The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 152

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Perticia Yves Al Ruben.

Immediately after encountering the girl with pure white hair who suddenly appeared in front of him, Noah couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

Well, it was worth it.

According to the original story’s development and character settings, Perticia should never have left the imperial castle until the fall of the empire.

‘But why are you here?’

Noah was quite embarrassed.

And one more thing.

There was still something surprising left.

It was a brown-haired female knight next to Perticia, casting a wary look in her eyes.

‘Limer yen lapidis.’

The eastern lightsaber.

The eldest daughter of the Marquis Lapidis family and one of the five Masters of the Empire, she is the only female Master on the entire continent.

Also, Rimmer was famous for her strong personality and free spirit, so there was only one person who could control her.

‘The man whom Rimmer serves as his lord.’

Chartrand Monique Al Reuben.

The crown prince of the Ruben Empire and the new emperor. He was an unfortunate emperor who would later be called the monarch of ruin.

In any case, the fact that Rimer, who only followed Chartrand’s instructions, was protecting Perticia could be interpreted in this way.

‘In other words, Perticia is here… … .’

This means that Crown Prince Chartrand also gave permission.

After finishing his reasoning, Noah looked even more embarrassed. Because it was something she would never have done if it were the Chartrand she knew.

Meanwhile, at a time when she was in confusion.

Perticia approached Ulan at a slow pace. She then spoke with a bright smile on her face, just like when she first saw him.

“Oh, do you want to eat here?”

“I think so.”

“it is delicious?”

“it’s good.”

Ulan nodded.

Of course, it was an answer that should not be taken literally. He used to say that most foods that humans can eat are delicious.

“Then I’ll come here too!”

However, Perticia, who did not know this, brightened her complexion. She smiled as if everything went well and looked back at Ulan and Noah again.

“Oh right. If you don’t mind, can we sit together? “I have something I want to ask you two.”

“miss! that… … .”

Rimer, who belatedly recognized the sudden action, seemed embarrassed and tried to stop her. But Ulan’s response was faster than that.

“It doesn’t matter to me.”

“Then what about you?”

“yes? ah! “I’m fine too.”

Noah, out of his thoughts, suddenly nodded. Perticia, who had obtained permission from the two, smiled brightly.

“Hehe, then let’s eat together.”

Ending with a satisfied smile.

A completely unexpected joint meeting took place.


Hotel Parvo’s first floor restaurant.

Four men and women sat around a large square table. This is the Ulan group we had a conversation with at the entrance of the restaurant a little while ago.

And that time.

Noah’s face became gaunt.

‘… … I think I’m going to pretend.’

I feel like I’m sitting on a thorn cushion.

The reason was simple. This was because there was no conversation between herself and her four men and women.

Ulan was silently choosing what to order, and Perticia was looking at him with a bright smile as if observing him.

Rimmer, on the other hand, watched Ulan warily, like a cat with its fur bristling.

‘furthermore… … .’

Rimer was not the only person protecting Perticia. She kept glancing in this direction from the six tables around the group.

These are familiar faces to Noah, who was a player.

It is a unit directly under the imperial family, the Royal Guard.

Eating in a situation like this is bound to make you feel like you’re going to be embarrassed.

But it can’t be like this forever.

To break out of the awkward silence, Noah intentionally cleared his throat in an exaggerated manner.

“Hmm! excuse me… … .”

Then I closed my mouth again.

This is because the moment I tried to talk to Perticia, the eyes of all the royal guards were focused on me.

An enormous burden weighing down on the body.

Noah swallowed dry saliva.

“Well, you just said you had something to ask us. Can I ask what it is?”

“Oh, that?”

Perticia smiled brightly.

“Actually, I have a question.”


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“It’s about Arsene Academy.”

“yes? Why are you telling us that? … ?”

“That’s because you two are students at Arsene Academy.”

As soon as she finished answering

Noah widened his eyes as if he was surprised.

After we started meeting together, I briefly introduced myself, but I didn’t say a word about attending Arsene Academy.

“How did you know that?”

Ulan also asked in a puzzled tone.

Of course, I have memories of my past life, but in this life, I rarely had the opportunity to meet Perticia in person.

So I asked, and soon the answer came back.

“Because it’s famous. There’s a rumor that for the first time ever, a barbarian new student has entered Arsene Academy. “That’s two people each.”

Noah was quickly convinced by the answer.

Perticia is the hidden princess of the empire.

