The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 196

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Immediately after the first incident occurred.

Perticia was quite embarrassed.

This is because Ulan’s hand, which he had been holding just a moment ago, has suddenly disappeared.

“Uh, Ulan? Where is it?!”

When I looked around with a surprised face.

Suddenly, white light spread like an explosion.

She closed her eyes tightly without realizing it, but soon opened them again. Then, his eyes widened like a surprised rabbit.


This is because the surrounding scenery has changed.

Not the dark District 4, but a green forest full of life. This was a very familiar place to her.

“This place is definitely… … .”

The imperial forest where Perticia was born and raised.

It was certain. Because I was familiar with the thick bushes and towering trees everywhere.

After a while, she walked away.

The purpose was to find out why this scene suddenly unfolded. Then I arrived at the pond and immediately came face to face with my childhood self.

“… … .”

And that moment.

Perticia finally realized.

This is your memory.

With traces of memories coming back vividly, she silently watched herself grow up as a child.

‘that’s right. It was like that back then.’

The forest I saw when I first opened my eyes.

The bright blue sky seen between the trees was the only world and all she perceived.

Still, I didn’t feel particularly lonely.

Perticia had friends by her side.


They existed everywhere.

It also appeared in the blowing wind, fresh vegetation, moist soil, and cool water.

Perticia communicated with them, shared her emotions, and had various conversations. Perhaps because of that, she learned the feeling of loneliness relatively late.

However, when she turned ten.

Loneliness came suddenly.

Unlike the formless spirits, she had a body. In other words, from the moment I recognized the difference between humans and spirits, I felt a crushing sense of loneliness.

But the solitude did not last long.

“I am your brother.”

One day, a strange young man came to the forest.

Chartrand Monique Al Reuben.

With his platinum-colored hair hanging neatly, he spoke with a kind smile.

It was the emergence of a family connected by blood.

‘And from this time on… … .’

Her world expanded a little.

Is that why?

At this time, Perticia was looking forward to the day when Chartrand would come. As they were spending time together, a question suddenly occurred to her.

Curiosity about the outside world.

So one day, I mustered up the courage to ask. It was said that he was curious about what was outside the forest.

But the answer that came back was cold.

“It’s dirty and dangerous outside.”

He took a long time to explain how dangerous it was outside the forest. Then he made a request in a tone that conveyed pressure.

“So you can stay here.”

At that moment, Perticia realized.

Chartrand doesn’t want him to go out of the forest. Not wanting to lose her only family, she remained silent.

However, as time passed, Chartrand’s meaning may have changed, and he often began to tell various stories that occurred in the outside world.

Perticia listened with joy, and was particularly fascinated by the story of a barbarian youth of the same age as herself.


The first barbarian ever to enter Arsene Academy, and an unconventional being who caused over a hundred casualties at the entrance ceremony.

Just hearing the story aroused my curiosity. So she wanted to hear more stories and even asked the spirits.

Please notice his every move.

‘A fascinating person.’

The more Perticia heard about Ulan, the more she fell in love with him.

Unlike himself, who was confined in the forest, Ulan roamed the world freely, not tied down to anything, like a bird swimming in the sky.

‘That’s why I felt envious.’

Meanwhile, just as I was thinking about this.

Suddenly the scenery surrounding her changed. The green vegetation disappeared in the blink of an eye, and pale ash scattered like snow.

“This place… … ?”

A space where everything is gray.

When I looked around in silence. Suddenly, an unidentified voice broke through the silence.

【That goes for me too.】


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The main character of the voice is a black lump.

It suddenly appeared and started creeping from a place not far from Perticia.

【I envy you too.】

A voice I have somehow heard before.

Where did you hear this?

As I searched through my memories, I soon realized.

“Oh, I see.”

The reason she found the fountain of magic.

This was the spirit’s whisper that came from the center of the spring.

The moment it recognized this fact, the black spirit silently nodded as if it had read her thoughts.

【that’s right. Because you are just like me.】

Are they the same? What does that mean?

Perticia tried to ask that question with a puzzled look on her face. But once again, her partner’s response was much faster than hers.

【It means that I, like you, am a ‘spirit created’ for a special purpose.】

However, the question was not resolved.

On the contrary, it got bigger.

I didn’t know what the ‘special purpose’ the spirit was talking about was, and I didn’t understand what it meant to be a created spirit.

【The only difference is that I have been alone for much longer than you.】

Whether Perticia was puzzled or not, the spirit just continued to say what she had to say. After muttering bitterly, the spirit looked this way again.

【It’s really shameful.】

Like a child whining.

The spirit shouted in an angry voice.

【The reason for your birth is the same as mine, so why are you the only one wandering around the world? I also want to go outside!】

A spirit that narrows the distance with great strides.

