Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight Chapter 212

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The Return of the Destruction-Class Death Knight Chapter 212

Episode 212 Helian Competition (1)

On the day of the competition, all the citizens of the capital gathered at the Colosseum.

Tens of thousands of seats were filled in an instant. Vendors selling food and drinks were busy soliciting customers everywhere.

“Isn’t Archibald the strongest candidate for victory?”

The audience engaged in heated discussions in anticipation of the upcoming competition.

The hottest topic of conversation was who would win the Master Class event.

“Archibolt made it to the finals in the last competition. He lost, but by a hair’s breadth.”

The winner cannot participate in the same event again.

So, his argument was that Archibald, who came in second in the last competition, was actually first.

“I don’t know. Bradley Heath wasn’t around back then.”

The man sitting next to me raised an objection.

The Helian competition is held every four years. In the last competition, Bradley Heath was in the high class and could not participate in the master class event.

After the competition, Bradley Heath took the masterclass, much earlier than Archibald.

There is no doubt that Bradley Heath’s talent is superior to Archibald’s, which is why the man considered Bradley Heath a candidate to win.

“Oh, Bradley Heath is a genius, but Archibald has a much longer career as a masterclass teacher.”

“Have you ever watched a competition once or twice? How often do you see a talented knight surpassing his senior?”

The two fought with increasing intensity. Then, the man sitting in front of them turned around and said.

“You two are late to the rumor.”

“Who are you again?”

“Does it matter who I am? You mentioned Archibald and Bradley as potential candidates. I disagree. There was a really big article about it recently.”

The two men pricked up their ears to the man’s words.

“A candidate for the championship?”

“The article says that he entered the master class at the young age of early 20s.”

“What? Early 20s?”

The two looked incredulous.

Bradley Heath, who the two were just discussing, took the masterclass in his late 20s.

And yet, Bradley Heath was considered the first god to appear in the Empire in decades.

Has anyone taken a masterclass at an earlier age than Bradley Heath?

“That’s what a knight from the Apple Kingdom named Damien Haxen said.”

But the two looked uneasy at the mention of the Apple Kingdom.

“Apple Kingdom? You’re not a knight of the empire.”

“A knight from another kingdom is a candidate for victory? I’ve never heard such stupid talk before!”

The Helyan Games have always been won by knights of the Empire, regardless of the event.

This is because the knights of the empire were of a higher level than those of other kingdoms.

This was also a source of pride for the people of the empire. It meant that the knights of the empire were the strongest on the continent.

“Anyway, the winner will be Archibald!”

“What are you talking about! It’s Bradley Heath!”

The two men began to argue again, raising their voices. The man clicked his tongue and turned his gaze forward again.

“Anyone have money? Predict the winner and test your judgment and luck!”

At that moment, a boy was seen walking around with a makeshift stand hanging around his neck.

“Hey, do you want to come here?”

“Yes! Are you going to raise money?”


The man took out a gold coin and placed it on the counter.

“Five gold pieces for Damien Haxen.”

Although it was a considerable amount of money, there was no hesitation on the man’s face.

* * *

“Looking at it this way, the knights of the empire are indeed different.”

A waiting room inside the Colosseum.

Michael Lionbloom looked around at the other articles and said:

“Even if they wear the same armor, I think you can tell the difference. The knights of the Empire are much more spirited.”

The waiting room was filled with a jumble of knights participating in the contest.

Of course, not all knights were here. Among the knights of the Empire, those from powerful families were given private quarters.

“Because there are many old families in the empire.”

Damien said as if he wasn’t interested.

It was not particularly surprising that the knights of the Empire were superior.

Older families possessed high-level mana training methods and swordsmanship.

Moreover, since all the wealth and treasure of the continent was gathered in the empire, it was very easy to obtain highly effective elixirs.

“And why are you acting weak? Do you think I don’t know? I look down on you.”

Michael scratched the back of his head at Damien’s words.

Michael was originally a very arrogant knight. He was so convinced that there was no genius greater than himself under heaven.

Although his personality changed after meeting Damien, it could not completely disappear.

“To be honest, I think I could win against anyone but Rachel Youngae.”

During their stay at the villa, Michael often sparred with Rachel.

