The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 183

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Wednesday morning.

When Sirpi and Count Deorg faced each other in the northern forest, the stadium’s stands were crowded with a much larger crowd than the first day.

The reason was simple.

This is because students from classes that had previously missed out on the sports day also flocked to watch the finals.

Noisy and noisy atmosphere.

At a time when countless eyes were focused on the stadium, the voice amplification device was activated. Next, the voices of the two men and women acting as broadcasters were heard.

“Everyone, you’ve waited a long time!”

“The finals will now begin to determine the final winner of the Arsene Athletic Conference.”

Edeline and Million.

The man and woman, each with a cheerful and calm tone, continued the proceedings naturally.

“Then, while the stadium is being prepared, let me once again introduce the class that made it to the finals!”

“Everyone, please pay attention to the entrance.”

Soon the audience’s attention turned to the entrance.

At the same time, a large number of people began to enter the stadium. Two classes heading to the finals. Edeline’s explanation continued accordingly.

“A monster expected to win the championship by the time he graduates with strength and stamina beyond common sense! “This is class 3 with Ulan!”

“Next is a class that made it to the finals even though there were no particularly outstanding cadets. Class 2 boasts excellent cooperation.”

Even after each class was introduced, Edeline continued to open her mouth. The idea was to buy time so that the audience would not get bored while the staff was preparing the stadium for the match.

Meanwhile, around that time.

The vice-representative of Class 2, Perticia, who uses the pseudonym ‘Tisha Lapidis’, looked at the students of Class 3 waiting across from her.

A muscular man standing in the center of the group.


It was thanks to her half-brother Chartrand that Perticia first learned of his existence.

With the news that a special person had been admitted to Arsene Academy, he told Perticia the story of Ulan.

‘The first barbarian to enter Arsene.’

He is a person who injured over 100 people through his speech during the freshman entrance ceremony and was designated as a level 0 management target by the imperial military.

Moreover, the age difference between them was only one year, so they were so-called peers.

Is that why?

Ulan’s story, told over and over again, was enough to stimulate Perticia’s curiosity.

‘but… … .’

Due to circumstances, I couldn’t go see it in person, so I asked the wind spirits to tell me Ulan’s story instead.

What kind of absurd thing did I do today?

What lectures did you take, who did you meet, and what topics did you discuss?

Furthermore, I learned a variety of information, including what time I usually wake up, what food I like, and what time I go to bed.

A considerable amount of time passes like that.

Perticia was able to understand Ulan’s every move. However, I didn’t think it was an excessive action.

‘Because he will be my knight.’

So I watched with even more interest.

But the more I got to know Ulan and the more I heard his stories, the more I felt offended.

It was for a simple reason.

‘Relationships with women are too promiscuous.’

About a few months ago now.

When I first met Ulan in the capital, he was apparently with Ibella. It was okay at the time, but the problem came after that.

15 days before transferring to the academy.

Perticia reunited with Ulan at the entrance of the hotel restaurant. But this time, the person next to him was Noah, not Ibella.

‘furthermore… … .’

According to the spirits’ whispers, it is said that only women are by Ulan’s side. It was a moment when it was proven that heterosexual relationships were promiscuous.

‘I’m reluctant to keep that type of person around.’

Perticia, who was born and raised in the imperial family, has seen all kinds of sexual relationships since she was young. So she couldn’t help but be even more concerned.

However, that did not mean that he would not keep Ulan by his side. She should rather keep him by her side and correct her mistakes step by step.

As mentioned earlier-.

Because he is the one who will become his own knight.

‘Yes, I like this.’

Pure eyes shone brightly.

The look in his eyes was full of strong confidence, as if there were no errors in the decision he had just made.

After getting out of my thoughts.

It was a time when I was fully prepared.

“They say we’re ready now!”

“We will start our first match soon. “Representatives from each class, please come forward.”

The voices of the broadcasters were heard saying that preparations for the match were complete. Soon the two men and women spoke towards where the students of Class 3 were.

“Class 3 representative, Cadet Iris Senior!”

“Please tell me the sport of your choice.”

The two barely finished speaking.

Iris came up to the podium and proudly declared through the voice amplification device.

“Yes, we chose ‘maximum effort’.”

Extreme power.

It means extreme strength, and as the name suggests, it is a competition to see who has the stronger strength.


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The method is also very simple, all you have to do is hold a heavy object for 30 seconds.

Of course, the heavier the weight, the higher the score, and if you do not meet the time, you will be disqualified, regardless of how heavy the object was lifted.

From what you’ve heard up to this point, you’d expect it to be a somewhat boring game, but the crowd’s reaction was completely opposite to what was expected.

“In class 3, Ulan cadets will participate.”

Immediately after Iris finished speaking.


“Ulan! Ulan!”

“Arsene’s crazy barbarians!”

As soon as the name “Ulan” was said, huge cheers rang out. Afterwards, the students each exchanged excited voices.

“How far can we lift it?”

“That guy can handle logs, right?”

“Oh, that’s obvious.”

“Do you think you can easily lift a rock?”

Students with bright eyes.

It wasn’t just students who were interested in Ulan. The professors also kept their eyes fixed on the stadium and their eyes sparkled.

“Five silver coins on a log.”

“Then I’ll bet three on a rock.”

“I bet on the carriage.”

“what? carriage?”

“That might be a bit difficult… … .”

“no! “If it were Ulan, it would be possible.”

It was the moment when a bet was made about how much Ulan could lift.

Students and professors focusing on the game.

The two groups had something in common.

