The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 342

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Chapter 69. clash (6)


A battle that started suddenly.

However, the period of confusion did not last long.

The warrior and his party have coped well even when faced with worse situations.

Even though three warriors suddenly lost consciousness and fell, the remaining warriors calmly fought against the giants.

How long was it like that?


Ibella, who had been dealing with the giants for a while, flew backwards while avoiding the giants’ attack.

If things continue like this, you will be exposed to attacks coming in succession. But this was just unfounded news.

Ga-ga-ga-ga-gak! Quang!

The attack that came through the gap she saw was blocked by a solid wall. It was the holy shield of Paladin Ian Marcus.

“Are you okay?”

“Ugh, thanks to you I survived.”

Ibella, who managed to adjust her posture, pulled up her auror and wrapped it around her sword. Then he expanded his territory once again and cut down the giants.

After catching her rough breathing, she stood next to Ian and Sven and opened her mouth, glaring at the giants who were still swarming around.

“I don’t know if it’s because of my mood.”

“… … ?”

“Don’t you think they are somehow stronger than the guys you faced earlier?”

I’ve only cut down a few, but I already feel like my stamina is depleted. Then Sven responded in an annoyed tone, as if he knew the reason.

“Of course. “The guys lying over there gave me support in many ways earlier.”

This is where Sven’s eyes landed.

Delia, Laurea, and Perticia were lying unconscious there.

Not long ago, the three warriors suddenly vomited blood and lost consciousness right after Largtan’s totems were scattered everywhere.

A situation that is different from the chain of the abyss, and is presumed to be under an unknown curse.

Because of this, the warrior’s group lost their firepower, purification, and recovery power. So, of course, the battle will become more difficult.

“And there are other reasons.”

“huh? “For what reason?”

“The point is that the Uhlan are not here.”

Immediately after the three warriors fell due to a curse.

Largtan rushed towards the warrior group in the blink of an eye. It was obvious what he was after. To eliminate the three unconscious warriors.

But he could not achieve his goal.

This is because Ulan, who sensed the murderous intent in advance, kicked the ground ahead and soon succeeded in keeping Largtan away from the warrior group.

‘… … Ulan.’

Ibella, recalling what happened just moments ago, looked beyond the darkness ahead with shaking eyes.

Where her eyes were directed.

There, a completely different battle was taking place than the battlefield the party was currently on.

Quagga-ga-ga-ga! bang! Quang!

A roar that shakes the heavens and earth.

In a split second, long enough to blink, more than a dozen battles ensued.

It was a crazy attack with Ulan and Largtan targeting each other’s heads.

【Now all the saboteurs are gone.】

After a lot of fighting.

Suddenly, the corner of Largtan’s mouth lifted slightly. As if he is very satisfied with his current situation.

On the other hand, Ulan’s expression hardened.

“What have you done to my colleagues?”

That was natural.

After Largtan unfolded the totem, I saw Delia, Laurea, and Perticia fall unconscious.

To Ulan’s question, Largtan responded lightly with an expression that seemed like it was no big deal.

【I’m just removing elements that could interfere with my battle with you in advance. Because divinity and magic are the elements that break Jim’s concentration.】

In short, it means that heroes who could be a hindrance were excluded in order to focus on the battle with Ulan.

It could be assumed that the reason the giants’ army was left here was to prevent the intervention of Ibella, Ian, and Sven.

“… … .”

Ulan glanced in the direction where the other warriors were with sunken eyes. However, for a moment, he had no choice but to focus on the battle again.

This was because there was a fierce offensive.

【You won’t have time to look away, right?】

Just as Largtan said.

This guy was an opponent you couldn’t let down your guard against.

Therefore, while Ulan exchanged attacks with Largtan again, he tried to think of a solution to the current situation in his head.

However, no matter how much I thought about it, the answer ultimately came down to one.


A comrade left on the rift with the imperial army.

If she comes, things will be much easier. Maybe we will find a way to solve the curse on the three warriors.

‘So you gain time.’

Let’s tie up Largtan’s feet as much as possible, hoping that Noah will come here. The moment Ulan made that decision in his mind.

【Are you planning on waiting for a stranger?】

Largtan’s voice was heard.

It was a sharp whisper that penetrated my inner thoughts.


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【Of course, if you come from the same background as Kazan Ludrik, you might be able to break Jim’s curse. Strangers have special powers.】

He added with a smirk, as if he knew what Ulan was thinking.

【However, I don’t recommend taking your time. As you probably already know, a mere mortal cannot carry the curse of burden for a long time.】

It’s not wrong.

As for the chains of the abyss that I experienced in my last life, I confirmed that the physical strength of Laurea and Delia, who were cursed, was quickly reaching its limit.

If the others couldn’t hold out until Noah came, there would be no point in wasting time.

Then there is only one thing to do.

‘Knock him down as quickly as possible.’

Immediately after completing the decision.

Ulan’s eyes changed.

And it wasn’t just the eyes that changed. The atmosphere surrounding him and the energy he gave off also became much more ferocious than before.

【okay! It should come out like this.】

At this, Largtan burst into laughter.

As if he really likes the current situation. Then he aimed his ax at Ulan and immediately let out a loud roar.

【Come with all your might, Ulaanbaatar!】

A loud shout as a signal.

Ulan and Largtan clashed again.


Meanwhile, at that time.

At a time when everyone was focused on their own battles. Sirpi Rudric also focused on his own fight.

The mission given to her is to interpret the identity of the curse placed on the three fallen warriors and figure out a solution.

“Whoo, whoo!”

However, Sirpi was also not in good condition.

When the three warriors fell, she also felt an unidentifiable headache. Of course she wasn’t to the point where she lost consciousness.

Still, her red, bloodshot eyes clearly revealed that her condition was not normal.

