The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 90

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Near the north gate of Arsene Academy.

There was a wagon parked on a forest road. The workers busily moved the goods into the wagon, and soon the work was finished.

“Has confirmed. “It’s perfect.”

After carefully checking the luggage loaded on the wagon.

The middle-aged man grinned.

Then he bowed his head politely towards the gray-haired girl in front of him.

“Thank you for your hard work, Miss Sirpi.”

The man’s identity is Alond.

He is the butler who manages the mansion of the Count Dermore family, and is the count’s faithful confidant.

And today, he was the person in charge of transporting the phosphate stones and deep water collected from the Fountain of Magic to the mansion.

“Ah, just in case, I’m asking, but I’m sure you weren’t caught using hexes, right?”

“Yes, we acted separately.”

“Haha, good job.”

At Sirpi’s answer, Alond smiled with satisfaction again.

“If Lady Sirpi’s origins are revealed, the master will be in trouble. Then we can’t protect you either.”

“… … .”

Sirpi closed her mouth.

This is a fact you already know.

Her hometown is the southern desert. Among them, it is the Desert Church that is currently hostile to the Empire.

If his origin and identity were revealed, it was clear that Count Dermore would abandon Sirpi without a moment of hesitation.

‘I probably would have done the same if it were me.’

I heard that conniving with the Desert Church is the second most serious crime after treason. So Sirpi completely hid his identity.

“This is money given to me by my master.”

At that time, Alond held out something.

Pure white envelope. Upon accepting this, he bowed his head politely again.

“I will contact you by letter again later. “I hope you stay healthy until we meet again.”

Finally, a polite greeting.

Alond got into the carriage and quickly disappeared beyond the forest. Sirpi, who was left alone, sat down with a sigh.


It was because the tension had eased.

She sighed in relief again and opened the envelope she received from Alond.

Inside was five gold coins.

It is a huge amount of money that is too much for a student.

‘But the more money you have, the better.’

Now that the original purpose of taming the white wolf that hides in the fog, a member of Rudrik’s household, has failed, Sirpi’s future is quite uncertain.

So, I planned to secure as much money as possible. To prepare for an uncertain future.

‘Oh, that’s right.’

Speaking of money, something suddenly came to mind.

Before coming here, a top-grade magic stone discovered in the third area of ​​the Spring of Magic.

At the time, I thought it was something Professor Direc had installed for research.

‘But now that I think about it… … .’

There was a high possibility that it was not Professor Direk’s item.

Because I heard that he too was collaborating with Count Dermore due to lack of research funds.

‘But you have not one, but six top-grade magic stones?’

It makes no sense in common sense.

Six top-quality magic stones would be enough to buy a three-story mansion in the downtown area of ​​the imperial capital.

In other words, the owner of the magic stone is not Direc.

Immediately after remembering this.

She licked her lips regretfully.

‘If I knew it would be like this, I wouldn’t have told you.’

Then I might be able to intercept it.

Sirpi let out a heavy sigh.

But the water has already been spilled. That’s why she shook off her thoughts, leaving behind only regrets.

‘it’s okay. Anyway, the work is over.’

Let’s go back to the dormitory quickly.

This is because fatigue sets in as tension eases.

When I silently turned towards the dormitory.


For an instant, goosebumps appeared all over my body.

A feeling of suffocation and visceral fear. Furthermore, I felt uncomfortable.

The moment when we were faced with a sudden change.

Sirpi quickly turned his head.

Toward a place where you feel uncomfortable. Then her eyes widened.

“… … !”

Her gaze was directed to the south.

In the direction of the fountain of magic where I had been just a moment ago. Sirpi muttered with wide eyes.


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“The sky… … .”

It was split exactly in half.

And that’s only the sky near the fountain of magic.

Then she had an instinctive intuition.

Something unusual happened.


Frost Demon Dragon.

One of the six lords of the abyss, it is a monster that freezes the surrounding magical energy with its mere presence, completely stopping the flow of magical energy.

Stopping the flow of magic means that the magic will not be activated. So the frost demon dragon in the original was called the natural enemy of wizards.

But that wasn’t the important thing.

‘What did you just say…? … ?’

Noah’s eyes shake violently.

She looked at Ulan with wide eyes. It was momentary, but it was definitely there.

What did Ulan just shout?

“Frost Demon Dragon—!”

With a loud voice that seemed to shake the battlefield.

Ulan definitely shouted like that.

