Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits Chapter 389

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< Episode 389. Gravekeeper's Tomb >

After learning Ilias’s secret, we no longer questioned her decisions or actions.

For example, even if we ended up going back instead of taking the straight path to Shaiya, we ended up following it without much disagreement.

“The next month is critical.”

“one month?”

There were also cases where we shared things that would happen in the future.

“The cloudiness will keep chasing you. But since Green Narae was so necessary, it was an inevitable plan.”

“That tongue monster? Is he aiming for that too?”

“Even Ilias doesn’t know that.”

Ilias shrugged his shoulders calmly. Freyr, seeing that, sighed and said.

“What if you’ve been through the same incident for 50 years and don’t know it?”

“Because the cloudiness is not important. Other guys will be targeting Ilias for the next month. Cloudiness is a bonus.”

Ilias’ eyes turned somewhere. There was nothing where her gaze was directed, but we could roughly guess what she was looking at.

“We need more helpers.”

“So, is the place you’re going now where that helper is?”


Ilias chose to go back instead of going straight to Shaiya, and the reason for that was the existence of that helper.

“Gravekeeper’s Tomb.”

“The gravekeeper’s grave? “That’s where Hella presides over.”

When Freyr spoke as if he knew, the green snail also fluttered its small wings.

-you! Are you trying to enter Hela’s territory by defeating Managareum while Cloud is chasing you? Dangerous!

What is Hella and why are Cloudy and Managareum appearing again?

If it’s Managareum, it’s the werewolf he fought before meeting Green Narae.

“I have to go.”

“Ha, well. You must have planned it well. Okay, let’s go.”

-it’s crazy! it’s crazy!

Only Naver and I were dumbfounded, unable to understand what was being said.

No, but Nebro, why don’t you know anything? I’m not from this world, but shouldn’t you know?

[“Hey, Fairy. Please explain. Why is it dangerous?”]

-The man you beat up is the son of Hrodvinnir. Hrodbitnir is Hela’s brother. You’re a transcendental person, but you don’t even know that!

So, I’m not a transcendent.

It was Nebro who answered on my behalf.

“······He won’t be happy with us for beating up his nephew.”

-yes! Plus, Cloudy is Hela’s minion! Hella even treats the transcendent as a minion!

It’s so intertwined. By the way, how strong is a transcendental being who can handle the pursuer?

‘I feel a little uneasy.’

Nevertheless, the fact that Ilias took this direction probably shows that he is confident.

By the way, it’s the gravekeeper’s grave…

My job is a necromancer. Of course, he uses more swords, but let’s put it that way.

For me, I couldn’t help but have high expectations for places involving corpses and death.


“Yes, angel.”

[“You probably haven’t forgotten the necromancy I taught you, right?”]


I’ve never used it before, but Nebro also learned necromancy from me. In fact, I have learned everything I can learn.

Stand tall!

At that time, Nebro, who was smiling and answering me, suddenly stopped. Soon he gathered mana and used scan around her.


Nebro, who instantly scanned a distance impossible for an ordinary wizard with a light wave of mana, said with a hardened expression.

“There are a lot of things.”


Freyr heard Nebro’s words and pricked his long ears. Then he turned his head to Ilias and spoke.

“Nebro figured it out well. “The spirits are warning you.”

“I thought it was about time. “The gravedigger’s grave is just around the corner, so we have to get there quickly before we get caught up.”

The group increased their speed. I was able to feel the same as I shot Nebro, but the distance was farther than I thought, so I wasn’t too worried.

‘It will take two days to catch up, but I can sense it.’

I didn’t look at Freyur like that either, but he seemed to be quite good at handling spirits.



[“Try setting a trap. I’ll tell you.”]

If I knew the enemies were following me, it was my turn from now on. Even in extreme situations and environments, my unique method of overturning the numerical advantage and winning was none other than the use of surrounding elements, including traps.

It was perfect because the road we were passing through was also a jungle-like forest.

[“Let’s destroy it before we can do anything.”]



The unidentified group moving in the shadows soon stopped in place and looked around. The appearance was so consistent that it seemed as if they were all moving as one body.

-I found traces.

-It’s here too.


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Although they looked like humans, they had only one eye and there were dozens of them.


-What did you find?

One of the one-eyed men noticed something and tilted his head. Let’s touch something right away.


In an instant, a black crocodile snout jumped up from the floor and swallowed the one-eyed man.

-It is an enemy attack.

The one-eyed people were not embarrassed and gathered together.

However, that action became their defeat.


In an instant, a huge magic circle was created in the middle of the jungle. Soon after, Nebro, who had been waiting, touched the floor, still hidden behind the tree.

-Burn it.

A short phrase soon became magic and appeared in the world.


A huge fire exploded around the magic circle and began to instantly burn the one-eyed people gathered together.



The one-eyed people did not die even in the intense firestorm, as if they were not ordinary beings. The magic didn’t last long, so when the flames died down, the tanned, one-eyed people looked for the owner of the magic with bloodshot eyes.

-It’s over there!


The one-eyed man’s head flew off as he screamed.

“Where are you looking? “Is it because I only have one eye that I can’t see properly?”

Freyr smiled an eerie smile and cleaned up the half-burned cyclops.


The remaining one-eyed people felt a sense of crisis and held each other’s hands. Then, like clay being formed, it began to come together and change its shape.

“We have to kill them before they unite!”

Ilias suddenly appeared holding a sword and shouted.

“Leave it to me.”