At the same time, he is the only spiritist on the continent. If you use your status and abilities, you will be able to obtain the information I just mentioned.

“Well, that’s what I’m saying!”

Immediately after solving the two’s doubts.

Suddenly her eyes sparkled.

“What is life like at Arsene Academy? For example, how classes are conducted or dorm life!”

Questions pouring out like rapid fire.

It was Ulan who answered here.

Because it wasn’t a particularly difficult question to answer. Noah, on the other hand, looked a little puzzled.

‘Why are you asking this?’

Perticia knows that Ulan and Noah are attending Arsene Academy. It means that you have the power to obtain that much information.

‘That means… … .’

This means that you have the ability to obtain any amount of information about the Academy. There is no need to ask while sitting together.

Noah’s eyes narrowed.

For some reason, I had a strong feeling that he was hiding his true feelings. So just as she was about to open her mouth to inquire about her intentions.

“The meal you ordered has been served.”

A lot of dishes were laid out on the table.

After that, the conversation naturally stopped.

Perticia seemed to want to talk more, but she couldn’t continue.

Because it was against etiquette to talk during a meal. Some time later, after the meal was over in a quiet atmosphere.

“Wow, really?”

The conversation between Ulan and Perticia resumed.

Perticia poured out the questions she had been holding back during the meal, and Ulan continued to answer in his characteristic blunt tone.

As the situation progressed, there was no time for Noah to join in on the conversation. When she sighed with a frustrated face because she couldn’t resolve her doubts.

“I just want to ask you something.”

An unexpected person spoke to me.

A female knight who guarded Perticia.

This is Limer Yen Lapidis. She asked, looking at Noah with her characteristic expressionless face.

“What is your purpose in coming to the capital?”

Sudden question.

Rimmer’s eyes were full of wariness, and his face was not friendly at first glance.

However, there was no need to panic.

All I had to do was answer the truth.

“It’s frustrating to stay inside the academy during vacation, and I also have things to buy.”

“Something to buy?”

“Yes, these are the ingredients needed for the experiment.”

It wasn’t a lie.

Of course, the main purpose of coming to the capital was to search for the hidden piece, but after the business was over, I tried to obtain the materials needed for the experiment.

An experiment to create a cure for Delia’s half-sister, Rudine Arpen, who has become a disabled person.

Meanwhile, Rimmer kept his mouth shut.

It was because I didn’t get much benefit from the conversation with Noah. At that time, a heavy silence fell on the table again.

“Thank you for your answer.”

The conversation between Ulan and Perticia has ended.

A much more refreshed expression.

It looks like all my questions have been resolved. Afterwards, she revealed why she asked about Arsene Academy.

“Actually, I have been attending Arsene Academy since the fall semester. “So, I have a lot of questions, so the story has become longer.”

“… … !”

“So, if we meet at the academy in the future, please be kind to me then.”

Perticia finished answering in a whisper.

Facing her with a bright smile, Noah’s eyes were shaking as if he were agitated. This was because it had never happened before in all the developments of the original work.

Then at that moment.

Suddenly, a guess crossed my mind.

‘Did Laurea play a role?’

The possibility that a variable may occur.

Could it be that he was trying to bring the seven warriors together in one place? Although such a guess came to mind, Noah quickly shook his head.

‘No, that’s not it.’

This is an unlikely guess.

Even if they did try, it would be impossible to get the princess, whose existence the imperial family had deliberately hidden, so quickly.

‘Then how… … .’

Has something happened that causes the hidden princess Perticia to enter the academy?

Noah, who was licking his lips, recalled the memory of once playing as Perticia. Then, something suddenly occurred to her.

‘Oh, that’s right!’

After thinking about it carefully.

In the original, Perticia only left the imperial castle once before the fall of the empire.

The day when her half-brother, Crown Prince Chartrand, purged his other brothers and became emperor.

‘Perticia left the imperial castle and stayed in a villa on the northern outskirts for about a week.’

They had been evacuated to a safe place in advance to avoid the imperial castle, which would become a battlefield. Because her dauphin Chartrand loved her terribly.

‘and… … .’

Sooner or later, Purge Day will happen.

If you think about it that way, it’s not like you couldn’t understand Perticia coming to the academy. It’s just that her refuge has changed.

‘But this too is just speculation.’

Above all, the unresolved question was that the villa in the northern outskirts would be much safer than Arsene Academy.

The situation is back to square one.

Just as I was licking my lips with unresolved questions, Perticia and Rimmer, who had finished speaking, stood up.

