until later.”]

Original Sin grinned.

Now that I think about it, I was curious about this guy’s true identity.

The seven sin items are actually all by-products of this guy.

When I used two of them at the same time, it was comparable to the incarnation of the transcendent.

Although it was said that when a transcendental person descends into this world, there is a huge penalty and a downgrade in power, it was a surprising fact.

‘What if I collect all 7?’

It may be impossible to defeat the original body of the Transcendent, but if it is an incarnation, it will not be defeated by anyone.

“What on earth are you?”

[“Identity? Well, do you think there is something hidden? What you see is what you see, you idiot. haha.”]

The conversation ended there.

When someone came running from outside, the original sin disappeared like a mouse hiding in a hole.


The person who appeared was Garnet, as I expected.

Vivian followed behind him.

“Adrias… … .”

“Have you gotten your feelings back?”

There was no need to ask.

Because her expression said it all right now.

“Uh, how did you do it?”

“Take this too.”

I handed him half of the remaining fruit.

Garnet accepted the fruit with two trembling hands.

“Where on earth did you get this… … .”

Garnet sat down, unable to continue speaking.

Then he lowered his head as if he were about to cry.

“You really kept your promise.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Garnet.”

Crack, clap, clap!

Jump up!

“Ah, Adrias! I checked as you said and the exit of the tower was open! “Everyone can go out now!”

“iced coffee… … .”

Vivian and Garnet looked at me with surprised faces at the old man’s words.

Everything was falling into place.

* * *


Namgung Ilyoung was standing facing me.

Behind him, figures from the central power were watching with bright expressions.

“It looks like you’ve been staying in the tower for a long time. Will you be able to get used to it when you return?”

“I am Namgung Ilyoung.”

It may have been arrogant, but when he said it, it didn’t feel awkward at all.

He was the one who cut off Hwa-shin’s head, so he said everything.

“I hope you are doing well.”

“if… … .”

He was about to say something but suddenly stopped talking.


“no. The shorter the breakup, the better. “I’ll just go.”

The strongest man of the tower, Namgung Ilyoung.

The person who had reigned in the tower for over 50 years was heading to the outside world.

The greeting took a long time because all the other factions except Garnet had already left.

“Mr. Adrias! “Our master owes us a lot!”

“Please be happy! Thank you so much!”

Most of the members of the elite expedition team that went to investigate the egg died, but the majority remained in the area, so many people said hello.

“I will not go anywhere and tarnish the name of the Namgung family.”

“Ha, don’t go anywhere and talk.”

Namgung Ilyoung sighed out of habit and then burst into laughter.

It was my first time seeing him smile, but he still looked crazy.

The central forces began to escape one by one. And the last remaining Namgung Ilyoung left one last word and disappeared.

“Take care of yourself, disciple.”

Disciple… … .

Am I now a lay disciple of the Namgung family?

Considering the ranks of Namgung Ilyoung, I’d probably be in a pretty high position in the martial arts community.

The exit became quiet as the Namgung Ilyoung disappeared into light.

“Now it’s our turn.”

Dienne touched my shoulder and said.

She was surprised to hear that Diene from the future had come.

Thanks to this, he seemed to be motivated now and wanted to quickly go back and practice.


“You go first.”

“no. “I’m going to see Garnet leave.”

Garnet was frustrated that he still hadn’t gone out with the item that could bring his loved one back. I wish I could go and feed him some fruit right away.


“It seems like it’s fun to see me in trouble.”


That’s honest.

In the end, I laughed too.

Garnet slowly lowered her head.

“Thank you. Adrias, Vivian, Diene.”

“Please live happily with Musula.”

Garnet nodded vigorously.

“I will live happier than anyone else.”

“You should be happy.”

“Thank you!”

Garnet slowly stepped toward the exit while hearing Vivian and Diene’s greetings.

A slightly uneasy, shaky gait.

I encouraged Garnet from behind.

“it’s okay. “We are behind you.”

Then Garnet paused for a moment, looked back at us, and smiled brightly.


And then he moved forward vigorously.

Nothing changes by waiting. We must move forward.


Everyone left as Garnet waved her hand as she soon disappeared surrounded by light.

Are you relieved?

“Now let’s go out too. “It’s eerie because there’s no one around.”

Diene said, looking around.

“yes. “Let’s get out quickly.”

There is no one left in the tower anymore.

All the residents have left without exception.

I don’t know what will happen to the tower that opens next year.

The whisperer said he wouldn’t abandon the tower right away, but it’s true that he’s anxious.

“Let’s go.”

Vivian and Dienne.

I stepped toward the exit with the two of them.


Light enveloped us and the place changed as it was when we first entered.

[You have arrived at the reward room.]

“… … “I didn’t expect this either.”

We arrived at a place that was pitch dark.

I thought I was going to escape right away, but I never thought I would come to the reward room.

In the game, if you give up climbing and go to the exit, you will end up here.

Since each person enters the reward room individually, I am alone here.

This time, I thought there would be no reward room as I was caught up in the enormous task of fighting a transcendental person.

Besides, I already received it personally.

[Settlement begins.]

[Top Clear 40th Floor#^#%!$!&@]

Why am I like this again?

[Clear the top… … You have succeeded in conquering the tower!]

A phrase I had never seen before in the game appeared.

[Rewards will be given.]


Light fell from the ceiling.


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