The point was that he was not particularly interested in winning or losing the match. It is a foregone conclusion that Ulan will win in a contest of power.

‘It’s definitely incredibly powerful.’

Perticia nodded.

Even Saxony, known as the imperial sword, would not be a match for Ulan in terms of strength. That’s how enormous Ulan’s power was.

‘But strength isn’t everything.’

There are things in the world that are impossible through force.

Even if it is said that ‘maximum effort’, which is an optional event for class 3, is unavoidable, if you get high scores in the remaining two events, you will be able to win.

At the time when Perticia’s eyes were shining.

“Hey, Cadet Lapidis.”

“Are you okay for a moment?”

Several cadets approached her.

These were people who participated in the competition.

“If it’s not rude, could you sing a song when the game starts?”

“Yes? “A song?”

“Yes, it’s most likely an illusion, but… … .”

“When I heard the song sung by Cadet Lapidis in the last game, I felt energized.”

Students smiling awkwardly.

They said it was probably an illusion, but to be precise, it was not an illusion. Because her songs had special power.

In fact, in the last game, there was a time when we relieved our team’s fatigue with a song. Perticia smiled and nodded her head willingly.

“great. “I’ll be happy to call you.”


“thank you!”

The cadets’ complexions brightened.

After a while, the game started and Perticia sang as if she had been waiting.

As the sweet voice flowed, the students in class 2 started the game with their eyes sparkling.

“Okay, let’s go like this!”

“Maybe we can win!”

The students, whose morale was soaring, shouted loudly, but the wall of reality was too high. To put the support to shame, the match was decided in the blink of an eye.

“Che, you’re trying the carriage from the beginning?”

“Hey, anyway… … Can you hear me?”

“I even lifted it with one hand!”

Ulan held on for a long time carrying a carriage.

His activities did not stop there.

He lifted huge rocks, statues as big as houses, and objects that were thought to be impossible just by looking at them without hesitation.

“Whahaha! “I won!”

“Now, please quickly give me the silver coin.”

“You’re the best, barbarian!”

The audience bursts into cheers.

On the other hand, the students in class 2 who faced Ulan slumped their shoulders with a helpless look on their faces.

A complete defeat without a doubt.

Defeated by such an overwhelming margin, they bowed their heads towards Perticia.


“He even sang a song… … .”

“oh! No, it’s okay.”

Perticia waved her hand.

It was a reaction that could have been shown because it was a match where defeat was already expected. Pelion, the representative of Class 2, also comforted the students.

“Cadet Lapidis is right. “It was quite an achievement just to struggle against that monster.”

“Seo, senior… … .”

“So let’s make up for it in the remaining matches.”

Pelion’s eyes burned brightly.

As if there was a target.

After the first match was over, preparations for the next match began. Accordingly, the broadcasters immediately called Pelion to the podium.

“Class 2 representative, Cadet Pelion Whalders!”

“Please tell me the sport you chose.”

With everyone’s attention.

Pelion pursed his lips.

“Yes, the match we chose… … .”

Soon, a calm tone of answer flowed from his mouth, and it soon spread throughout the stadium through the voice amplification device.


Immediately after Pelion’s answer.

Ulan tilted his head.

“Defensive warfare?”

“Yes, it is literally a game where you divide into two camps into offense and defense to achieve your goal.”

The second game is a defensive battle.

First of all, the number of participants in each camp is limited to a maximum of ten people. The attack team’s goal is to break through the defense camp and reach the destination.

Conversely, the goal of the defense camp was to prevent the attackers from reaching their destination and to capture the flag held by the leader.

“It’s similar to a mock battle.”

“Hmm, similar, but a little different.”


“Yes, please look over there.”

Iris pointed to the stadium.

Her explanation soon followed.

“If you look at the floor, you will see that each person has a large or small circle drawn on them.”

As she said, circles of different sizes were drawn on the ground. Some circles were very wide, while others were very narrow.

“Students in the defense camp cannot move outside their assigned circle.”

“Are you saying that movement will be restricted?”

“That’s right.”

Iris nods.

She then added additional explanation.

“After the game is over, each team switches sides and plays again.”

Scoring is determined by the flag holder reaching the destination as quickly as possible. In other words, it is the time it takes to reach the destination.

However, just as the defense team is disqualified if they step outside the circle, the attack team is also automatically disqualified if the time limit expires.

Around the time the detailed explanation continued.

Noah blinked rapidly while staring at Perticia. She has only one purpose. She wanted to check her status window.

[Name]: Perticia Yves Al Reuben

[Age]: 16 years old

[Grade]: SS

[Attribute]: Spirit’s protection

My intimacy was still low, so I couldn’t even see their characteristics, but it didn’t really matter.

Noah, who had a lot of experience playing, knew all of her features by heart.

‘There are two abilities to pay attention to.’

It’s a song and elemental magic.

Fortunately, I haven’t passed the hero’s ordeal yet, so the song isn’t very threatening. Therefore, the only thing that is problematic is elemental magic.

‘Because spirits are invisible.’

Unless you are a fellow spiritist, there is no way to recognize or detect the presence of spirits.

Moreover, now that there were restrictions on not being able to use Aurors and Mana, Perticia could be seen as a very troublesome opponent.

“For the first defense battle, class 2 will be the attack side and class 3 will be the defense side!”

“Please prepare each class for a game.”

At the time when Perticia’s power was being analyzed.

Before we knew it, everything was ready.

Following the broadcasters’ words, the students headed to the stadium and soon moved to their respective camps.

“The match begins!”

Some time after that.

The second game has begun.

Chapter 43. Dream of different statues


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