Title: The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life
Description: The Heavenly Demon, Baek Jung-hyuk, woke up as the eldest son of the Dmitry family.
He was known as the fool of the Dmitry family. He was trampled on by the second son. What people thought of him didn’t matter.
The Heavenly Demon. No, Roman Dmitry, cannot live a normal life.
Alternate Names: Descended from Divinity, HDCLNL, 천마는 평범하게 살 수 없다
Genre: Action Adventure Fantasy Martial Arts
Author(s): Sancheon, 산천
Status: 615 Chapters (Completed)
— part 1: 465 Chapters (Completed)
— part 2: 150 Chapters (Completed)
Original Publisher: Naver
Read all chapters in chronological order.
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