Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits Chapter 99

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Episode 99. Conquest

What I saw as soon as I went up the stairs was a room that looked like the top of a clock tower.

The splendidly unfolded magic circles were connected and moving organically as if clockwork were intertwined, and they were so incredible that they could be called the essence of a magic circle.

It was a detail that had not been noticed in the game, but now it was different.

I put aside my purpose for coming up and looked at the magic circle.

‘I can’t even follow it.’

Aside from drawing, a huge amount of calculation went into it.

I was sick of the complexity that made me vomit just imagining it, but when I thought that Modras Alven had designed and built it alone, my respect grew.

After opening the magic circles, I finally saw the reward located in the middle of the room.

It was a structure that stood like a lectern and was a transparent glass display case.

‘The key to the tower.’

I carefully opened the glass display case and picked up a key-shaped object.

[Key of Greed]

[A key given to the first person to conquer the 30th floor of the ‘Tower.’]

[Can be used in ‘Tower’.]

This was the end of the explanation.

But I also knew the purpose of this key and its reward.

‘I will increase the tower’s reward to two.’

A tower that exists in the imperial palace.

This is a historical site from the mythical era, and only qualified personnel can enter it once.

It was the base of the Tower of Modras and a mysterious place where rewards were given according to the number of floors climbed.

‘In fact, items used by the gods of the mythical era are also dropped.’

No matter how high the floor you climb, only one item is given to each person, but the effect of this key was to increase it to two. It was an item that could be said to be fraudulent enough on its own.

Not long after I picked up the key, a glass display case in the shape of a lectern fell beneath the floor. Soon, the mana energy gathered in that spot and something whitish began to appear.

“Modras Alven.”

To be exact, that thought form.

Modras took on a hazy appearance and immediately greeted me.

“Students of Rodlen Academy, congratulations on reaching this point.”

Since he wasn’t actually alive anyway, I just listened without answering.

“You are a quiet young man. “Yes, it was fate that brought me here, so I’ll tell you my story.”

After that, he went on to say things about the reason for the establishment of the Modras Tower, which he had already heard more than ten times, and to emphasize that he had given up the key he had worked so hard to obtain from the palace tower to future generations.

Modras, whose words and actions were light despite his accomplishments, talked for a while and finally said what he had been waiting for.

“Now I’m slowly running out of mana. “I only appear to the first visitor, so you will be the first and last person to see me.”

As soon as those words ended, Modras’ thought form was seen increasing mana.

“But it won’t be fun if it ends like this. “I’m going to put you to the test.”

I waited for a long time to see when that topic would be brought up.

I immediately pulled out Galakshur and rushed at him.

“Haha, you’re too hasty compared to how reticent you are!”

It keeps bothering me that you talk like I’m alive.

He swung his sword, but before he knew it, Modras, who had moved in space, gathered magical power with his fingertips.

Dozens of Mana Arrows were fired in an instant.


I circled around the outskirts of the room to avoid the attacks, and I also threw a sword blast.

The sword wind mixed with Wind Cutter approached Modras at incredible speed, but the opponent simply moved my sword wind through space with a single wave of his hand.

‘It’s overwhelming.’

Perhaps, even now, they are just looking at me without revealing my skills.

No matter what anyone says, he was a warlock-level archmage.

Immediately, as I was trying to close the distance, Modras gestured once more, and in an instant, my position changed and my neck was caught in his grasp.

“Now, what should we do…” … .”

I have been waiting for this moment.

My shadow grew in an instant and caught Modras, and an ominous aura waved behind him.

“Dark magic… … ?”


Modras was probably so surprised that he was unable to react properly and was stabbed by Nickel’s sword.

Nickel stabbed the other person’s heart very cleanly, but for fear of getting hurt, he didn’t go through, but only cut through the other person’s heart.

‘It’s not the end.’

The opponent is not a living human being, but just a thoughtform.

It doesn’t go away if you get stabbed in the heart.

Nickel also read my mind and attacked again in an instant, but he had already left the spot by moving through space.

“ha ha ha! Just using magic and a sword at the same time is amazing, but black magic! “A great talent has appeared!”

I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or genuinely admiring it, but what was certain was that Nickel’s attack just worked. In fact, Mordras’ cloudy thought form was dimmer than before.

‘Maybe I can win for the first time.’

Since it was only a thought form, it was bound to be weaker than the actual Modras.

However, it was surprising that he could use that much space magic with just the thought form.

There was no time to rest.

I ran with Nickel right away.

“Has the world changed since I died? “I don’t understand how a warlock is a student at Rodlen Academy.”

While speaking, Modras came out leisurely, dodged Nickel’s attack and counterattacked. It was a simple magic combination, but it perfectly countered offense and defense with a casting speed so fast that it seemed ignorant.


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‘I think I’ll win if I just drag on like this.’

Just in case, I need to make sure I win.

A huge sub-space was created next to Modras, who continued to widen the distance by moving through space.


A huge arm protruding from subspace instantly struck Modras.


Since I couldn’t summon the entire large Ludo, I only brought out part of the body, and it wasn’t as bad a use as I thought.

Nickel rushed in front of Modras, who was hit with a fist.

Modras moved through space in a hurry, but I, who had already vaguely noticed, took one step ahead and summoned Ludo’s arm. This time, Ludo’s arm holding a huge sword slashed at Modras, who had moved through space.


Modras urgently used magic to block Ludo’s great sword, but Timur, who was summoned after him, let out a huge roar and took power.



