The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 2

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Immediately after losing consciousness.

Ulan’s vision turned pitch black for an instant.

He was swallowed up by the great darkness. A space where no sense or passage of time can be felt.

How much time has passed?

The consciousness that had suddenly disappeared slowly began to recover. Like an extinguished ember burning again. At the same time, memories that I thought I had forgotten came back to me one by one.

what? Doesn’t everything end when you die?

Why do my memories suddenly come back?

The moment when I was overcome by a strange feeling.


A strange voice was heard.

It sounded like scraping metal.

〔memory···. preservation···. re-start···.〕

It was a very foreign voice, devoid of any emotion whatsoever. It was a voice as if it were not of this world.

But without even a moment of doubt.

Light has come to a dark world.

Soon Ulan opened his eyes.

The first thing I saw was the ceiling of the tent.

A clearly embroidered red pattern was reflected in the eyes. Soon the wind blew outside the tent.

A wide open grassland.

Ulan blinked blankly.

‘This place······.’

Where he was born and raised.

Grasslands in the northern part of the continent. It is the hometown of Ulan.

What on earth? Are you still reminiscing about your past life? Various questions arose, and I pinched my cheek hard without realizing it.


sick. Ulan was surprised.

The reason is not because it hurts. This was because I could not feel the texture of the bushy beard that should extend from under my ear to the tip of my chin.


I saw a basin next to the bed.

A basin full of warm water.

Ulan approached the place as if fascinated. Soon enough, her face was reflected in the calm waters of the water.


Both eyes were stained with embarrassment.

It was worth it. What was reflected there was Ulan with a young face. Because it was the face of a boy.

It’s not just the face that has changed.

The terrible pain that had been assaulting my body for a while suddenly disappeared. Instead, a clean, muscular upper body was visible.

Ulan muttered blankly.

“I was definitely dead…”

Then I was surprised again.

This is because the voice is different from before.

It was a time when I couldn’t quite get my confusion out of my head. Suddenly, I heard several people talking outside the barracks.

“What a great guy.”

“That’s right.”

“I never thought I would pass the hero’s ordeal.”

“So the next chieftain is Ulan?”

“Hahaha! “Of course!”

“Even among all the warriors on the steppe, there would not be one strong enough to defeat Ulan.”

The sound of a loud conversation.

Hearing this, Ulan remembered that a long time ago, he experienced the same situation as now.

‘······The Trial of the Hero.’

It was late summer when I was sixteen.

Ulan, who had previously passed the warrior’s test, once challenged the legend of his clan.

Ancient ruins on the outskirts of the village.

This ruin, teeming with all kinds of monsters and golems, was called the ‘Hero’s Cave’ by the clan.

And the challenge of entering this cave, killing all the monsters, and retrieving the token kept at the end of the ruins was called the ‘Trial of the Hero’.

‘Those who pass the ordeal…’

Anything one thing.

You will be able to get what you want.

That was roughly what the legend was about.

Ulan, who was 16 years old and energetic at the time, challenged this legend and barely passed the test after a long, ten-day struggle.

The moment I was tracing my memories up to this point.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

‘Yes, the mark of a hero!’

Since you have passed the ordeal, there will be a certificate.

Ulan hurriedly looked around.

Then, I soon realized that I was wearing the hero’s badge around my neck. However, there was one thing that was different from before.


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‘The jewel is gone.’

Originally, there had to be a large jewel embedded in the center of the certificate. The very jewel that radiated light before losing consciousness.

But now, the place where the jewel should be was empty. As if someone had taken it out. That was when I felt confused.


Someone came into the barracks.

A young man with a tall physique.

He is a man with a lean muscular body, reddish-brown hair, and soft bright red eyes.

“Ulan. Are you awake now?”

Eyes that are colored warmly.

He spoke with a smile.

“Congratulations on passing the warrior’s ordeal. “I’m proud to be your brother.”

Familiar faces and familiar voices.

While making eye contact with him.

Ulan muttered with a blank face.

“······older brother?”


He is a blood brother to Ulan and is six years older than Ulan.