At the same time, Noah came to his senses.

I was so surprised that even the fear that came with the appearance of the Frost Demon Dragon disappeared.

Well, it was worth it.

Until the door to the abyss opens later.

To people, ‘the abyss’ is nothing more than a legend. The only thing I can think of is Abyss Worshiper.

‘however… … .’

How on earth do you know about the Frost Demon Dragon?

Shouldn’t we know at this point?

Questions surging like crazy. Noah’s mind quickly became confused. At the same time, her eyes as she looked at Ulan also became confused.

Meanwhile, around that time.

Ulan frowned.

It was good until the frost demon dragon appeared, but when I looked closely, I felt a sense of discomfort.

‘Why is it so small?’

The frost demon dragon I encountered in my last life was truly enormous. So much so that it feels like a huge mountain is moving.

On the other hand, it wasn’t that big now.

If I had to put it into words, it was similar in size to the auditorium building I saw at the entrance ceremony.

It is not comparable to a mountain.

‘Oh, now that I think about it… … .’

There was information that suddenly occurred to me.

Some information I learned during repeated battles with the Frost Demon Dragon in my last life.

Among them, there was a reason why it grew bigger every time we encountered it. Ulan, who recalled this, nodded his head as if he finally understood.

‘Right. ‘Is it before shedding yet?’

The Frost Demon Dragon has the characteristic of growing in size and strengthening its strength as it molts repeatedly.

In fact, if it was at even the slightest disadvantage during the battle, it fled into the abyss and came back stronger through molting.

‘That’s why we couldn’t subdue it in the end.’

The Frost Demon Dragon, which has shed its skin countless times, has become so strong that there is no way to do anything about it. That’s why he was never able to deal with it in his last life.

‘But this time it’s different.’

The Frost Demon Dragon has just entered the world.

In other words, it means that it has not shed its skin even once.

This was like saying that I was not as strong as I had struggled in my past life.

This is the moment that came to mind.

I finally realized what I had to do.

‘Today, we will kill it here.’

Must do it at all costs!

With determination engraved in his bright red eyes.

I kicked the ground without hesitation.

To fulfill the mission of a warrior that I was unable to complete in my past life.

But then an intruder appeared.

Huh! Whoa!

The sound of wings cutting through the air.

Dozens of monsters appeared from beyond the abyss, accompanied by the sound of a strong wind. Monsters that look like miniature versions of frost demon dragons.


Literally a dragon flying in the sky.

He is a member of the Frost Demon Dragon and is slightly smaller than the Corcus he faced earlier.

Although their strength was on a similar level to that of higher species, they were somewhat difficult to deal with.

‘Because it doesn’t come down from the sky.’

They fly high in the sky, breathing frost that freezes everything.

Unless something very special happens, it never comes down to the ground. So, to deal with them, snipers Sven or Delia were needed.

‘but… … .’

It’s impossible now.

Sven was not there, and Delia was on the verge of running out of magical power. Of course, even if you have magic power left, you won’t be able to use magic as long as the Frost Demon Dragon exists.

But at that moment.

Suddenly they descended to the ground.

Like it has a purpose. Ulan, seeing this, quickly realized their goal.

‘Is it Delia you’re after?’

It’s the same as the past life.

The Lords of the Abyss were particularly obsessed with Delia. To be precise, it seemed like the goal was to obtain ‘the one who receives Mana’s love.’

‘Then this time… … .’

Noah will be targeted too.

As soon as the speculation was over, the first drake to rush in extended its claws towards Noah.

Of course, the goal could not be achieved.

puck! Quad deuk!

A drake’s head falling to pieces.

This was the result of Ulan swinging his axe, closing the distance in an instant. That wasn’t the only thing that happened. Other drakes also met a not very different end.

And the result.

The remaining drakes soared into the sky again.

Perhaps it was because he felt threatened after seeing what happened to his compatriots. Against the drakes soaring high into the sky, there was nothing Ulan could do.

It was then.

“Joe, be careful. Ulan!”

Noah gives a warning with a pale face.

As if I had discovered something unusual. Before long, the true nature of the warning was revealed.


All the drakes opened their mouths wide.

Immediately, magical power spewing out cold energy welled up, and it soon poured towards Ulan.

‘Breath of ice.’

An annoying ability that freezes everything.

In my past life, avoidance was the only solution, but now it’s different. So instead of dodging, I pulled out my ax and swung it.