Perticia took a step back without realizing it because of the somewhat threatening momentum. But her spirit reached her destination much faster than she did.

【So now it’s my turn.】

Finally, with a cold whisper.

The spirit’s finger touched Perticia’s forehead. Then something amazing happened.

“… … !?”

The appearance of the spirit, which was just a black lump, began to change rapidly.


The vague shape changed to resemble a human being.

Pure white hair sprouted, eyes glowed bright red like jewels, and slender arms and legs also sprouted.

“That look… … !”

Perticia’s eyes widened.

This was because the spirit that had completed its transformation turned into the exact same shape as her. Her younger self, to be exact, when she was about ten years old.

【From now on, I will take your place.】

The moment I heard a scary word.

Perticia realized the spirit’s purpose.

So, instinctively, I hurriedly stretched out my hand to block it, but it was a futile effort.

with a plop!

Suddenly, an enormous force struck her, and Perticia fell into the pond without even being able to resist.

【Since you only looked outside for a moment, you have no complaints if you do this, right? Oh, of course, even if you are dissatisfied, nothing will change.】

After bursting into laughter.

The spirit that had intercepted Perticia’s face, body, and voice as a child grinned.

【Once you set foot here, your friends will not be able to help you. never!】

At the end, the sound of laughter fades away.

Perticia’s consciousness also became more and more distant.

Feeling her body sink to the bottom of the pond, she quickly lost consciousness.


How long has it been like that?

Perticia slowly regained consciousness.

The first sight I saw was a gray space. It could be said to be a space of nothingness, with no bushes, trees, rocks, or ponds.

‘This place… … .’

It’s a somewhat familiar space.

Then it suddenly occurred to me.

That it was a place where a spirit who stole his appearance existed. So, around the time he was trying to recall his memories before he lost consciousness.

Something suddenly erupted from the ground.

Black lump. It was the same spirit that took away Perticia’s appearance.

The spirit that towered like a tree spoke for the first time after a long time.

“Who am I?”

Questions about one’s own existence.

However, the question could not be resolved. Spirits were the only thing that existed in this space.

Eons of time passed like that.

The spirit asked a second question.

“Where is this place?”

There was no answer this time too.

From then on, the spirit closed its mouth. Because he realized that there was no use in asking questions.

As time continued to pass, the spirit stayed still like a tree. Then, a sudden change came.


A crack appeared in the gray space.

The spirit tapped it with a curious face. Then, part of the space collapsed and a space as black as the night sky appeared.

The world ‘outside’ the gray space.

The moment he recognized this, the small spirit’s world became noticeably wider. At the same time, the curiosity I had suppressed for so long exploded.

However, the spirit could not go beyond.

【You can’t escape from here.】

Because there were people blocking the way.

Strange, shapeless beings.

At first I thought it was a spirit, but it wasn’t.

As I watched it in silence, I felt an uneasy feeling and chills.

“why? “Why can’t I go out?”

The spirit asked back, as if puzzled.

It is a valid question. Then the unidentified beings answered with their mouths together.

【Until the door connecting the two worlds opens.】

【You must be here.】

【Because this is the fate given to you.】

【So I cannot allow it.】

Incomprehensible answer.

The spirit shouted in defiance.

“Why do I have to ask permission?”

This was a valid rebuttal, but the beings that blocked his path were unwavering. So he tried to force his way out, but it was no use.

Because they were ridiculously strong.

In this way, the spirit was drawn by force and was eventually thrown into the gray space again.

However, the spirit did not give up.

Because I realized that the gray space is not everything in the world. Therefore, I repeatedly tried to get out, but each time I was blocked.

So much time has passed.

The spirit experienced countless despairs.

「… … lonely.”

Curled up in the corner.

The spirit let out a lonely cry.

“I don’t want to be alone anymore.”

Even though the outside world was right in front of me, the helplessness of not being able to escape took over my entire body.

“Someone help me. please… … .」

A final, heartbreaking plea.

The gray space slowly disappeared. Her eyes were filled with darkness again, and Perticia, who had been watching the whole scene from behind, realized:

‘Memories of that child.’

The spirit that took over her body was alone for a long time that could not be compared to her.

That’s why I kept asking for help, and Perticia, who could hear the voices of spirits, was led here by the whispers.

‘You really look just like me.’

Is it because of some unknown sense of kinship?

Dew formed around Perticia’s eyes.

But that only lasts for a moment.

‘It’s unfortunate, but… … .’

That doesn’t mean I can give up my body.

Perticia was also curious about the outside world. It would be better to find a way to go out together.

‘I have to stop it first.’

She made up her mind and concentrated her mind.

