The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 200

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The moment he stepped across the pond in pursuit of the ghost knight, Ulan’s world was instantly covered in pitch-black darkness.

What followed was a powerful wave of darkness, along with the feeling of falling off an endless cliff.


This is already the second time in this life that Ulan has stepped into the abyss.

The first purpose was to save Laurea, and this time, the purpose was to completely end the one remaining survivor of the Ghost Knights.


Soon Ulan held his breath as hard as he could.

I tried to adapt to the abyss environment by breathing slowly and repeatedly. If you don’t do this, your body won’t be able to hold on for a long time.

Meanwhile, the original target, the Ghost Knight, ran away without even looking back.

‘I guess it’s to find a safe zone.’

In order to restore the Knights to their original state, they must absorb the magic of the Abyss, and to do so, they must become a kind of cocoon.

‘And in the cocoon state… … .’

All means of combat are lost.

Completely defenseless.

After recalling this information, Ulan slowly took steps beyond the abyss.

A vision where you can’t even see an inch ahead.

In the abyss of darkness that swallowed up even light, Ulan’s eyes completely lost their function.

However, you don’t have to worry.

『Jumping into the abyss all of a sudden.』

『Are you brave? Or are you ignorant?』

『I wanted to pretend not to know, but.』

『Perticia specifically asked me to come along, so I’m very grateful!』

Because the spirits are by my side now.

The light emitted by spirits and spirits cannot swallow even the darkness of the abyss. Thanks to this, Ulan resumed his pursuit, following the traces of the escaped ghost knight.

‘The space keeps changing.’

The abyss is an unstable world.

Is that why? As time passed, space became distorted and the gap between the ghost knight and the knight widened.

But it wasn’t a problem.

All I had to do was catch up with him faster than the speed at which space was distorted.

‘Transcendent realm.’

A secret technique that invades the realm and transcends even space. Ulan immediately used Transcendence Realm to catch up with the wraith knight.

And that too in succession.

The cost of this was considerable.

『Hey, do you have a nosebleed?』

『Blood is coming out of my mouth and ears!』

『Aren’t you going to die like this?!』

As the spirits said, Ulan was bleeding dark red blood. He was a master of continuously using the transcendent realm, which was taxing on his body.

Moreover, due to the battle in Area 5, Ulan’s spirit is currently almost depleted.

‘I heard Perticia’s song, but… … .’

However, the spirit does not recover.

Also, the pressure of the extreme environment of the abyss was not negligible, so an immense pain soon struck his entire body.

But Ulan persevered.

He tenaciously endured the pain that felt as if his body would break and did not stop in the realm of transcendence.

‘You can’t back down from here!’

From the moment I entered the abyss chasing the ghost knight, I was prepared to suffer as much as I could.

If you kill just the one remaining one, you can completely finish off one of the Lords of the Abyss.

So, I desperately repeated the transcendental area and finally reached my goal. Next, I made eye contact with the ghost knight’s blue eyes.


Immediately after making eye contact with Ulan.

The blue eye light waved back and forth like a candle in the wind. As if I had seen a ghost.

Ulan, on the other hand, grinned.


Ending with a word full of joy.

Two axes flew in, crossing each other as if splitting the air. At the same time, Ulan squeezed out all the remaining spirit and put it into an axe.

Along with the flow of spirit, the spirits also naturally wrapped around the axe. Then, in no time, the threatening blow was completed.

【This is crazy!】

Eyes that shake as if shaking.

The ghost knight hurriedly tried to block it with his shield, but it was futile. Because Ulan had already entered the realm of transcendence.

That is, before he even got into a defensive posture.

Ulan’s ax flew through space and reached the source of the Ghost Knights. Afterwards, the defenseless source was literally torn apart.

simplicity and honesty! Quad Deuk! Push!

Then, the magic power of the abyss contained in the source flowed out like a torrent. The ghost knight shouted as if he was struggling as his strength suddenly decreased.

【Oh, no!】

The guy cried out in a voice full of despair and tried desperately to gather the magic power. But this too was a futile struggle.

Just as a broken jar cannot be filled even if you put water back in it, the essence of what made up the Ghost Knights has already been shattered.

【Hey, it can’t be like this! These results are unacceptable! There is no way my, our knights’ glory will end here!】


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A shape collapsing at a rapid rate.

The essence of the Ghost Knights was reduced to ashes.

Did he finally realize the reality? The guy muttered in a voice full of disbelief.