The result was a complete defeat for Michael. He was defeated without even putting up a proper fight.

Considering the talent of the swordsman, it was natural. Even in his previous life, Michael had never defeated the swordsman.

“So, are you planning to just give in?”


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“How could that be? I intend to get revenge.”

Michael’s eyes became sharp.

Damian smiled bitterly. He expected that Michael would lose again this time.

But you never know what will happen in this world. And Michael’s talent was something that could never be underestimated.

“But how did you say the contest was conducted?”

“It is said that each event is held six times a day.”

As there were many participants, the number of matches held per day was also high.

“I don’t think there’s anything to worry about in the middle class. There’s no one who looks stronger than that guy.”

Michael looked at Veronica and said.

Among the knights of the Empire, and even of other kingdoms, there was no one who seemed stronger than Veronica.

However, it was a situation where we couldn’t just let our guard down.

“Sigh… … I’m bored.”

Veronica muttered, leaning against the window.

“I want to cut off their ears and noses and make them round… … I want to stick a blade under their skin and rip it off… … .”

Veronica’s mental state has become a little dangerous due to not being able to kill someone for several days.

Killing people is the only way to achieve mental stability. No matter how you look at it, his nature is that of a piece of trash.

“… … If I send them out to the competition and they kill someone, wouldn’t it be a big problem?”

Most of the knights who participated in the competition were from empires or kingdoms. There were also wandering knights, but they were a very small number.

“Don’t worry. I have everything figured out.”

“As expected, you are my brother.”

“Veronica, come to work.”

Veronica heard the call and started walking towards Damian.


“Don’t kill anyone in this competition. Don’t even hurt anyone with a knife.”

“Well, I’ll try.”

It was a very indifferent attitude. It seemed as if he had no intention of taking Damien’s advice seriously.

Michael looked expectant, as if he thought Damien would try to beat him again.

“Last time, I promised to grant your wish if you reached a higher class before Michael, right?”

“Yeah, it did. But it failed.”

“If you win the contest without breaking any of the rules I’ve outlined, I’ll let you cut me as you wish.”

But Veronica’s eyes lit up at the words that followed.


“Yes, that’s true.”

“Really? You’ll be mad if I break that promise?”

“Okay, okay.”

Veronica’s eyes began to burn with enthusiasm.

Then Michael whispered with a worried face.

“… … Brother, are you really going to listen to me?”

“Well, I said I could cut it, I didn’t say I could cut it quietly.”


“You didn’t say you weren’t avoiding it, did you?”

Michael’s expression became blank for a moment at Damien’s words.

“The middle class event is about to start! Madam Veronica Sanze, please come out onto the field!”

The imperial official shouted loudly. Veronica ran out, laughing.

And as soon as we started, we won.

He took the opponent’s attack and held his sword to his neck.

“Wow, whoa! What just happened? How did you do that?”

“Wait a minute, where did that woman come from?”

“You just said it was the Apple Kingdom.”

The audience clapped their hands with shocked faces at the clean move.

But Veronica didn’t care much about the audience’s attention.

“Demian Haxen! You must keep your promise!”

All he did was shout that towards the waiting room.

* * *

There were several more middle-class matches after that, and cheers erupted from the stands at the end of each match.

“Brother, it’s my turn next.”

“Okay, work hard and come back.”

Damien didn’t really offer any advice, because he knew Michael’s abilities well.

As Damien expected, Michael returned after easily defeating the enemy.

He broke the enemy knight’s fighting spirit by destroying his weapon with a greatsword.

“W, are weapons supposed to be that easily broken?”

“No way. This is truly an incredibly strong sword.”

“That knight is also from the Apple Kingdom.”

“Apple Kingdom? It’s a place that has never really stood out in competitions?”

The crowd cheered but also murmured about Michael.

-The next event will start in 30 minutes!

Soldiers standing throughout the Colosseum shouted at the audience.

-The next event is a master class!

-The match between Sir Bradley Heath and Sir Ulema Hoplite is underway!

Finally, the match that people were most looking forward to has begun.

* * *

Bradley Heath came up to the pitch.

“Bradley Heath!”

“The Divinity of the Empire!”

“You must win!”

The audience cheered, but Bradley Heath remained indifferent.

Because all my attention was focused elsewhere.

