The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 580

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 580

Chapter 152: Balance (5)


Hestia led her army and fought against the gods of Olympus.

She instantly felt a chill.


Hestia turned her gaze to the left.

The gaze looks far away, to a world beyond Olympus.

The detection discovered something very important.

A ray of light connecting the human world and Asgard.

A beam of light extends all the way to the sky, from above the stem of Yggdrasil in a cave, beyond the walls of Tayburn.

This is called,

“The Bifrost has opened!”

It’s called Bifrost.

‘Frondeer really defeated Moirai!’

The Bifrost was originally a bridge for the gods of Asgard, but it was Moira who locked away the light after Ragnarok in the past.

They blocked the Bifrost, eliminating the path between humans and gods, and called the world of gods the ‘World of Salvation’. They created a world for gods only that humans could never reach.

The reopening of the Bifrost means the death of Moirai.

‘Now the gods will head to Bifrost!’

Now the gods will descend to the earth. They will flock from Asgard, Olympus, wherever they may be.

It would be impossible for Hestia to block all of them. At the very least, she could block them as best she could here on Olympus.

And that decision was made quickly.


A flash of light.

A god who, as its name suggests, appeared before Hestia’s eyes with a voice like a thunderbolt.

“Zeus… … .”

Hestia called the name in a tense voice.

Zeus spoke with a hardened face and a heavy voice.

“Get out of the way, Hestia.”

“I refuse.”

In the midst of this conversation that could not even be considered a greeting, the gods stood before Hestia one after another.

Hestia, the god of home and peace.

Her benevolent personality became an example and respect for all the gods, and as a result, Hestia maintained amicable relationships with most of the gods.

Zeus was especially like that, and whenever he made hasty judgments or had wrong feelings, he would look to Hestia and repent.

Therefore, in this situation where Zeus and the other gods needed to go to Bifrost as quickly as possible, they did not attack Hestia right away but stopped.

Zeus said.

“What good does this have for you?”

“Have you forgotten? The King of the Gods.”

Hestia looked at Zeus, then at the gods around him and said:

As if to tell everyone to listen.

“I love humans more than any other gods.”

“… … Hestia. You gave divine powers to Heldre in the past.”

Hermes, who was next to Zeus, said:

Heldre was a brutal criminal before becoming the Zodiac. He was a murderer who killed people as much as he killed monsters.

Hestia gave divine powers to Heldre, not anyone else, and as a result, Heldre became the Zodiac.

“When I saw that, I thought that he finally understood our hearts.”

“Heldre killed many monsters and saved many humans. His sins are deep, but that is not my concern. Above all,”

Hestia said calmly.

“By giving him divine powers, we were able to stop his murder.”

“… … !”

Heldre became the Zodiac for killing numerous monsters, but the biggest reason was that he received divine powers.

Heldre, who had no status, was a murderer who went on a rampage because his great power had nowhere to go, but after becoming the Zodiac, Heldre did not kill people. He gained position and power and gave up meaningless killing.

Hestia, who loves humans.

That power will always be directed toward saving the most people.

“Hestia. The war cannot be stopped now. If you join the war, it will end with fewer human deaths.”

“Yes, I know that.”

Hestia’s voice as she answers is colder than ever.

“It means that it is no longer possible to deceive humans.”

Zeus closed his eyes deeply.

I knew it from the beginning.

That Hestia’s heart could not be changed.

And in Hestia’s words, he himself would not be convinced.

“… … That path is the path on which we all fall.”


All the gods standing in front of Hestia completed their battle stance.

The flame of Hestia rises.

“I don’t know why I didn’t do that sooner.”

* * *


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Except for Thor, who left for the Frontier, all the gods head toward the Bifrost.

Bifrost originally connected Asgard and the human world. Naturally, it is much closer than Olympus.

However, the gods did not go far towards the brilliant beam of light.

“no… … !”

One of the gods looked up to the sky and cried out.

There is a shadow.

A shadow casts a deep darkness over the world above this sky.

Floating high above the heads of the gods,

A huge, bone-white ship.

“──This guy!”

Odin knows the owner of the ship. He shouts without delay.

“Hella! “What are you doing?”

Following those words, Hela slowly descends from the ship.

She solemnly floats above Odin, looking down at him.

“Are you here?”

“Hella. How dare you come to Asgard, and even more so, launch Naglfar!”

Why is Hela, who should have originally been in Helheim or Niflheim, here?

Odin didn’t understand that. He looks at Hela with an angry look on his face.

“I’m sorry, Jusun.”

Hela raised her hand lightly.

There is a lamp in that hand.

“Hela, you… … .”

“I am,”

Her mouth approaches the lamp,

“I have a mission to complete.”


In a matter of minutes.

Asgard was immersed in darkness.


All gods open Ecclesis.

The darkness of Hella is illuminated with great light.

