Solo Max-Level Newbie Chapter 673

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Episode 673. The Nameless Great Mage (2)

Jinhyuk shouted confidently.

As expected, their reactions didn’t seem all that good.


“You… to us?”

Moohon and Pendariel asked back with expressions of distrust.

“I know we didn’t make a good first impression. Well, that’s just because of our individual beliefs and goals, right? Let’s not get caught up in the stale past and live with an eye toward the future.”

“Are you just saying that?”

“I… died by your hand! And you’re just going to dismiss that as something from the past?”

Emotions became even more heated.

This is the expected reaction.


Jinhyuk cleared his throat and took out the card he had prepared.

“Of course, I’m not asking you to do it naked.”

Bait is important in fishing.

I’ve hung up a wonderful earthworm that you absolutely can’t refuse.

The corners of Jinhyuk’s mouth slightly rose.

“If you help me according to your will… I will guarantee you autonomy over the steps and areas you ruled.”

“… … !?”

“… … !!”

The fierce momentum that seemed like it would rush in at any moment disappeared like a lie.

Even if a body has already died, it is unlikely that its memories have disappeared.

The offer to return the land that had been treasured above all else in the past was never to be taken lightly.

Although it was a short period of time, less than a minute, all sorts of scenarios and imaginations were running wild in the heads of the two boss monsters.

“… Are you sure you can keep that promise?”

The first to break the silence was Muhon.

“You, are you… going to accept it?”

“I can’t help it! All I have left in this tower is… the only place I can live as myself is on those stairs!”

The blood vessels in Muhon’s neck stood out.


Pendariel trailed off at the words of the soulless one.

A dark and narrow room where I was left alone. I spent my lonely years at the bottom where there was no hope to be found.

A life where being exploited and oppressed is always taken for granted, as if breathing.

I just needed a friend.

Someone you can rely on. Someone who will always be on your side.

Now that you’ve finally achieved it, the being that took it all away from you is offering to give you your life back.


The wish for revenge and a value that is even more precious.

The scales were already clearly tilted to one side.

The worry didn’t last long.

“i get it.”

“I will come with you.”

[The past owner of the third floor, ‘Muhon’, swears obedience.]

[The former owner of the 4th floor, ‘Pendariel’, joins.]

Two boss monsters stood in front of Jinhyuk.


“These are just small things… .”

Clement was very excited by the Death Knight who was running wild like a loach.

Even though they possessed considerable strength, they avoided the fight by evading it here and there rather than engaging in an all-out war.




A Death Knight that moves quickly along the side, avoiding the vines.



The undead forces tried to close the encirclement, but they could not keep up with the ghostly steeds that moved so unpredictably.

It was thanks to the experience of surviving the life-threatening game of tag of the old man corporation.

Of course, if you are dealing with it for the first time, you can’t help but feel annoyed like a mosquito buzzing in your ear.



Clemence deliberately used flashy and flashy skills.

I waited for my opponent to approach, leaving my gap exposed in the thick smoke.

But this time the result was the same.

The Death Knight kept his distance and was determined not to take any chances.

Obvious time wasting.

Even though he knew that, he couldn’t just leave it alone because T-Bone was thoroughly targeting only the weak points of the defense.

‘If left unattended, the Jinjo and Homunculus will be in danger.’

It is a battlefield that maintains a relatively tight balance.


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In order to ensure victory, the prerequisite was to prevent those two from joining Jinhyeok.


Even if it consumes a lot of magic power, you must use a proper one-shot.

[Clemence activates ‘Black Dwarf’!]

A purple sphere appeared.

The skill of carving out an entire space was intertwined with T-bone’s calculated movements.

Now all we have to do is shoot the black dwarf at the coordinates.

‘It’s the end.’

Clemence’s mouth opened grotesquely.

But right then.


A huge army suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“… …What are those guys?”

Clemence’s gaze moved towards the newly appeared enemy.


Statues made of stone.

Troops armed with heavy shields formed up in formation.

“You have an ugly appearance.”

“There is nothing more rewarding than destroying a powerful enemy.”

All the named monsters that are like the personal guard of the soulless spirit, including the David Statue and the Great Diamond, have gathered.

“Get up… my children.”

On one side, Pendariel moved.


“Kruk… Kwooaaaah!”

A large army of zombies began to march.

Although they were the lowest-level monsters made up of mass-produced monsters, their numbers were several times greater than Clement’s undead army.

“What the heck is going on…?”

An earthquake occurred in Clemence’s pupil.

The sudden appearance of the enemy was disconcerting, but what was more shocking was the unique magical power emanating from the enemy’s body.

‘Forgotten Empire.’

It is your own unique identity.

No, a new ability that was a bit more heterogeneous and more complete than the unique ability that he had been honing his entire life was unfolding.

Something that can’t be happening.

He couldn’t believe that there was another crazy guy like him who could go through those rigorous learning processes.