And it was a family that no longer exists in the world. Alk died in the winter just before Ulan turned seventeen.

‘But how…’

Is your brother here?

Ulan’s eyes trembled slightly.

Did you recognize this? ALC spoke with a worried expression.

“If you’re not feeling well, let me know anytime. “You are now our pride and the hope of our clan.”

Words that exude warmth.

Ark turned around again.

“Preparations will be completed soon. “I’ll call you when it’s completely finished, so just rest a little longer.”

I had a rough idea of ​​what ‘preparation’ he was talking about. The day I passed the warrior’s ordeal. The village held a festival to commemorate this.

But now.

Ulan had no interest in the festival.

No, it would be more accurate to say that there is no time to worry about festivals and such.

‘Let’s sort it out.’

Ulan died after a final fierce battle with the giant king Largtan. But when he opened his eyes, he returned to the time when he passed the warrior’s ordeal.

And the hero’s token, which was said to grant any wish, has been left behind with the large jewel missing.

This is the moment that came to mind.

Ulan assessed the current situation.

‘Does this mean we have returned to the past?’

Wanting to live life again.

This was Ulan’s wish. And now, his wish has come true.

‘If that’s really the case…’

Right now at this moment.

Ulan got the opportunity he had longed for.

A chance to acquire a much stronger body and weapons than in your last life, and to split the heads of monsters!

‘I won’t miss it this time.’

Ulan’s eyes sparkled.

It was the look in the eyes of someone who seized an opportunity.


Boom! Floating!

A loud drum sound was heard.

As the flames rose, loud cheers rang out. A festival commemorating the passage of the warrior’s ordeal has begun.

The clan in the grassland was very drunk.

We ate and drank happily, forgetting about tomorrow and enjoying today. Just as the atmosphere was getting warmer. Suddenly everything became quiet.

Jump, jump, jump!

Someone appeared.

A woman wearing the skin of a giant snake.

At first glance, she was a beautiful woman who appeared to be in her late 30s. Her black hair, braided to her waist, bounced with her steps.

Eventually, the woman stopped walking.

We arrived at the center of the village. Ulan was sitting in front of her. The woman said, pointing at Ulan with a staff decorated with all kinds of feathers.

“Warriors of the Plains, Ulan Bator.”

“Ulan! Ulan!”

As soon as the woman finished speaking, warriors everywhere pounded the ground with their weapons. This was support, respect, and praise for Ulan.

“You challenged the legend and achieved the feat of passing the ordeal. Please show proof of passing the ordeal accordingly.”

As soon as those words were finished.

Ulan wordlessly handed over the necklace.

The woman, who had been examining the necklace for a while, grinned, revealing her pure white teeth.

“Hmm, it is a sure sign of a hero.”


On the other hand, Ulan looked helpless.

Since the jewel that was supposed to be there was gone, I thought it would not be recognized as a badge of a warrior.

‘So I prepared an excuse…’

I never thought I would be recognized so easily.

At a time when I felt somewhat empty.

Her cries continued.

“With this, the warrior Ulan has completed his proof to be called a warrior. “If anyone has any objections to this ritual, please come out!”

The surrounding area was filled with silence.

It means there is no. After looking around for a moment, the woman smiled brightly and shouted.

“Then, judging by everyone’s agreement, I will recognize the warrior Ulan as a warrior!”


“Hero Ulan!”

A loud cheer rang out.

Everyone shouts blessings for Ulan.

Meanwhile, Ulan was lost in other thoughts.

‘Now I’m sixteen.’

It’s like going back about 30 years.

Because in his last life he died at the age of forty-five. After roughly estimating the gap in time, Ulan looked around.

I see many familiar faces.

Among them was a woman currently performing the warrior’s ritual.

‘Shaman Azuh.’

Although she looks like she is in her mid to late 30s on the outside, she is actually an old woman over 70 years old. However, the reason she was able to maintain such youthful appearance was because she was a shaman of considerable skill.

‘Did you say you created the elixir of immortality?’

That’s probably what I heard.

Afterwards, Azuh wandered throughout the continent and returned to the plains when he was just before he turned sixty.