At that time, Odin already had his spear Gungnir in his hand.

‘this… … !’

Hela’s figure disappeared into the darkness.

Gungnir’s ‘Sure’ skill is a higher level skill than Chryselakkatos used by Frondia.

When shot at a target, there is nothing that the spear cannot penetrate.

But if you can’t see it, you can’t aim for it.

Hela moved away from the brightly lit surroundings, into a place where darkness still lay deep.

Following her gestures,

Absolutely miserable!

Naglfar’s soldiers drew up a full demonstration and turned to the gods.

‘… … Belphegor.’

Before coming here.

Hela heard a story from Belphegor.

After being defeated by Frondier, Belphegor approached her.

“listen carefully.”

“Come near me,”


Belphegor lowered his voice, glanced at Frondi as he walked away, then spoke to Hela again.

“──This is a message from Loki.”

“What, what did you say?”

An unexpected name came out of Belphegor’s mouth.

Are you kidding me? Is this the devil’s game? Belphegor was more serious than ever before.

“Lead Naglfar and head towards Asgard. You are the only one who can stop their forces.”

“What the hell are you talking about? What kind of message can a dead Loki send?”

“This message was left to me while he was still alive.”

Hela frowned in bewilderment.

I don’t understand a single thing Belphegor is saying right now.

Loki died a long time ago. That Loki had prepared a message for this much time to pass? What on earth do you know and what are the standards for this message?

“Devil, stop mocking me. “I can’t tolerate any more than that.”

“Of course, you are free to believe this or not. “I’m just telling you.”

After saying that, Belphegor got away from Hela.

Then, as if that were really all, he turned around and walked towards the Frontier.

Belphegor is getting further and further away.

Hela looked at that for a moment and asked.

“… … “Belphegor.”


“Why on earth are you helping Frontier? What do you have to gain from it?”

“There is no such thing as gain.”

Nonsense answer.

The devil makes choices that do not seek gain? That is logically impossible.

“The benefits have already been received. A long time ago.”


“I am the devil. Hela.”

Belphegor looked at Hela and smiled playfully.

“It was in the contract.”

* * *


Satan left the castle with the other seven deadly sins.

I sent Astaroth, but he probably won’t be a match for you. It’s all about buying time.

As much as Satan hates Frondior and Belphegor, he knows how strong they are. In that sense, Astaroth is the perfect person to separate the two.

Satan is the devil. He is the enemy of God and the enemy of man.

From his perspective, it would actually be helpful for Frondia to kill God, as it would kill the power of God and bring balance to the situation.

However, it should not be that severe. It is currently unprecedented how strong Frontier is when he turns into a demon. If the cunning Belphegor is nearby, something unexpected happens.

So he sent Astaroth with the intention of separating the two. That went as planned.

If Belphegor chased after Frondier.

Satan’s plan would have been successful.


The sound of horses ringing in the ears of the flying Seven Deadly Sins.

All of the Seven Deadly Sins feel scared and look behind their backs.

Over there.

Four knights are coming.

Doo doo doo doo doo-

Their hooves advance wildly, narrowing the pace with the flying Seven Deadly Sins.

“What are those guys?”

“Those aren’t them. Those are the guys Belphegor was dealing with.”

The Seven Deadly Sins looked at them and each said what they wanted to say.

All the four knights felt was the desire to live. The Seven Deadly Sins knew right away that they had no intention of having a normal conversation.


Mammon, the Demon of Greed. The young boy opened his mouth wide.

“How arrogant for those subordinates, not even Belphegor himself, to come!”

Just like that, Mammon turned and flew towards the four knights.

“Wait a minute, Mamon!”

Asmodeus shouts in confusion at the sight.

“Leave it.”

Satan said.

He didn’t even glance when your knights appeared or when Mammon charged.

“They said they would buy me time, so there’s nothing to stop them.”

“Buying time, Satan.”

“No, that’s not it.”

Satan speaks while looking straight ahead with dull eyes.

“What could Mamon have gone for?”

While saying that.

Mamon was just a stone’s throw away from the four knights.

“You guys! They are Belphegor’s henchmen. “I dare to live towards the seven deadly sins,”

at that time.


The knight on the red horse brightened his eyes.

His words, the words of the corpse and the pile of blood, immediately swelled my body. At that time, the horse was already nowhere to be seen.

Heaps of swelling corpses, dripping blood.

The creature soon becomes a giant mouth that swallows up a forest, and the knight stands above it.


Mamon was in front of that mouth,


The mouth of the pile of corpses swallowed Mammon,

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

All kinds of sounds were made inside it and the volume settled down.

The corpse and blood soon became words again. The knight rode forward again as he had done before.

“Hey, did you kill him properly?”

The knight on the blue horse running next to me asks.

“I don’t know.”

The knight spoke without looking back.

“It was an order to chase.”


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