To call out friends who are always by one’s side. Perticia quietly whispered to the spirits with a serious face.

“Guys, lend me your strength.”

But the response is late today.

No, there wasn’t even a response, let alone a response. Even if I called again, the result was the same.

“… … uh?”

Perticia’s voice trembled.

A visibly perplexed expression.

It was natural. There’s never been anything like this before. After that, I continued to call the spirits, but there was no answer.

At that time, a memory suddenly occurred to me.

A word he heard from the spirit that took his appearance before he lost consciousness.

『Once you set foot here, your friends won’t be able to help you. never!”

The moment she remembered this fact, she realized.

The fact that he was completely isolated.

Right in the dark abyss.

“Ah, ah… … .”

My mind became completely white, as if white paint had been poured into it. Her face had turned pale for a long time, and her hands and feet were shaking.

Truly complete solitude.

When he thought he was alone in an empty world, soon an indescribable feeling of loneliness and fear washed over him like a wave.

Could it be that I couldn’t bear it because of the fear of being alone?

She gradually lost consciousness.

I knew it was a bad handshake, but I couldn’t help it. Because he was too afraid to endure alone.

Just as I was about to be swallowed up by darkness.

「… … i get it. “Let me tell you.”

Suddenly a familiar voice was heard.

At the same time, Perticia’s eyes also widened. Because I realized who the owner of the voice was.

‘Voice of Ulan!’

The voice came from overhead.

Realizing this, she swam desperately, holding on to a glimmer of hope.

As a result, he finally succeeded in reaching the surface of the pond, but was unable to get out.


Because an invisible transparent wall blocked the boundary of the water. So I knocked as hard as I could, but the wall was unshakable.

Fortunately, despite the misfortune, the scenery beyond the wall was clearly visible.

‘… … !’

The scene unfolding beyond the wall is a scene where a spirit who has stolen his face and voice is sitting side by side with Ulan and exchanging conversation.

Perticia cried out earnestly.

“Ulan! “It’s fake!”

She desperately screamed to reveal the truth, but her voice did not reach beyond the wall.

“I am here! please… … .”

Please know that I am here.

I begged like I was sobbing, but it was useless.

At a time when I was in a state of extreme despair, Ulan continued to tell the story. Then, suddenly, I heard something that made my eyes light up.

“I met Perticia there.”

The moment I heard Ulan’s story.

Red eyes flashed.

‘Uh, how… … .’

You know my name, right?

You never told him your real name?

In the first place, the only people who knew the name ‘Perticia’ were a very small number of great nobles, including Crown Prince Chartrand.

So, I was caught with a puzzled look and strong doubts, but this did not last long.

“Will you take me outside?”

This was because the spirit that had taken away his appearance suggested that Ulan go out with him.

Perticia knocked vigorously on the wall again. So forceful that her fists broke.

“Ulan! “I’m here!”

A voice that still cannot be reached.

Perticia finally collapsed as if the wall wasn’t even cracking.

Do I really have to be left here alone like this? A time when I was engulfed in such despair.


I made eye contact with Ulan beyond the wall.

what? Is it just a coincidence?

As I was thinking about that, Ulan suddenly looked at the pond and sniffed. Then she came striding over and put her hand into the pond.

And that moment.

Quack! Clink!

He broke through the invisible wall and grabbed Perticia’s wrist underneath it.

“… … !”

She looks very surprised.

Soon Perticia’s body was pulled out of the pond by a strong force.

“Knock, call!”

Although I coughed because I drank a little water during this process. After a while, she stopped coughing, and Pertisha looked blankly at Ulan.

“Uh, how… … ?”

You knew I was here, right?

How did you notice me?

At a time when all kinds of questions were floating around, the Ulan in front of me answered as if it was no big deal.

“I smelled you in the pond.”

A really simple answer.

However, apart from that, for a moment, an indescribable emotion welled up in me.

Whatever the reason, he was the only one who really recognized me.


Is it because my emotions suddenly become intense?

My vision became blurry. I wanted to say something to express my gratitude, but no words came out.



Ulan called his name again.

Then he suddenly said this.

“I will get you out of the castle.”

“… … !?”

“In the name of a warrior, by all means.”

Bright red eyes burning like fire.

The moment I was facing him with a blank face, I suddenly got a sudden headache.


The pain was so intense that I couldn’t hold back the screams.

I reflexively grabbed my head.

Then, like a piece of shattered glass sticking back together, a fragment of memory that I had not even been aware of until now came to mind.

‘… … !’

The imperial castle is completely engulfed in flames.

Horrible, unheard of monsters roamed the ruins of the castle and attacked people.

‘What about this memory?’

It is a scene she does not remember.

However, the sight was too vivid to be considered a dream. And in that miserable place, Perticia, who had grown older than she was now, also existed.