An explosion accompanied by a collision.

Soon the situation changed drastically.


As soon as it touched the axe, the breath of ice disappeared so easily that it was meaningless. Is that all there is? Even the magical power that made up the breath was sucked away.

Gula, the ax of gluttony.

It was thanks to the ax that ravenously ate up all the magical power that existed.


Was he taken aback by the sudden sight?

All the drakes closed their mouths.

As if he had no intention of exhaling any more.

Then it hovered in the sky and looked down at Ulan as if wary. Ulan was also unable to leave.

‘I can’t leave you two alone.’

The use of magic and witchcraft is now sealed.

Noah and Delia are not outstanding wizards, but just helpless girls.

So, if Ulan leaves his spot, the two will be caught by the dragons in the blink of an eye.

‘If only there were other guys… … .’

Colleagues who fought together in their past lives.

If only Sven had been there, I would have left this place and gone to deal with the Frost Demon Dragon. Ulan keenly felt the absence of his colleagues.

However, there was no time to think for long.

Because the drakes rushed to the ground again.

Huh! Whoa!

This time the group split into two.

One group attacked Ulan from all directions, while the other group targeted Noah and Delia.

‘It’s a shallow trick.’

Watching the gap getting narrower.

Ulan activated the Master’s domain once again. A merciless massacre began at the same time.

Quack! Crack! puck!

The head exploded and the torso was sliced ​​open.

The angry ax did not miss its prey and delivered certain death to the dragons.

But at that moment.

“… … !”

Ulan’s eyes widened.

It was because I discovered something late.

Outside his reach.

I saw three drakes with their mouths wide open.

Soon a breath of ice poured out.


The targets are Noah and Delia.

Ulan hurriedly retrieved the ax and tried to block his breath. But he couldn’t do that because the dragons blocked his way.

‘No, you’re late!’

Breath, narrowly ahead.

Still, there was a way to stop it.

『Transcendence Area』

A skill unique to warriors that transcends time and space.

Using this, you can barely block it.

Of course, as a huge amount of spirit is consumed, it puts a lot of strain on the body, but it is still better than losing Noah and Delia.

So, at the moment of taking half a step.

For an instant, a fierce flash of light flashed.

The flash of light that entered the area, along with the breath of ice, cut down even the flying dragon.


Starting with an eerie sound.

The three drakes were divided into dozens of pieces.

Clean cut surface as if cut with a sharp blade. When the dismembered body was rolling around on the floor.

A familiar voice was heard.

“I came here because I felt uneasy.”

A calm, low-pitched voice.

Soon, a middle-aged man with blue hair and a bushy beard appeared.

“I guess it’s a good thing I came quickly.”

One of the Five Masters of the Empire.

The Loyal Sword, Seorik al-Ghorphant.

Noah’s eyes widened at the appearance of a strong support group just by its presence.

“How are you doing here?” … .”

“I heard that students were isolated in Area 2. I came to rescue him while I was free… … .”

As he continued to answer, his words trailed off.

I narrowed my eyes and looked intently at the frost demon dragon in the distance.

“… … “Looking at the situation, I think we’ll have to call Dean Deflin.”

The moment I discovered the Frost Demon Dragon.

Seorik had a hunch.

If you fight that monster, you will inevitably lose.

This is the first feeling of tension since I reached the level of master. When I felt my body becoming stiff and I was adjusting my sword.

“I have a favor to ask.”

Suddenly Ulan spoke up.

Then he said with a serious face.

“Take the two of you and run away.”

“… … what?”

Seorik asked back a beat later.

Of course, I planned to run away even if I didn’t tell him to run away. He had no intention of fighting against a monster he had no chance of winning.

However, Ulan’s words sounded a little different.

So I asked again to check if I had heard correctly.

“Are you really planning on fighting that monster?”


An answer without any hesitation.

I was momentarily speechless.

Ulan probably knows too. The odds of winning against that monster are slim. That’s why Seorik spoke with concern.

“No matter how much it is you… … .”

“That’s right, Ulan!”

At that time, Noah suddenly intervened.

The face turned pale. She grabbed Ulan’s forearm and shouted as if to dissuade him.

“Fighting alone is suicidal!”

“For now, let’s back off.”

Delia also suggested retreat.

Somehow, earnest eyes.

But Ulan shook his head.

“No, you can’t do that.”


“The frost demon dragon will be defeated here.”