【In the future that we saw, that ■■ showed, there was never anything like this… … .】

The voice slowly fades away.

The word “future” he uttered piqued Ulan’s curiosity for a moment, but that was all.


Ulan twisted the ax at the source, and the thing immediately fell silent. This is because when the source was completely destroyed, his entire body turned into ash.

And Ulan’s body also collapsed.


A sharp pain that twists the five internal organs.

This is because the aftereffects of repeated use of the transcendental domain were delayed. But there was still work left to do, so he gritted his teeth.

‘… … The origin of the Ghost Knights.’

Absorbing the pieces of the broken origin.

He must make the power contained there entirely his own. However, like the formless Ghost Knights, their origin was also formless.

Smoke floating in the air as if swimming.

Ulan took a deep breath and took in the smoke as well. The terrible stench paralyzed his sense of smell, but he still tried to absorb his power.

How long has it been like that?


Ulan absorbed all his power.

Spirit is now close to 4 stars.

If you absorb just a little more power, you will reach the same 5-star level as in your past life. With a short sigh, Ulan turned his body.

Now that I have achieved my goal, I plan to go out of the abyss. But I couldn’t.

‘My feet… … .’

Because it didn’t move at all.

That’s not all. As time passed, not only my feet but my body could not move at all.

‘Is it because I stayed in the abyss for a long time?’

If you stay in the abyss for a long time without the spirit of the abyss or the ‘Orb of Einer’, all kinds of side effects will occur.

One of the symptoms was that my hands and feet became stiff like they are now. Ulan also knows this well because she has experienced it in her past life.

‘But this is different.’

It’s not like your body is frozen, it’s like you’re being held by someone forcibly. The evidence was that the arms and legs could not be moved, but the fingers could move.

‘What on earth?’

In doubt, he looked away.

To find out what is holding on to your body. But then, his vision became pitch black again.

This is because the light of the spirits has disappeared.

‘Come to think of it… … .’

At some point, I couldn’t hear the spirits talking. Probably from when I defeated the ghost knight and absorbed the source.

Around the time I realized I was so alone.

Suddenly, someone’s whisper was heard from the darkness of the bottomless pit.

【A piece of strange change.】

A dark, heavy, and gloomy, strange voice. It’s a voice I heard somewhere.

When did you hear this?

As Ulan searched for his memories, he soon recalled the moment he heard this voice.

‘When the Frost Demon Dragon is defeated.’

Fountain of Magic, Area 2.

At that time, for unknown reasons, a chasm in the abyss opened and the frost demon dragon Glesia, one of the lords of the abyss, appeared.

After that, I managed to kill him.

Before the gap in the abyss closed, Ulan happened to encounter the abyss beyond the gap. And even then he heard this voice.

The voice at the time said:

‘The day when two worlds merge into one.’

I will cross the gate of the abyss and find him first. So, as Ulan had hoped, he growled and returned fire.

Anyway, the voice I hear now is the same voice I heard back then.

However, there was something a little puzzling.

‘It’s not the monarch’s voice.’

Of the six Lords of the Abyss that he remembered, none had a voice like this.

So who is this voice?

Just when an inexplicable question was beginning to arise, the voice spoke again.

【Third star, Ulaanbaatar.】

【Daejeon History of the Grassland.】

【Giant slayer.】

【Red-eyed barbarian.】

【Great Chief.】

A whisper penetrates my ear.

At the same time, Ulan’s eyes widened.

“… … !?”

I couldn’t help but be surprised.

The nicknames the voice just mentioned were referring to the ‘Ulan of the past life’.

In fact, in this life, Ulan has never faced and defeated a giant, nor has he ascended to the position of warchief.

“Who are you?”

Ulan looked into the darkness of the abyss from which the voice came, without hiding his surprised expression.

However, the expected answer did not come.

The unidentified voice did not pay attention to the questions and just continued what it had to say.

【You exist in this world】

【Seeds of change.】

I don’t know who that voice is.

At least among the abyss lords and monsters he remembered, there was no voice like that.

But one thing was certain.

【In a cycle repeated countless times.】

【The only trace that comes to mind-.】

That guy is dangerous.

Ulan’s instincts whispered.

That thing is a monster among monsters, more dangerous than any monarch he has ever faced.

And that moment.

The guy whispered softly.


A whisper that can be heard clearly, as if speaking right away. The moment he recognized this, Ulan’s body was enveloped in darkness.


Meanwhile, around that time.