“Please excuse us because we have some business to attend to. Then, I’ll see you later at Arsene Academy.”

After saying goodbye.

The two soon left the restaurant.

Then the royal guards at the surrounding tables got up one by one and left.

Some time after that.


Noah let out the sigh he had been holding in.

As the tension in my body eased, a strong feeling of fatigue came over me. She’s only just eaten, to the point where she wants to go back to bed.

“It must have been an uncomfortable position.”

“Why do you think that?”

“I think it’s that kind of face.”

“… … “You don’t have much sense in places where it’s needed, but you’re sharp in these areas.”

“A place where you need it?”

“Hmph, it’s nothing.”

Noah turned his head.

But even for a moment. She slightly slumped her shoulders and agreed with Ulan.

“Anyway, to answer the question, it is true that it was a bit of an uncomfortable position.”

First of all, the atmosphere was no joke.

Until the meeting with Perticia was completed and before he left, Rimmer was alert to Ulan by scattering strong auras.

Is that all there is?

I couldn’t even eat properly due to the pressure from the Royal Guard. On the other hand, Ulan, who heard the whole story, reacted indifferently.

“You were worrying for nothing.”

“T-It’s useless?!”

“okay. “I was right next to you.”

Ulan nods.

His whispering soon followed.

“No one here can harm you. Even if you tried to do something stupid, I would have stopped you.”

“that… … .”

I was speechless for a moment.

Because I realized it again.

The fact that he was recognized as a colleague by Ulan. The moment Noah realized this, he burst into laughter.

“Iknow, right. “It was a useless worry.”

Ulan said:

If you ask for help, I will gladly help you.

That I am no longer alone. That’s why she nodded her head with a bright smile on her face.

“I’ll keep that in mind in the future.”

Ulan will help you at any time.

After finishing the conversation like that.

The two left the restaurant immediately.

As I was walking busily, remembering today’s schedule, Ulan suddenly opened his mouth.

“Now that I think about it, I have a question.”

“huh? “What is it?”

“Have you ever lived as Perticia?”

In the past, when Noah was Yoo Min-ah, she lived the lives of countless other people as a player.

Then, of course, there was a time when she lived as Perticia. In response to Ulan’s question, Noah happily nodded her head.

“sure. “Maybe the most?”

“How many?”

“I can think of more than 10 things that come to mind right now. No, if you include all the short plays I played, it would be over 20 times.”

“There are that many?”

“Yes, it was comfortable.”

Perticia is a character who cannot leave the imperial castle until the empire falls.

Therefore, there is an advantage of being able to increase strength while being guaranteed safety in a specific space without having to go outside.

“Still, I think it’ll be frustrating.”

“It’s surprisingly comfortable. “If something inconvenient happened, the spirits helped us with anything.”

Moreover, even after joining the warrior party, there was almost no direct fighting. Because Perticia was a bard, her support position.

“Of course, there were drawbacks.”

“What is that?”

“The Crown Prince Chartrand.”

Noah crumpled his face.

Meanwhile, Ulan tilted his head.

“The crown prince?”

“Chartrand Monique al Reuben. “Have you never heard anything from Perticia in your last life?”

“Um, I don’t remember.”


“Yes, it’s my first time hearing that name.”

Noah blinked in surprise.

Then, I soon understood.

“Well, that might be true. “Because it appeared as an unexpected event in the original work.”

Other warriors reveal their past when their intimacy reaches a certain level.

But Perticia is an exception.

Regardless of her intimacy, she confesses her past to other warriors only when a certain unexpected event occurs.

In other words, this unexpected event did not occur in the past life that Ulan remembers.

After roughly understanding the situation.

Noah turned around.

“It would be best to hear this directly from Perticia. “Because it’s a bit of a sensitive story.”

“i get it. “Let’s do that.”

Ulan nodded silently.

Actually, I was a little curious, but I quickly lost interest when I heard that it was a sensitive story.

In that case, as Noah said, it would be right to hear it directly from Perticia herself.

“Okay then, let’s move too.”

Today’s schedule is quite busy.

Because we had to collect fifteen hidden pieces spread around the outskirts of the capital and even gather ingredients for a medicine to treat Delia’s half-brother.

Ulan and Noah headed to the outskirts of the capital.

However, there was something I didn’t notice.

The fact was that a pale firefly, invisible to the ordinary eye, was watching the two’s backs as they gradually receded.

Chapter 36. second outing


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