Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits Chapter 335

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< Episode 335. Imitation and Adversary >

I watched closely the movements of strange hands visible through the fog. However, he did not stop muttering passionately with his mouth.

“This is what it meant: you shouldn’t be quiet.”

“What does that mean?”

When Bahat asked with a frustrated expression, I gestured to the distance.

“Unknown hands were following us. “The moment it gets quiet, it moves.”

“Huh, hands?”

Bahat immediately turned around and headed towards where the hands were.

“Ba, Bahat! “It’s dangerous!”

“Hmph, isn’t it safe as long as you make a lot of noise? “There is no danger.”

I was anxious about Bahat walking towards the hands while talking to himself, but when we actually started talking, the hands stayed still as if they were statues.

“Everyone, please wait a moment.”

I left the people to take a break and followed Bahat. Bahat, who seemed to have aged significantly since entering this space, was working hard to navigate the space.

“Hmm, that’s bizarre. “It doesn’t seem to be a living thing…”

As we got closer enough to be able to identify them without having to increase our eyesight with mana, we could see the pale hands in more detail.

The hands, which existed only up to the wrist, remained still, connected to the pale smoke.

“Magic? No, it’s probably closer to an anomaly than that.”

“It must be dangerous, right?”

“Ouroboros warned us, so of course it’s dangerous. Anyway, you need to be careful.”

Bahat sat down, examined his hands closely, and rubbed his face tiredly.

“Are you okay?”

“Hehe. Are you worried about me? “You have a long way to go before you have to worry about me, kid.”

Even if I was just pretending to be strong, I felt relieved.

On the contrary, it would have been difficult for me if a character like Bahat showed weakness.

“Why don’t you cut it with your sword?”

“I don’t think there’s any need to touch it. Especially in a situation like now. “If these hands attack us, then we will swing our swords.”

“i get it.”

Bahat nodded obediently and soon headed back to the ranks. Anyway, it was really unpleasant to make me talk constantly when I was already tired.

‘I guess I should make a fuss.’

There is nothing wrong with my physical strength, so I should at least talk to myself.

Wood clatter!


The surroundings were still cracking and collapsing. Fortunately, there was no damage to us, but I was worried that at that rate, it would all collapse within 3 days.

“Oh my!”

Not long after I started walking again, a bad signal rang. It was the sound of the oldest warlock collapsing, his legs giving out.

“are you okay?”

Luna, who had been quiet all this time, saw this and quickly approached and held out her hand.

“Huh, I guess this is the end for me. Just give up and move on.”

Everyone’s expressions distorted at his frustrated words. He knew that anyone could be like that, but at the same time, his rational Warlock brain knew that his judgment was right.

“I’ll carry you on my back.”

Luna squatted down and stuck out her small back.

Looking at Luna like that, the old warlock just smiled.

“I’m fine. He’s an old man who has lived long enough to live anyway. So just go.”

“I’m not okay.”

As Warlock looked troubled at what Luna said with a frown, in the end I had no choice but to make a decision.

“The situation is not that bad. “It’s too early to give up.”

“I know it myself. “But I thought about what happened after this and decided in advance.”


I sighed and held out my hand to the old warlock. Then Luna quickly stood up and extended her other hand to him.

“That’s the problem. I try to solve everything with my head. But you know that there are often problems that you just can’t solve with your head. “Now is the time.”

He hesitated and eventually took Luna’s and mine’s hands. After holding both of his hands and helping him up, I couldn’t help but think about it.

‘If you summon mercenaries, you can carry everyone and move…’

In the current situation, there was no problem in using magic even if it was discovered. However, it was too great a risk to reveal that I was a warlock.

“I don’t think it’s the right decision, but I’ll give it my strength.”

“Good idea!”

Luna smiled brightly.

I wondered if I was worried because Luna seemed to have returned to her original self, but I noticed one strange thing.


Sweat was flowing down the back of Luna’s neck.

I wondered if walking was that difficult, but no matter how much I thought about it, that wasn’t the reason.



“Are you feeling unwell?”

At my question, Luna’s expression hardened and she shook her head vigorously.

“are you okay! “It’s okay.”

“Please let me know if you feel uncomfortable in any way.”


No matter how you look at it, it was a lie.


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I started moving, determined to keep checking Luna’s condition.

“The next two days. Please hold on a little longer.”


The Warlocks held up better than expected.

With the mental strength befitting the nickname of a superhuman, he was able to survive for two days despite having a body no different from that of an ordinary person.

However, his aging body could not endure even with his excellent mental strength.


With only one day left, the oldest Warlock finally collapsed. Not only that, but he even closed his eyes as if he had lost consciousness.


“It looks like the old man lasted a long time. First, try to force him to wake up!”