Timur’s suddenly summoned blow went cleanly.

An Auror Master who dominated an era in his own right, even if he seemed like he was just a half-hearted person.

There was a bunch of things in his fist that others couldn’t see.

Unlike Nickel’s attack, which was stabbed with a pin point, Modras was moving through space in a hurry, probably because the damage was great, but the room was already occupied by me and my undead.

‘It’s over.’

When I saw signs of space moving next to me, I swung my sword.

As soon as the sword Modras that had been swung in advance appeared, it cleanly cut through the opponent’s neck.


“haha… … .”

said Modras, who still made a sound even though his head fell off.

“You let your guard down. “I never would have guessed that they hid their military power against me.”

I, too, was very moved.

When I thought that I had captured the thought form of Modras, whom I had never been able to defeat, I was a little happy because I felt like I was proving to be stronger than Lewis and other characters.

“Those who pass certain trials are rewarded. Even if you are a warlock, I don’t need to worry about the future.”

Modras, who was slowly scattering away, said something meaningful.

Does that mean you will be compensated separately?

“Please benefit the world.”

It was an odd request to ask a warlock, but I nodded silently.

And finally Modras disappeared.

[‘Achievement: A person who has received the approval of Modras’ has been achieved.]


Achievements that I had forgotten existed obscured my vision. Since he had never defeated Modras before, he had no idea that such an achievement was hidden. The joy was doubled because it was a completely unexpected reward.

And along with the achievement reward, I saw something sparkling left in the place where Modras disappeared.

‘This… … ?’

* * *


A sword scattering a strange light split the air.

Then, the strangely shaped monster on the other side split in half.


The emperor, who watched the monster dead with no emotion, brushed aside the servant who came up from the side and handed him a towel, and put his sword in its sheath.

“It’s boring.”

While the servant, who had been meditated by the emperor’s words, was at a loss as to what to do, someone cautiously entered. The knight who entered carefully got down on one knee without even looking at the strange monster that was cut in half and dead.

“What’s going on?”

“Your Majesty, Duke Hector Kazaf has arrived.”

“Come on in.”

The driver immediately got up and walked backwards outside.

Soon after, the Duke of Kazaf entered leisurely.

“Meet Your Majesty the Emperor.”

“You are here, Lord Hector.”

The Emperor sat down on the chair provided without even turning his head and spoke.

Even though he was an emperor, his attitude toward a prime minister was extremely arrogant in his eyes and actions.

“I hope you brought a story that will interest me.”

“There is news that Adrias Cromwell, son of Kane Cromwell, has conquered the 30th floor of the Tower of Modras.”

“I heard that you went and checked it out in person last time. How was it?

It was a bit shameless to say that the Emperor himself had put pressure on him to come back, but the Duke of Kazaf only bowed his head.

“I apologize for being a little late in gathering information. Considering the information so far, it appears that the probability that Adrias had original sin is quite high.”

“Only a warlock can deal with original sin. “Are you saying Adrias is a warlock?”

“If you just look at the possibilities, yes. Frankly speaking, the features and performance of Original Sin do not explain Adrias’ explosive growth. In fact, Original Sin is just a piece that has almost no performance on its own, so it seems to be separate from Adrias’ growth.”

“Then why do you say there is a high probability that he has original sin?”

“The period when Adrias Cromwell suddenly used the sword strangely overlaps with the period when he purchased the mansion. In the case of Original Sin, we do not know all of its abilities, so if we were to say that it was able to use swords and magic at the same time due to hidden abilities, that would be a sufficient explanation.”

“In the end, nothing is certain.”

Despite the emperor’s cold words, the Duke of Kazaf just stood expressionless.

The Emperor burst into laughter looking at the Duke of Kazaf and pointed across from him.

“Why are you standing so uncomfortable? Please sit down.”

The emperor spoke to the Duke of Kazaf, who sat down while giving a pretentious thank you.

“Anyway, it’s not a bad thing. If he has original sin, there is no need for him to search for it. “He doesn’t have to think in a hurry, I’ll just let him know that he’ll cut the ship when he needs to.”

“Your Majesty, I may say this out of spite, but Adrias conquered the 30th floor, a level that even Maximin Cronel could not reach. Just in case… … .”

“Hector Kazaf.”

With a smiling face, the emperor simply quietly called the Duke of Kazaf’s name.

The name was just quietly whispered.

However, with that one word, even Kazaf of the world lost his poker face and cold sweat began to form near his temples.

“Why is he so scared that he’s already begging me? “I didn’t look at the ball that way, so I need to reevaluate.”

“I am very grateful, Your Majesty.”

These were the words of an extremely arrogant emperor.

The Duke of Kazakhstan was a little worried about the arrogance of the emperor who had ascended to such a high height, but he thought that the emperor’s words were valid, so he tried to rationalize himself.

‘Yeah, he’s not going to run away anyway, so you don’t have to worry too much.’

Moreover, if anything, he could turn Adrias into a warlock, so he had enough cards.

Even if he did not bear original sin, the emperor would have no loss at all.

“Right now, the priority is to find other sins.”

“The Intelligence Bureau is constantly looking for you, so we will be able to find out your whereabouts soon.”

“Lord Hagel is said to have discovered the location in the north. I’m looking forward to seeing which one will discover it first.”

Although it was shameful to be compared to a warlock, Duke Kazaf simply bowed his head.

“I will make sure to find it first.”


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