Bradley Heath looked into the waiting room. More specifically, he glared at Damien Haxen, who was standing by the waiting room window.

-You can’t beat him.

From that day on, Bradley Heath increased the intensity of his training, pushing himself to his limits every day.

To beat Damien Haxen?

How could that be? Bradley Heath thought he was stronger than Damien Haxen.

Still, the reason Bradley Heath devoted himself to training was because of his blackness.

Even though Geomseong was a hero of the empire, he couldn’t stand hearing such words.

He intended to show off to Kensei by winning the competition with overwhelming skill.

Your vision is wrong.

I’m saying that I’m this strong.

“Nice to meet you.”

A voice came from the other side. The opponent, the Ulema Hoplite, was staring at him.

The Ulema held a hatchet in each hand. The two axes were the Ulema’s main weapons.

“It’s a strange feeling that a young man who only recently asked me to teach him has now become a masterclass and is now fighting with me.”

Back in his high class days, Bradley Heath once asked Ulema to spar with him, hoping to gain the enlightenment he needed to reach the Master Class.

“If it were up to me, I would like to teach you again this time… … but I also have urgent matters to attend to.”

Ulema was 40 years old this year. If she were eliminated in this competition, she would have no more chances.

“I understand. I just hope you do your best.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

The Ulema Hoplite let out a laugh.

“Then let’s begin.”

“Please take good care of me.”

As soon as the words were spoken, the two knights rushed at each other.

The double axe and the fist clashed in the air several times, each time releasing a faint blast of energy.

To Bradley’s surprise, he was blocking all the axes with his bare fists, thanks to the Aurablade wrapped around his fist and forearm.

“Amazing! Who would have thought you could train your Aurablade to this level in such a short period of time!”

The more you train, the stronger your Aurablade becomes.

Bradley’s Aurablade was as sturdy as the Ulema.

“I don’t think it will end easily.”

Because the Helian competition is so long, stamina management is also very important.

That is why the Ulema had no intention of prolonging this duel.

“Bradley. I’ll show you something fun.”

Suddenly, Ulema’s arms began to extend.

The number increased from two to four, then to eight, then to sixteen.

Despite his rough appearance, Ulema was a user of the illusion sword.

The main technique was to use a false flag to deceive the opponent’s eyes and senses, thereby catching them off guard.

“I didn’t use this technique last time because I had to teach you a lesson. I wonder if you can stop this.”

Dozens of arms simultaneously released their Aurablades.

A huge number of Aurablades poured down on Bradley.

“… … .”

Bradley’s eyes wavered, as if trying to discern what was illusion and what was real.

The Ulema smiled secretly when they saw that sight.

It looked like a mix of fake and real, but in reality, it was all real.

By the time you reach the master class, you can put magic into your fantasies. In other words, your fantasies become real.

At that moment, Bradley crouched down. Every muscle in his body seemed to contract.

At that sight, Ulema felt ominous. Before she could find the cause of the ominousness, Bradley leapt forward.

Bradley threw himself into the bundle of Aurorblades, and in a split second, his entire body was wrapped in Aurorblades.

All the Aura Blades released by Ulema were destroyed.

“… … You’re going to block it like this?”

Even for a warrior, it was extremely difficult to surround one’s entire body with an Aura Blade.

That’s why Bradley only unleashed his Aurablade for a split second.

It was actually a crazy thing to do. If I made even the slightest mistake, my body would be torn apart.

But Bradley succeeded anyway. And the reward for his reckless challenge was sweet.

Bradley reached Ulema in an instant and simultaneously threw his fist at Ulema.

Ulema was so shocked that he couldn’t react. He was hit in the chest before he could dodge.


Ulema was pushed back, spitting out blood. Bradley chased after Ulema.

Bradley’s fists rained down relentlessly. Ulema swung his axe to resist, but it was no use.

Just now, his hands started to slow down because he had been hit in the chest. He was desperate to block the punch.

“… … I, I lost.”

Eventually, the Ulema surrendered. Immediately, the referee declared Bradley victorious.

-Sir Bradley Heath wins!

As soon as the winner was decided, the audience erupted in cheers.

“I told you so! I said the favorite to win was Bradley Heath!”

“Whaaahhh! Bradley Heath! The Sacred One of the Empire!”