‘In the past, I thought she was just a greedy old woman obsessed with youth…’

This was Ulan prejudice.

When I think back, Azuh was a wise sorcerer and priest. He was also famous enough to have a reputation even outside the plains.

By the time I thought about it this far.

Suddenly, I heard a voice that broke my thoughts.

“Well, then, choose. “The warrior Ulan!”

A staff pointing to the altar.

Azuh let out a loud cry.

“We have prepared a reward suitable for your feat, so choose whatever you want!”

There were three rewards.

A window filled with blue light.

A flag engraved with a pattern symbolizing a beautiful woman with a coquettish smile and a clan.

These each have different meanings.

‘First of all, choosing a weapon…’

I will fulfill my mission as a protector of my clan. And the beauty means that he will leave behind a strong seed for the future of the clan, and the flag means that he will become a chieftain who will lead the future of the clan.

‘I used to say this in the past.’

I want all three.

Ulan did not concede a single thing. Because he thought he deserved it.

So I had it all.

But now I thought differently.

‘Blue window.’

Of course, it is a useful weapon. However, weapons of that level were widespread outside the plains.

‘The most beautiful woman in the clan.’

A pretty face and voluptuous body. But that’s all. Outside the meadow, there were as many beauties as beautiful and attractive as me.

‘Finally, the Chieftain’s flag.’

That also did not suit Ulan.

Because the chief should be held by a wise man, not a strong warrior. Ulan realized this fact only when he was 40 years old.

In other words, there was nothing Ulan wanted there.

Ulan calmly thought about what he truly wanted. So three goals were set.

‘First, to reach the level of superhumanity.’

The first goal is to have a much stronger body and strength than in the past life. Only then will we stop dying and stop the Lords of the Abyss.

‘Second, getting a powerful weapon.’

The ax that Ulan used was a precious weapon that received all kinds of blessings. If you were to list the most powerful weapons in the world, it would be in the top ten.

But even that ax was broken by the giant king Ragtan. So this time, my goal was to get an even better weapon.

‘Third, accumulating diverse knowledge.’

This world isn’t all about power.

Wisdom was needed to create and lead a force. So, in many ways, it would be better to accumulate a certain level of knowledge.

And one more thing.

There is a reason to accumulate knowledge.

A long time ago, Ulan accidentally heard these words from Ajukh. It is said that outside the grassland there is a place where all the knowledge in the world is stored.

‘Arsene Academy.’

It is, in name and reality, the best educational institution on the continent and a treasure trove of knowledge, having produced countless talented people.

There, surely, there would be clues or knowledge to reach the level of superhumanity. Maybe there is a way to obtain a powerful weapon.

Of course, this is just a vague guess.

But even if there was only a glimmer of hope, Ulan was not going to give up.

‘Just to enter the academy…’

You must have at least basic knowledge.

Arsene Academy is famous for having difficult entrance exams. But Ulan had a bad head. So much so that he is called the best stone head in his clan.

Still, there was no need to worry.

‘Because there is Azuh here.’

She is the best shaman of her clan.

When he was young, he expanded his knowledge by wandering around the continent, and is now known as the most knowledgeable person in his clan.

‘There is no shortage of people to ask to learn from.’

Let’s learn from Azuh with the goal of entering Arsene Academy. Ulan, her eyes shining seriously, immediately turned to her.

Then he immediately opened his mouth.

“What I want isn’t there.”

Immediately after Ulan finished speaking.

The hall was in a state of commotion for a moment.

But even for a moment.

“Be quiet!”

A resounding sound.

As soon as silence came, Azuh’s eyes turned to Ulan again.

“Hero. “Then what do you want?”

With questions returned.

Ulan responded as if he had been waiting.

“I want to learn.”

“Yes, learning…! what?”

Azuh, who had been silently nodding his head, momentarily widened his eyes. A startled expression, as if he had seen a ghost.

“Shaman Azuh.”

Meanwhile, Ulan was serious.

He said, bowing his head to Azuh.

“Teach me.”

The day a warrior was born in the grassland.

The noisy festival quickly became quiet.

It’s like pouring cold water on it.

1 page. opportunity


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