Solo Max-Level Newbie Chapter 732

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Episode 732. The Pure White Torrent (1)

[The Allied Fleet sets sail!]

The ships surged forward through the whirlpool.

A menacing whirlpool threatened to engulf the ship at any moment, but thanks to the ‘will of the current’, no such misfortune occurred.

Smooth sailing.

That’s when I was thinking about it.


A red light flashed in the pure white torrent.

Could that be it?


Jinhyuk reflexively shouted.


The boat leading the way rocked violently.

The warriors inside were thrown out by the tremendous impact.



The ship was destroyed with a scream.

It’s not a shock that a hastily built ship can withstand.


The roar of a beast that echoed loudly announced the beginning of despair.

I never thought that there would be any living things in these torrential currents. Something absurd was hidden there.

[The Abyssal ‘Shogus’ Appears!]

An entity that lives on the 50th floor.

A 5-meter-tall monster with numerous mouths and eyes moved quickly under the clouds.

My eyes can barely follow the shadows.


Jinhyuk bit his lip.

Of course, this wasn’t the source on the 50th floor.

A form optimized for Eden, overflowing with divine power. The original power was halved, but this form, which uses speed in the clouds, felt much more difficult.

More than anything.

There was no way to outrun the shoggas on a raft like this.



“Tch! That’s so damn fast.”

Ellis, who was throwing red skewers, had a very angry expression on her face.

Visibility is poor due to thick clouds.

The divine power that was unique to Jinjo, which was his antagonist, also greatly contributed to making aiming difficult.


Once again a ship carrying more than 500 people has been hit by a hole.

“Tch, it’s sinking!”

“Abandon ship!”

“Eww! Help me!”

Screams and the smell of blood all come together in one place.

Their desperate cries for help rang out, but rescuing them would only result in greater harm.

Because there were one… two… no, a much larger number of shoggas moving around.


There was something much bigger lurking, not just the Shoggath.


Ice particles gathered at the tips of Jinhyuk’s fingers.

You have to slow down and then defeat them one by one.

It was when I was thinking like that.

Phew… .

Beyond the thick fog, the sound of horns continued, one after another.

at the same time.


On the other side, a huge number of ships appeared.

“Kang Jin-hyeok!”

Cheon Yu-seong, who was in charge of the left flank, immediately called Jin-hyeok.

“The right side is blocked!”

The same reaction continued from Teresa, who was in charge of the right side.

‘Did you sneak up in the fog and approach while Shogus was distracted?’

The design was a design, but what was most surprising was that they were able to operate so many ships while completely hiding any sign of magical power.

This scene shows how harsh the training was.

“Are you planning to deploy this much force without even a preliminary battle?”

I did think it was a little strange when they handed over Heaven’s Door so easily.

I thought the next step would be the real hurdle.

Jinhyuk tried to calm his complicated mind.

You have to be careful.


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You shouldn’t panic.

Because every single response we make from now on will directly lead to an absolute loss of power.


“It really caught on.”

One of the heavenly gods, ‘Murugan’ looked out over the enemy lines from the most magnificent and largest ship.

A angular face and a solid build.

The aura emanating from his body exuded the experience of a veteran without any filter.

“Surround them thoroughly and destroy them. They will never be able to escape with their hastily constructed ships.”


The thousand-year-old warriors headed to their respective positions.


The huge crossbows on the ship were loaded.

There is no need to concentrate firepower.

Because even if you hit it just once, it will slowly sink.

of course.

The gods belonging to the union did not just sit back and do nothing.

While ordinary warriors would have fallen helplessly in the current situation, the gods who had experienced all kinds of battlefields made the best choice even in the midst of confusion.

“Get in line! Don’t scatter and break through at one point!”

Hestia of Greece stepped forward.


Yellow flames burst out from the brazier and began to surround the ship.



The crossbow and the flames imbued with magical power were blocked by the flames of the brazier.


“Yeah, I know.”

Artemis and Apollo unleashed their power.

[Apollo activates ‘Palace of the Sun’!]

[Artemis activates ‘Moon Bow’!]

A single flash of light crossed the sky as soft moonlight poured down.

And above that.

The sun-kissed glare traced a new trajectory.

Tsk tsk tsk… Kwakwakwakwakwa!

Two beams of light exploded from the center of the thousand-year-old ships.

White and red rays of light shot up above the clouds, forming a mushroom cloud.

Tingle tingle!

A terrible aftershock of magical power followed.

Dozens of ships were reduced to ashes in that one room just now.

“We will help the injured.”

“I’ll help too…!”

[Gabriel activates ‘Archangel’s Embrace’!]

[Teresa activates ‘Call of the Stars’!]

A small group of angels led by Gabriel and Teresa provided rear support.

Although it was impossible to rescue those who had completely sunk into the clouds, it was certainly possible to treat warriors who had been injured during battle.