“omg! “Huh!”

A small forest about 300 steps away.

In my memories, Perticia was busy running through the forest, which she thought was everything in the world.

There is only one reason.

To run away from monsters. But her opponents were many, and before long, Perticia ended up being besieged by unidentified monsters.

【There is no use running away.】

【Seventh Star.】

What attacked her was a huge eyeball.

The eyeballs that suddenly came into the forest surrounded Perticia and suddenly muttered something incomprehensible.

【Check twenty-eight access records.】

【I found traces of a stranger.】

【Judging that there is room for change.】

【The king has given an order】

Sensing a threat, the spirits resisted to protect Perticia, but to no avail. The eyeballs tore all the spirits apart in one fell swoop.


The eyeball was torn vertically.

Soon, countless teeth were revealed and were about to devour Perticia.

Kwasik! Oh my!

The eyeball that hit her was split in half.

That’s not all. All the eyeballs surrounding the place were also turned to ash.

“ah… … ?」

A time when I was dazed by a sudden situation.

Damn it!

Along with the sound of rough footsteps, I suddenly felt an unfamiliar presence. What soon appeared was a man carrying a huge ax on his shoulder.

“I almost was late.”

Bright red hair fluttering in the wind.

A muscular upper body covered in scars.

Seeing him muttering in relief, Perticia comforted her trembling lips.

“Da, who are you?”

“The third star, Ulaanbaatar.”

Right after finishing the incomprehensible introduction.

The man scratched his head.

“what is it? According to the oracle that Seaweed Head said or something, I came to get you.”

After putting the huge ax on the ground.

He stretched out his hand. Then he looked directly into her bright red eyes and said her name.


「… … yes?”

“No, was it Patriot?”

Both are wrong.

When Perticia, who was embarrassed, told her this, he responded with a shameless face.

“Well, you just have to learn the name gradually.”

「… … .」

“Rather than that, I think we should escape here first.”

An army of monsters rolling in like waves.

It didn’t look like he had any chance of winning, but he didn’t look the slightest bit afraid.

Just swing the huge ax and destroy all the monsters that stand in your way.

“Go outside. “Take my hand.”

A sweet sounding voice.

However, Perticia hesitated.

Going outside was something I had wanted for a long time, but now the outside of the forest was overrun with all kinds of monsters. So fear arose.

But the hesitation did not last long.

「… … !」

Because he snatched my hand right away.

When I opened my eyes wide in surprise.

“There is nothing to be afraid of.”

Covered in monster blood.

He whispered with a serious face.

“I will get you out of here safely. “I swear on the warrior’s name, absolutely.”

A whisper you can trust just by hearing it.

The man in front of me grinned.

“Let’s go, Perticia.”

Finally, a word from Ulan.

Fragments of memories that she thought were just dreams seeped into Perticia’s mind. As she absorbed every last bit of it, the dew suddenly flowed down her cheeks.

It just continues endlessly.

‘… … ah.’

I finally remembered it now.

The identity of the memory I thought was a dream.

This is a memory that the current self has not experienced, but that the self experienced in another life. It would be roughly accurate to describe it as a memory from a past life.

‘I see. I used to… … .’

I see you have met Ulan before.

Although not all of my memories from my past life were revived, it didn’t really matter.

Ulan came to save him.

Just this memory satisfied her.

‘Ulan… … .’

In my past life, and now.

He came to me and extended his hand.

Furthermore, Ulan said:

Just like I did in my last life, I will get her out of the cage this time too.


Because I heard what I wanted to hear most from the person I admired the most. And because I remembered that something similar had happened in another life.

A sense of relief fills my heart.

Perticia sobbed endlessly amidst a torrent of intense emotions that could not be expressed in words. Then, through her blurry vision, she saw Ulan.

Soon he said:

The same words as in my past life.

“Let’s go, Perticia.”

“… … yes!”

Perticia smiled brightly, wiping away the dew from the corners of her eyes. She then held on to Ulan’s hand as if she would not let go.

【No, you are wrong!】

A pitch-black shadow was cast.

The spirit that stole Perticia’s face.

Returning to its original form, it turned into a huge wall and surrounded Ulan and Perticia.

【You can’t go anywhere!】

An angry cry resounds loudly.

Looking at the high black wall, Ulan retorted in a dry voice.

“You are absolutely wrong.”

With immediate denial.

He growled fiercely.

“I’m the one who decides that.”

Not you.

Soon faced with attacks pouring in from all directions.

The ax was pulled, and time stopped.

The realm of forty-five steps.

The moment I took that first step.


A loud sound enveloped the hall.

It was the sound of a black wall collapsing.

Chapter 45. bird in cage


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