Some time after that.

Sirpi, who had been engrossed in his own fight for a while, suddenly opened his eyes wide.

“Hey, this technique!”

This is because the effect of the curse was discovered through the magic given to the three. In response to Sirpi’s reaction, Ian immediately asked a question.

“Have you figured out what kind of curse it is?”

“… … Yes, this is a curse that turns magic power into poison. “The more magical power or divine power you have, the more fatal it is.”

“Dang, magic power becomes poison…” … ?!”

Ian and Ibella’s eyes widened.

Because only then did I understand.

Why did the three girls take more damage from the curse than the other heroes and fell down?

“Then how can I treat it?”

“I couldn’t figure it out that far. “For now, the most effective solution is to leave the place where the curser and the fetish are buried.”

The fetish that Sirpi meant was a fragment of the totem that Largtan had spread.

In other words, the effect of the curse will be weakened only if you leave the current location. A solution was found, but the group’s faces were still dark.

“But to do that… … .”

“Even if we put the giants second, we have to do something to beat that monster first.”

The Giant King Largtan.

You can’t escape from here unless you avert his gaze or tie his feet.

However, when I couldn’t remember the sharp number and was just moaning, Sven suddenly pricked up his ears. Soon an urgent cry rang out.

“Avoid everyone! It comes from above!”

“… … !?”

The crack where the warriors fell.

From above, dozens of giants were falling with their weapons pointed at them.

Ian, who saw this, quickly spread his shield upward and blocked the attack in time.

Quagga-ga-ga-ga-ga! Kwaaaaang!

A powerful shock that shakes the battlefield.

Ian gritted his teeth and held on, barely managing to protect the three girls.

But there was another problem.


A violent earthquake accompanied by a strong collision.

The resulting shock wave hit the intestines and caught Sirpi, who was defenseless.

The place she arrived at, rolling around like a doll with its strings untied, was on the other side of the formation. In other words, she was in the middle of a battlefield filled with giants.

“Oh no, avoid it!”

“Ahhh… … .”

After realizing his situation, Sirpi’s body froze. He heard Ian’s urgent cries, but his feet barely moved.


Meanwhile, the giants’ attacks rained down like lightning. Did he sense death? Sirpi closed his eyes tightly without realizing it.

But at that moment.

Ga-ga-ga-ga-gak! Kaaaang!

The sound of a blader taking an ax was heard.

Someone had protected Sirpi. However, as if he couldn’t handle the giant’s mighty power, he and Sirpi were thrown back and were soon thrown into a corner.

“Ugh! “Ah!”

Sirpi kept coughing in the hazy dust. Her entire body felt as if it would shatter from the shock, but she soon felt relieved.

Because the place he flew to was where other warriors were. The moment he turned his gaze to check on the person who saved him.

Sirpi opened his eyes round.

It was with a surprised reaction.

“Hey, Ibella?!”

This was because the identity of the person who saved him was none other than Ibella. Meanwhile, no answer came back from Ibella.

It just spits out dark red blood.

“Ibella! Yes, the wound… … !”

Her current condition was a mess.

His right arm and leg were bent in strange directions, and blood was constantly spitting out from his mouth. He was the master who withstood the attack of the giants to save Sirpi.

At this, Sirpi looked at Ibella with a mix of confusion and embarrassment.

“Why me… … .”

A reaction of not being able to understand.

That was natural. Sirpi has told many lies to Ibella, and even hid his identity as a pagan.

So I thought that of course I would be hated. In fact, he barely spoke to me even after he came to the desert.

That’s why I didn’t understand the current situation.

Why on earth do you want to protect yourself by putting yourself in this situation? Meanwhile, Ibella tried to answer Sirpi’s question as follows.

“I don’t know. “It’s just that my body moved as it pleased.”

But I couldn’t say it out loud.

It wasn’t because of the pain that struck my body. This is because the answer I just came up with is half right and half wrong.

‘No, actually, I know.’

The reason why he saved Sirpi even by throwing himself.

The reason is simple. Because she doesn’t want to see Sirpi die in front of her eyes.

So why did you think that way?

Sirpi used to lie and hide everything, including his real name and origin.

‘That’s probably… … .’

Because I still consider her a friend.

This is the real reason.

Ibella, remembering her honest feelings, spat out all the blood in her mouth and looked up at Sirpi with half-blurred eyes.

“… … “You were the first friend I made when I came to the academy, so I just couldn’t let you die in front of my eyes.”

“Hey, Ibella… … .”

“Of course, I felt betrayed that he approached me while hiding the fact that I was from a pagan background, but I probably would have felt the same way if I were in that situation.”

I didn’t know at first. I didn’t even want to know.

He just felt very betrayed by the fact that Sirpi had been deceiving him all this time, so he only expressed his anger without considering the context.

‘But it’s different now.’

Sirpi’s situation.

Her standing in the Desert Church.

The reason why he had no choice but to cross the border and enter the academy despite being from a pagan background, etc.

Now that Ibella has accepted all of this and faced her honest feelings, she has finally been able to understand Sirpi.

“So, I saved it. huh. “That’s it.”

After answering, Ibella smiled slightly.

It felt like the feeling of frustration I had been feeling was relieved somewhat. But for a while, Ibella’s condition worsened again.

“However, this time it seems a bit excessive.”

“Do not say! The wound… … !”

“At this rate, I don’t have the courage to see Ulan… … .”

Is it because I lost too much blood?

Ibella’s complexion became increasingly pale. As her body temperature gradually lowered, Sirpi hurriedly hugged her.

“No, Ibella! Wake!”

There’s a lot I haven’t said yet.

I can’t send it to you like this when I haven’t even given you a proper apology. Sirpi desperately tried to think of a way to save Ibella.

Then at that moment.

A voice of salvation was heard.


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