Warm starlight and golden mist poured down on the wounded.


“Ugh! Cool….”

The groans of those who were vomiting blood and groaning in pain gradually died down.

like that.

Even in the midst of the surprise attack, responses were gradually being made.

A black mass emerged from the clouds.

The guy who climbed onto the ship in the blink of an eye was after Hestia.

It seems that the most annoying thing was the large-scale defense.


The black mouth bit its prey in one breath.

No, I tried to bite it.

Because another deity intervened just before reaching Hestia.


It’s a shogun.

Hercules barely managed to stop it, but clear teeth marks remained on Hercules’ arm.


The wound site deteriorated rapidly.

“Ignorant dog logo.”


Hercules swung his club from bottom to top.

One of the shogun’s faces was sunken.

Thump! Thump!

As if that wasn’t enough, Hercules struck down his club again with insane strength.

“thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it. Don’t be too relieved. This kid. He didn’t die from this.”

For a moment I thought I had turned it into a mess.

The shogun’s form was returning to its original form.

Even Hercules’ brute force couldn’t kill him. That means no one can be killed by force.

The warriors’ expressions darkened even further.

That moment.


“It’s done, bro!”

[Lee Tae-min activates his unique ability, ‘Machine Monarch’!]

Lee Tae-min, who had been gathering his magical power under the ship since the start of the voyage, answered immediately.

Of course, when entering a new place where the identity is unknown, you have to keep in mind a surprise attack.

I had already prepared a plan B.

[The unique skill ‘Last Meister’ is activated!]

Lee Tae-min and Jin-hyeok’s unique vocals overlapped at the same time.

It was at that moment that a new shadow appeared under the ship.

[The special aircraft ‘U-boat’ begins to submerge.]

It’s not a boat.

A submarine that can move freely in water as well as in gas moved at high speed.

Torpedoes with tracking capabilities intercepted the shoggas circling beneath the clouds.



Pillars of clouds appeared here and there.

Since the part that allowed resistance to divine power from Shoggoth was removed through ‘system manipulation’, it may not be completely ineffective.

Even if they are guys with terrible regenerative powers.

“Now is the time!”

This moment, when you have a little time left, is your only chance to escape.

Jinhyeok wanted to lead all his troops to the other side of the river.

[Pesis activates ‘Multidimensional Navigation’!]

Pesis, who could figure out the best path, aimed for the place where the walls of the millennia were the thinnest.


Large wedge-shaped ships cut through the battleships.

Speed and power.

And even the timing.

It was a room where all three elements came into perfect sync.


A look of bewilderment appeared on the faces of the gods as they saw the sinking ships.



I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

Because there wasn’t a single soldier on board.

It was absurd to say that there was no one on board from the beginning. In addition, there were many things like armor, weapons, and protective gear that had lost their owners scattered on top of the battleship.

Before we could even grasp the situation, the next attack followed.

“You guys are lining up in a stupid line.”

“I will burn every last one of you.”

What awaited was a light that would turn even the corneas white.


[Altera and Aden activate ‘Spiral Breath’!]

Guys I’ve dealt with before.

The two dragons returned to their original form and continued to prepare and prepare for this one time.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

It’s different from the normal breath.

Because a dual wave phenomenon that only twins can use was occurring.

[Sweet Potato Summons the ‘Sword of Conviction’ for the Lunar New Year!]


The sweet potato instinctively felt threatened and summoned a sword that burned with fear.

A much smaller and lukewarm flame, unlike the adult one.

However, what the ancient dragon lacked in strength, it made up for with its bloodline.


Different rays of light collided at one point.

Dozens of waves cleared away all the clouds.

The whirlpools and waves churned and swayed even more.

A few small rafts capsized under the impact, but not many.


They managed to barely minimize the damage.

Taking advantage of the gap created by the sweet potato, this time we finally escaped the encirclement and headed towards the other side.

I focused everything on speed using ‘Will of the Current’ and ‘Region of the Wind’.

The Greek and Norse gods also used their powers to help.


That was actually a bait.

“Are they completely gone?”

Murugan looked at the Allied ships that had disappeared into the fog.

“Yes, we are heading east! Exactly as Lord Murugan intended!”

“Hahaha! Now all I have to do is hunt as planned.”

“Don’t get too excited. It’s not over yet. Besides, he’s a great general who has come back from behind several times in situations like this. You can’t let your guard down until the very end.”

We have just managed to corner the enemy at the entrance to the cave.

From now on is important.

[Murugan activates ‘Echo of the Battlefield’!]

The long spear he held in his hand was Vel, a relic of Murugan, and was imbued with three special abilities.

Knock! Knock!

The window knocked on the wooden plank.



A stirring felt from deep within the clouds.

Something more sinister and primordial than the shoggas was stirring.

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