I tried to persuade him repeatedly, but his point was unwavering.

Meanwhile, Seoric, who was quietly watching this, suddenly spoke up as if he was thinking about something.

“Then just answer one question.”

With very serious eyes.

His lips trembled.

“Why are you trying to fight so hard?”

There are so many reasons to fight.

It was also to fulfill a mission as a warrior that I was unable to complete in my last life.

It was also because I was convinced that it would be easier in the future if I got rid of it before it escaped.

‘but… … .’

This is probably not the answer Seorik wants to hear.

He was not a warrior.

So I grabbed the ax without saying a word.

He soon aimed his ax at the Frost Demon Dragon and gave a more essential answer.

“The reason is simple.”

A demonic dragon that doesn’t even move in the abyss.

Ulan glared at that guy, igniting a burning fighting spirit.

“Because there’s a monster right in front of me.”

There is no need for any other reason. Ulan’s eyes looked as if he was saying that.

Seorik had a blank expression.

Because it was a much simpler and clearer answer than I expected.

“That’s your answer.”

It ended with a burst of laughter.

He nodded silently.

“I understand. “Leave the rest to me.”

“Thank you.”

As soon as the answer he wanted to hear was finished, Ulan immediately turned around. He then hit the ground running with a face that had cleared away all hesitation and regret.


A sprint across the battlefield.

I heard Noah and Delia yelling something, but I didn’t pay any attention. Because the only thing Ulan had in mind right now was the Frost Demon Dragon.


Meanwhile, right after Ulan left the place.

The drakes hovering in the sky rushed towards Noah and Delia as if they had been waiting.

However, there was no need to look back.

The man beside them now is a master recognized by Ulan and one of the five swords of the empire.

The result was as obvious as seeing it.

Suddenly! Quad deuk!

Seoric’s sword strikes came down like a flash of light and literally pulverized the dragons.

With the sound of skin being torn and bones being broken as his companion, Ulan rushed forward without hesitation.

‘Frost Demon Dragon!’

An unfinished battle from my last life.

To seize the opportunity given once again and put an end to this tiresome battle.

When Ulan’s eyes flashed fiercely.

Huh! Quagga-ga-ga-ga-ga!

Suddenly, a strong wind blew like a gust of wind, and a strong shock wave hit him.

Powerful enough to blow away even pebbles.

The moment I hesitated for a moment.

【Like insects crawling on the ground.】

A creepy voice was heard.

A voice that is transmitted directly into your head, rather than tapping on your ears. It was nothing else but the voice of the Frost Demon Dragon.

【Does an insect without hard scales, sharp claws, or even the ability to fly dare to confront me?】

A mockery with a clear feeling of ridicule.

However, Ulan did not react.

All I have to do is face the wind created by him head on and move steadily forward.

【Feel the difference in class. Mortal.】

It flapped its huge wings again.

This time, the cold wind blew like a storm. A harsh blow that freezes everything. But even that could not stop Ulan.

Wow! Pop!

Breaking the ice that sticks to your skin.

Finally, the distance was shortened to twenty steps.

“We finally reached it.”

After moving to the edge of the area in one go, Ulan immediately grabbed the frost demon dragon’s tail. Then he twisted the corner of his mouth and grinned.

“There is no escape this time.”

As if I would never let go again.

Meanwhile, did you understand this? The Frost Demon Dragon twitched its nine pupils.

【Running away? I?】

The Frost Demon Dragon let out a laugh.

As if it were absurd.

After a while, he exhaled an extremely threatening and deadly expression, and let out an angry voice.

【I don’t even know about bugs and such!】

The Frost Demon Dragon immediately twisted its body.

I swung the tail that Ulan was holding onto, with the intention of hitting the guy’s head.

But strangely enough.

The tail doesn’t move. As if it had been crushed by a huge rock.


So I rolled my eyes.

What came into view afterwards was the appearance of an Ulan stepping on its tail with its large feet. And Ulan was also staring at the Frost Demon Dragon.

“I said it clearly.”

A calm voice was heard next.

Ulan’s eyes flashed eerily.

“You won’t be able to escape.”

As soon as a clear notice is issued.

He swung the ax in both hands without hesitation.

I used all my strength to breastfeed.

Literally with all my might.

And the result.


A loud sound engulfed the battlefield.

It was the sound of a frost demon dragon as large as Mount Tai flying through the air and being thrown into a corner.

Chapter 23. declaration of war


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