The crowd reaction was tremendous, everyone cheering and chanting Bradley’s name.

Bradley Heath enjoyed the crowd’s applause with his arms outstretched.

“… … They say he is the divinity of the empire, and he is truly amazing.”

Ulema Hoplite watched the scene with a bitter face and then came down from the stadium.

* * *

The cheers of the crowd showed no signs of ending.

-Then let’s move on to the next game.

Eventually, the referee had to step in and calm the game down because the next game had to be played according to the schedule.

– Sir Jose Brendan and Sir Damien Haxen, please come out onto the pitch.

At the referee’s words, Damien came up onto the pitch.

I looked around and saw a packed audience.

As I moved my gaze a little further, I saw the first class seats.

In the best location in the Colosseum, it was luxuriously furnished with tables and chairs.

There sat a blond man with a tired face.

‘Howard Adelright.’

Damien muttered the man’s name inwardly.

Emperor of the Empire, a man blessed with gold.

Damien had seen that man only once in his past life.

It was the man who was next to him when he killed none other than Dorgo.

“You’re much younger than I thought.”

An unfamiliar voice was heard. I turned my head and saw a man with a stocky physique. It was Jose Brendan, Damien’s opponent.

“It seems like the masterclass has just begun… … and yet I have to meet this body as my opponent.”

Jose Brendan shook his head, strangely irritating.

“My name is Jose Brendan. I am ashamed to say that I am called the Iron Wall.”

Jose Brendan showed off his weapon.

A large shield large enough to cover his body and a short sword were visible.

“This is my specialty.”

Jose Brendan lifted the great shield and slammed it to the ground.

Then the gray Aurablade stained the great shield.

‘Isn’t that great?’

Damien had never met the master class called Jose Brendan in his past life.

That doesn’t mean Jose Brendan’s skills were anything but impressive.

Just looking at how he was able to paint such a wide area with the Aurablade, you can tell that he has considerable skill.

“Can you break through my shield?”

Jose Brendan spoke in a provocative tone. Damien laughed.

“It’s hard to pierce, but it seems like it’s possible to break it.”

“Hahaha, what an interesting friend you are.”

Jose Brendan laughed loudly, apparently thinking Damien’s words were a joke.

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you.”

Damien took a deep breath, spreading his magical power throughout his body along with his breath.

The body strengthened by the Pussy Light Medicine reacted much more sensitively to magic than before.

An unprecedented power surged through his entire body. Damien slightly bent his knees. The power that had been rising throughout his body began to boil.

I straightened my knees and pushed off the ground. At that moment, the ground was shattered by the force of the blow.

Damien’s body shot out like a ray of light. It reached Jose Brendan’s nose before he could even blink.


A look of bewilderment crossed Jose Brendan’s face. Damien swung his sword regardless.


Jose Brendan hurriedly put strength into his arms, holding up his shield with the Aurablade attached to it.

Dawn slammed the great shield. With a loud noise that seemed to burst eardrums, the great shield shattered into pieces.

The impact threw Jose Brandon’s body backwards. He wasn’t just pushed back, he was sent flying.


Jose Brendan quickly straightened his posture. And the moment he looked straight ahead, his pupils doubled in size.

Damien Haxen was right in front of us.

Immediately after sending Jose Brendan flying, he came right after him.

It was a speed that defied common sense.

“… … Are you crazy?”

As Jose Brendan was dumbfounded, Damien Haxen swung his Dawn.

Jose Brendan hurriedly raised his blade to block the dawn.

Two swords. Two Aurablades clashing with each other.

Dawn dug into the blade. Jose Brendan’s sword was cut down in one breath.

Dawn was about to cut off Jose Brendan’s head, but Damian stopped her just before that.

The Aurablade touched the skin. The skin split open and blood flowed out.

“I think I won. Do you agree?”

Jose Brendan nodded with a blank expression. Only then did Damian gather his wits.

There was no cheering. Only a deathly silence descended upon the stadium.


Even the referee who was supposed to declare victory was the same.

– Yes, Damien Haxen wins!

The referee, who had barely come to his senses, shouted. Only then did cheers erupt from the stands.

Less than a minute into the game, Damien Haxen’s victory was assured.

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