Because I had been talking for two days, there was no chase from the pale hands. However, we could not let down our guard because unidentified dangers still remained.

“Did you say that monsters appear when you fall asleep?”

“That’s right.”

I answered while checking the condition of the oldest warlock, Patrick. He seemed to be in good condition as he was able to catch his breath, but no matter how much I shook him, he couldn’t wake up.


I apologized in advance and shocked him with Mana.

Then Patrick’s eyes opened brightly and he began to clear his throat.

“Cough! Cough!”

“Do we really have to do this? “I’m starting to feel skeptical.”

Viente, who was looking at me like that, finally said something.

“I don’t want to be hated for calling myself out.”

“Ha, yes. “I guess so.”

Since they are smart people, they have followed me without any complaints until now. Because they are noble people who have the brains to make objective judgments, regardless of their pride.

“Heo-eok, heo-eok. I lost my mind for a moment. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize. On the contrary, you are holding up well, so please don’t blame yourself.”

“Thank you at least for your words. hmm?”

Patrick tilted his head as he spoke.

Then he immediately waved his hand.


“Oh oh?”

“How do you do magic?”

what? Is it shock therapy?

······I wanted to do it, but everyone who saw it started using magic.

“I can’t use it perfectly, but I can use basic magic!”

“I never thought being able to use magic would be such a joy.”

When I looked at Lucia, I saw that she too had made a small fireball and was playing with it in her hand.

“The feeling of frustration has disappeared a little.”


“It’s not like it was all of a sudden…”

She raised her gaze and looked at the cracked spaces.

“I think it has something to do with that incident?”


As this space breaks down, are the restrictions also starting to break down? It wasn’t a bad situation for us.

“I can return mana to the body and make some of the fatigue go away. “The rest of the day is easy.”

“thank god. “Everyone will be able to return alive.”

Click- Click- Click- Click-

What are you talking about?

When everyone was happy that they could use a little bit of mana, I suddenly heard another noise and focused my attention.

“What is that?”

What appeared was none other than a toy.

The appearance of an object that did not fit this space drew everyone’s attention to it.


“It looks bizarre.”

The toy was a little clown riding a tricycle.

It had a mainspring on its back, and it was spinning and slowly moving towards us.

“iced coffee······. Ahhh!”

At that time, Patrick, who was the first to realize the use of magic, trembled and fell back. When everyone looked at his reaction in bewilderment,


The clown’s head popped out like a spring and at the same time became huge and swallowed up a nearby Warlock.


Everyone stopped in an incomprehensible situation.

But even at that moment, I reflexively pulled out my sword and blocked the way.

Quagga River–!


A tremendous shock struck my entire body, as if I had been hit by a huge blunt object. Even though she blocked it with her sword, the force she felt made her dizzy.

‘Dream Eater!’

I didn’t know that if I lost consciousness for a moment, it would come back right away. I held my sword properly again and shouted to the people.

“Get back!”

“Um, what on earth is that?”

“I think that was the reason I couldn’t sleep. “For now, get behind me.”


Once again the head leapt up like a spring and attacked me. The clown’s face ripped open its mouth wide and tried to swallow me whole.

‘It attacks in a very strange way…’

It was so simple.



He easily deflected Dream Eater’s attack and cut off the spring. Then the clown’s head fell to the floor.


“what. It’s no big deal! “Is that why you told us not to sleep all this time?”

I could hear the bison yelling again, but it was still too early to feel at ease.


The clown doll moved even after its head fell off. Soon, it changed shape like clay and started to change shape.

‘Spy on the other person’s dreams and change into what they fear most.’

That was the Dream Eater I knew.

Perhaps that toy model was what Patrick was afraid of.

However, I had no idea what form it would take if it changed its appearance again now.


There’s no need to wait.

I was immediately rushed into the Dream Eater, which was wriggling like a lump of clay.


As expected from a monster that is almost impervious to physical attacks, my sword was just stuck. but······.


Flames rose from the black aura.

-Push profit! Come on!

Dream Eater made a strange noise and transformed part of its body into an awl-like shape. I lightly dodged the sticking out awls and used Auror magic once again.


An explosion occurred inside the Dream Eater.

Then the Dream Eater exploded and scattered on the floor.


“Good job, Adrias Cromwell!”

Yes, cheer on anyway.

When it gets quiet, those strange hands come again.


At that time, some pieces of the Dream Eater tried to entangle my body. I immediately pulled away, but I couldn’t stop myself from brushing against it.



Dream Eater passed me by and immediately began to dawdle. What looked like a lump of clay took on a distinct shape.

And what was revealed…

“You’re paying the worst price.”

It was none other than Maximin Cronell.

< Episode 335. Imitation and Great Enemy > The End


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