No matter how much I tried to deny it, I couldn’t get rid of the reality unfolding before my eyes.

While Clement was panicking, Jinhyuk was also fully demonstrating his newly acquired unique ability.

[The effect of the unique window allows you to use ‘Plant Seeds’.]

Poof! Poof!

Plants grew on the floor.

Different types of plants, imbued with the energy of the sun, each let out different sounds.

“How have you been, Cherry?”

Jinhyuk looked at the red carnivore plant happily.

The main character who devastated the Chinese Guild’s stronghold a long time ago.

A happy smile came to my lips as I watched the cutie blowing up the mart.

[‘Solar Energy’ reaches its highest charging rate thanks to the ‘Sanctuary of the Sun’!]



A sheen flowed across the surfaces of the plants.

An unfavorable situation where three people had to face an army of tens of thousands of people.

But the one-sided fight is over.

From this moment on.

‘The number of cards available for use has increased significantly.’

Jinhyuk, who had secured a strong ally, broke his knuckles.

“As expected, you are a contractor.”

“The win rate went up to 42.55%. Yeah.”

The fight also became much easier for Ellis and Frey.

Even if he had overwhelming strength, it would have been difficult to handle that large number of troops with his limited magical power.

But I was able to secure some time to take a break at an appropriate time.


Jinhyuk jumped up from his seat and ran forward.


Clemence reacted immediately.

The pupils turned black and the vines of the seedlings split the ground.


A wide-area attack reminiscent of a natural disaster. It was a strike that made one feel the will to wipe out even his own undead soldiers.

Jinhyuk flew around here and there.

Kwakwakwakwang! Pfft!

It’s precarious.

It was a good thing that I memorized the way the great wizard Clement hunted his enemies, as well as the habits and timing of building a siege net.

The distance has narrowed once more.

From the perspective of a great mage who secures a safe area and then attacks from a distance, it can be quite burdensome for a melee dealer to gradually get closer.

“Let’s see how far you can go to avoid it!”

[Clemence activates his special skill ‘Gap of Void’!]

[Rybolt activates the special skill ‘Stigmata of Light’!]

Two lights come together into one point.

It is an annihilation magic that combines the magic of the great magician, the power of the ancients, and the protection of the spirit king.

A special move that maximizes speed and power while limiting the target to a single object.

The black dwarf that had been completed a little while ago fell on top of it.


[The law of causality is distorted.]

If you get hit, it’s over.

However, it was not something that could be avoided since the stigmata of Rybolt had already captured its target.

Jinhyuk clicked his tongue as he looked at the unfamiliar imprint that appeared on the back of his hand.

Even if it is difficult to offset… .

There is no choice but to minimize the power to some extent.

[The unique skill ‘Lingering Moonlight’ is activated!]

Jinhyuk’s clones appeared.

at the same time.

[The unique skill ‘Chrono Sphere’ is activated!]

[The unique spear ‘Seraphim’ is activated!]

A huge light flashed from Jinhyuk’s gun barrel, which was divided into many parts.

The spread wings served as an axis to enhance the power of the bullet.

A huge beam of light and many beams of light collided in the air.


What followed was an explosion beyond expectations.

Thin white rays of light spread out, each creating its own wave.

Throb! Throb!

A heavy shock felt throughout the body.

Almost all of them were blocked.

However, not all of them were blocked.

Fragments of shattered magical power poured down around Jinhyuk.

Even though it’s not the main attack, it’s still a threat.

That moment.




The soulless stone soldiers and Pendariel’s zombies served as shields.

The bodies of the soldiers who flew to protect Jinhyeok were engulfed in purple flames and burned.

“What the hell is so strong? My men can’t even last a second.”

“It’s the same for me. What floor did you summon us to, human?”

Despair was seeping from the expressions of Moohon and Pendariel.

A level of difficulty different from what they knew.

Although I was confident in my strength while dominating the level, I never thought that I could win against those monsters.

‘I guess it can’t be helped even though I upgraded it.’

Jinhyuk looked at the troops that had nearly half disappeared.

As expected, the boss in the first half of the tower is not enough to fight the upper levels.


‘This is enough.’

Every second that is earned by grinding out the majority adds up.

One more time.

As the distance narrowed, Rybolt’s face came closer.

In order to win, we must return the Raibolt to this side.


Clemence, who realized Jinhyeok’s intentions, fired his skills once again.


The sky turned black and hundreds of magic circles appeared.

High-circle magic spells that summon meteors and summon void creatures were cast in succession.


A flood of skills.

A gust of wind blew through the hellish downpour. Jinhyuk, who had cut through space at incredible speed, reached the fragments embedded in Rybolt’s body.

“Krrrr… .”

Rybolt’s crimson eyes pierced through Jinhyuk.


The magic of the spirits of light gathered once again to eliminate the enemy that was approaching.

You only get one chance.

If you fail this time, there’s no going back.


Jinhyuk gathered all his remaining magical power.

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