Noah and his party entered the Fountain of Magic and soon broke through the third area. It was an easy entry, perhaps because I had been here once before.

However, the problem is the area beyond that.

It is a truly unknown place that I have never set foot in before. A place where the entire area is covered in darkness and fog.

In particular, Noah was famous for causing a surge of magical power when using magic, so Noah swallowed his saliva as if he was nervous.

“I will take the lead.”

At that time, Ibella claimed to be the leader.

Unlike Noah and Delia, she had keen senses that allowed her to find the right path even in the dark.

“Let’s all hold hands and move together.”

A formation decided in an instant.

Ibella took the lead, Delia was behind, and Noah was in the middle. This is because the two girls revealed that they did not want to hold each other’s hands.

Afterwards, it was time to move in formation.

A phenomenon occurred that was visible only to Noah. It was a notification message sent from the system.

【Achievement achieved.】

also? What achievement is this time?

Noah suppressed his pounding heart and watched the message that appeared in front of him. Soon after, the details of the achievement were revealed.

【Achievement】: Legendary Exorcist

【Conditions】: Defeat the Ghost Knights ‘Arsek’

【Reward】: Elixir

“… … !”

Noah’s eyes turned big.

Eyes full of astonishment. I was so surprised that I forgot to walk for a moment.


“Why does it stop all of a sudden?”

“no! “Oh, it’s nothing.”

Noah quickly shook his head at the two voices asking questions as if they were puzzled. She then resumed her pace and focused on the content of the message.

‘Well, you killed it?’

The Ghost Knights? How?

For Ulan, the knights would be the worst compatibility, like the relationship between a wizard and a frost demon dragon, right?

At that time, all kinds of questions were swirling around.

There was a guess that suddenly came to mind.

‘ah! if… … .’

Is it because of the contract with Perticia?

This guess is probably the most accurate.

If you can contract with Perticia and use the power of the spirits, even if you are Ulan, you will be able to deal an effective blow to the Ghost Knights.

‘No matter what, I never thought I would be able to defeat the 3rd ranked Ghost Knights by myself.’

It must not have been an easy opponent.

Noah was once again impressed by his performance, which was completely different from the original. However, when he thought about what had happened so far, he began to understand.

Ulan remembering his past life.

He has already defeated two Lords of the Abyss and has reached the level of a 3-star master.

Is that all there is?

In the meantime, I drank only two bottles of elixir, acquired all kinds of hidden pieces, and even obtained a fraudulent treasure called the hero’s imprint.

‘At this point, it can be said that it has become several times stronger than the original.’

What if I take the two additional bottles of elixir I just acquired? And what if you can only get meaningful results?

‘I’m sure he’ll become incredibly strong.’

Then, there will be a way to avoid the confirmed fate, and it will also be possible to prevent the invasion of the Abyss.

It was a time when I was full of hope.

Suddenly, Delia’s voice was heard.

“I can hear a sound from in front.”

Ibella’s eyes lit up at those words. This meant that we were close to our destination.

The group walked busily, and soon the darkness cleared little by little. After some time, the group arrived at a completely different space than before.

“This place… … ?”

The sky, the earth, and the surrounding area.

It was a unique place, completely colored in gray. Meanwhile, what Ybella paid attention to was the other side.

“I guess there was a battle.”

Uneven ground conditions.

When I looked closely, I could see glimpses of traces of the spear blade cutting into the ground. Ibella looked around for a moment and then looked back at Delia.

“Where is the sound coming from?”

“I heard it over there, over the hill.”

Then there is no need to be in a place like this.

Ibella quickly ran over the hill. Noah and Delia followed her.

Some time after that.

A small pond appeared in front of the three. A pond so deep that its depth cannot be measured.

However, what caught the group’s attention was not the pond, but a white-haired girl wandering around it.

“Tisha Lapidis?”

“Why are you here… … .”

Then I saw a familiar figure.

A white wolf circling right by her side.

The moment they saw this scene, a guess came into Ibella and Delia’s minds.

‘Could it be that he, not Ulan, is the target?’

Finally, a reasonable guess.

Ibella and Delia frowned.

Then Perticia, who found the three belatedly, shouted with a pale face.

“Do, please help me!”

“… … “Help, what?”

Delia responds with a sullen expression.

However, as Perticia and the shouting followed, the three girls’ faces visibly hardened.

“Ulan fell into the water!”

Chapter 46. I’ll follow you until the end!


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