Nebro’s magic did not end there.

As soon as the firestorm ended, he was preparing another spell and pulled out a piece of metal from the ground.


Soon, the pulled out metal took the form of a spear with thorns rising in all directions, and was surrounded by lightning.

[“Harmony of magic”]

Adrias’ will was conveyed, and soon Nebro dismantled the telekinetic magic he was using on himself.


He fell to the floor a little awkwardly, but he didn’t care at all and immediately concentrated his will.

-Pierce, tear and destroy.

Penta Casting.

As many as five types of magic were mixed at once, and the metal spear was thrust into the one-eyed man who was transforming into the form of a giant.

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!


Electric current surged from inside the giant, which had thorns sticking out in all directions.


The giant with dozens of eyes engraved all over his body fell to his knees in despair before he could even form properly.


Soon thick smoke spewed out, and the giant, who had been cooked to the core, died.


Ilias looked at the figure in disbelief.

“I caught Argos…”

“I caught a giant! Wow, what is this!”

Even Freyr watched the scene in disbelief.

“Ha, it was successful. What a relief.”

-amazing! As expected, the skills of a fan are as good as beating Managareum!

A small will was passed among them who were soaked in joy.

[“I heard that Argos is made up of a hundred one-eyed horses. But just now there were only 42.”]

“Where is it! “It’s a giant!”

Adrias’ power grew stronger day by day, and he was eventually able to convey his will to Freyr.

“The angel is right. It’s not over yet. “We have to get to the gravedigger’s grave quickly before the rest catch up.”

Ilias helped Nevro, who had fallen to the floor. Although he had finished taking the medicine, apart from the curse disappearing, he was unable to use his legs due to lack of muscle.

“thank you.”

“Nebro can be more grateful to Ilias.”

“Okay, thank you.”

As Adrias watched the duo’s skit, he wondered if Luna’s four-dimensional appearance was due to her bloodline.

“Anyway, I never imagined that you would think of setting a trap and counterattacking. “No one would have thought that they would catch a giant.”

[“Nebro is strong.”]

“No matter how strong they are, no ordinary person would ever think of catching a giant.”

-that’s right! that’s right!

Freyr and Greennarae were running around talking, but Adrias couldn’t understand. It was a gap that arose because the common sense of this world and his common sense were a little far apart.



Ilias, who was watching this, felt a strange emotion arise.

As situations that had never existed in my life up to the previous 50 episodes occurred one after another, they kept becoming evident no matter how hard I tried to hide them.

‘I wonder if I can succeed in this life.’

Nebro, who was putting his arm around Ilias’s shoulder as he was thinking absentmindedly, whispered quietly.

“What are you thinking?”


It’s still early.

Because I decided not to rely on hope anymore…

“Nevro, you’re too close to Ilias.”


But one thing was certain.

Even these brief moments with her companions are so precious to her.

‘······I don’t give up.’

Although her life has been broken 50 times, her will has not yet been broken.



This is the first crow I’ve heard in a while.

After defeating the one-eyed giants called Argos, they arrived safely at the gravedigger’s tomb.

‘But the mood is not good.’

As Greennarae warned, Hella, the owner of this place, did not seem to welcome us.

“Ilias, but there was something I didn’t ask you.”


“Although this is Hella’s territory, it is one of many realms. “I don’t know if Hela is here, but who is she here to see?”

“Hela is here now. “Ilias came to see Hela.”

Freyr just nodded at Ilias’s firm words. Since these were the words of Ilias, who had already experienced the future dozens of times, it was natural to believe them.

“Ugh, kuuh. “It’s a good thing you came here.”

Someone’s voice was heard from a gloomy land shrouded in black fog. The cracked voice was an unpleasant sound, like scraping metal.


“Ugh, kuuh. “If you see that you know my name, you know I came here.”

Soon, a hunchback with skin like a blue corpse walked out of the black fog.

“Are you here to die? “Ugh, ugh.”

“Let me meet Hela.”

At Ilias’ words, the atmosphere around them, which had been quiet for so long, changed in an instant. A sharp, deadly attack as if sharp spear knives were fighting from all directions attacked the group.


Nebro immediately prepared mana, but Ilias shook his head and stopped him.

“Tell them I have come to fulfill Galak’shur’s contract. Then Hela will meet me too.”


The hunchback called Ganglati looked at Ilias and us with meaningful eyes and then took a step back. Then, in an instant, the figure disappeared.

“Wait. “Ugh, ugh.”

Then, as his presence disappeared, Green Narae made a fuss.

-You’re going to kill us!

“I won’t die.”

-The reason why Ganglati was created is so great! Oh my gosh! It’s strong!

“Nebro is stronger.”

Ilias accepted it casually.

It was as if he had already fought Ganglati once.


Green Narae, who noticed this, said no more and glanced at Nebro.

-Son of Aion, younger brother of Samael. Of course it will be strong.

“I didn’t become strong because of my bloodline, but because of the angel.”

Nebro. You also owe it to your bloodline.

There’s no need to tell you this. Nebro had no one to compare his talents to, so he thought that it was only thanks to me that he became stronger.

“Ugh. “Follow me.”

Ganglati appeared as suddenly as he had disappeared, speaking and gesturing. He was holding a lantern in one hand, and I could see the black fog slowly moving away from the light.

“You have to catch up quickly. “It’s hard without that light.”

As Ilias hurriedly followed Ganglati, the rest of the party quickly followed suit.

< Episode 389. Gravedigger's Tomb > End


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